Archive for category PH Government

Romen Bose was writing hogwash when he said I was trying to “rebuild the Chinese population” during the Pakatan Harapan administration and even claimed that I was “quite successful”

Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s former political consultant Romen Bose was writing hogwash when he said I was trying to “rebuild the Chinese population” during the Pakatan Harapan administration from 2018-2000 and even claimed that I was “quite successful” in my endeavour.

The DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke was right to dismiss Romen Bose’s claims as the thought that Najib’s ex-aide attributed to me never occurred to me, and I do not know what he was talking about with his further claim that my endeavour was “quite successful”. Read the rest of this entry »

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Two questions asked by Malaysians: Will the Anwar Government last five years and will there be another Sheraton Move conspiracy to topple an elected government?

(Versi BM)

Two questions asked by Malaysians are:

  1. Will the Anwar Government last five years until the 16th General Election in 2027?
  2. Will there be another Sheraton Move conspiracy to topple an elected government to usher in a third backdoor government in Malaysia?

This is why I support the proposal by the Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim to have a vote of confidence motion in Parliament on December 19, 2022 as the PAS President, Hadi Awang is trying to create another Sheraton Move conspiracy to topple the Anwar Ibrahim premiership.

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I have never proposed any candidate for high office to Mahathir when he was Prime Minister in the 22 months of Pakatan Harapan government

The assurance by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim that the DAP would not be in control of Pakatan Harapan if the coalition under his watch wins the coming polls shows both the degree of toxic politics of race and religion which had been disseminated in the current 15th general election campaign and the likelihood that Anwar Ibrahim will be the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia.

The DAP had been accused of controlling Pakatan Harapan when it was in government for 22 months from the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018. Read the rest of this entry »

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Saifuddin thought the ratification of core UN conventions will be his crowning achievement as Foreign Minister but it turned out to be his biggest misjudgement and failure

(Versi BM)

There are many political conspiracy theories as why the Pakatan Harapan Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad went to the 73rd United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 28, 2018 and pledged to ratify all remaining core UN instruments related to the protection of human rights.

I do not subscribe to these political conspiracy theories. I believe in the simple one. Read the rest of this entry »


Suhakam Chairman Rahmat Mohamad’s clarification that he is not an opponent of ICERD and Rome Statute is welcome, as I had expected Suhakam to be in troubled waters headed by a Chairman who is anti-human rights

(Versi BM)

Suhakam Chairman Rahmat Mohamad’s clarification that he is not an opponent of ICERD and Rome Statute is welcome, as I had expected Suhakam to be in troubled waters headed by a Chairman who is anti-human rights.

He said the reason he co-authored a paper objecting to Malaysia’s ratification of the Rome Statute in 2019 was that he felt the necessary preparations were not completed at the time. Read the rest of this entry »

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Time to debunk the sea of lies, fake news and false information which had been polluting the political arena in the last few years

(Versi BM)

The time has come to debunk the sea of lies, fake news and false allegations which had been polluting the political arena in the last few years.

The Prime Minister, Ismail Sabri tried to justify the Sheraton Move conspiracy at the Selangor Barisan Nasional convention on Sunday when he justified the Sheraton Move which unconstitutionally and undemocratically toppled the elected Pakatan Harapan government after 22 months on the grounds of DAP dominance in the Pakatan Harapan government. Read the rest of this entry »

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I have never suggested to Mahathir who should be appointed to Cabinet or high office, and the posts he or she should hold, before or after Mahathir became Prime Minister of Pakatan Harapan Government

(Versi BM)

This is a very DAP occasion as DAP had always been in the forefront of change.

We started as a political party 56 years ago espousing change in Malaysia in fulfilment of the Malaysian Dream, where every Malaysian, regardless of race, religion or region, is entitled to justice, freedom, equality and fair-play. Read the rest of this entry »

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AG’s confirmation of Jho Low’s RM1.5 billion offer attempting to settle the 1MDB charges against him is final evidence that the 1MDB scandal exists and not a fairy tale – what more evidence does UMNO, MCA and MIC leaders need?

(Versi BM)

The Attorney-General Chambers’ (AGC) confirmation that fugitive business person Low Taek Jho had attempted to reach a settlement with the government over the 1MDB charges with a RM1.5 billion offer is final evidence that the 1MDB scandal exists and not a fairy tale.

Let me ask the UMNO, MCA and MIC leaders: what more evidence do they need? Read the rest of this entry »

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Why I declined to be in the Pakatan Harapan Cabinet

(Versi BM)

There is at present an aggressive demonization campaign to make Malaysians believe that the 22-month Pakatan Harapan Government was responsible for all the woes and crisis of the country.

But is this so. Read the rest of this entry »

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Call on people of Johor to ensure a high voter turnout on March 12 to ensure DAP can retain all 14 State Assembly seats and Pakatan Harapan’s “big tent” can win some 30 seats to form the next Johore state government to continue institutional reforms started in the 14th general election

(Versi BM)

DAP started in the Johor state general election from a very low point. Many do not expect the DAP to retain half the 14 seats won in the previous general election and there were even those who expect the DAP to be wiped out completely in Johor on March 12, especially under the Covid-19 pandemic which had been rampaging for more than two years and the very restrictive SoPs.

The public morale of the DAP and Pakatan Harapan was low because for more than two years, the Malaysian public had been fed with the false information, fake news and negative propaganda that the 22-month Pakatan Harapan government was a failure and disaster, when in fact, it was the beginning of institutional reforms started in the 14th General Election in 2018 to make Malaysia a world-class great nation. Read the rest of this entry »

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If a convicted criminal on corruption can become the 10th or 11th Prime Minister of Malaysia, then China and Indonesia can overtake Malaysia in TI CPI by 2025 or latest before 2030

(Versi BM)

If a convicted criminal on corruption can become the 10th or 11th Prime Minister of Malaysia, then China and Indonesia can overtake Malaysia in Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) by 2025 or latest before 2030.

This will definitely be the end of the Malaysian Dream of the country being a world-class great nation, better than China, Indonesia and India in many fields of human endeavour because Malaysia is able to leverage on the best values and virtues of the four great civilisations which meet in confluence in Malaysia – Malay/Islamic. Chinese, Indian and Western.
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The struggle for a New and Better Malaysia is unfinished business and Malaysians must reaffirm their commitment to continue the struggle or cede the future of Malaysia to racialists, religious bigot and kleptocrats

(Versi BM)

An elected representative who is doing a Masters programme in a local university asked me yesterday what I thought of the New Economic Policy.

I spoke about the New Economic Policy in my first speech in Parliament 51 years ago in February 1971 where I declared that the DAP supported affirmative policies to help the poor and the backward but it must be based on need but not on race.

I said that the DAP is “dedicated to the abolition of poverty and economic backwardness regardless of race” and that we want to create a “classless community of Malaysians based on fellowship, co-operation and service, where there is no exploitation of man by man, class by class or race by race”. Read the rest of this entry »

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Pakatan Harapan must resolve four communications failures before the 15th General Election if PH is not to suffer from these four misperceptions

(Versi BM)

Pakatan Harapan must resolve four communications failures before the 15th General Election if PH is not to suffer from these four misperceptions.

The first is the image of the Pakatan Harapan Government.

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, in his new book on his 22-month premiership of the Pakatan Harapan government said that there was the allegation that the DAP was dominating the PH Government. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malacca General Election the most extraordinary of the 22 general elections in my experience – an election where physical campaigning is banned

(Versi BM)

The Malacca General Election is the most extraordinary of the 22 general elections in my experience in the last 56 years – an election where all forms of physical campaigning are banned.

I have gone through 12 national general elections, nine Sarawak state general elections and countless by-elections but this is the first time that we have an election where there are no public rallies, ceramahs, talks and walkabouts – which put the Opposition parties at a great disadvantage.

Nobody can be certain what would be the outcome of the Polling Day tomorrow. Read the rest of this entry »

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Call on the people of Malacca to use the Malacca general election on Saturday to launch a “Centennial Save Malaysia Campaign“ for Malaysia to stop the regression of past half-a-century and to become a world-class great nation by 2057

(Versi BM)

Thirty-seven years ago in 1984, the UMNO Malacca State Government wanted to demolish Bukit China with 12,500 graves of various communities – mostly
Chinese but there are also Malay and Portuguese graves – for commercial development to build shopping complexes and condominiums.

DAP launched a “Save Bukit China campaign” and united not only the people of Malacca, of also of Malaysia, comprising all races and religions, to preserve the Bukit China cemetery hill as a Malaysian national heritage site. Read the rest of this entry »

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Objection inside Bersatu to Mas Ermieyati’s appointment as Malacca Chief Minister is the Bersatu time-bomb in Malacca

(Versi BM)

Malaysians must be startled by Muhyiddin Yassin’ spate of confessions in the last two days as a renegade in the 22-month Pakatan Harapan government, in particular his statement that he is not like Mahathir Mohamad and that Perikatan Nasional (PN) won’t lie to the people.

It would appear that the main conspirator in the Sheraton Move conspiracy which toppled a democratically-elected Pakatan Harapan government after 22 months, and ushered in two backdoor, undemocratic and illegitimate governments was not Azmin Ali but Muhyiddin Yassin. Read the rest of this entry »

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Will Muhyiddin continue to support Ismail Sabri as Prime Minister if Bersatu is completely wiped out by UMNO in the Malacca general election?

There is a lot of attention in the Malacca general election on “political frogs” but there is no proper discussion on political principles and integrity as if it is a sin and an unpardonable crime to change political parties.

Winston Churchill changed political parties twice, firstly as a Conservative when he first became Member of Parliament in 1901, but he became a Liberal in 1904 protesting against “protectionism” in the Conservative Party. In 1923, he returned to the Conservative Party in protest against Liberal-Labour co-operation.

Was Churchill wrong? I would not say so, as Churchill’s political shift was one of principle and he was prepared to face the verdict of the electorate.

This was why when I suggested in Parliament on March 21, 1978 for a law to prevent party-hopping, I said: Read the rest of this entry »

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#kerajaangagal32 — Bolehkah rakyat Malaysia kembali menggegarkan dunia seperti yang kita lakukan pada hari ini tiga tahun yang lalu untuk menunjukkan bahawa harapan Malaysia Baru, walaupun berhadapan dengan cabaran dengan konspirasi Langkah Sheraton dapat dipenuhi pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-15?

Pada hari ini tiga tahun yang lalu, iaitu 9 Mei 2018, rakyat Malaysia mengagumkan dunia dengan peralihan kuasa secara demokratik dan aman buat pertama kali dalam enam dekad.

The Economist, dalam edisi bertarikh 18 Disember 2018, menamakan Malaysia sebagai “negara berjaya tahun 2018” — untuk pengundi Malaysia yang “memecat Perdana Menteri yang tidak dapat menjelaskan dengan jelas mengapa ada AS$ 700 juta dalam akaun banknya ”.
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#kerajaangagal32 – Can Malaysians again shake the world as we did on this day three years ago to demonstrate that the hopes of a New Malaysia, despite its setbacks of the Sheraton Move conspiracy can be fulfilled in the 15th General Election?

On this day three year ago, i.e. 9th May 2018, Malaysians astounded the world with the first democratic and peaceful transition of power in six decades.

The Economist, in its edition dated Dec.18, 2018, named Malaysia in a three-nation finals list in its “ovation country of the year 2018” – for Malaysian voters who “fired a Prime Minister who could not adequately explain why there was US$700 million in his bank account”. Read the rest of this entry »

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I am still waiting for evidence as to how my stand on Jawi in 2019 had betrayed the rights, interests and future of the Chinese in Malaysia or that I have changed my stand on Jawi in 1984

It is already eleven days since I declared that DAP does not have any de-Chinese, de-Malay, de-Indian, de-Kadazan or de-Iban policy, but the very opposite, wanting Malaysians to accept that they will have multiple identities – ethnic, religious, cultural, regional – but that they are first and foremost Malaysians!

I am still waiting for evidence as to how my stand on Jawi in Chinese and Tamil primary schools had betrayed the rights, interests and future of the Chinese in Malaysia or how in 2019 I had changed my stand on Jawi from that of 1984. Read the rest of this entry »

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