Archive for category DAP
Are the kleptocratic UMNO leaders the worst enemies of the Malays and the nation in the challenges for Malays and Malaysia to compete with the rest of the world?
Posted by Kit in DAP, nation building, PH Government, UMNO on Saturday, 26 December 2020
(Tatal ke bawah untuk kenyataan versi BM)
Yesterday, I asked Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah whether he agrees that Malaysia needs a new national consensus to return Malaysia to the road of a world-class great nation and save it from the fate and ignominy of a kleptocracy, kakistocracy and a failed state.
Are the kleptocratic UMNO leaders the worst enemies of the Malays and the nation in the challenges for Malays and Malaysia to compete with the rest of the world? Read the rest of this entry »
DAP will be firm on our principles and will not work with kleptocrats but we must be open-minded and flexible to co-operate with Malaysians of integrity, regardless of race, religion or politics, to build an united, just, prosperous and great Malaysia
Posted by Kit in DAP, nation building, Perak, UMNO on Thursday, 10 December 2020
(Tatal ke bawah untuk kenyataan versi BM)
The political crisis in Perak has ended with a new Mentri Besar from UMNO.
What are the lessons to be learnt from the six-day Perak political crisis? Read the rest of this entry »
Malaysia can be saved by the combined energies and commitment of youths, women and senior citizens in Malaysia
Posted by Kit in DAP, nation building, Politics on Monday, 17 August 2020
(Tatal ke bawah untuk kenyataan versi BM)
Many Malaysians have been thinking of the question: Who could save Malaysia.
I think the answer is not in a Mahathir Mohamad, Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Guan Eng, Lim Kit Siang, Gobind Singh Deo or M. Kulasegaran, but whether we can motivate and mobilise the youths, women and senior citizens and combine their energies and commitments to save Malaysia.
Is the Malaysian Dream – an united, democratic, just, progressive and prosperous, a world top class nation which is capable of leveraging on the best of the diverse races, languages, cultures and civilisations that meet in confluence in Malaysia so as to gain international respect and admiration as a successful nation which leads the world in unity, democracy, justice, freedom, excellence and integrity, a lost cause? Is Malaysia to be condemned and scorned as a global kleptocracy and kakistocracy hurtling towards a failed state future.
Malaysians achieved a near-miracle on May 9, 2018 and toppled a seemingly invincible UMNO-led Barisan Nasional in the 14th General Election in plursuit of a Malaysian Dream.
But 22 months later, through the Sheraton Move conspiracy, the Pakatan Harapan government was toppled, giving way to a “backdoor” government.
Has the Malaysian Dream for a New Malaysia been lost forever and Malaysia condemned to be a kleptocracy, kakistocracy and a failed state? Read the rest of this entry »
Pakatan Harapan is worth saving as no other political grouping in Malaysia is committed to restore Tunku Abdul Rahman’s vision of a Malaysia as “a beacon of light in a difficult and distracted world”
Posted by Kit in DAP, Pakatan Harapan, PH Government on Tuesday, 25 February 2020
Pakatan Harapan mesti diselamatkan memandangkan tidak ada kumpulan lain yang komited untuk memulihkan Malaysia selari dengan visi Tunku Abdul Rahman untuk Malaysia menjadi “cahaya yang menerangi kegelapan dalam dunia yang penuh cabaran”
Selepas ADUN DAP Negri Sembilan untuk kawasan Seremban Jaya, P Gunasekaran dibebaskan daripada pertuduhannya semalam, saya berada di sini sekali lagi hari ini untuk menyaksikan pembebasan Exco Melaka dan ADUN Gadek, G Saminathan bersama dengan sepuluh yang lain daripada pertuduhan keganasan berkaitan LTTE.
Saminathan, Gunasekaran, dan sepuluh yang lain berserta keluarga dan orang tersayang mereka telah menderita sepanjang 20 minggu yang lepas kerana mereka tidak bersalah atas tuduhan yang dikenakan kepada mereka, terutamanya pertuduhan yang kononnya mereka berhasrat untuk menghidupkan semula LTTE sedangkan pertubuhan itu telahpun berhenti daripada berfungsi hampir sedekad.
Perkembangan politik tergempar sepanjang dua hari yang lepas untuk menumbangkan kerajaan Pakatan Harapan dan untuk mengeluarkan DAP daripada kerajaan persekutuan di Putrajaya dan kes 12 orang, termasuklah Saminathan dan Gunasekaran dan penahanan mereka selama hampir 20 minggu di atas pertuduhan berkaitan LTTE sedangkan mereka tidak bersalah, menimbulkan persoalan sama ada berbaloi untuk menyelamatkan Pakatan Harapan ataupun tidak.
Saya akan menjawab dengan positif — yang Pakatan Harapan masih perlu diselamatkan kerana tidak ada kumpulan politik lain yang komited untuk memulihkan Malaysia selari dengan visi Tunku Abdul Rahman untuk Malaysia menjadi “cahaya yang menerangi kegelapan dalam dunia yang penuh cabaran”. Read the rest of this entry »
The Save Malaysia mission of the 14th General Election is still very valid and relevant, as we do not want to revert to a global kleptocracy, and even worse, become a kakistocracy with the worst elements who practice dishonesty, perfidy and corruption in the government
Posted by Kit in DAP, Pakatan Harapan, PH Government on Monday, 24 February 2020
Misi menyelamatkan Malaysia PRU14 masih lagi sah dan relevan kerana kita tidak mahu kembali menjadi kleptokrasi global ataupun lebih buruk lagi, sebuah “kakistokrasi” dengan anasir-anasir jahat yang mengamalkan khianat, ketidakjujuran, dan rasuah di dalam kerajaan
DAP akan mengadakan satu mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Tertinggi Pusat tergempar hari ini mengenai perkembangan politik semasa dan kita harus menunggu hasil keputusan mesyuarat tersebut.
Namun begitu, izinkan saya untuk menjelaskan mengenai satu paparan yang telah tersebar luas semalam — yang mengatakan: “Kit Siang di kesan berada di airport, mau lari ka…?” bersama dengan gambar saya di lapangan terbang dan dalam satu paparan yang berasingan, seorang pemimpin UMNO mengatakan: “Mohon standby di airport, tahan pemimpin DAP, PKR, PAN yang nak lari keluar negara – Azri”.
Saya berada di Lapangan Terbang Pulau Pinang semalam, menunggu penerbangan saya ke Kuala Lumpur untuk menghadiri kes mahkamah P Gunasekaran hari ini, dan persoalan untuk melarikan diri daripada negara ini tidak pernah sekali pun terlintas di fikiran saya.
Malah, soal melarikan diri daripada Malaysia ini tidak pernah timbul dalam fikiran mana-mana pemimpin DAP kerana kami bukanlah pencuri, perompak, mahupun penyangak, tetapi kami hanyalah rakyat Malaysia yang patriotik dan berdedikasi untuk menghentikan penjunaman Malaysia kearah menjadi negara kleptokratik yang gagal.
Para pejuang DAP berhasrat untuk berkhidmat untuk semua rakyat Malaysia, tanpa mengira batasan kaum, agama, mahupun kawasan. Kami menyertai politik kerana kami percaya politik adalah satu wadah yang jujur, bermaruah, malah mulia untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara yang lebih baik untuk generasi masa hadapan; kami berpegang kepada pendirian bahawa ahli politiklah yang kotor dan bukan politik itu sendiri. Read the rest of this entry »
DAP demonisers should make up their mind – Is DAP communist, want to revive communism, Christian committed to set up a Christian state in Malaysia, Chinese chauvinist, anti-Islam, anti-Malay, anti-Indian, anti-Chinese, puppet-master of Mahathir, stooge of Mahathir – as it is impossible for DAP to play so many conflicting and contradictory roles
DAP demonisers should make up their mind – is DAP communist, want to revive communism, Christian committed to set up a Christian State in Malaysia, Chinese chauvinist, anti-Malay, anti-Indian, anti-Chinese, puppet-master of Mahathir, stooge of Mahathir – as it is impossible for DAP to play so many conflicting and contradictory roles.
In actual fact, the DAP is none of these, as it is a patriotic Malaysian political party upholding the Malaysian Constitution and the Rukunegara principles and fully committed to improving the socio-economic welfare of all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region and wants to see Malaysia succeed as a democratic, just, progressive and prosperous nation which can take its rightful place in the international community.
The latest demonization of DAP came from the former inspector-general of police (IGP) Tan Sri Musa Hassan who in a lecture at Universiti Teknologi Mara tried to poison the minds of the new generation of Malaysians by alleging that DAP of an agenda to rewrite history by reviving the communist ideology.
DAP is a political party with a 54-year history, and although DAP leaders had previously been detained under the Internal Security Act, neither the DAP nor any of the DAP leaders had ever been accused of being a communist or support of communist causes. Read the rest of this entry »
DAP will not be MCA2 or Pakatan Harapan become BN2, for the simple reason that DAP and Pakatan Harapan are committed to the agenda to reset nation building policies to build a New Malaysia – objectives which the MCA, UMNO, Barisan Nasional and Muafakat Nasional are opposed
Posted by Kit in DAP, Pakatan Harapan, PH Government on Sunday, 24 November 2019
On Friday, I attended a youth camp at Janda Baik and the topic I was asked to talk about was: “Is the idea of a Malaysian an empty dream?”
This was particularly pertinent, as only a week earlier, Pakatan Harapan was given a drubbing in the Tanjong Piai parliamentary by-election, where Pakatan Harapan not only lost the seat which it had clinched with a slim majority of 524 votes 18 months earlier in the 14th General Election, but lost it with a landslide majority of 15,086 votes.
If the Tanjong Piai by-election is a harbinger of the 15th General Election in 2023, then the Pakatan Harapan government would be a one-term government and would be voted out of Putrajaya in the next general election.
But do Malaysians want a return of the UMNO-BN government, which would come back under the guise of Muafakat Nasional with PAS, and the quandary of the country which resulted in the Pakatan Harapan loss in the Tanjong Piai by-election becoming the order of the day – the politics of race and religion taking to their extremity with both the Malays and non-Malays in fear that their rights, position and future are under unprecedented threat by other communities making the topic of the youth camp, “Is the idea of a Malaysian an empty dream?” a most prescient and relevant one!
The past week has revealed more about the mendacity and immorality of the previous kleptocratic regime, how the 1MDB audit report prepared for the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee was tampered by the former Prime Minister with the deletion of important information about the 1MDB scandal, like the presence of Jho Low at a meeting of the 1MDB Board of Directors and the financial status of 1MDB or the revelation in the trial of the former Deputy Prime Minister for bribery, criminal breach of trust and money-laundering that not one cent of the RM31 million in a foundation to help the poor was used to help the poor.
Is this global kleptocracy the type of governance Malaysians want to revert to or would Malaysia become ungovernable and the country’s fate is to be a failed, rogue and kleptocratic state? Read the rest of this entry »
Rise up Malaysians, unite to achieve greatness for Malaysia as a top world-class nation of unity, justice, freedom, excellence and integrity and to resolve the problems of poverty and gross inequality in the country
Posted by Kit in DAP, Fake News, PH Government on Sunday, 27 October 2019
With four DAP members, one State Exco and another State Assemblyman, still in detention for suspected LTTE terrorist connections under SOSMA, and the description of an academician that the 17-month government of Pakatan Harapan is an “unmitigated disaster”, it is difficult to feel that there is anything to celebrate in this year’s Deepavali today.
The message of Deepavali, however, is an eternal one – the spiritual victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.
We must never cease to hope or to succumb to hopelessness and despair.
While the 17-month government of the Pakatan Harapan has fallen below expectations, it is definitely not an “unmitigated disaster”.
Pakatan Harapan must be firm in our resolve and commitment to implement the reforms as promised in Buku Harapan in the 14th General Election and this is why the Pakatan Harapan Presidential Council has established a special committee under the Deputy Defence Minister, Liew Chin Tong, to review the Pakatan Harapan 14th general election manifesto.
Read the rest of this entry »
The target of the lies, fake news and hate speech on the social media since yesterday is the DAP which was bombed with lies, fake news and hate speech that it is the ”komunis moden in Malaysia” and that there will be no peace in Malaysia unless there is no “communist” in Cabinet
Posted by Kit in DAP, Fake News, nation building on Saturday, 26 October 2019
There had been various waves of attacks of lies, fake news and hate speech on the social media on leaders and parties in the Pakatan Harapan Government, whether focussing on the Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and Bersatu, or PKR President Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and PKR or Mohamad Sabu and Amanah.
Since yesterday, the target of the lies, fake news and hate speech on the social is the DAP which was bombed with lies, fake news and hate speech since yesterday that is the ”komunis moden in Malaysia” and that there will be no peace in Malaysia unless there is no “communist” in the Cabinet.
If the social media attack is to be believed, Malaysia has a Special Branch which is one of the most incompetent in the world, which will be most unfair to the Special Branch, as the DAP had never been accused of being communist or communist-sympathiser for the past 53 years.
Furthermore, we are today in an age where communism has lost its power and influence as representing the irresistible wave of the future.
In this connection, the statement by an adviser to the police deradicalisation programme, Ahmad El Muhammady warning that the nation could witness a repeat of the May 13, 1969 race riots bear serious consideration.
Read the rest of this entry »
UMNO and PAS have stepped up their campaign of fake news and hate speech to dismember the DAP so as to destroy the Pakatan Harapan government
UMNO and PAS have stepped up their campaign of fake news and hate speech to dismember the DAP so as to destroy the Pakatan Harapan government.
I warned a few days ago that with the approach of Nov. 11, when the Kuala Lumpur High Court will decide whether the former Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak walks free or will be ordered to enter his defence on seven charges of abuse of power, corruption and money-laundering involving RM42 million of funds from SRC International, there will be an escalation of lies, fake news and hate speech.
This is what has happened.
A PAS leader has joined an UMNO leader to call for the banning of the DAP, replete with lies, fake news and hate speech.
DAP is accused of wanting to create a Christian Malaysia, a subject which had never been brought up in the DAP at any level in the past 53 years, completely ignoring the numerous public declarations which had been made by the DAP endorsing and upholding the fundamental features of the Constitution including the position of Islam as the official religion of the country.
DAP is also accused of supporting the LTTE and Tamil Tigers, when the Sri Lanka civil war had ended 10 years ago in 2009, and LTTE had been a defunct organisation in the past decade. There was never at any time in the past when the DAP had been accused of supporting LTTE.
DAP is further accused of promoting communism and the communist struggle which goes against the core principles and commitment of the DAP in the past 53 years to conduct a peaceful democratic struggle through the electoral process.
We are seeing in Malaysia a mutation of the spread of fake news and hate speech using unrelated old photos, videos, messages and lies to create a new false narrative in the social media – even alleging that I am related to former Malayan Communist Party (MCP) leader Chin Peng which were barefaced lies.
Malaysians must not fall victim to the lies, fake news and hate speech which are emerging to be a great threat to the unity, harmony and even survival of Malaysia as a plural society.
(Speech by DAP MP for Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang at the Kedah DAP State Convention in Alor Setar on Friday, 25th October 2019)
Hew was a “angry young man”, unorthodox and irreverent, to the extent of being extremely crude and vulgar, to fight for justice and a better Malaysia and the last thing he would do is to be a communist or to promote communism
Posted by Kit in DAP, Human Rights, Media on Thursday, 24 October 2019
Hew adalah seorang yang bersemangat “darah muda” — yang lain daripada yang lain, sehingga dilihat sebagai seorang yang kasar dan tidak sopan — dalam perjuangannya untuk sebuah Malaysia yang lebih baik, adalah mustahil untuk beliau menjadi seorang komunis ataupun memperjuangkan komunisme
Saya telah mengenali Hew Kuan Yaw selama tiga dekad, sejak daripada hari awal perjuangan beliau untuk sebuah Malaysia yang lebih baik dan adil. Walaupun beliau merupakan seorang yang bersemangat “darah muda” yang lain daripada yang lain, sehingga kelihatan seperti seorang yang kasar, tidak beradab dan memalukan, saya tidak percaya yang beliau akan sekali-kali memperjuangkan komunisme, apatah lagi menjadi seorang komunis.
Amatlah mengejutkan apabila saya membaca laporan di mana buku komik beliau yang bertajuk Inisiatif Jalur dan Jalan: Meraih Manfaat Bersama telah diharamkan oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri di bawah Seksyen 7(1) Akta Mesin Cetak dan Penerbitan 1984 atas beberapa sebab, antaranya; mempromosikan komunisme dan menunjukkan simpati terhadap perjuangan komunis.
Saya mempunyai banyak perbezaan idea dan pemikiran dengan Hew dan saya belum berpeluang untuk membaca buku komik beliau ketika isu ini menjadi hangat, tetapi saya percaya yang beliau bukanlah seorang komunis ataupun seorang yang bersimpati dengan komunis.
Saya tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan Kementerian Dalam Negeri yang mendakwa buku komik Hew mempromosi dan bersimpati dengan perjuangan komunis.
Saya menyeru supaya pegawai Kementerian menyemak semula pengharaman ini, selari dengan agenda keterbukaan Pakatan Harapan tanpa meremehkan isu keselamatan dalam negara.
Malahan, Janji ke-27 Buku Harapan secara terang-terangan menyeru pemansuhan undang-undang menindas seperti Akta Mesin Cetak dan Penerbitan 1984.
(Kenyataan Media Ahli Parlimen DAP Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang di Kuala Lumpur pada hari Khamis 24 Oktober 2019)
Latest Opposition strategy – dismember DAP and Amanah to dismember Pakatan Harapan Government
The latest Opposition strategy seems to be to dismember the Pakatan Harapan Government by dismembering DAP and Amanah.
This could be seen by the hectic campaign on the one hand to paint the DAP as anti-Malaysia in supporting the LTTE although the Sri Lanka civil war had ended 10 years ago and there was never any evidence to show that DAP had supported terrorism of any form and on the other hand to demonise the DAP as anti-Indian as stated by an UMNO Member of Parliament in the current debate in Parliament on the 2020 Budget.
This is also the line taken in the attack over Hew Kuan Yau’s comic book on China’s Belt and Road Initiative – to paint the DAP as on the one hand communist and a stooge of the Chinese Government while on the other hand, a “running dog” betraying the rights and interests of the Chinese Malaysians although both DAP and DAPSY had nothing to do with the comic book.
I had warned two days ago that there will more lies, fake news and hate speech with the approach of November 11, when the Kuala Lumpur High Court will decide whether the former Prime Minister, Datuk Najib Razak walks free or will be ordered to enter his defence on seven charges of abuse of power, corruption and money-laundering involving RM42 million of funds from SRC International, and if Najib’s defence is called, from November 11 till the judgement of the SRC trial. Read the rest of this entry »
Desperation has caused UMNO-PAS conspirators to change tactics – abandon the “no confidence motion” strategy and change tack to try to cause downfall of Pakatan Harapan government by targeting DAP and AMANAH
Posted by Kit in DAP, Fake News, Financial Scandals on Monday, 21 October 2019
Desperation has caused the UMNO-PAS conspirators to change tactics – abandon the “no confidence motion” strategy and to try to cause the downfall of Pakatan Harapan government by targeting DAP and AMANAH.
This is why unlike the previous parliamentary meetings, there was no speculation before the present Budget parliamentary meeting to float the possibility that there would be a “no confidence motion” to remove Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad as Prime Minister.
The “no confidence motion” line was earlier decided as the strategy to destabilise and topple the Pakatan Harapan government after the historic decision of a democratic and peaceful transition of power on 9th May 2018 where contrary to pre-election UMNO propaganda and warning, I was not only not the Prime Minister, I did not play any official government role and was not even in the Cabinet.
The earlier strategy to plot for a new combination and permutation of parliamentary numbers to secure sufficient parliamentary support to carry out a “no confidence motion” against Mahathir as the Prime Minister, or at least the fevered speculation that this was afoot, did not materialise and was quite an abject failure. Read the rest of this entry »
DAP committed to make life better for all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region
Posted by Kit in DAP, Economics, PH Government on Sunday, 20 October 2019
It was quite a nostalgic occasion for me when the founder members of the Bintulu DAP Branch came on stage to be recognised and given a souvenir to commemorate their signal contribution to the founding to the Bintulu DAP Branch in 1978, as I was here in Bintulu 41 years ago.
It is very heart-warming to see the old warriors, men or women, who had toiled, with their sweat, blood and tears, in the past four decades to build DAP in Bintulu, Sarawak and Malaysia to what it is today.
Bintulu of 1978 is very different from Bintulu of 2019, but the commitment of the DAP, to make life better for all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region, remains constant and unchanged.
Some thirty years ago in February 1990 when Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad first announced Vision 2020 of Malaysia becoming a fully developed nation in the year 2020, he referred to 19 countries that were generally regarded as “developed countries”. Read the rest of this entry »
Malaysia is pioneering a mutation of fake news and hate speech by using unrelated old photos, videos, messages and lies to create a new false narrative – for instance that DAP supported LTTE, part of an evil but non-existing LTTE-DAP-Israel-America quartet and that Lee Kuan Yew and Chin Peng were my cousins
Malaysia is pioneering a mutation of fake news and hate speech by using unrelated old photos, videos, messages and lies to create a new false narrative in the social media – for instance, that DAP supported LTTE, that DAP was part of an evil but non-existing LTTE-DAP-Israel-American quartet, that the former Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and former Malayan Communist Party (MCP) leader Chin Peng were my cousins and a whole host of other bare-faced lies.
Until the recent arrests last week, DAP had never been accused in the past 43 years of having supported the LTTE whether since its formation in 1976, or during the 26-year civil war in Sri Lanka from 1983-2009, or in the last 10 years since LTTE’s military defeat and the killing of the LTTE leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran in 2009.
Why is the DAP suddenly accused of supporting the revival of LTTE and the publication of the monstrous lie in the PAS publication, Harakah, of an evil but non-existing LTTE-DAP-Israel-American quartet? Read the rest of this entry »
DAP condemns terrorism in any form but wants the police to honour the spirit of an “accountable and transparent government” and not to have any “Deep State” mentality reflecting the past kleptocratic government
Posted by Kit in DAP, Law & Order, SOSMA on Sunday, 13 October 2019
DAP mengutuk keras sebarang bentuk keganasan dan pada masa yang sama mahu melihat pihak Polis menghormati semangat “kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab dan telus” dan tidak mewarisi mentaliti lama pemerintahan lepas
Saya baharu sahaja melawat keluarga dua ADUN DAP — ADUN Seremban Jaya P Gunasekaran dan ADUN Gadek G Saminathan yang juga merupakan seorang Exco — yang ditahan untuk siasatan pada hari Khamis lepas dibawah SOSMA atas dakwaan kaitan dengan Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) di Seremban dan Durian Tunggal pagi ini.
DAP mengutuk keras sebarang bentuk keganasan dan pada masa yang sama mahu melihat pihak Polis menghormati semangat “kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab dan telus” seperti yang ditekankan oleh Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan selepas keputusan bersejarah 9 Mei 2018 dan tidak mewarisi mentaliti lama pemerintahan kleptokratik yang lepas.
Di bawah pemerintahan yang lepas, definisi ancaman kepada keselamatan negara bermaksud sebarang ancaman terhadap Perdana Menteri semasa atau pun parti politik yang sedang berkuasa yang tidak berkaitan sama sekali dengan keselamatan dalam negara, seperti cubaan untuk memulihkan nama baik dan maruah negara dengan pendedahan skandal 1MDB yang telah mencemarkan nama negara di peringkat dunia sebagai sebuah kleptokrasi global.
Kerana inilah bekas Timbalan Pengerusi UMNO Batu Kawan, Khairuddin Abu Hassan ditahan di bawah SOSMA pada tahun 2015 dan SOSMA digunakan pada tahun 2016 untuk menahan 15 orang pemimpin pembangkang dan aktivis sivil di masa itu — termasuklah Maria Chin Abdullah yang merupakan Pengerusi Bersih ketika itu dan kini Ahli Parlimen untuk Petaling Jaya — atas hubungan himpunan Bersih 5 pada 19 November 2016.
Era di mana isu keselamatan dalam negara menjadi tanggungjawab mutlak pihak Polis sudah pun tamat, kini, isu keselamatan dalam negara sepatutnya menjadi tanggungjawab bersama semua rakyat Malaysia yang patriotik. Read the rest of this entry »
Call for the immediate release of Gunasekaran and Saminathan and the other five detained for suspected attempt to revive the LTTE or they should be charged in court to afford them a chance to defend themselves
Posted by Kit in DAP, Human Rights, Law & Order on Friday, 11 October 2019
Seruan untuk pembebasan segera Gunasekaran dan Saminathan serta lima yang lain yang ditahan kerana disyaki cuba untuk menghidupkan semula LTTE harus dibebaskan segera atau didakwa di mahkamah supaya mereka mempunyai peluang untuk membela diri
Seperti yang ditegaskan oleh 16 Ahli Parlimen dan ADUN dari Pakatan Harapan dalam satu kenyataan bersama semalam berhubung penahanan dua ADUN DAP dan lima yang lain oleh pihak polis atas dakwaan mereka mempunyai kaitan dengan LTTE adalah di luar pemahaman, kerana LTTE sebagai sebuah gerakan pembebasan Tamil telahpun terhapus di Sri Lanka selepas berakhirnya perang saudara yang berlarutan selama 26 tahun pada tahun 2009, di mana ketua LTTE Vellupillai Prabhakaran terbunuh.
Lebih daripada 10 tahun sudah berlalu dan amatlah tidak masuk akal untuk membayangkan kebangkitan semula LTTE dari Malaysia, apatah lagi membabitkan pemimpin-pemimpin DAP.
Selama 53 tahun, DAP komited terhadap perjuangan politik yang aman dan demokratik dalam membawa perubahan, sekaligus menolak sebarang bentuk keganasan – apatah lagi terorisme.
Saya sendiri pernah ditahan mengikut Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) yang sudah dihapuskan atas dakwaan menganggu-gugat keselamatan negara, dan amatlah penting, terutamanya sejak perubahan kerajaan pada 9 Mei 2018 yang lalu, untuk strategi dan pemikiran polis berhubung soal perbezaan pendapat yang sah dan apa yang dimaksudkan sebagai ancaman kepada keselamatan negara, perlu melalui berubah dengan sewajarnya.
Ini antara sebab mengapa Pakatan Harapan berjanji dalam Manifesto Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 lalu untuk menghapuskan akta-akta yang menindas, terutamanya peruntukan yang bersifat drakonian dalam Akta SOSMA 2012. Read the rest of this entry »
The three things that happened to me in my first Internal Security Act detention in Muar 1969-1970
Posted by Kit in DAP, nation building on Friday, 27 September 2019
Tiga perkara yang berlaku pada saya semasa penahanan pertama saya di bawah ISA di Muar di antara tahun 1969 hingga tahun 1970
Tiga perkara yang telah berlaku sepanjang 17 bulan saya ditahan buat kali pertama di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) di Pusat Tahanan Muar dalam tahun 1969-1970.
Pertamanya, saya memulakan pengajian ijazah sarjana muda perundangan dengan program luaran University of London dan kemudiannya saya terbang ke London sebanyak tiga kali dengan penerbangan termurah yang ada pada masa tersebut (Aeroflot), untuk majlis makan malam di Lincoln’s Inn bagi mendapatkan kelayakan untuk dipanggil ke bar di London. Tetapi saya memutuskan untuk tidak menjadi seorang peguam.
Kedua, saya belajar untuk membaca dan menulis dalam jawi dengan sendiri.
Tetapi, perkara ketigalah yang mengubah hidup saya, berkenaan dengan integriti dan kesetiaan kepada prinsip — kata-kata seorang patriot-penyair-ahli politik China Wen Tianxiang yang berbunyi:
“Siapakah yang dapat mengelakkan kematiannya sejak permulaan zaman?
“Biarlah hati saya cekal murni untuk kekal bersinar dalam sejarah.” Read the rest of this entry »
PAS-UMNO Himpunan Penyatuan Ummah (HPU) is not about Malays or Muslims but about saving UMNO from oblivion and keeping UMNO leaders out of jail and giving PAS the opportunity to be Big Brother in a PAS-UMNO alliance and for PAS President to have a shot to be Prime Minister of Malaysia
Himpunan Penyatuan Ummah (HPU) PAS-UMNO bukan tentang orang Melayu atau Islam, sebaliknya tentang menyelamatkan UMNO daripada dilupakan dan untuk mengelakkan pemimpin UMNO daripada meringkuk di dalam penjara dan memberikan PAS peluang untuk merasa menjadi Abang Besar dalam gabungan PAS-UMNO dan untuk Presiden PAS mencuba nasib untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia
Himpunan Penyatuan Ummah (HPU) PAS-UMNO di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra UMNO Sabtu lalu, bukanlah tentang Melayu, Islam atau Raja-raja Melayu tetapi untuk menyelamatkan UMNO daripada dilupakan, malah untuk mengelakkan pemimpin UMNO daripada meringkuk di dalam penjara sepanjang hayat mereka dek kerana amalan rasuah dan salah guna kuasa semasa mereka berada di dalam kerajaan, dan memberikan peluang untuk PAS merasa jadi “Abang Besar” dalam gabungan PAS-UMNO dan menjadi penyelamat kepada UMNO yang kleptokratik — inilah sebab mengapa ia digelar sebagai klepto-teokrasi — dan untuk memberikan peluang yang julung-julung kalinya buat Presiden PAS untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia setelah dinafikan peluang berkenaan semasa berada di dalam gabungan Pakatan Rakyat.
Untuk mencapai objektif-objektif berkenaan, gabungan PAS-UMNO perlu mencipta suasana yang dipenuhi rasa ketakutan, cemas dan kebencian yang tidak berasas dan diada-adakan di kalangan orang Melayu dan Islam, yang merupakan majoriti pengundi di Semenanjung Malaysia, dan untuk pertama kalinya setelah merdeka, kaum Melayu dan agama Islam kononnya berdepan krisis eksistensial, menepikan tiga fakta asas berikut:
Pertama, siapa yang berada di dalam kerajaan sejak enam dekad yang lalu dan bagaimana mungkin untuk kerajaan Pakatan Harapan memperbetulkan masalah yang diciptakan UMNO dalam tempoh masa satu, dua atau lima tahun sedangkan hegemoni UMNO dalam kerajaan telah bersarang selama enam dekad lamanya, yang agenda sebenarnya bukan untuk mengangkat taraf kehidupan bumiputera tetapi sebaliknya untuk mewujudkan UMNO-putra yang hari ini telah menciptakan kleptokrat global Malaysia pertama yang menjadi watak penting dalam skandal rasuah membabitkan 1MDB. Pakatan Harapan tidak akan menghapuskan apa yang baik untuk negara, tetapi akan melaksanakan pembaharuan terhadap apa yang buruk dan menjejaskan negara;
Kedua, fitnah terbesar bahawa DAP kononnya anti-Melayu, anti-Islam dan anti- Raja-raja Melayu, sedangkan DAP telah berulang kali menegaskan, di dalam Parlimen dan di dalam dokumen dasar sejak lima dekad lalu, dan di dalam pengumuman dasar asas gabungan politik DAP, sama ada Gagasan Rakyat, Barisan Alternatif, Pakatan Rakyat dan terbaharu Pakatan Harapan, menegaskan dan menegaskan semula sokongan dan komitmen DAP terhadap perkara asas dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan, terutamanya berhubung bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa rasmi, Islam sebagai agama rasmi dan sistem raja berpelembagaan di Malaysia.
Ketiga, realiti demografi di Malaysia yang memberi jaminan bahawa orang Melayu tidak akan kehilangan kuasa politik, tak kira apa jua yang akan berlaku terhadap UMNO atau PAS dalam pilihan raya umum akan datang. Read the rest of this entry »
Don’t deregister UMNO – let it self-destruct!
Posted by Kit in DAP, Hate Speech, nation building, UMNO on Tuesday, 3 September 2019
Jangan batalkan pendaftaran UMNO — biarlah ia musnah dengan sendiri!
Saya bersetuju dengan Ahli Parlimen DAP Kepong Lim Lip Eng yang mana kerajaan tidak sepatutnya membatalkan pendaftaran UMNO kerana kesalahan para pemimpinnya. Namun begitu, politik kotor parti tersebut haruslah dibendung.
Saya percaya bahawa kerajaan Pakatan Harapan harus mengambil kedudukan yang lebih tinggi dan berikan ruang dan masa untuk UMNO memperbetulkan salahlakunya.
Sepanjang lima tahun di antara 2013 sehingga 2018, DAP pernah menghadapi situasi yang sama di mana Kabinet Najib mempertimbangkan pembubaran secara haram parti ini berdasarkan pelbagai tuduhan yang dibuat-buat.
Dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 yang berlangsung pada 5 Mei 2013 yang lalu, rejim Najib hanya berubah fikiran pada saat terakhir daripada keputusan untuk mengharamkan penggunaan simbol roket DAP pada PRU tersebut.
Sebelum PRU14, rejim Najib merasakan sangat yakin dengan kebolehan mereka untuk memenangi sehingga ⅔ kerusi Parlimen sehingga mereka memutuskan untuk tidak menggantung pendaftaran DAP — yang berasaskan tuduhan kononnya pilihan raya dalaman parti pada Disember 2012 dilaksanakan dengan cara yang tidak demokratik dan melanggar undang-undang — dan sebaliknya memilih untuk mengharamkan Parti Bersatu yang baru ditubuhkan. Read the rest of this entry »