Archive for category nation building

Can Malaysia make a distinctive contribution to global inter-religious, inter-cultural and inter-civilisational dialogue, understanding and harmony?

I welcome the “warmest greeting” of the Association of Churches in Sarawak to the Buddhist Community on Wesak Day 2024.

In his message, the Chairman of the Association, the Rt. Rev Datuk Danald Jute said: Read the rest of this entry »

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To improve Malaysia’s ranking on the Social Progress Index is to further Karpal’s legacy

Malaysia needs more towering Malaysians like Karpal Singh to save the nation from the fate of a failed, divided and kleptocratic state.

Karpal has inspired Malaysians on justice, the rule of law, human rights and good governance as seen by the large crowds at two events to commemorate the tenth anniversary of his untimely passing a decade ago — the Karpal Singh Legacy Walk at Persiaran Karpal Singh and the Honouring Karpal Singh Forum — both in Penang yesterday. Read the rest of this entry »

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History was made in KKB yesterday

History was made in Kuala Kubu Baharu yesterday.

The two memorials for former Selangor State Assemblywoman Lee Kee Hiong — one last Monday by the cultural group in KKB and the other by the people of all races and religions in KKB on Thursday night — were history-making, as well as the two DAP branches in Hulu Selangor formed by Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) veterans.

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The next three to four years will decide whether Malaysia will rise again to become a global role model and a great world-class nation or whether we are condemned to be a divided, failed, and kleptocratic state

The Chinese Horoscope 2024 predicts a prosperous year for the dragon, representing authority, prosperity, and good fortune. Wood Dragon 2024 brings evolution, improvement, and abundance.

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End of Wayang Kulit to topple Anwar as Prime Minister and time to replace the Malay Narrative which had produced five Prime Ministers in five years with a Malaysian Narrative to unite the country, reverse the national decline in the last quarter of a century and make Malaysia a great world-class nation

There was a prolonged Wayang Kulit to topple Anwar Ibrahim as the 10th Prime Minister but this has come to an end and it is time to replace the Malay Narrative which has produced five Prime Ministers in five years with a Malaysian Narrative to unite the country, to reverse the national decline in the last quarter of a century and make Malaysia a great world-class nation.

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Malaysia has no time for Mahathir as he is engrossed with a long forgotten past, when the country’s destiny is a new common vision to rise up again to become a great world-class nation

(Versi BM)

The founder of Vision 2020 and Bangsa Malaysia, Tun Mahathir Mohamad did the greatest disservice to both concepts this week when he questioned the loyalty of the Indian Malaysians and Chinese Malaysians to the country.

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The “Save Bukit China” campaign 40 years ago is a challenge to the races, religions, and cultures in Malaysia to use their wisdom and expertise for Malaysia to reverse the national decline for a quarter of a century to rise up again a great world-class nation

(Versi BM)

This ceremony for the DAP Secretary-General, Anthony Loke, who is also the Transport Minister, to hand over a cheque for RM97,447.42 to the Cheng Hoon Teng trustees for Bukit China represents not only a nation-wide campaign for green lung and cultural heritage in Malacca, but part of the long-term struggle to realise the Malaysian Dream.

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The plotters have failed to make Anwar Ibrahim as the shortest Prime Minister of Malaysia

(Versi BM)

In less than four weeks, the country will have a new Yang Di Pertuan Agong when the Sultan of Johore ascends the throne as the 17th Yang Di Pertuan Agong.

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Let 2024 be a Year for national unity, political stability, and reforms

(Versi BM)

A friend sent me an article “Social media and the manufacturing of Malay-Muslim insecurity” by Dr. Hew Wai Weng and Dr. Nicholas Chan.

This is an article that must be read by all Malaysians to understand why the first Pakatan Harapan government fell after 22 months as a result of the Sheraton political conspiracy, ushering in the first “backdoor” government under Prime Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin.

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Can 2024 be the first year where the 2R issues of race and religion are not exploited — five years where the 2Rs were exploited to the full creating national disharmony for political objectives?

(Versi BM)

Malaysians will welcome a New Year in less than ten days.

2023 had been the worst year in the last five years because of untrammelled exploitation of the 2R issues of race and religion for political reasons.

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If I was wrong about the Malaysian Dream, then Tun Razak was wrong in 1970 to formulate the Rukun Negara and Tun Mahathir Mohamad was wrong in 1990 to formulate the nine strategic objectives of Vision 2020

(Versi BM)

The Malaysian Police are looking for me for my remarks in Manchester to Malaysian students last Wednesday that the Malaysian Constitution, both in 1957 and the amended one in 1963 when Malaysia was formed, the Rukun Negara 1970 and Vision 2020 with its nine strategic challenges, provided for a multi-ethnic, multi-religious, and multi-cultural Malaysian Dream and not a mono-ethnic dream.

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Call for a conference of political parties, NGOs, and NGIs on how to ensure Malaysia can rise up again to become a great world-class nation and avoid the fate of a divided, failed, and kleptocratic state

(Versi BM)

I visited the tourist attractions in Edinburgh and the prevailing thought in my mind was that Edinburgh was the place in the past few hundred years where history was made, but now tourists visit Edinburgh to “see history” instead of “making history”.

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Malaysian Constitution provides for a Malaysian Dream and not a mono-ethnic dream as it provides that a non-Malay can be a Prime Minister

(Versi BM)

The Malaysian Constitution, both in 1957 and the amended one in 1963 when Malaysia was formed, the Rukun Negara and Vision 2020 with its nine strategic challenges, provide for a multi-ethnic, multi-religious, and multi-cultural Malaysian Dream and not a mono-ethnic dream.

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Malaysians must have a vision for the future to rise up again to be a great world-class nation and not to fight the battles of the past before Independence in 1957 whether Malaysia is a mono-ethnic or plural nation

(Versi BM)

Malaysians must have a vision for the future for the country to rise up again and be a great world-class nation and not to fight the battles of the past before Independence whether Malaysia is a mono-ethnic or a plural nation.

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Malaysia needs a reset and return to the original nation-building principles of the nation’s founding fathers, as exemplified by the first three Prime Ministers of Malaysia

I thank everyone for attending this launch and in particular the writer, Kee Thuan Chye, for this two-volume biography.

As Kee has testified, I did not know what he was writing, and the first time I read both volumes were when they were printed. I do not agree with all that he has written, in particular his speculations, but I would recommend both volumes as an insight of my 57 years of political struggle.

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Challenge to Hadi to go through the two volumes of Kee Thuan Chye’s biography on me and substantiate his wild and preposterous allegations that I am anti-Malay, anti-Islam, anti-Royalty, communist and spreading Islamophobia or retract the allegations

I thank everyone for attending this launch and in particular the writer, Kee Thuan Chye, for this two-volume biography.

As Kee can testify, I did not know what he was writing, and the first time I read both volumes were when they were printed. I do not agree with all that he has written, in particular his speculations, but I would recommend both volumes as an insight of my 57 years of political struggle.

I will also commend these two volumes to the PAS President, Hadi Awang, for him to substantiate his wild and preposterous allegations that I am anti-Malay, anti-Islam, anti-Royalty, communist and spreading Islamophobia or retract the allegations. Read the rest of this entry »

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Call on Malaysians to make Malaysia one of the 20 best countries in the world

(Versi BM)

As I said at the launching of the Mas Gading Member of Parliament, Mordi Bimol’s Service Centre in Lundu this morning, the Malaysian national anthem, the Sarawak state anthem, and the DAP party anthem have one thing in common — they reflect the diversity and unity of a plural society where the different races, religions, and cultures co-operate and co-exist to create understanding, tolerance, and harmony.

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Where will Malaysia be when it celebrates its first Centennial in 2057 in 34 years’ time?

(Versi BM)

At a time when Parliament is debating the Report of the Mid-Term Review of the 12th Malaysia Plan, it is appropriate for Malaysians to ask: “Where will Malaysia be when it celebrates its first Centennial in 2057 in 34 years’ time?

In 1991, when the 30-year Vision 2020 was launched to achieve a fully developed country by the year 2020, there were 19 “developed countries” out of more than 160 states.

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Royal Commission of Inquiry as to how the Rukun Negara objectives and principles have been achieved in the last 53 years

(Versi BM)

There is no better way to mark the 60th Malaysia Day than to set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry to ascertain how the Rukun Negara objectives and principles have been achieved in the last 53 years.

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In the first 20 years of my political life, I was accused of being an anti-Chinese educated or an CIA, MI6, KGB or Australian secret service agent but in the last 20 years, I was accused of being anti-Malay, anti-Islam, anti-Royalty, communist, and promoting Islamophobia

(Versi BM)

I am probably most demonized Malaysian in politics.

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