If not for the Sheraton Move and the ensuing political turmoil, Malaysia would not have suffered the second wave of Covid-19 outbreak and would be spared the MCO and CMCO with their devastating effect on lives and livelihood in Malaysia

Jika tidak kerana Langkah Sheraton dan krisis politik yang berlaku akibatnya, Malaysia mungkin tidak akan berhadapan dengan gelombang kedua Covid-19 dan tidak perlu melalui PKP dan PKPB dan kesan buruknya terhadap nyawa dan kehidupan

Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah berkata semalam, hampir separuh daripada kes Covid-19 di dalam negara kita boleh dijejaki semula kepada kluster perhimpunan keagamaan di Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur yang berlangsung di antara 28 Februari sehingga 1 Mac dengan melibatkan peserta dari seluruh dunia.

Jika tidak kerana Langkah Sheraton dan krisis politik yang berlaku akibatnya seperti yang dikatakan oleh baginda Yang di Pertuan Agong di dalam Titah Ucapan Baginda sempena pembukaan Parlimen pada persidangan sehari Isnin lalu, negara kita mungkin tidak akan berhadapan dengan gelombang kedua Covid-19 dan jumlah kes positif dalam negara mungkin hanya akan mencapai sekadar 3,000 kes ataupun lebih rendah lagi, bukannya hampir mencecah 7,000 kes seperti yang kita lihat hari ini.

Semasa Malaysia melaksanakan PKP pada 18 Mac, kita adalah negara ke-18 dengan jumlah kes tertinggi di dunia dan merupakan negara teratas di Asia Tenggara, pada masa yang sama negara kita adalah ke-33 teratas dengan jumlah kematian akibat Covid-19.

Kini kita telah turun ke kedudukan ke-56 dari segi jumlah kes positif yang direkodkan — malah, jika tidak kerana gelombang kedua ini, kita mungkin berada di atas kedudukan ke-70. Kita sepatutnya berada di belakang Thailand, yang mempunyai dua kali ganda jumlah penduduk. Thailand kini berada di kedudukan ke-70 dengan 3,033 kes dan 56 kematian.

Setakat hari ini, terdapat sebelas negara yang telah melepasi paras 100,000 kes positif Covid-19. Negara-negara ini adalah: (1) Amerika Syarikat – 1,570,144; (2) Rusia – 299,941; (3) Sepanyol – 278,803; (4) Brazil – 271,628; (5) United Kingdom – 248,818; (6) Itali – 226,699; (7) Perancis – 180,809; (8) Jerman 177,827; (9) Turki – 151,615; (10) Iran – 124,603; dan (11) India – 106,475 kes. Peru dengan 99,483 kes adalah negara ke-12 dengan hanya 520 kes lagi sebelum mencecah paras 100,000 kes positif manakala China kini berada di tempat ke-13 dengan 82,960 kes.

Kos Langkah Sheraton dan pergolakan politik yang menyusulinya terbukti sangat tinggi untuk negara kita.

Jika tidak kerana Langkah Sheraton dan pergolakan politik ini, Malaysia tidak akan berhadapan dengan gelombang kedua penularan Covid-19 dan pastinya dapat mengelakkan pelaksanaan PKP dan PKPB yang datang dengan kesan buruk terhadap nyawa dan kehidupan dalam negara.

Kita bernasib baik kerana kita tidak perlu bergantung kepada kepimpinan politik dalam kerajaan — yang hanya memikirkan bagaimana untuk memperkukuhkan kuasanya, termasuklah dengan mengunci Parlimen daripada menjalankan tanggungjawabnya — untuk memimpin dalam peperangan melawan wabak ini.

Saya tidak dapat membayangkan apakah yang akan terjadi sekiranya kita terpaksa bergantung kepada pimpinan politikal dalam negara, apabila kita dapat melihat kepincangan dan penyalah-gunaan kuasa yang telah berlaku, seperti isu “penawar air suam kepada Covid-19”, “15 negeri”, “500 negara”, “Doraemon”, “Menteri”, “Tik Tok”, pertuduhan berat mengenai diskriminasi dalam pengedaran bantuan makanan untuk golongan B40 di kawasan Parlimen pembangkang, dan tawaran rayuan Riza Abdul Aziz.

Rakyat Malaysia telah memberikan penghormatan kepada petugas barisan hadapan yang mempertaruhkan nyawa dan keselamatan diri mereka sendiri untuk mengawal gelombang kedua wabak Covid-19.

Kerajaan seharusnya mengambil kesempatan semasa penyampaian Titah Diraja di Parlimen pada hari Isnin lepas (yang berlangsung dua bulan selepas PKP mula dilaksanakan pada 18 Mac) untuk membentangkan rancangan kerajaan untuk membawa negara kita keluar daripada PKP dan mengawal penularan wabak ini yang melibatkan “keseluruhan kerajaan” dan “keseluruhan masyarakat” untuk memastikan Malaysia berjaya mengawal wabak ini dan mengekang sebarang penularan semula serta melonjakkan semula ekonomi negara.

Adalah menjadi satu pengabaian tanggungjawab yang serius oleh pimpinan politik dalam negara apabila perkara ini tidak dilakukan.

Bilakah kerajaan akan membentangkan rancangannya, memandangkan pakar di seluruh dunia kini mengatakan yang kita mungkin perlu belajar untuk hidup bersama-sama dengan virus ini, memandangkan virus yang berkesan mungkin akan mengambil masa di antara dua ke lima tahun sebelum dapat dicipta dan tersedia dengna meluas?

(Kenyataan Media Ahli Parlimen DAP Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang pada hari Rabu 20 Mei 2020)


The Health Director-General Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah, said yesterday that nearly half of the Covid-19 cases in the country could be traced back to the cluster involving a religious gathering in Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur which took place between February 28 and March 1 involving participants from all over the world.

If not for the Sheraton Move and the ensuing political turmoil referred to by the Yang di Pertuan Agong in his Royal Address at the one-day Parliament on Monday, Malaysia would not have suffered the second wave of Covid-19 outbreak and our total of Covid-19 confirmed cases would be in the mid-3000s, if not below 3,000 cases, instead of nearly reaching 7,000 cases today.

When Malaysia imposed the MCO on March 18, we were the top 18th country in the world and the top country in Southeast Asia in terms of total number of Covid-19 cases, and the top 33rd country in the world in terms of Covid-19 deaths.

Now, we have slipped to No. 56th country in terms of total Covid-19 confirmed cases – and in fact, if not for the second wave of the Covid-19 outbreak, we should rank above No. 70 among countries in terms of Covid-19 confirmed cases. We should be behind Thailand, which has more than twice our population. Thailand is presently ranked No. 70, with 3,033 cases and 56 deaths.

At present, there are eleven countries which have surpassed the 100,000 mark for Covid-19 confirmed cases. They are: (1) United States – 1,570,144; (2) Russia – 299,941; (3) Spain – 278,803; (4) Brazil – 271,628; (5) United Kingdom – 248,818; (6) Italy – 226,699; (7) France – 180,809; (8) Germany 177,827; (9) Turkey – 151,615; (10) Iran – 124,603; and (11) India – 106,475 cases. Peru, with 99,483 cases, is the 12th top ranking country and is less than 520 cases to reach the 100,000 mark while China occupies the 13th position with 82,960 cases.

The cost of the Sheraton Move and the ensuing political turmoil had been a very heavy one for Malaysia.

If not for the Sheraton Move and the ensuring political turmoil, Malaysia would not have suffered the second wave of Covid-19 outbreak and would be spared the movement control order (MCO) and CMCO with their devastating effect on lives and livelihood in Malaysia.

It was fortunate that Malaysia did not have to depend on the political leadership in government to combat the second wave of the invisible war against Covid-19, as it was more concerned with consolidating its position in power, including how to lock down Parliament and nullify Parliament of its constitutional roles of oversight and scrutiny of government actions.

I shudder to think of the disastrous outcomes that await the country if it had to depend solely on the political leadership in government for action and direction, going by the farces, buffoonery and abuses of powers which it had caused, like the “warm water cure for Covid-19”, “15 states”, “500 countries”, “Doraemon”, “Menteri”, “Tik Tok, serious allegations of discrimination of food aid parcels for needy B40 families in Opposition constituencies and the rotten Riza Abdul Aziz plea bargain.

Malaysians have rightly paid tribute to the front-liners who risked their own lives and personal safety to bring the second wave of Covid-19 outbreak under control.

The government should have taken the opportunity of the Royal Address in Parliament on Monday (two full months after the first imposition of MCO on March 18) to present the government’s exit plan strategy and blueprint in the invisible war against the Covid-19 pandemic to ensure an “all-of-government” and “whole-of-society” approach to win the multiple war of containing Covid-19 and prevent a resurgence and to quickly ensure the bounce back of the Malaysian economy.

It is a serious dereliction of duty of the political leadership in government that this has not been done.

When will the government present to the public its exit plan strategy and blueprint as experts are now advising that the public have to learn to live with the coronavirus, as an effective vaccine may take two to five years to be developed and widely available?

(Media Statement by DAP MP for Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang on Wednesday, May 20, 2020)

  1. #1 by Bigjoe on Wednesday, 20 May 2020 - 10:33 am

    Its not an easy argument that a shutdown could be avoided even if Sheraton Move did not take place. The Tabligh event alone which accounted for most of the infected may not have been that easy to avoid given its under the purview of less than the most stellar minister of Pakatan Harapan.

    But certaintly you can argue it would have been much less, Pakatan would have been more decisive..

    But fact is the Sheraton Move was inevitable and DAP is the scapegoat. That is the crux of the problem from the start. Mahathir, the origin of much of this DAP boogeyman myth, himself does not change much of the Pandora box he opened even if he openly admit it now..

    Like it or not, unless the Malays who are in contest of the minds and souls of the Malays are willing to up the stake, scorch earth you could say, its not going to change up.What will change it? Religo civil war between Malay politicians, nothing else will change it.

  2. #2 by tmc on Wednesday, 20 May 2020 - 11:02 am

    Really what’s the brouhaha on the position of Tun as Chairman of Bersatu?
    He was re-elected unapposed as Chairman, and his appointment is valid irrrespective of earlier events.

  3. #3 by Bigjoe on Thursday, 21 May 2020 - 4:18 am

    Bersatu is Old UMNO Baru and UMNO Baru is Mahathir’s regret. Tunku Abdul Rahman has the last laugh. Unfortinately Tunku is crying in his grave as “Tak kan Melayu Hilang” is a real possibility of being false. The Tunku’s Melayu is in danger of being extinct.

    Its eye opening how quick the old UMNO Baru Deep State reemerges and too eager, blatant, to act on behalf of the old UMNO Baru regime.

    PN may only have two seat majority but fact is combined contesting against PKR-Amanah, they will add some seats. There are reasons for their blatantness

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