When will the National Security Council revise outdated listing of Covid-19 “coloured zones” to take into account the 45% of the 4,683 Covid-19 cases which have recovered from the novel coronavirus infections?

Bilakah Majlis Keselamatan Negara akan menyemak semula senarai “zon berwarna” jangkitan Covid-19 yang sudah lapuk bagi mengambil kira 45% daripada 4,683 kes dalam negara yang telah pulih daripada jangkitan ini?

Menteri Kanan Ismail Sabri Yaakob telah mengumumkan semalam yang hanya kedai gunting rambut di “zon hijau” sahaja (yang bebas daripada sebarang jangkitan koronavirus) yang akan dibenarkan untuk beroperasi semula, satu lagi pusingan-U dalam dasar kerajaan.

Di Semenanjung Malaysia, hanya terdapat empat zon hijau, iaitu Kampar di Perak, Yan di Kedah, Machang di Kelantan, dan Hulu Terengganu di Terengganu.

Berapa banyakkah kedai gunting rambut di Kampar, Yan, Machang, dan Hulu Terengganu?

Semalam, timbalan presiden Persatuan Tukang Gunting Rambut India Wilayah Persekutuan dan Selangor, Akillan Anandakrishnan telah dipetik oleh akhbar sebagai mengatakan lebih daripada seribu kedai gunting rambut di Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor telah mengambil keputusan untuk tidak beroperasi mulai minggu hadapan kerana mereka tidak mahu mengambil risiko kesihatan, walaupun sedang menghadapi tekanan ekonomi.

Jelas sekali Anandakrishnan tersilap, kerana tidak ada satu pun zon hijau di Wilayah Persekutuan ataupun Selangor dan tiada kedai gunting rambut di kawasan ini akan dibenarkan untuk beroperasi.

Kesemua empat daerah Kuala Lumpur, Lembah Pantai (459 kes), Kepong (119 kes), Titiwangsa (112 kes), dan Cheras (69 kes) adalah di bawah kategori zon merah. Manakala di Selangor pula 6 zon di bawah kategori merah, dua jingga, dan satu kuning.

Enam zon merah di Selangor adalah Hulu Langat (378 kes), Petaling (335 kes), Klang (169 kes), Gombak (125 kes), Sepang (61 kes) dan Hulu Selangor (45 kes). Dua zon jingga pula adalah Kuala Selangor (31 kes) dan Kuala Langat (24 kes) manakala zon satu-satunya zon kuning di Selangor adalah Sabak Bernam dengan 15 kes.

Mungkin buat kali pertamanya sejak penubuhan Malaysia pada 1963, Sabah dan Sarawak menjadi penerima manfaat terbesar daripada rancangan Kerajaan Persekutuan — memandangkan kebanyakan zon hijau dalam negara berada di Sabah dan Sarawak. 8 daripada 25 daerah di Sabah dikategorikan sebagai zon hijau dan 17 daripada 31 daerah di Sarawak.

Sarawak mempunyai hanya dua merah iaitu Daerah Kuching (215 kes) dan Samarahan (47 kes), selebihnya adalah 12 zon kuning dan 17 zon hijau.

Sabah pula hanya mempunyai satu zon merah iaitu Tawau (70 kes), dan dua zon jingga, Lahad Datu (38 kes) dan Kota Kinabalu (35 kes) dengan selebihnya 14 zon kuning dan lapan zon hijau.

Banyak persoalan yang memerlukan jawapan — yang terpenting adalah sama ada Majlis Keselamatan Negara serius dalam memimpin negara untuk memenangi peperangan maklumat, kesihatan, dan ekonomi.

Pertama, adakah penggubal dasar dalam MKN sedar yang hanya terdapat empat zon hijau di Semenanjung Malaysia, walaupun Sarawak dan Sabah mempunyai 17 dan 8 zon hijau — kebanyakannya terletak di kawasan pedalaman?

Kedua, dalam meletakkan syarat supaya hanya kedai gunting rambut dalam zon hijau sahaja yang dibenarkan untuk beroperasi, adakah para penggubal polisi di MKN sedar yang hampir 90% tukang gunting rambut akan terkecuali ketika mereka sedang menghadapi kesukaran ekonomi ini?

Ketiga, apakah rasional di sebalik keputusan untuk meletakkan kedai gunting rambut dan salun rambut di bawah kategori perkhidmatan utama negara (essential services) sedangkan kebanyakan aktiviti ekonomi dalam negara masih dibekukan akibat perintah kawalan pergerakan (PKP)?

Keempat, adakah penggubal dasar di MKN sedar yang mereka bergantung kepada maklumat lapuk untuk zon berwarna mereka yang menggunakan jumlah terkumpul jangkitan Covid-19 tanpa mengambil kira 45% kes yang sudah pulih daripada sejumlah 4,683 kes keseluruhan?

Daripada statistik terkini, terdapat sejumlah 148 zon; 26 merah, 15 jingga, 78 kuning, dan 29 hijau. Tetapi zon ini dikategorikan berdasarkan jumlah kes terkumpul, tanpa mengambil kira 45% daripada 4,683 kes-kes yang disahkan ini telahpun sembuh.

Jika diambil kira 45% ini, jumlah zon merah dan jingga akan berkurangan dan kita akan dapat lihat lebih banyak zon kuning dan hijau.

Bilakah Majlis Keselamatan Negara akan menyemak semula senarai lapuk ini untuk mengambil kira 45% daripada kes yang telah disahkan pulih ini?

Malaysia telah menjadi bahan jenaka dunia dalam cara kita mengendalikan sesetengah aspek wabak Covid-19 ini.

Minggu lepas, saya telah menyatakan sokongan saya terhadap cadangan daripada Ketua Pengarah Penjara Zulkifli Omar supaya pihak mahkamah berhenti daripada memenjarakan pesalah yang ingkar terhadap PKP kerana perbuatan itu akan membantutkan tujuan utama dilaksanakan PKP iaitu untuk memutuskan rantaian jangkitan koronavirus dan mendatarkan lengkungan jangkitan.

Sistem penjara negara kita terlalu sesak, dengan 73,000 banduan ditempatkan di fasiliti yang dibina untuk menempatkan 52,000 banduan di sekitar 50 kompleks penjara di seluruh negara, membuatkan pembatasan sosial mustahil di dalam kompleks penjara ini.

Ketua Hakim Negara, Tan Sri Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat juga telah memberikan nasihat kepada semua pegawai kehakiman untuk mempertimbangkan risiko penyebaran Covid-19 ke dalam sistem penjara apabila memutuskan hukuman kerana pengingkaran PKP.

Namun begitu, kelihatan seperti terdapat satu lagi pusingan-U.

Lima hari yang lepas, Pengarah Jabatan Keselamatan Dalam Negeri dan Ketenteraman Awam PDRM Datuk Seri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani telah memberikan respons kepada kegusaran ramai mengenai hukuman penjara terhadap pesalah yang ingkar PKP yang berlawanan dengan objektif pembatasan sosial dan mengumumkan yang pihak polis akan mengenakan denda sebanyak RM1,000 untuk kesalahan pertama.

Semalam, Menteri Kanan Ismail Sabri kelihatan seperti beliau cenderung ke arah hukuman penjara kepada mereka yang ingkar kepada PKP apabila beliau mengatakan yang denda RM1,000 itu terlalu kecil dan pihak polis tidak akan lagi berkompromi dengan mereka yang ingkar dengan PKP.

Oleh itu, Ismail patut menjelaskan sama ada MKN telah mempertimbangkan cadangan supaya kerajaan melepaskan banduan lebih awal daripada penjara-penjara yang terlebih sesak dan juga menjelaskan keputusan yang dicapai dalam perbincangan tersebut.

Pihak berkuasa di Indonesia sedang membebaskan hampir 30,000 banduan daripada kompleks penjara di seluruh negara tersebut sebagai sebahagian daripada usaha untuk membendung penyebaran wabak Covid-19 ini di dalam penjara — mereka terdiri daripada banduan yang telah menjalani dua pertiga daripada hukuman mereka tetapi tidak termasuk banduan yang dipenjarakan atas kesalah berkaitan rasuah, keganasan, dan jenayah dadah.

India juga telah membebaskan ribuan banduan, selepas Mahkamah Agung di negara tersebut menasihatkan pihak penjara untuk membebaskan mereka yang sedang menunggu perbicaraan untuk jenayah yang membawa hukuman kurang daripada tujuh tahun penjara.

Di United Kingdom, ribuan banduan berisiko rendah yang hampir telah menamatkan tempoh hukuman mereka dipertimbangkan untuk pelepasan awal, disebalik kerisauan penularan wabak Covid-19 dalam penjara yang boleh melumpuhkan sistem hospital setempat.

Adakah Ismail Sabri akan menyentuh isu ini dalam sidang media beliau hari ini?

Para menteri harus berhenti daripada menjadikan Malaysia sebagai bahan ketawa dunia dengan cara mereka menangani wabak Covid-19. Malaysia perlu mengambil tindakan yang kreatif dan konstruktif yang boleh dicontohi oleh negara lain dalam melawan penularan wabak ini.

(Kenyataan Media oleh Ahli Parlimen DAP Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang pada hari Isnin 13 April 2020)


Senior Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob led a U-turn when he announced yesterday that barber shops will be allowed to reopen only in “green zones” that are free from coronavirus infections.

There are only four green zones in Peninsular Malaysia, viz. Kampar in Perak, Yan in Kedah, Machang in Kelantan and Hulu Terengganu in Terengganu.

How many barbers are there in Kampar, Yan, Machang and Hulu Terengganu combined?

Yesterday, the deputy president of the Federal Territory and Selangor Indian Barbers Association, Akillan Anandakrishnan was quoted in a press report as saying that more than a thousand barber shops in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor had decided to stay closed until April 30 despite being allowed to operate from next week as they did not want to take health risks despite facing economic pressures.

Anandakrishnan is sorely mistaken as there is no green zone in either the Federal Territory or Selangor and none of the barber shops in these two territories were allowed to operate from next week.

All the four districts of Lembah Pantai (459 cases), Kepong (119 cases), Titiwangsa (112 cases) and Cheras (69 cases) in Kuala Lumpur are red zones, while in Selangor, six of the zones are red, two are orange and one yellow.

The six red zones in Selangor are Hulu Langat (378 cases), Petaling (335 cases), Klang (169 cases), Gombak (125 cases), Sepang (61 cases) and Hulu Selangor (45 cases). The two orange zones are Kuala Selangor (31 cases) and Kuala Langat (24 cases) and the sole yellow zone is Sabak Bernam (15 cases).

Probably for the first time since Malaysia was formed in 1963, Sarawak and Sabah are the greatest beneficiaries of a Federal Government scheme – as most of the green zones are in Sarawak and Sabah, with 17 of the 31 districts in Sarawak and eight of the 25 districts designated as “green” zones.

Sarawak has only two the red zone, namely the districts of Kuching (215 cases) and Samarahan (47 cases), while the rest 12 yellow zones and 17 green zones.

Sabah has only one red zone is Tawau (70 cases), with two orange zones Lahad Datu (38 cases) and Kota Kinabalu (35 cases) while the rest are 14 yellow zones and eight green zones.

Many questions beg for answer – but the most pressing is whether the National Security Council tasked with leading the nation in the invisible war against the Covid-19 pandemic is serious in wanting to win the multiple wars of information, health and economics in this battle.

First, are the policy makers in the NSC aware that there are only four green zones in Peninsular Malaysia, although Sarawak has 17 and Sabah eight green zones – but mostly in the interior?

Secondly, in imposing the condition that barber shops will be allowed to reopen only in green zones, are the NSC policy-makers aware that they are making a cruel joke in this period of grave economic stress for the barbers and hair stylists, as over 90 per cent of them would be excluded?

Thirdly, what is the rationale for the NSC to emplace barber shops and hair-style salons as an “essential service” when the majority of the economic activities in the country are frozen in the lockdown of the movement control order (MCO)?

Fourthly, are the NSC policy-makers aware that they have been relying on outdated data for their Covid-19 coloured zones, using cumulative Covid-19 cases instead of up-to-date data which take into account that 45% of the 4,683 Covid-19 cases have recovered from the coronavirus infections?

From the latest statistics, there are a total of 148 zones, 26 red, 15 orange, 78 yellow and 29 green. But these were based on the cumulative figures for Covid 19 cases, without taking account of the 45% of the 4,683 Covid-19 cases which had recovered from the novel coronavirus infections.

If the 45% of the 4,683 Covid-19 cases which had recovered from the novel coronavirus infections are taken into account, then there will be much fewer red and orange zones and more yellow and green zones.

When will the National Security Council revise the outdated listing of Covid-19 “coloured zones” to take into account the 45% of the 4,683 Covid-19 cases who have recovered from the novel coronavirus infections?

Malaysia has become the laughing stock in the world in our handling of the Covid-19 pandemic

Last week, I expressed my support for the proposal by the Prison’s Director-General, Zulkifli Omar that the courts should stop jailing people for violating the movement control order (MCO) because it would defeat the very purpose of the MCO to break the chain of transmission of the novel coronavirus infections and to “flatten the curve”.

The country’s prisons are vastly overcrowded with 73,000 prisoners being housed in spaces intended to hold 52,000 inmates in the 50 prisons in the country which make social distancing impossible under these overcrowded conditions.

The Chief Justice, Tan Sri Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat responded most commendably with her advice to all judicial officers to consider the risk of spreading Covid-19 facing prisoners in the country when imposing sentences on violations of the MCO.

However, there seems to be another U-turn here.

It was only five days ago that the Federal police Internal Security and Public Order Department director Datuk Seri Acryl Sani Abullah Sani responded to general concerns about jail sentences for MCO violaters which were inimical to “social distancing” objectives of the MCO and announced that the police would be fined RM1,000 in the first instance for violating the MCO.

Yesterday, Senior Minister Ismail Sabri seemed to be leaning towards custodial sentences for MCO violaters when he said that the RM1,000 fine was too low and that the police will no longer compromise with the MCO violaters.

In this connection, Ismail should explain whether the NSC had considered the proposal that the government should release prisoners in overcrowded prisons because of the Covid-19 pandemic and the outcome of such deliberations.

The Indonesian authorities are freeing 30,000 prisoners from prisons across the country in an effort to prevent the further spread of the novel coronavirus in jails – those who had served two-thirds of their sentences but does not include those convicted for corruption, terrorism, and drug-related crimes.

India has already released thousands of inmates, after the Supreme Court advised prisons to free those awaiting trial for crimes with punishments of seven years or less.

In the United Kingdom, thousands of lower risk prisoners at the end of their custodial sentence are being considered for early release, amid fears that a prison outbreak of COVID-19 could overwhelm local hospitals.

Will Ismail Sabry address this issue in his media conference today?

Ministers should stop making Malaysia the laughing stock of the world in their handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. Let Malaysia do something constructive and creative in the invisible global war against Covid-19 which could be the examples for other countries to follow.

(Media Statement by DAP MP for Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang on Monday, April 13, 2020)

  1. #1 by drngsc on Monday, 13 April 2020 - 7:41 pm

    I have been keeping track of how MOH has been handling this covid crisis. There seem to be a severe lack of overall planning and execution. Information is stuck somewhere and right hand does not know what the left hands wants to do. Even updating their basic information on the MOH website is slow and inefficient. This zoning system must be more dynamic. We are happy that people are recovering. When these people who recovers and return to their community, they are immunised and becomes the focus for a small herd immunity. All it takes, if MOH is serious, is to allow dark red and light red, dark orange or light orange, to reflect that that area is getting better. The people will be happier and the policy makers will also know where to focus their energy. Also these zoning can be more focus, instead of, for example lembah pantai, literally be 1/4 of KL. Looks like there is a severe lack of planning and the public health part MOH is so very inefficient. The medical part of MOH ( frontliners ) are working their butt out.

  2. #2 by winstony on Tuesday, 14 April 2020 - 8:52 am

    Well, well, well.
    It looks like an entity like MITI is giving instructions on the relaxation of the MCO to the public on which businesses or services can reopen.
    Isn’t this in the purview of the MOH?
    Shouldn’t clearance be obtained from the latter prior to issuing such instructions?

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