Saifuddin thought the ratification of core UN conventions will be his crowning achievement as Foreign Minister but it turned out to be his biggest misjudgement and failure

(Versi BM)

There are many political conspiracy theories as why the Pakatan Harapan Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad went to the 73rd United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 28, 2018 and pledged to ratify all remaining core UN instruments related to the protection of human rights.

I do not subscribe to these political conspiracy theories. I believe in the simple one.

The then foreign minister, Saifuddin Abdullah thought that the ratification of all remaining core UN instruments related to the protection of human rights would be his crowning achievement as the Foreign Minister of Malaysia, but it turned out to be his biggest misjudgement and failure.

Saifuddin did not realise that it was a life-line for PAS and UMNO to play the toxic politics of lies, hatred, race and religion to the hilt to find a new relevance, although the PAS President, Hadi Awang, is unable to cite a single case of the 55 out of 57 Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) Muslim countries where Islam is undermined or a single case of the 36 out of 38 countries with monarchical system where the monarchical system is affected as a result of the ratification of ICERD or the Rome Statute.

I was in China on a visit when the ICERD fiasco first blew up at the end of 2018.

On 19th November, Mahathir said that the ratification of ICERD would entail an amendment to the Federal Constitution which was “an impossible thing to do” without two-thirds parliamentary majority.

On 24th November 2018, in a speech at the Malaysian Association of Jiansu Annual Gala Dinner in Souchou, China, I said that no Malaysian would want Malaysia to ratify ICERD at the price of another May 13 racial riots in the country as there was no doubt that there were irresponsible elements who were seeking to incite and escalate racial and religious distrust, animosity and hatred to engender the conditions to replicate another May 13 racial riots in Malaysia.

I stressed that Malaysia should not ratify ICERD until the majority of the races and religions in Malaysia supported it and understood that it was not anti-Malay, anti-Islam or anti-Royalty.,

But I was surprised that Saifuddin could later work with the very political personalities and forces which turned his hope of “crowning achievement” as Foreign Minister into his greatest misjudgement and failure.

(Statement by DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday 27th October 2022)

Saifuddin fikirkan ratifikasi konvensyen-konvensyen utama PBB akan menjadi pencapaian besarnya sebagai Menteri Luar Negeri, sebaliknya perkara ini menjadi kesilapan dan kegagalan terbesarnya

Terdapat banyak teori konspirasi mengenai mengapa Perdana Menteri Pakatan Harapan, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, pergi ke Perhimpunan Agung Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu pada 28 September 2018 dan berjanji untuk meratifikasi semua perjanjian-perjanjian utama PBB yang berkenaan dengan perlindungan hak asasi manusia.

Saya tidak percaya dengan teori-teori konspirasi ini. Saya percaya kepada teori yang mudah.

Menteri Luar Negeri ketika itu, Saifuddin Abdullah, memikirkan yang ratifikasi konvensyen-konvensyen utama PBB yang berkenaan dengan perlindungan hak asasi manusia ini akan menjadi pencapaian terbesarnya sebagai Menteri Luar Negeri, sebaliknya perkara ini menjadi kesilapan dan kegagalan terbesarnya.

Saifuddin tidak sedar yang perkara ini menjadi talian hayat untuk PAS dan UMNO memainkan politik toksik penipuan, kebencian, dan sentimen perkauman serta keagamaan untuk menjadi relevan semula, walaupun Presiden PAS, Hadi Awang, tidak dapat memberikan satu contoh sekalipun dalam 55 dari 57 negara Pertubuhan Kerjasama Islam (OIC) di mana martabat Islam tergugat atau dalam 36 negara beraja di dunia di mana sistem monarki telah tergugat akibat ratifikasi ICERD atau Statut Rom.

Saya berada dalam satu lawatan ke China semasa isu ICERD mula kecoh pada penghujung tahun 2018.

Pada 19 November, Mahathir mengatakan yang ratifikasi ICERD akan melibatkan pindaan kepada Perlembagaan Persekutuan, yang merupakan satu “perkara yang mustahil” tanpa majoriti dua-pertiga di Parlimen.

Pada 24 November 2018, dalam satu ucapan di Majlis Makan Malam bersama Persatuan Malaysia Jiansu di Souchou, China, saya telah katakan tidak ada mana-mana rakyat Malaysia mahu Malaysia meratifikasi ICERD pada harga satu lagi rusuhan kaum 13 Mei, memandangkan tanpa ragu-ragu, terdapat sesetengah pihak-pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab yang cuba untuk menghasut dan meningkatkan syakwasangka dan kebencian antara kaum untuk mengulangi tragedi 13 Mei di Malaysia.

Saya menekankan bahawa Malaysia tidak patut meratifikasi ICERD sehinggalah majoriti kaum dan agama di Malaysia menyokongnya dan memahami bahawa perkara ini tidaklah anti-Melayu, anti-Islam, atau anti-Raja.

Namun saya terkejut apabila Saifuddin kemudiannya bekerjasama dengan personaliti dan kuasa politik yang sama yang telah mengubah “pencapaian terbesarnya” sebagai Menteri Luar Negeri kepada satu kegagalan dan kesilapan terbesarnya.

(Kenyataan media veteran DAP Lim Kit Siang di Kuala Lumpur pada hari Khamis, 27 Oktober 2022)

  1. #1 by i_love_malaysia on Thursday, 27 October 2022 - 1:53 pm

    To All Malaysian who are eligible to vote in GE15:-

    For those who intent not to vote in GE15 and let others to decide for them, please don’t complain later if another Najis 2 or group of Najiss that are much worst than Najis 1 will be the next PM and the Cabinet and all the others who will surely take advantage of the situation to have more 1MDBs !!! The Malaysian national debt will surely be double or triple of the present RM1 Trillion if the same BN/PN DNA calls the shot after GE15 !!!

    My Brothers & Sisters, don’t throw our fate into the hands of the cunning jokers who used our country’s money as if it is theirs !!!

    Rome is not built in 1 day, equality, non corrupt govt is not built in 1 GE only, it needs more than 1 GEs to turn the clock around for Malaysia to be GREAT AGAIN !!! As long as UMNO is around, PAS is around, Bersatu is around, the country will not achieve Developed country status and equality for all Citizens!!!

  2. #2 by i_love_malaysia on Thursday, 27 October 2022 - 2:04 pm

    My Brothers & Sisters,

    Do not forget the persecution that is still around us!!! The devils are still around and are real !!!

    So Action speaks louder than words, go and vote on Sat, 19 Nov 2022. If the majority still wants Najis and his gang around, so be it , as least you have done your part and more works to be done for GE16 !!!

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