Pakatan Harapan is worth saving as no other political grouping in Malaysia is committed to restore Tunku Abdul Rahman’s vision of a Malaysia as “a beacon of light in a difficult and distracted world”

Pakatan Harapan mesti diselamatkan memandangkan tidak ada kumpulan lain yang komited untuk memulihkan Malaysia selari dengan visi Tunku Abdul Rahman untuk Malaysia menjadi “cahaya yang menerangi kegelapan dalam dunia yang penuh cabaran”

Selepas ADUN DAP Negri Sembilan untuk kawasan Seremban Jaya, P Gunasekaran dibebaskan daripada pertuduhannya semalam, saya berada di sini sekali lagi hari ini untuk menyaksikan pembebasan Exco Melaka dan ADUN Gadek, G Saminathan bersama dengan sepuluh yang lain daripada pertuduhan keganasan berkaitan LTTE.

Saminathan, Gunasekaran, dan sepuluh yang lain berserta keluarga dan orang tersayang mereka telah menderita sepanjang 20 minggu yang lepas kerana mereka tidak bersalah atas tuduhan yang dikenakan kepada mereka, terutamanya pertuduhan yang kononnya mereka berhasrat untuk menghidupkan semula LTTE sedangkan pertubuhan itu telahpun berhenti daripada berfungsi hampir sedekad.

Perkembangan politik tergempar sepanjang dua hari yang lepas untuk menumbangkan kerajaan Pakatan Harapan dan untuk mengeluarkan DAP daripada kerajaan persekutuan di Putrajaya dan kes 12 orang, termasuklah Saminathan dan Gunasekaran dan penahanan mereka selama hampir 20 minggu di atas pertuduhan berkaitan LTTE sedangkan mereka tidak bersalah, menimbulkan persoalan sama ada berbaloi untuk menyelamatkan Pakatan Harapan ataupun tidak.

Saya akan menjawab dengan positif — yang Pakatan Harapan masih perlu diselamatkan kerana tidak ada kumpulan politik lain yang komited untuk memulihkan Malaysia selari dengan visi Tunku Abdul Rahman untuk Malaysia menjadi “cahaya yang menerangi kegelapan dalam dunia yang penuh cabaran”.

Saya tidak bersetuju dengan pelbagai perkara yang telah dibuat di atas nama Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan sepanjang 20 bulan yang lepas, tetapi seperti yang saya telah katakan kepada pemimpin DAP semalam, selagi DAP kekal ikhlas, setia, dan berpegang teguh dengan prinsip dan objektifnya untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara yang hebat, dan tidak melawan hati nurani mereka, mereka haruslah bersedia untuk menjadi tidak popular malah disalah-faham.

Tetapi saya percaya Pakatan Harapan ini harus diselamatkan dan semua rakyat Malaysia perlu berusaha untuk mengalahkan cubaan oleh pihak-pihak oportunis politik yang tidak bertanggung jawab untuk menumbangkan kerajaan Pakatan Harapan, kerana alternatif kepada Impian Malaysia — di mana negara kita menjadi Harimau Ekonomi dan negara berkelas-dunia — adalah Mimpi Ngeri Malaysia di mana negara kita kembali menjadi sebuah kleptokrasi global dan negara gagal, malah lebih teruk lagi, mungkin menjadi sebuah kakistokrasi di mana anasir yang paling teruk, paling tidak berkelayakan, dan paling tidak berprinsip menduduki jawatan tertinggi negara.

Berikut adalah cogan kata Pakatan Harapan seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Buku Harapan:

“Pakatan Harapan bertekad untuk mengembalikan kegemilangan tanah air kita, iaitu seperti yang diimpikan oleh rakyat seluruhnya.

“Pakatan Harapan bertekad untuk menebus semula maruah rakyat Malaysia yang telah digadai oleh UMNO dan Barisan Nasional.

“Pakatan Harapan akan membawa Malaysia ke wawasan baru dan seterusnya memacu Malaysia untuk kembali dikagumi dunia.“

Berikut pula adalah janji Pakatan Harapan dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14:

“Perjuangan kami adalah perjuangan holistik untuk 99 peratus rakyat Malaysia, bukan seperti UMNO dan Barisan Nasional yang hanya mementingkan 1 peratus kroni mereka sahaja.

“Perjuangan Pakatan Harapan adalah untuk menjamin kesejahteraan hidup seluruh rakyat, tanpa mengira kaum, bangsa dan agama.

“Kami akan menghentikan kerosakan institusi-institusi penting negara, dan akan mengembalikan kedaulatan undang-undang, lantas menjamin kebebasan agensiagensi penting dalam kerajaan.

“Kami akan melaksanakan strategi serampang dua mata, iaitu membersihkan Malaysia daripada rasuah dan kleptokrasi serta memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi mapan yang manfaatnya dikongsi oleh semua dan bukan dibolot oleh mereka yang berkuasa sahaja.

“Kami menjanjikan pemimpin yang bersih iaitu pemimpin yang komited dalam membersihkan negara ini dan yang bertekad untuk membantu golongan yang memerlukan

“Visi kami ialah sebuah negara yang bersatu padu dalam membela nasib Pribumi dan rakyat Malaysia pelbagai bangsa, agar pembangunan dan kesejahteraan ekonomi dapat dikongsi bersama secara adil dan saksama, tanpa dibolot oleh tangan-tangan rakus yang mengaut kekayaan untuk diri sendiri. “

Sudah tiba masanya Pakatan Harapan bersama rakyat untuk menebus maruah bangsa, membina negara dan memenuhi harapan.

Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan tidak sempurna, tetapi kami menghala ke arah sebuah Malaysia yang Baharu and tidak ada kumpulan politik yang lain yang telah memberikan komitmen sebegitu untuk meneruskan hala tuju ini dalam pembinaan negara Malaysia.

(Komen Media Ahli Parlimen DAP Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang di Kompleks Mahkamah Duta selepas pembebasan Exco Melaka dan ADUN Gadek G Saminathan, dan 9 yang lain yang didakwa dengan tuduhan keganasan berkaitan dengan LTTE pada hari Selasa 25 Febuari 2020)


After the acquittal of P. Gunasekaran, DAP Negri Sembilan State Assemblyman for Seremban Jaya yesterday, I am here today for the acquittal of G. Saminathan, DAP Malacca State Exco and State Assemblyman for Gadek as well as the acquittal of ten others on charges of LTTE-related terrorism offences.

Saminathan, Gunasekeran and the ten others and their families and loved ones had suffered grievously in the past 20 weeks for they are innocent of the LTTE- related terrorism charges, in particular of wanting to revive the LTTE when it had been defunct close to a decade.

The extraordinary political developments in the last two days to topple the Pakatan Harapan government and to get the DAP out of the Federal Government in Putrajaya and the cases of the 12 persons, including Saminathan and Gunasekeran and their incarceration for close to 20 weeks for LTTE-related terrorism charges when they were innocent, raises the question whether the Pakatan Harapan is worthwhile and should be saved!

I would answer in the positive – that Pakatan Harapan is worth saving as no other political grouping in Malaysia is committed to restore Tunku Abdul Rahman’s vision of a Malaysia as “a beacon of light in a difficult and distracted world”

I do not agree with all the things done in the name of the Pakatan Harapan Government in the past 20 months, but as I said to DAP leaders yesterday, so long as DAP leaders remain true, loyal and steadfast to their principles and objectives to make Malaysia a great nation, and do not go against their conscience, they must be prepared to be unpopular and even misunderstood.

But I believe that the Pakatan Harapan coalition is worth saving, and all efforts should be made by Malaysians to defeat the attempts by irresponsible political opportunists to topple the Pakatan Harapan Government, because the alternative to the Malaysian Dream that we are trying to achieve of the country becoming a Tiger Economy and a world top-class nation is a Malaysian Nightmare of the reversion to a global kleptocracy, a failed and rogue state, and even worse, the advent of a kakistocracy where the worst, the most unscrupulous and the most unprincipled elements of society occupy the high offices of state in the nation.

The following is the clarion call of the Pakatan Harapan as contained in the Buku Harapan – the Pakatan Harapan’s 14th General Election Manifesto:

“Pakatan Harapan is determined to bring back the glory that we once enjoyed.

“Pakatan Harapan is determined to reclaim the pride of all Malaysians that has been sold and bartered away by UMNO and Barisan Nasional.

“Pakatan Harapan is determined to bring Malaysia to a new vision and then drive it back to a stage where we are once again the envy of the world.”

This was Pakatan Harapan promise in the 14th General Election:

“Our promises are for the 99 percent, and not just for the 1 percent cronies of UMNO and Barisan Nasional.

“We promise hope for all citizens, regardless of race and religion.

“We will stop the rot in key national institutions and we will return the rule of law by ensuring the independence and integrity of important government agencies.

“We will cleanse Malaysia from corruption, malfeasance and kleptocracy, and at the same time drive a sustainable economic growth so that the benefits can be shared by all, not just by a few people in power.

“We offer leaders who are clean and committed to cleaning up this country from the rot, and leaders who are committed to helping people of all backgrounds.

“Our vision is a nation where the citizens are united in championing the fate of the Pribumi and all Malaysian citizens, so that the development and growth can be enjoyed by all in a fair and equitable manner, not monopolised by those who are only interested in enriching themselves.

“It is time for Pakatan Harapan and for all of us to reclaim this nation’s honour, rebuild this nation, and fulfil our potentials.”

Pakatan Harapan Government is not perfect, but we are set in this direction of a New Malaysia, and no other political group has made a similar commitment to continue in this direction in Malaysian nation-building.

[Media Comment by DAP MP for Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang at the Duta Court Complex after the acquittal of G. Saminathan, Malacca State Exco and State Assemblyman for Gadek, and nine others charged with LTTE-related terrorism offences on Tuesday, 25th February 2020 at 10.30 a.m.]

  1. #1 by drngsc on Tuesday, 25 February 2020 - 2:49 pm

    I hope that all of you can get enough support to form the new government under the Pakatan Harapan 2.0. The best news out of the 24th Feb failed coup is that most of the bad hats have committed political suicide and are gone. P Harapan 2.0 is leaner and cleaner. I hope that all of you have learn your lessons not to repeat the mistakes of P Harapan 1.0. Please constitute the Presidential Council properly with proper rules and authority, and how to make an execute binding decisions. Please work to prevent dictatorial stance and behaviour. We must implement the Harapan Manifesto which is the hope of the people and why you all won GE 14. Now that the useless, politicking ex-Minister of Economy is gone, please work hard to improve the economy. You have now ( give and take ), 36 months to do so. The road ahead is tough. I wish you all all the very best. We are relying on you all.

  2. #2 by Bigjoe on Tuesday, 25 February 2020 - 4:03 pm

    PAS, after Azmin and Bersatu roped them for his attempted coup, having failed, lose no time to criticise Mahathir which Azmin and Bersatu swear they have govt with PAS that support Mahathir..

    I must insist, Malay politics is toxic and dysfunctional. If it does not change, move forward ditching the entire Ketuanan concept, identity politics based on Malay, loses its legitimacy. It is not unthinkable, it may be necessary, fact is, its already not a bad idea.

  3. #3 by Bigjoe on Tuesday, 25 February 2020 - 5:59 pm

    There really is only one way out now for Mahathir, do everything he can to make Anwar the PM and PH the driver in Malaysian politics for the next few decades. There is no other possible choice for Mahathir. Frankly, everyone else even Sabah and Sarawak parties has no legitimacy after this fiasco..

  4. #4 by Bigjoe on Tuesday, 25 February 2020 - 8:59 pm

    Seriously, all the drama is because Bersatu together with Azmin & Co decides to throw tantrum over demanding Mahathir fulfill his promise to hand power to Anwar?

    I say it again, Malay political leadership is a joke. The politics over the Malay identity is not only toxic, its infantile toxic. Getting rid of it is more than legitimate.

  5. #5 by Bigjoe on Tuesday, 25 February 2020 - 9:53 pm

    This nonsense about supporting Mahathir but not Mahathir’s promise to handover power to Anwar is infantile, ridiculous. its nothing more than feudal politics and dysfunctional toxic politics. The fact they argue, the more urgent to do it. You have to rid the dysfunctionality and toxicity the sooner the better. Bite the bullet, haul them up and slap them silly. If they want to be infantile, tell them to quit and go suckle their mother’s breast and let the adults do the work.

  6. #6 by Bigjoe on Wednesday, 26 February 2020 - 5:36 am

    More nonsense about supporting Mahathir but not ruling out working with UMNO. I blame Mahathir for this nonsense he created but it is also clear as he is the origin of the problems, he is also the only one who understand the mess he created among Bersatu-UMNO-PAS-Azmin&Co. Its Mahathir’s Karma…

  7. #7 by Bigjoe on Wednesday, 26 February 2020 - 5:41 am

    Has anyone in PH given thought, what if Mahathir die tmrw? We are all so in deep…..

  8. #8 by pulau_sibu on Wednesday, 26 February 2020 - 11:09 am

    interesting. Mukhriz has the same interpretation as me. Mukhriz said (from the Star): “They say it’s in the people’s interest when in fact it’s to save Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (from their corruption trials).
    “The rakyat is not stupid,” said Mukhriz.

    If the purpose of this coup is to get unno on board so that the criminals will be freed, these traitors should be arrested and prosecuted. Should the police make an investigation? the cousin tried very hard to make the coup happening, so the motive is very clear. some one please lodge a police report.

    bersatu is dreaming? it is a mosquito party and next will be swallowed by unno. next prime minister will be from unno. why the move by bersatu members. not understandable.

  9. #9 by winstony on Wednesday, 26 February 2020 - 12:44 pm

    Well, well, well.
    PH, including the DAP is supposed to be the antidote to bad government.
    But from what we can judge, we just cannot find anything that they have done that will improve the quality of life of the people.
    And they are already near the mid term of their mandate.
    Can LKS enlighten us about its achievements so far?
    Or perhaps that of any of its coalition partners?

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