Archive for category Civilisational Dialogue

Anwar Ibrahim has served as Prime Minister longer than three of five PMs in the last six years and headed to be one of the three longest of ten Prime Ministers in Malaysian history

The results of the Makhota by-election in Kluang on Saturday, following the victory of the Unity Government in Nenggiri by-election in Kelantan, signifies three things:

Firstly, Malaysians want stability as nobody benefits from a chaotic and unstable Malaysia – with no investor, particularly a foreign investor, wanting to invest in such a Malaysia.

Secondly, there is only one end result for a chaotic and unstable Malaysia – a failed state. It is not the road for Malaysia to rise again to become a great world-class nation.

Thirdly, the end of the Green Wave in Malaysia, where extremism, hatred, lies, misinformation and disinformation ruled the day. Read the rest of this entry »

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Penang and Malaysia can contribute to Global Civilization Dialogue and Harmony to ensure that there is no war between United States and China which will be World War III

I thank the Federation of Malaya Orchid Society for the great honour of having an orchid named after me.

I have retired from DAP frontline politics but it is not possible to retire from life unless you go to another world. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malaysia can contribute to global efforts at civilizational harmony, which will also be part of national effort for Malaysia to rise again as a great world-class nation

I am happy to be here at this celebration to commemorate my friend Rev. Dr. Sumana Siri’s 60th anniversary of his monkhood since he was eleven years old six decades ago.

Dr. Sumana, who took post-graduate studies in Christian Theology at Oxford University, is an “activist” monk. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malaysia can and must contribute to world civilisation dialogue and understanding because Malaysia is at the confluence of various world civilisations

I thank the DAP Secretary-General Sdr. Anthony Loke and DAP MPs for this dinner to mark the conferment of DUPN on me by the Governor of Penang.

In the United States, a great campaign is going on to decide in the next 90 days who will be the President of United States. Until some three weeks ago, there was nothing to watch was it was a battle between two old men. Now there is hope and vision for America, and the Democratic Candidate Kamala Harris has coined the slogan “We are not going back. We are going into the future.” Read the rest of this entry »

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Encore Melaka Theatre with its 2,000-seat revolving auditorium a marvel in South-East Asia and must be experienced by every Malaysian and global citizen

I am very impressed by Encore Melaka Theatre, with its 2,000-seat revolving auditorium, which is a marvel in South-East Asia and must be experienced by every Malaysian and global citizen.

I had not expected to be immersively assaulted by the sights, sounds, lights and colours of the Encore Melaka Theatre, and although the story-line can be improved further, it is an experience not to be missed. Read the rest of this entry »

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Can the Thucydides Trap be avoided or will there be World War Three between United States and China?

Two years before Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim published his book “The Asian Renaissance” in 1996, he responded to Samuel Huntington’s theory of “Clash of Civilisations” at the Georgetown University convocation in Washington in October 1994 and called for civilisational dialogue between East and West.

He said: “The question , however. is not whether civilizations will necessarily clash, rather whether civilizations ought to clash”. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malaysians must be encouraged to have global mindsets to influence civilisational dialogues to prevent any war between the great powers and to build international peace and development

I thank Dato’ Seri Chan Kong Yew and Sdr Tony Pua for Impian Malaysia Gallery.

I am retired from DAP politics but I agree with a PKR Member of Parliament that the Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has three years left from suffering the same fate as former UK Premier Rishi Sunak. Read the rest of this entry »

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Proposal for a seven-nation committee including Malaysia to plan the implementation of China’s proposal that June 10 every year should be designated International Civilisational Dialogue Day

I am disappointed by the Sungai Bakap by-election result yesterday, as I had hoped that following the Unity Government’s victory at the Kuala Kubu Baharu by-election, we can also win in Sungai Bakap and embark on the task of making Malaysia a great world-class nation again.

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Romen Bose was writing hogwash when he said I was trying to “rebuild the Chinese population” during the Pakatan Harapan administration and even claimed that I was “quite successful”

Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s former political consultant Romen Bose was writing hogwash when he said I was trying to “rebuild the Chinese population” during the Pakatan Harapan administration from 2018-2000 and even claimed that I was “quite successful” in my endeavour.

The DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke was right to dismiss Romen Bose’s claims as the thought that Najib’s ex-aide attributed to me never occurred to me, and I do not know what he was talking about with his further claim that my endeavour was “quite successful”. Read the rest of this entry »

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Anwar should fully support Bujang Valley as a world heritage site and China’s revival of Civilisational Dialogue theme

Karpal Singh has left many legacies — the rule of law, justice, good governance, and diversity of Malaysia as a land of many peoples, religions, and cultures.

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