Archive for August, 2019

Social media Malaysia is entirely different from real-life Malaysia and the fake news and hate speech which dominate the social media to incite suspicion, distrust, fear and hate pitting race against race and religion against religion must be strontly curbed

Malaysia yang digambarkan media sosial berbeza sama sekali dengan Malaysia dalam dunia sebenar dan berita palsu yang disebarkan dalam media sosial untuk memecah-belah dan melagakan rakyat Malaysia mestilah dibendung

Semasa dalam perjalanan ke program ini, saya terkenang kepada masa muda saya.

Kewujudan internet membolehkan saya untuk mencari semula sebuah editorial yang saya tulis 62 tahun yang lalu ketika saya menjadi editor majalah kelas III A yang bertajuk Light di Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tinggi Batu Pahat.

Di dalam editorial ini, saya telah menulis:

“Malaya telah menjadi sebuah negara yang baru, kini mengambil tempat dan tanggungjawabnya di dalam dunia yang penuh perselisihan. Ia mesti menerima dan menangani semua cabaran, dan satu hari nanti, diiktiraf sebagai salah satu daripada negara hebat dunia. Namun begitu, tokoh-tokoh masa kini yang sedang mengemudi negara kita tidak akan berada bersama kita selama-lamanya.

“Kita sebagai pemuda masa kini, adalah pemimpin masa depan, yang akan mewarisi tugas dan tanggungjawab untuk mengemudi hala tuju negara, sama ada kearah Utopia atau Kemusnahan. Kita mestilah mempersiapkan diri untuk berkhidmat untuk memimpin. Janganlah kita bazirkan masa kita dengan perbuatan yang sia-sia.

“Peranan sebagai golongan muda di dalam Malaya yang merdeka adalah lebih berat dan sukar untuk dipikul oleh bahu golongan muda generasi kita yang kurang berpengalaman. Kita akan menjadi golongan muda yang pertama yang memikul tanggungjawab ini sebagai negara yang merdeka. Marilah kita berkerja keras dan berazam supaya seluruh dunia boleh mengatakan dan mengiktiraf yang usaha dan tenaga golongan muda Malaya tidak dibazirkan.

“Untuk mencapai hasrat ini di dalam negara baru yang mempunyai demografi yang pelbagai ini, kita mesti sentiasa ingat bahawa kerjasama antara kaum adalah perkara yang paling penting sekali.”

Itulah yang telah saya tuliskan semasa saya berumur 16 tahun. Read the rest of this entry »

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Battle for the soul of Malaysia – to bridge Malaysia’s divides to build a common future for all Malaysians or for each ethnicity to return to its respective enclave in false belief that it is facing an existential threat and in denial of a Malaysian dream

In the last two days, my thoughts have often returned to the opening paragraph of Charles Dickens’s “A Tale of Two Cities”

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair …, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way …”

Best of Times, Worst of Times; Light and Darkness; Hope and Despair – these were the paradoxes that agonised Malaysians on our 62nd Merdeka Day.

Early this week, I encapsulated this paradox and posed the question whether I should just forget about New Malaysia and call its quits.

I received tons of responses, a large number of them bots wishing my immediate disappearance from the political scene, but a fair amount reflecting the paradoxes of the opening paragraph of “A Tale of Two Cities”.

A political commenter was so full of despair about the future of Malaysia that he penned an article entitled “A meaningless Merdeka”, expressing this attack of darkness that “After 21 years of writing ideas, criticisms and advice for Malaysians, Malays and those in power in academic, religious and political institutions, I have no more to give”.

This paradox caused another commentator to write about “Let’s have Merdeka from ‘race and religion’”. Read the rest of this entry »

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Shall I just forget about New Malaysia and call it quits?

Patutkah saya hanya lupakan impian satu Malaysia Baharu dan bersara sahaja?

Salah satu respons kepada kenyataan saya semalam mengenai keupayaan Pakatan Harapan untuk memenangi PRU15 pada tahun 2023 — di mana saya telah menyatakan keyakinan saya untuk kemenangan ini — yang berbunyi seperti berikut:

“Bukan, bukan sekarang. Buat masa ini DAP pasti akan musnah. Sila turun ke peringkat akar umbi sekarang, dengar apa yang rakyat ingin katakan… dengar pendapat mereka yang dahulunya penyokong DAP… yang kini jumlahnya dapat dibilang dengan jari… Pemimpin DAP kini sudah menjadi pekak, buta… dan BODOH.”

Dua minggu yang lepas, saya telah mengatakan di Gelang Patah yang saya akan kehilangan kerusi parlimen Iskandar Puteri ini dan DAP akan kehilangan 30-40 peratus undi dalam negara jika pilihanraya umum diadakan sekarang.

Perkara ini menunjukkan betapa kritikalnya salah faham dan salah tanggapan yang dihadapi DAP dan Pakatan Harapan dalam kalangan penyokong kami.

Kami memerlukan masa untuk membolehkan penyokong kami menyedari yang DAP belum pernah dan tidak pernah mengkhianati mereka dan kami masih komited terhadap matlamat Malaysia Baharu yang berteraskan perpaduan, kebebasan, keadilan, kecemerlangan, dan integriti.

Jika benar DAP telah mengkhianati rakyat dan harapan dan matlamat Malaysia Baharu, maka layaklah DAP ditolak oleh rakyat Malaysia dan tidak akan ada cara untuk DAP mendapatkan semula sokongan rakyat. Malah sokongan ini hanya akan makin merosot. Read the rest of this entry »


Proposal for Johore State and Federal Governments to jointly host a Conference on Environmental Issues after three recent environment disasters in the state

Cadangan untuk Kerajaan Negeri Johor bersama dengan Kerajaan Persekutuan mengadakan satu Persidangan Isu Alam Sekitar selepas kejadian tiga bencana alam sekitar melanda negeri ini

Bersama dengan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri DAP untuk kawasan Skudai, Tan Hong Pin, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Saudara Tan Chen Choon, Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kerajaan Tempatan, Kesejahteraan Bandar dan Alam Sekitar Negeri Johor, dan Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat untuk taklimat mengenai kebakaran yang telah memusnahkan 16 hektar hutan di Kampung Pekajang di Jalan Tanjong Kupang.

Saya puji pegawai dan kakitangan Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat untuk dedikasi dan usaha mereka dalam mengawal dan memadamkan kebakaran ini sepanjang minggu yang lalu.

Sepanjang beberapa bulan yang lepas, kawasan Selatan Johor telah mengalami tiga bencana alam sekitar. Bermula dengan pencemaran toksik di Sungai Kim Kim yang berlaku pada 7 Mac 2019 disebabkan oleh pembuangan bahan kimia haram. Pembuangan bahan kimia secara haram ini telah menyebabkan pelepasan wasap toksik yang menjejaskan kesihatan 6,000 individu dan menyebabkan 2,775 individu dihospitalkan. Kebanyakan mangsa adalah pelajar sekolah memandangkan terdapat 110 buah sekolah yang ditutup di sekitar kawasan sungai tersebut.

Bencana alam sekitar yang kedua ialah pencemaran udara di Pasir Gudang pada bulan Jun 2019 yang telah menyebabkan ramai individu yang tinggal berdekatan dengan kawasan kilang terpaksa mendapatkan rawatan di hospital selepas terhidu wasap toksik. Read the rest of this entry »

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Can Pakatan Harapan win the 15th General Election in 2023?

Mampukah Pakatan Harapan memenangi Pilihanraya Umum ke-15 pada tahun 2023?

Persoalan “Mampukah Pakatan Harapan (PH) menang Pilihan Raya Umum ke-15 (PRU15) pada tahun 2023” akan menimbulkan jawapan yang berbeza daripada kumpulan yang berbeza.

Bagi perintis perikatan klepto-teokrasi yang pertama di dunia dalam tempoh yang terdekat, dengan setiap satu daripada dua parti komponennya mengheret sekali parti bawahannya, sama ada MCA dan MIC yang diheret UMNO atau Ikatan dan Berjasa yang diheret PAS, jawapan yang kedengaran sudah tentu “Tidak”, kerana perikatan UMNO-PAS berangan-angan untuk menjadi Kerajaan Malaysia pada PRU15 dan menubuhkan negara klepto-teokrasi pertama seumpamanya di dunia.

Tetapi, mereka tidak akan bersetuju dengan hakikat yang PRU15 akan dilaksanakan pada tahun 2023, kerana mereka sangat mengharapkan supaya PRU15 dijalankan lebih awal!

Saya belum mengajukan persoalan ini kepada pemimpin-pemimpin lain parti komponen PH. Namun, jawapan saya kepada persoalan ini adalah; ya.

Pendapat ini menongkah arus persepsi umum semasa mengenai kerajaan PH, kerana terdapat beberapa kumpulan yang mempunyai pandangan bahawa kerajaan PH akan disingkirkan dari Putrajaya sekiranya pilihan raya umum diadakan sekarang — seperti mana mereka meramalkan bahawa kerajaan PH akan runtuh dan berpecah beberapa bulan selepas pertukaran kerajaan, dan kini mereka berharap yang kerajaan PH tidak akan berjaya mentadbir sepenuh penggal, sebaliknya akan tersungkur dan berpecah sebelum tahun 2023.

Mereka yang skeptikal terhadap PH pasti akan terkejut jika kerajaan PH mampu mentadbir sepenuh penggal pertama ini dan hanya melaksanakan PRU15 pada tahun 2023 dan bukan lebih awal dari itu! Read the rest of this entry »

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Gangrenous Zahid talking about ‘political gangrene’ in Pakatan Harapan provides light relief to a month of heavy adverse news where the combination of a quartet of issues, a videotape, Jawi writing in Chinese and Tamil primary schools, Zakir Nik and Lynas combined to give the impression that PH government is on the ropes

The double celebrations for the 62nd National Day on August 31 and 56th Malaysia Day on September 16 should be occasions to inculcate among Malaysians a sense of confidence for the future, that Malaysia is finally in the trajectory to build a nation which is a top world-class nation of unity, freedom, justice, excellence and integrity.

This is the occasion to inspire Malaysians that Malaysia, the confluence of four great civilisations in the world – Islamic, Chinese, Indian and Western – will be the showcase to the world of the success of the Alliance of Civilisations to prove wrong the prophets of doom who had forecast a Clash of Civilisations as the theme of the 21st Century.

But it had been a bad month for Pakatan Harapan government in Putrajaya, as the combination of a quartet of issues – a videotape, Jawi writing in Chinese and Tamil primary schools, Zakir Naik and Lynas – combined to give the impression that the PH government is on the ropes.

Until gangrenous Ahmad Zahid, the UMNO President, talked about non-existing “political gangrene” in the Pakatan Harapan, which provided light relief in a month of heavy adverse publicity for Pakatan Harapan.

“Political gangrene”? Who suffered from it? Read the rest of this entry »

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Rukunegara is manifestation of the philosophy of Alliance of Civilisations in Malaysian nation-building as a Clash of Civilisations can only result in Malaysia’s failure and destruction

The Rukunegara is the manifestation of the philosophy of Alliance of Civilisations in Malaysian nation-building as a Clash of Civilisations can only result in Malaysia’s failure and destruction.

I will like to see this spirit of Alliance of Civilisations in Malaysia highlighted in the forthcoming celebrations for the 62nd National Day on August 31 and the 56th Malaysia Day on Sept. 16.

But there seems to be plot to denigrate and defile these two important occasions.

Malaysians must be alert to the unusual increase of traffic of fake news and hate speech on Malaysian social media recently as if to provoke inter-racial and inter-religious strife in the country. Read the rest of this entry »

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Let Johore be the forefront to pioneer to recasting of the 2005 United Nations Initiative of Alliance for Civilisations to defuse tensions between Western and Islamic worlds into a genuinely universal civilizational collaboration with the growing importance of Chinese and Indian civilisations

Johore DAP has made history in the 53-year history of the DAP, as never before in a state meeting has there been more questions and more opinions expressed in the past three hours.
When I decided in 1966 to take the political plunge and join in the establishment of the DAP, it was purely for idealism and patriotism of what we can do for Malaysia. There was never a thought of elections, becoming a Member of Parliament or be part of the government.

But these became necessary steps in the process to translate our ideas and ideals into reality.

DAP leaders and members have undoubtedly found in the past 15 months that it is easier to be an Opposition party, and this explain for the thicket of views and questions by the Johore branch leaders this morning.

But in opposition, we cannot translate our ideas, ideals and hopes into reality, which we can while we are in government.

DAP members and supporters must have trust and confidence of DAP and its leaders that after so many sacrifices and struggles that they have gone through, the objectives and principles of the party for unity, integrity, justice and progress for all Malaysians will never be betrayed. Read the rest of this entry »

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“Alliance of Civilisations” on the domestic and international fronts the best antidote to the rise of hate, fear and intolerance through the abuse of social media

Inisiatif UNAOC di peringkat domestik dan antarabangsa adalah penawar terbaik untuk kebangkitan sentimen kebencian, ketakutan dan tidak bertolerasi yang semakin menjadi-jadi melalui penyalahgunaan media sosial

Semalam, Indonesia telah menyekat akses Internet di Papua berikutan kebimbangan bahawa kenyataan perkauman dan jelek yang dimuat naik di dalam talian (online) akan mencetuskan lebih banyak protes keganasan di wilayah tersebut.

Tunjuk perasaan dan rusuhan menyebabkan beberapa bandar di Papua lumpuh minggu ini, dengan bangunan-bangunan dibakar dan pertempuran antara polis dan penunjuk perasaan tercetus di wilayah paling timur negara Indonesia itu.

Pemberontakan terhadap pentadbiran di Jakarta telah berlarutan untuk beberapa dekad di wilayah kepulauan tersebut, yang mana berkongsi sempadan dengan negara Papua New Guinea.

Indonesia memperlahankan perkhidmatan internet beberapa hari lalu bagi mengelak penyebaran berita tidak benar, komen provokatif dan perkauman yang menyasarkan populasi etnik Melanesia di Papua. Namun, ia hanya disekat sepenuhnya pada lewat malam semalam.

Awal bulan ini, apabila Perdana Menteri India, Narendra Modi bertindak memansuhkan Perkara 370 Perlembagaan India yang memberikan Jammu dan Kashmir (J & K) status istimewa dalam Kesatuan India, akses Internet disekat untuk kali yang ke-53 tahun ini.

Di India, tahun lalu, terdapat 65 sekatan dilakukan, manakala 176 sekatan berlaku sepanjang lapan tahun lalu, termasuk larangan selama enam bulan pada tahun 2016. Read the rest of this entry »

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Speech by Sultan Nazrin on civilizational dialogue most apt and timely

Ucapan dialog ketamadunan Sultan Nazrin tepat pada masanya

Ucapan yang diberikan oleh Sultan Perak, Sultan Nazrin Shah di Dialog Ketamadunan Malaysia-China yang kedua berkenaan dengan Islam dan Konfiusianisme semalam yang diadakan sempena ulang tahun ke-45 hubungan diplomatik Malaysia-China datang pada waktu yang sangat sempurna.

Kedua-dua dialog dan ucapan yang diberikan telah menekankan hakikat bahawa Malaysia adalah satu tempat pertembungan empat tamadun besar dunia — Islam, Cina, India, dan Barat — dan merupakan satu cabaran kepada semua rakyat Malaysia untuk memanfaatkan perkara ini dalam membina sebuah negara yang hebat dan dunia yang lebih baik.

Keyakinan Sultan Nazrin terhadap satu Malaysia yang berbilang kaum sebagai satu tempat untuk dialog di antara pelbagai agama dan kepercayaan sepatutnya dicontohi oleh rakyat Malaysia bagi membolehkan kita semua memainkan peranan yang lebih besar di pentas antarabangsa dalam menggalakkan kesefahaman, toleransi, dan keharmonian ketika kebencian dan konflik mula menunjukkan dirinya di serata dunia.

Sultan Nazrin tepat sekali apabila baginda mengatakan yang kita sekarang hidup dalam satu dunia yang semakin berpecah-belah. Tetapi, golongan moderat daripada semua kaum, agama, budaya, dan negara mestilah kekal tegas terhadap ekstremis kerana kaum majoriti terdiri daripada golongan moderat.

Seperti yang dikatakan baginda pada Majlis Konvokasi ke-48 Politeknik Ungku Omar di Ipoh, rakyat Malaysia perlu menolak ekstremis perkauman dan agama. Read the rest of this entry »

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Shocking that after four weeks of controversy, 95% of Chinese and Indian Malaysians not aware there is Jawi in Std. V Bahasa Malaysia textbook for years and that the revised curriculum to introduce Jawi in Std. IV was decided by MCA, Gerakan, MIC, SUPP and UMNO Ministers in Sept. 2015

It is indeed shocking that after four weeks of controversy over Jawi in Chinese and Primary schools, 95% of Chinese and Indian Malaysians are not aware that there is Jawi in Std. V Bahasa Malaysia textbook for years and that the revised curriculum to introduce Jawi in Std. IV was decided by MCA, Gerakan, MIC, SUPP and UMNO Ministers in Sept. 2015.

Now, MCA, Gerakan, MIC and SUPP leaders are loudest in condemning the introduction of Jawi in Chinese and Tamil primary schools, although this decision was taken by their Ministers four years ago in 2015, to be implemented yearly in the revised textbooks from 2017 – 2022.

The Jawi subject controversy was a legacy of the former government, as the final decision on the new textbooks for Chinese/Tamil primary schools to introduce the Jawi subject for Std. 4 pupils in 2020 was made by Education Ministry Curriculum Committee chaired by the then Education Minister, Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid and attended by the then two Deputy Education Ministers, Datuk Chong Sin Woon (MCA) and P. Kamalanathan (MIC) in a meeting of Sept. 21, 2015.

After that it became an administrative matter for the relevant Education Ministry divisions to implement the policy decision of Sept. 2015. Read the rest of this entry »

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Call for launching of a “I am, you are, we are Malaysian” campaign or movement on the occasion of the 62nd National Day/56th Malaysia Day celebrations

There have been too much negative vibes in the country in the past 15 months, which have seen the rearing of the ugly heads of distrust, suspicion, fear and hate, as a result of the Internet phenomenon enabling lies, falsehoods, fake news and hate speech to travel at the speed of light to pit race against race and religion against religion.

This is most anomalous for the past 15 months should be a season of hope and expectation of change for the better in Malaysia, with the historic decision of the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018 to democratically and peacefully change the Federal Government first time in six decades.

Malaysia has been described as one of the six countries where “some light shined through these gathering clouds in 2018” against the backdrop of “13th consecutive year of decline in global freedom”, but these hopes seems to have dimmed suddenly in a matter of 15 months, to the extent that there are claims that the Pakatan Harapan is similar to Barisan Nasional – with a former Malaysian Bar President penning an article entitled: “What we have now is BN 2.0”.

It is fallacious to equate Pakatan Harapan as BN 2.0, disregarding the ground work that has been done for further institutional and political reforms and to transform Malaysia into a top world-class nation of unity, freedom, justice, excellence and integrity, with a “tiger economy” and far-reaching educational reforms.

But the Pakatan Harapan government must heed the increasing impatience of the people that there should be greater progress in the reforms in various aspects of national life. Read the rest of this entry »

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Senator Khairul is right if he is asking for safeguards against abuses with regard to MCMC hotline but wrong and utterly irresponsible if he is proposing a “free for all” for hate speech to incite racial and religious distrust, animosity and hatred in plural Malaysia

UMNO Senator who was formerly UMNO Youth deputy leader Khairul Azwan Harun is right if he is asking for safeguards against abuses with regard to Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) hotline on inflammatory speech but wrong and utterly irresponsible if he is proposing a “free-for-all” for hate speech to incite racial and religious distrust, animosity and hatred in plural Malaysia.

Are Malaysians of diverse races and religions more united as a Malaysian people in the past 15 months after the historic decision of the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018, or are they more polarised and divided?

The answer must be the sad latter, not because the Pakatan Harapan Government in Putrajaya had disregarded its responsibility to unite Malaysians regardless of race, religion or region but because of a vicious phenomenon in the Internet era which has given new wings to hate speech, endowing it with great destructive power especially in plural societies unless checked.

What is hate speech?

Hate speech is defined by Wikipedia as a statement intended to demean and brutalize another, or the use of cruel and derogatory language on the basis of real or alleged membership in a social group. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malaysians have a different past but let us unite to forge a common future to make Malaysia a top world-class nation

The past few weeks had been testing times for Malaysians not least for Pakatan Harapan.

For the first time since the historic decision of Malaysians in the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018 over 15 months ago, questions have been raised as to whether DAP should leave Pakatan Harapan government, to the extent that this was the subject of readers’ comment in a popular news portal.

There is no doubt that there are political forces working to engineer the implosion and disintegration of Pakatan Harapan coalition government in Putrajaya, but those who had plotted to see the end of Pakatan Harapan government by the 62nd National Day on August 31, 2019 are very disappointed that they had failed in their latest stratagem.

They are now reduced to calling on so-called “insurbordinate ministers” to quit or be axed.

They do not realise that the four parties in the Pakatan Harapan had come together despite all odds and different histories in the great patriotic mission to Save Malaysia from becoming a failed, rogue and kleptocratic state, and that the decision of the Malaysian electorate in the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018 had given the country a chance to reset nation-building policies to become a New Malaysia which is a top world-class nation of unity, freedom, justice, excellence and integrity.

But this is no easy task. Read the rest of this entry »

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Those who had plotted to see the end of Pakatan Harapan government by 62nd National Day disappointed they had failed in their stratagem

Those who had plotted to see the end of Pakatan Harapan government by the 62nd National Day on August 31, 2019 are very disappointed that they had failed in their stratagem.

They are now reduced to calling on so-called “insurbordinate ministers” to quit or be axed.

They do not realise that the four parties in the Pakatan Harapan had come together despite all odds and different histories in the great patriotic mission to Save Malaysia from becoming a failed, rogue and kleptocratic state, and that the decision of the Malaysian electorate in the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018 – well nigh a political miracle – has given the country a chance to reset nation-building policies to become a New Malaysia which is a top world-class nation of unity, freedom, justice, excellence and integrity.

This is no easy task.

The four parties will be guided by the five pillar-promises of the Pakatan Harapan Manifesto in the 14th General Election to build a New Malaysia so that the country can take its place among the top-ranking countries in the world in human endeavour and excellence, especially as Malaysia is the confluence of the four great civilizations in the world – Islamic, Chinese, Indian and Western. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malaysia will fail as a New Malaysia which is a top world-class nation of unity, freedom, justice, excellence and integrity if we replace a “win-win” formula of nation-building with a zero-sum mentality

With the Cabinet decision yesterday on the Jawi controversy, there are totally contradictory reactions.

One reaction at one end of the spectrum is best represented by the UMNO Vice President, Khaled Nordin who said that the latest Cabinet decision on the Jawi controversy shows that DAP is the true power behind the Pakatan Harapan government.

At the other end of the spectrum, the DAP is regarded as “having gone from hero to zero in the eyes of the Chinese base” and having betrayed the voters and I have become a “running dog” betraying the rights and future of Chinese Malaysians.

Which version is right?

It is not possible for both allegations to be right although both allegations could be wrong – and there is no doubt that in this case, both such allegations are wrong.

Malaysia will fail as a New Malaysia which is a top world-class nation of unity, freedom, justice, excellence and integrity if we replace a “win-win” formula of nation-building with a zero-sum mentality. Read the rest of this entry »

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Call on Malaysians to rise above the fissiparous and centrifugal forces threatening to tear Malaysia apart and reunite to build a New Malaysia which is a top world-class nation of unity, freedom, justice, excellence and integrity

Meminta seluruh rakyat Malaysia supaya mengatasi puak pemisah dan perpecahan yang mahu mengganggu-gugat keharmonian Malaysia dan bersatu padu membina sebuah Malaysia Baharu yang bertaraf antarabangsa dengan ciri-ciri perpaduan, kebebasan, keadilan, kecemerlangan dan integriti

Dua minggu lagi kita akan meraikan Hari Kebangsaan ke-62 pada tanggal 31 Ogos dan sebulan lagi kita akan merayakan pula Hari Malaysia ke-56 pada 16 September.

Dengan itu, mari kita mulakan Bulan Malaysia Baharu bermula esok sehingga 16 September, bagi mengatasi puak pemisah dan perpecahan yang mahu mengganggu-gugat keharmonian Malaysia dan bersatu padu membina sebuah Malaysia Baharu yang bertaraf antarabangsa dengan ciri-ciri perpaduan, kebebasan, keadilan, kecemerlangan dan integriti.

Jika kita lakukan ini, Bulan Malaysia Baharu 2019 akan menjadi sebuah lembaran penting dalam usaha kita untuk membina Malaysia Baharu, yang bertitik awal daripada kemenangan Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 (PRU14) pada 9 Mei, 2018.

Seperti yang sering saya ulangi, misi nasional ini akan mengambil tempoh lebih dari satu kitaran pilihan raya untuk dicapai, kerana Malaysia Baharu tidak mampu terbina dalam tempoh yang singkat. Read the rest of this entry »

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Zakir Naik has compounded his abuse of Malaysia’s hospitality by attacking the Chinese Malaysians as “old guests” after attacking the loyalty of the Indian Malaysians

Islamic preacher Zakir Naik has compounded his abuse of Malaysian hospitality by attacking the Chinese Malaysians as “old guests” after attacking the loyalty of the Indian Malaysians.

As reported by Malaysiakini today, Zakir Naik made his offensive remarks about Chinese Malaysians while talking about how Islam had spread peacefully in the region through traders.

Zakir Naik referred to himself as “new guest” and the Chinese Malaysians as “old guests”, declaring that “if you want the new guest to go first, ask the old guests to go back”.

Zakir Naik said the Chinese Malaysians “aren’t born here, most of them. May be the new generations, yes”.

Zakir Naik has trespassed into a territory he knows nothing about to make a totally unsolicited offence.

I do not have the exact statistics but I reckon that the number of Chinese Malaysians born in China today is less than one per cent or totally inconsequential, and that over 99 per cent of Chinese Malaysians are local born and loyal to Malaysia! Read the rest of this entry »

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Let all Malaysians celebrate the 62nd National Day with resolve, confidence and commitment to build a New Malaysia of unity, freedom, justice, excellence and integrity to make Malaysia a top world-class nation

Semua rakyat Malaysia wajar merayakan Hari Kebangsaan ke-62 dengan penuh keazaman, keyakinan dan komitmen untuk membina Malaysia Baru yang bercirikan perpaduan, kebebasan, keadilan, kecemerlangan dan integriti demi menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara bertaraf dunia

Saya menyeru kepada semua rakyat Malaysia untuk merayakan Hari Kebangsaan ke-62 dengan penuh keazaman, keyakinan dan komitmen untuk membina Malaysia Baru yang bercirikan perpaduan, kebebasan, keadilan, kecemerlangan dan integriti demi menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara bertaraf dunia.

Rakyat Malaysia mengambil keputusan bersejarah pada 15 bulan yang lalu dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 pada 9 Mei 2018 untuk memindahkan kuasa secara aman dan demokratik di Putrajaya setelah enam dekad berlalu, suatu peristiwa yang mengejutkan bukan sahaja rakyat Malaysia tetapi dunia, dan kini kita memikul tugas yang sangat mencabar dalam membina sebuah Malaysia Baharu melalui jalan demokrasi dan bukan dengan cara revolusioner.

Ini adalah misi kebangsaan yang memerlukan lebih daripada satu pusingan pilihan raya umum untuk dicapai kerana Malaysia Baharu tidak mampu terbina dalam tempoh yang singkat.

Baru-baru ini, puak fahaman pemisah dan perpecahan seolah-olah telah menguasai perkembangan di negara ini sehingga melahirkan kekecewaan, perbezaan dan perpecahan di kalangan rakyat. Read the rest of this entry »

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Mahathir wrong to brand Dong Zong as “racist” but Dong Zong was not right to claim that Jawi lesson for Chinese/Tamil primary school Std. 4 Bahasa Malaysia subject from 2020 was beginning of Islamisation

Perdana Menteri, Dr Mahathir Mohammad salah melabel Dong Zong sebagai “rasis”, tetapi Dong Zong juga tidak betul apabila mendakwa pembelajaran tulisan Jawi bagi mata pelajaran Bahasa Malaysia Tahun Empat di sekolah rendah Cina/Tamil bermula tahun 2020 sebagai permulaan Islamisasi

Perdana Menteri Dr Mahathir Mohammad salah melabel Dong Zong sebagai “rasis”, tetapi Dong Zong juga tidak betul apabila mendakwa pembelajaran tulisan Jawi bagi mata pelajaran Bahasa Malaysia Tahun Empat di sekolah rendah Cina/Tamil bermula tahun 2020 sebagai permulaan Islamisasi.

Kedua-dua insiden ini mengambarkan betapa berat salah faham yang timbul berkenaan tulisan Jawi di sekolah rendah Cina dan Tamil.

Saya berada di Chennai, Salem, Bangalore dan New Dehli ketika kontroversi subjek tulisan Jawi meledak dan taklimat oleh Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan, Teo Nie Ching dalam perjumpaan untuk ahli-ahli DAP Melaka semalam merupakan kali pertama saya mengetahui tentang punca sebenar kontroversi berkenaan.

Terdapat teori-teori konspirasi bahawa kontroversi tulisan Jawi ini didalangi oleh sama ada Menteri Pendidikan, Maszlee Malek atau Perdana Menteri Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad demi tujuan politik.

Pun begitu, hakikatnya, kontroversi subjek itu adalah warisan daripada kerajaan terdahulu kerana keputusan muktamad mengenai buku teks baru untuk sekolah rendah Cina dan Tamil untuk memperkenalkan subjek tulisan Jawi untuk murid-murid Tahun Empat pada tahun 2020 telah dibuat oleh Jawatankuasa Kurikulum Kementerian Pendidikan yang dipengerusikan oleh menteri pendidikan dan dua timbalan menteri pendidikan dalam satu mesyuarat pada 30 September 2015. Read the rest of this entry »

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