Archive for August 7th, 2019

Malaysian must buckle down to deal with economic and educational problems which have hampered the country’s growth potential

My visit to Chennai, Salem, Bangalore and New Delhi has reinforced me in my belief that Malaysians must buckle down to deal with the economic and educational problems which have hampered the country’s growth potential.

As former Finance Minister and Council of Eminent Persons (CEP) chairman, Tuan Daim Zainuddin said early this week, Malaysia must fix the education system and move ahead to ensure that the New Economic Policy was implemented on a needs-basis rather than race-basis.

He said that the NEP has polarised sections of society and it would be to Malaysia’s peril to disregard this.

He warned that there were groups who had managed to sabotage the NEP with race, religious and linguistic rhetoric.

Daim’s advice should be heeded by all Malaysians. Read the rest of this entry »

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