It is not Covid-19 pandemic but Muhyiddin’s panic at Mahathir’s motion of no confidence that is responsible for the unparliamentary truncation of Parliamentary proceedings on May 18

Bukanlah Covid-19 yang menjadi punca pemendekkan sidang Parlimen, punca sebenarnya adalah ketakutan Muhyiddin terhadap usul undi tidak percaya yang dicadangkan oleh Mahathir

Perkara yang bertanggungjawab memendekkan sidang Parlimen pada 18 Mei ini bukanlah Covid-19, tetapi yang ditakuti oleh Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin adalah usul tidak percaya kepada beliau yang dicadangkan oleh Tun Dr Mahathir.

Tun Dr Mahathir menyatakan yang beliau mencadangkan usul tersebut untuk memastikan sama ada Muhyiddin benar-benar mempunyai sokongan majoriti di Dewan Rakyat seperti yang dikatakan beliau semasa beliau mengangkat sumpah sebagai Perdana Menteri pada 1 Mac 2020. Tetapi, jelas dapat dilihat daripada tindak-tanduk kerisauan Muhyiddin yang beliau kini masih tidak mempunyai majoriti yang dikatakan.

Pemendekkan sidang Dewan Rakyat pada 18 Mei kepada hanya mengadakan istiadat pembukaan Parlimen dengan penyampaian Titah Diraja sahaja ini bertentangan dengan peraturan mesyuarat.

Perdana Menteri telah bertindak di bawah fasal 11(2) dan 15(2) Peraturan Mesyuarat Dewan Rakyat.

Fasal 11(2) memerlukan notis sekurang-kurangnya 28 hari diberikan sebagai pemberitahuan takwim persidangan Dewan dan tidak ada sebarang kaitan dengan Aturan Urusan Mesyuarat Dewan yang disusun mengikut fasal 14 Peraturan Mesyuarat. Manakala fasal 15(2) pula tidak berkaitan langsung memandangkan ia menyatakan bahawa “hal ehwal kerajaan” disusun oleh pihak kerajaan.

Hujahan yang mengatakan pemendekkan persidangan ini selari dengan situasi semasa Covid-19 dalam negara yang masih berada di dalam fasa pemulihan juga tidak kukuh.

Pada 17 April, semasa notis pertama sidang Parlimen dikeluarkan, jumlah kenaikan harian kes Covid-19 berada di dalam julat tiga angka, di antara 110 dan 184 kes dalam minggu sebelumnya. Manakala pada 12 Mei pula, semasa Perdana Menteri menulis surat kepada Yang DiPertua Dewan Rakyat untuk memendekkan sidang, hanya 16 kes baharu direkodkan. Ini adalah angka terendah yang pernah dicatatkan sejak pelaksanaan perintah kawalan pergerakan (PKP) pada 18 Mac — yang merekodkan peningkatan 117 kes sehari — dan pada minggu sebelumnya, negara kita hanya mencatatkan peningkatan kes baharu di dalam julat dua angka.

Bolehkah Perdana Menteri menjelaskan kepelikan ini?

Adakah Perdana Menteri cuba mengatakan yang sehinggalah negara kita memenangi perjuangan melawan wabak ini — dengan sifar kes baharu dicatatkan setiap hari — Parlimen akan terus dikunci dan usul Tun Dr Mahathir akan terus disekat?

Pengarah Bencana Kesatuan Kesihatan Sedunia Dr Mike Ryan baru sahaja menyatakan yang wabak ini mungkin akan kekal selamanya.

Dalam memberikan amaran daripada sebarang cubaan untuk menjangkakan bilakah wabak ini akan beredar, beliau mengatakan, walaupun vaksin ditemui, usaha untuk membendung penularan wabak ini tetap akan memerlukan usaha meluas.

Hampir 300,000 nyawa telah terkorban di seluruh dunia akibat wabak ini dan lebih daripada 4.4 juta kes positif telah dicatatkan.

Adakah Parlimen Malaysia akan dikunci selamanya, dengan penelitian dan semak imbang Parlimen disekat untuk membenarkan kembalinya penyalah-gunaan kuasa, rasuah berleluasa, pengembalian kleptokrasi, dan pencabulan hak asasi manusia?

(Kenyataan Media Ahli Parlimen DAP Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang pada hari Khamis 14 Mei 2020)


It is not Covid-19 pandemic but the Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s panic at Tun Mahathir’s motion of no confidence that is responsible for the unparliamentary truncation of Parliamentary proceedings on May 18.

Mahathir said he submitted a motion of no confidence to question whether Muhyiddin truly had the support of the majority when he was sworn in as Prime Minister on March 1, 2020, but Muhyddin’s panicky reaction demonstrates that even now, he does not have the majority numbers to survive Mahathir’s motion of no confidence.

The further truncation of the parliamentary business on May 18 to only permit the delivery of the Royal Address by the Yang di Pertuan Agong violates the Dewan
Rakyat Standing Orders.

The Prime Minister had acted under Dewan Rakyat Standing Orders 11(2) and 15(2).

Standing Order 11(2) provides for 28 days’ notice to be given for “the dates on which the House shall meet” and had nothing to do with “business” of Parliament which is provided in S.O. 14, while S.O. 15(2) is totally irrelevant as it provides that “government business” shall be set down by the government.

The argument that the further truncation of parliamentary business on May 18 is in line with the situation where the country is still recovering from the Covid-19 outbreak does not bear examination.

When on April 17, Parliament first sent out the notice of the Parliament sitting on May 18, daily increase of Covid-19 confirmed cases was in three-digit figures, ranging from 110 to 184 cases the previous week, whereas on May 12, when the Prime Minister wrote to the Speaker, the daily increase of 16 Covid-19 confirmed cases has fallen to the lowest number since the movement control order (MCO) was imposed on March 18 – which registered a daily increase of 117 cases – and in the previous week the daily increases were in double-figures ranging from 16-70 cases.

Can the Prime Minister can explain this anomaly?

Is the Prime Minister now saying that unless we have won the war against the Covid-19 outbreak, with zero case, Parliament oversight and scrutiny will continue to be locked-down and Parliament will be unable to deal with Mahathir’s no-confidence motion?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) emergencies director Dr. Mike Ryan has just said in Geneva that the Covic-19 virus may never go away.

Warning against trying to predict when the virus would disappear, he said that even if a vaccine is found, controlling the virus will require a “massive effort”.

Nearly 300,000 people worldwide have died because of Covid-19, and more than 4.4 million cases have been recorded.

Is Parliament in Malaysia going to be locked down indefinitely, and parliamentary oversight and scrutiny of the government suspended to allow for the return of abuses of power, rampant corruption, revival of kleptocracy and widespread violation of human rights?

(Media Statement by DAP MP for Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang on Thursday, 14th May 2020)

  1. #1 by Bigjoe on Thursday, 14 May 2020 - 5:26 pm

    Of course its because of Muhiyiddin fear the instability of his govt. Its besides the point. Did Muhiyiddin NOT expect the instability when he decided to go along with Azmin? Muhiyiddin clearly thought Mahathir could be persuaded to follow or at least not resist. He took a gamble and lost and had no plan for when he lost. The same way Najib gambled his ridiculous corruption and abuse of power, he could not lose.

    The point is this, what is the plan for Muhiyiddin-Azmin now their gamble has gone awry? There is no way UMNO-PAS is not going to not take over the Putrajaya..

    Read the online chatter, the pro UMNO-PAS is already white washing the entire thing to even claim is all Mahathir plan to sidelined Anwar and DAP..We are heading for a racist -technocracy govt – its already with one foot in the door already.

    What is Muhiyiddin-Azmin and GPS Sarawak and leaders of Sabah plan answer to the inevitable course they have put us all in?

  2. #2 by Bigjoe on Friday, 15 May 2020 - 5:03 am

    “This is ongoing case in court, so whatever decision is made by deputy public prosecutor” – Azam Baki on Riza Aziz case

    The rot was still going on even while PH was in govt. The excuses mount even before the seat is even warm…

  3. #3 by Bigjoe on Friday, 15 May 2020 - 6:29 am

    PH need to start sending a new message, the failure of Mahathir is the eventual failures of the Malay race. “Kegagalan Mahathir adalah Kegagalan masa depan orang Melayu’

    No one defines the Malay politically, culturally, systematically more than Mahathir. Very little they do now, is not largely influenced even defined by him. If he now fails to fix his mistakes, then the Malays are doomed not to fix theirs..

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