Archive for February 1st, 2020

DAP demonisers should make up their mind – Is DAP communist, want to revive communism, Christian committed to set up a Christian state in Malaysia, Chinese chauvinist, anti-Islam, anti-Malay, anti-Indian, anti-Chinese, puppet-master of Mahathir, stooge of Mahathir – as it is impossible for DAP to play so many conflicting and contradictory roles

DAP demonisers should make up their mind – is DAP communist, want to revive communism, Christian committed to set up a Christian State in Malaysia, Chinese chauvinist, anti-Malay, anti-Indian, anti-Chinese, puppet-master of Mahathir, stooge of Mahathir – as it is impossible for DAP to play so many conflicting and contradictory roles.

In actual fact, the DAP is none of these, as it is a patriotic Malaysian political party upholding the Malaysian Constitution and the Rukunegara principles and fully committed to improving the socio-economic welfare of all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region and wants to see Malaysia succeed as a democratic, just, progressive and prosperous nation which can take its rightful place in the international community.

The latest demonization of DAP came from the former inspector-general of police (IGP) Tan Sri Musa Hassan who in a lecture at Universiti Teknologi Mara tried to poison the minds of the new generation of Malaysians by alleging that DAP of an agenda to rewrite history by reviving the communist ideology.

DAP is a political party with a 54-year history, and although DAP leaders had previously been detained under the Internal Security Act, neither the DAP nor any of the DAP leaders had ever been accused of being a communist or support of communist causes. Read the rest of this entry »

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