Archive for February, 2020

For the first time I agree with Pandikar Amin Mulia

For the first time I agree with Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia, former Speaker of Parliament.

Pandikar said:“Persidangan Dewan Rakyat tidak boleh dibuat sesuka hati oleh sesiapa pun.”

He said from the statement of the interim Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, “persidangan khas Parlimen” yang akan diadakan pada 2hb Mac, 2020 adalah untuk menentukan siapa individu yang layak menjadi Perdana Menteri mengikut bilangan undi dari ahli-ahli Dewan Rakyat.

Pandikar said:

“Pada saya, kalau lah tujuan persidangan khas yang akan diadakan pada 2hb Mac itu adalah untuk menentukan kedudukan Perdana Menteri, ianya melanggar Peraturn Mesyuarat (PM) 11 (2) dan PM 11 (3) atas dua sebab:

“1. Tun Mahathir adalah bukan Ketua Majlis atau Perdana Menteri dalam konteks pengertian/tafsiran PM 11. Tun Mahathir telah meletakkan jawatannya sebagai Perdana Menteri dan lantikannya sebagai Perdana Menteri Interim adalah tidak dirangkumi oleh tafsiran sebagai Ketua Majlis.

“2. Memilih seorang Perdana Menteri adalah bukan FAEDAH orang ramai dalam konteks tafsiran PM 11 (3). Urusan yang dibincang dalam mesyuarat Dewan Rakyat dibawah PM 11 (3) adalah bukan untuk memilih kedudukan jawatan seorang Perdana Menteri.”

This is in line with the decision taken by the Pakatan Harapan Presidential Council last night.

(Media Comment by DAP MP for Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang in Kuala Lumpur on Friday, 28th February 2020)


Height of irresponsibility to create a political crisis in Malaysia in the midst of a global coronavirus crisis

It is the height of irresponsibility to create a political crisis in Malaysia in the midst of a global coronavirus crisis.

The World Health Organsiation head Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus has warned that coronavirus outbreak has reached a “decisive point” and has “pandemic potential” as countries around the world battle to prevent the virus spreading further.

For a second day, more cases have been reported outside than inside China.

Iran and Italy have become major centres of infection, with people travelling from there spreading the virus further afield.

Several high-profile Iranian officials have become infected, the latest being Vice-President for Women and Family Affairs Masoumeh Ebtekar.

But in Malaysia, a political crisis had been created for a week by irresponsible political leaders to distract attention from the global coronavirus crisis. Read the rest of this entry »


The best way to establish a national unity government is to build on the foundation of Pakatan Harapan coalition

Although the idea of a national unity government is attractive and should be considered by all rational Malaysians, one thing is clear: No national unity government can be established on treachery, deceit, corruption, betrayal of the people’s mandate or by promoting national disunity.

It is foolish and short-sighted to purportedly establish a national unity government by destroying the Pakatan Harapan Government.

The ideal way to establish a national unity government is to build on the Pakatan Harapan coalition and convince other political parties and entities to come together in the larger interest of the nation to build a New Malaysia – based on the Pakatan Harapan mandate in the 14th General Election for a New Malaysia.

Or to use the words of the Chairman of Pakatan Harapan in the foreword to Buku Harapan dated 8th March 2018, policies and actions “to rebuild the nation and to fulfil the hope of the people”.

Two days ago, I had asked: Read the rest of this entry »


However hard, uphill and even daunting the road, the only way for Malaysia to reclaim the nation’s honour, rebuild and fulfil its potentials is the Pakatan Harapan agenda for a New Malaysia

Sesusah mana sekalipun cabarannya, agenda Malaysia Baharu Pakatan Harapan adalah satu-satunya cara untuk menebus maruah, membina dan membangunkan potensi Malaysia sepenuhnya

Persoalan utama yang berlegar-legar dalam fikiran rakyat Malaysia sepanjang tiga hari yang lepas sudah tentunya berkisar tentang soal sama ada negara ini akan kembali terjunam ke kancah kerosakan di mana mandat rakyat boleh dirampas begitu sahaja dan diseleweng untuk memberi ruang kepada penubuhan satu kerajaan pintu belakang yang akan mengembalikan negara kita ke arah sebuah negara kleptokratik yang gagal, malahan lebih teruk lagi, sebuah kakistokrasi di mana anasir-anasir yang paling teruk, paling tidak berkelayakan, dan paling tidak berprinsip memegang jawatan tertinggi negara.

Sesusah mana sekalipun cabarannya, agenda Malaysia Baharu Pakatan Harapan adalah satu-satunya cara untuk menebus maruah, membina dan membangunkan potensi Malaysia sepenuhnya.

Seperti yang telah dinyatakan di dalam Manifesto Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 Pakatan Harapan, sejak perisytiharan kemerdekaan oleh Bapa Kemerdekaan Tunku Abdul Rahman pada 31 Ogos 1957, “negara kita telah terbina sebagai sebuah negara yang bertuah kerana memiliki rakyat yang majmuk iaitu pelbagai kaum dan pelbagai agama”.

Manifesto tersebut menyambung lagi: Read the rest of this entry »


Pakatan Harapan is worth saving as no other political grouping in Malaysia is committed to restore Tunku Abdul Rahman’s vision of a Malaysia as “a beacon of light in a difficult and distracted world”

Pakatan Harapan mesti diselamatkan memandangkan tidak ada kumpulan lain yang komited untuk memulihkan Malaysia selari dengan visi Tunku Abdul Rahman untuk Malaysia menjadi “cahaya yang menerangi kegelapan dalam dunia yang penuh cabaran”

Selepas ADUN DAP Negri Sembilan untuk kawasan Seremban Jaya, P Gunasekaran dibebaskan daripada pertuduhannya semalam, saya berada di sini sekali lagi hari ini untuk menyaksikan pembebasan Exco Melaka dan ADUN Gadek, G Saminathan bersama dengan sepuluh yang lain daripada pertuduhan keganasan berkaitan LTTE.

Saminathan, Gunasekaran, dan sepuluh yang lain berserta keluarga dan orang tersayang mereka telah menderita sepanjang 20 minggu yang lepas kerana mereka tidak bersalah atas tuduhan yang dikenakan kepada mereka, terutamanya pertuduhan yang kononnya mereka berhasrat untuk menghidupkan semula LTTE sedangkan pertubuhan itu telahpun berhenti daripada berfungsi hampir sedekad.

Perkembangan politik tergempar sepanjang dua hari yang lepas untuk menumbangkan kerajaan Pakatan Harapan dan untuk mengeluarkan DAP daripada kerajaan persekutuan di Putrajaya dan kes 12 orang, termasuklah Saminathan dan Gunasekaran dan penahanan mereka selama hampir 20 minggu di atas pertuduhan berkaitan LTTE sedangkan mereka tidak bersalah, menimbulkan persoalan sama ada berbaloi untuk menyelamatkan Pakatan Harapan ataupun tidak.

Saya akan menjawab dengan positif — yang Pakatan Harapan masih perlu diselamatkan kerana tidak ada kumpulan politik lain yang komited untuk memulihkan Malaysia selari dengan visi Tunku Abdul Rahman untuk Malaysia menjadi “cahaya yang menerangi kegelapan dalam dunia yang penuh cabaran”. Read the rest of this entry »


Who will believe that the 42 BN MPs and 18 Pas MPs now support Pakatan Harapan 14GE Manifesto and the arrest and trial of Najib and former top BN leaders – and if so, will they make such a declaration?

Siapakah yang akan percaya 42 MP BN dan 18 MP PAS kini menyokong manifesto PRU14 Pakatan Harapan dan penangkapan Najib dan pimpinan BN — dan jika benar, adakah mereka akan mengumumkan perkara ini?

Parlimen dijadualkan untuk bersidang semula pada 9 Mac ini dan tarikh ini juga menandakan bulan ke-21 selepas pilihan raya bersejarah 9 Mei 2018, di mana seluruh dunia telah menyaksikan kepimpinan Malaysia dalam memperbaharui harapan dalam sistem demokrasi sedangkan berbagai negara menyaksikan pengunduran sistem demokrasi memberi ruang kepada rejim autokratik dan kleptokratik.

Namun begitu, adakah kerajaan Pakatan Harapan akan masih wujud pada 9 Mac 2020 ini, atau adakah kita dan seluruh dunia bakal menyaksikan Malaysia dalam satu keadaan yang buruk dan zalim di mana mandat rakyat yang diberikan pada 9 Mei 2018 untuk menyelamatkan negara ini dikhianati oleh sebuah kerajaan pintu belakang yang menggunakan nama Pakatan Harapan untuk membunuh Pakatan Harapan dan untuk menghalalkan kepulangan kleptokrasi ataupun lebih teruk lagi, kemunculan kakistokrasi di mana anasir yang paling teruk, paling tidak berkelayakan, dan paling tidak berprinsip menduduki jawatan tertinggi negara?

Dalam memperkenalkan Manifesto Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14, Buku Harapan, Pengerusi Pakatan Harapan Tun Dr Mahathir pada 8 Mac 2018 telah mengatakan: Read the rest of this entry »


The Save Malaysia mission of the 14th General Election is still very valid and relevant, as we do not want to revert to a global kleptocracy, and even worse, become a kakistocracy with the worst elements who practice dishonesty, perfidy and corruption in the government

Misi menyelamatkan Malaysia PRU14 masih lagi sah dan relevan kerana kita tidak mahu kembali menjadi kleptokrasi global ataupun lebih buruk lagi, sebuah “kakistokrasi” dengan anasir-anasir jahat yang mengamalkan khianat, ketidakjujuran, dan rasuah di dalam kerajaan

DAP akan mengadakan satu mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Tertinggi Pusat tergempar hari ini mengenai perkembangan politik semasa dan kita harus menunggu hasil keputusan mesyuarat tersebut.

Namun begitu, izinkan saya untuk menjelaskan mengenai satu paparan yang telah tersebar luas semalam — yang mengatakan: “Kit Siang di kesan berada di airport, mau lari ka…?” bersama dengan gambar saya di lapangan terbang dan dalam satu paparan yang berasingan, seorang pemimpin UMNO mengatakan: “Mohon standby di airport, tahan pemimpin DAP, PKR, PAN yang nak lari keluar negara – Azri”.

Saya berada di Lapangan Terbang Pulau Pinang semalam, menunggu penerbangan saya ke Kuala Lumpur untuk menghadiri kes mahkamah P Gunasekaran hari ini, dan persoalan untuk melarikan diri daripada negara ini tidak pernah sekali pun terlintas di fikiran saya.

Malah, soal melarikan diri daripada Malaysia ini tidak pernah timbul dalam fikiran mana-mana pemimpin DAP kerana kami bukanlah pencuri, perompak, mahupun penyangak, tetapi kami hanyalah rakyat Malaysia yang patriotik dan berdedikasi untuk menghentikan penjunaman Malaysia kearah menjadi negara kleptokratik yang gagal.

Para pejuang DAP berhasrat untuk berkhidmat untuk semua rakyat Malaysia, tanpa mengira batasan kaum, agama, mahupun kawasan. Kami menyertai politik kerana kami percaya politik adalah satu wadah yang jujur, bermaruah, malah mulia untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara yang lebih baik untuk generasi masa hadapan; kami berpegang kepada pendirian bahawa ahli politiklah yang kotor dan bukan politik itu sendiri. Read the rest of this entry »


Attorney-General’s decision to discontinue proceedings against the 12 persons on LTTE links most welcome

The decision of the Attorney-General Tommy Thomas to discontinue prosecution proceedings against the twelve persons for alleged links to the Liberation Tigers of Eelam (LTTE) with immediate effect is most welcome.

I look forward to the release of Negri Sembilan State Assemblyman for Seremban Jaya P. Gunasekaran, Malacca State Exco and State Assemblyman for Gadek G. Saminathan and other DAP members among the twelve as free men.

While welcoming the release of the Gunasekaran, Saminathan and others, DAP reiterates its condemnation of terrorism in any form and reaffirms it commitment to effect political change through peaceful, non-violent and democratic means and to eschew any resort to any violence or any form of terrorism.

(Media Statement by DAP MP for Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang in Gelang Patah on Friday, 21st February 2020)


The “highest levels” of the former Malaysian Government who believed from “very early on that the MH 370 tragedy was a murder-suicide plot” must now speak up

The “highest levels” of the former Malaysian Government who believed from “very early on that the MH 370 tragedy was a murder-suicide plot must now speak up.

Both Malaysians and Australians must be shocked by the Australian Skynews announcement that former Australian Prime minister Tony Abbott has revealed Malaysian authorities believed the disappearance of flight MH370 was a case of pilot murder-suicide, as 50 Malaysians and six Australians, apart from 153 Chinese, seven Indonesians, four French, three Americans, two New Zealanders, two Canadians, two Iranians, two Ukrainians as well as from other nationalities were among the 239 persons who died in the air tragedy.

Abbott made the explosive comments in part one of Sky News documentary ‘MH370: The Untold Story’, which would be aired tonight.

“My understanding – my very clear understanding – from the very top levels of the Malaysian government is that from very, very early on here, they thought it was a murder-suicide by the pilot,” said Abbott who was Australian premier when the plane disappeared on March 8, 2014.

“I’m not going to say who said what to whom. But let me reiterate – I want to be absolutely crystal clear – it was understood at the highest levels that this was almost certainly murder-suicide by the pilot.

“A mass murder-suicide by the pilot,” said Abbott in a stunning claim.

The world would be waiting for the airing of the two-part investigation tonight and tomorrow night by Skynews as it reveals ground-breaking new details about the MH370 disappearance, which vanished from the radar screen while on its way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board, and which had continued to baffle aviation experts, family members, friends and people from all over the world.

It would appear an international commission of inquiry into the MH 370 disappearance would be necessary as a result of Abbot’s revelations.

(Media Statement by DAP MP for Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang in Gelang Patah on Wednesday 19th February 2020)

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Why are PAS leaders panicking over Pakatan Harapan fulfilling its general election promises on power transition on Friday?

Three days ago, I asked: “Will PAS leaders and Opposition opportunists continue to stir the pot, hoping to perpetuate the perception that the Pakatan Harapan federal government is on its last legs?”

I had said that the “political situation should have stabilised after Anwar met Mahathir on Thursday and said that the Pakatan Harapan agreement of January 7, 2018 on the appointment of Mahathir as the seventh Prime Minister and the transition of power from Mahathir as the seventh Prime Minister to Anwar as the eighth Prime Minister would be finalised at the Pakatan Harapan presidential council on Feb. 21” but that “the prophets of doom and naysayers believed otherwise, claiming that a lot of things could happen before the PH presidential council meeting on Feb. 21”.

I have been proven right.

Why are PAS leaders panicking over Pakatan Harapan fulfilling its general election promise on power transition on Friday? Read the rest of this entry »

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Parliament next month should not only be the most important in the 22-month Pakatan Harapan government, but also in the nation’s history, by implementing the most number of PH promises of a New Malaysia in the 14GE

The announcement by the PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man that PAS will move a “vote of confidence” motion in the Dewan Rakyat to support Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s premiership until the 15th General Election found unusual support from MCA and precipitated the country into a week of frenzy awash with plots, conspiracy theories and fake news of Statutory Declaratins by 138 MPs to torpedo the Pakantan Harapan Government in Putrajaya.

The climax of this political chicanery and psy-war to torpedo the Pakatan Harapan government was the explosive infographic by the MCA-owned newspaper trumpeting that 138 Members of Parliament had purportedly signed Statutory Declaration “for PM to stay the full term”, and a breakdown which political party the 138 MPs came from.

It was the most recent example of the unholy alliance between PAS and MCA to propagate conflicting lies to create an unprecedented scenario in Malaysia – where every ethnic community or religion was made to fear that it faced an existential threat from the other ethnic group or religion and where the DAP was painted as a political party performing the impossible tasks of being the greatest existential threat to Malay rights, position and future as well as that of Islam on the one hand while being the greatest existential threat to the rights, position and future of the Chinese and non-Malays in the country on the other.

All these foam and fluff should have been exposed by the statement by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim last Thursday after his meeting with the Prime Minister and Mahathir’s statement in Langkawi the next day that Anwar had provided an accurate account of what transpired in their meeting. Read the rest of this entry »

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Hadi thinks Malaysians are fools to believe the latest PAS fairy tale that its confidence motion is to save the nation, when in fact it is to torpedo the Pakatan Harapan government and advance Hadi’s choice for Malaysians to be goat-herders or pig-herders

PAS President Datuk Seri Hadi Awang thinks Malaysians are fools to believe the latest PAS fairy tale that its confidence motion in Parliament next month is to save the nation when in fact it is to torpedo the Pakatan Harapan government and advance Hadi’s choice for Malaysians choose to be goat-herders or pig-herders.

It is also proof that the present PAS leadership is never committed to the principles of parliamentary democracy and will be the first to dispense with democratic principles and practices if given access to power, just as the present PAS leadership has exhibited its disloyal attitude to the Constitution and the Rukunegara after the 14th General Election, supporting corruption and kleptocracy as well as approving lies and falsehoods, sanitised as being “shariah-compliant”.

Hadi claims that PAS MPs are not “cowards” and even concocts the lie that DAP MPs are not united on the issue.

This is the latest example of “shariah-compliant” lie sanctioned by the present PAS leadership.

What is the political future of Malaysians for the present PAS leadership – a kleptocratic Malaysia, teeming with “shariah-compliant” sin and lies, for the people to choose to be goat-herders or pig-herders? Read the rest of this entry »


Parliament should honour Kevin Morais who gave his life in the battle against corruption and the heroes and heroines who saved Malaysia from the 1MDB kleptocracy

A little-noticed event in the anti-corruption battle which should have deserved greater and deeper public attention took place on Tuesday – the posthumous award to the late senior deputy public prosecutor, Kevin Morais.

In honouring Kevin Morais with the Perdana International Anti-Corruption Champion 2020 Award at a ceremony which launched the Perdana International Anti-Corruption Champion Foundation (PIACCF), the Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad said the award symbolised PIACCF’s appreciation to all the brave officers who suffered in upholding their integrity.

In his speech, Dr Mahathir also acknowledged the contributions of former Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, former Bank Negara Malaysia Governor Tan Sri Dr Zeti Akhtar Aziz and former Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief commissioner Datuk Seri Mohd Shukri Abdull in exposing the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) scandal.

He said it was a significant case, as it became the turning point of Malaysia’s political direction and sparked an awakening among Malaysians.

“Their collective courage and determination brought a kleptocratic regime to its feet, in an unprecedented show of people’s power,” he added.

Parliament, which is reconvening next month, should honour Kevin Morais who gave his life in the battle against corruption and the heroes and heroines who saved Malaysia from the 1MDB kleptocracy. Read the rest of this entry »

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A question which is also an indictment

There are those who think that it is naïve for me to pose the question: Will the Opposition play its role as an honest, constructive and loyal Opposition to the Constitution and Rukunegara instead of trying its utmost to polarise and divide Malaysians through the politics of race, religion, fake news and hate speech?

This is a question which is also an indictment.

I had not expected any answer from the Opposition and there was none. In the new Internet era of 24-hour news cycle, the two-day total Opposition silence to my question on Tuesday is very eloquent and conclusive proof that the Opposition will continue to be dishonest, destructive and disloyal to the Constitution and Rukunegara so that it could divide Malaysians through the politics of race, religion, fake news and hate speech.

I have always believed that in any democracy, the Opposition has an important role to play to provide the necessary check and balance to prevent abuse of power and other deviations, but it must be an honest, constructive and loyal Opposition – not to the government of the day, but to the country and the basic nation-building documents like the Constitution and the Rukunegara.

I have never believed that to be an effective Opposition, one must be dishonest, destructive and disloyal to the Constitution and Rukunegara which best describe the present Opposition. Read the rest of this entry »

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Will the Opposition play its role as an honest, constructive and loyal Opposition in accordance with the Constitution and Rukunegara instead of trying its utmost to polarise and divide Malaysians through the politics of race, religion, fake news and hate speech?

At last an Opposition leader has spoken the truth when the UMNO deputy president Mohamad Hasan lamented about the level of politicking in the country, stressing that it is Malaysia that required a vote of confidence.

Referring to the PAS move for a vote of confidence for Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad in the Dewan Rakyat next month, Mohamad Hassan said:

“Recently, there has been a lot of politicking in Malaysia, so much so that we forget the country is facing several critical challenges.

“Malaysia is the one that needs the confidence vote. If Malaysia fails to resolve the crisis of confidence which it is facing, Malaysia will continue to remain as a mediocre country.”

It is because of such irresponsible and unhealthy level of politicking by a dishonest, destructive and disloyal Opposition to the Constitution and Rukunegara, that twenty months after the historic, peaceful and democratic change of government in the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018 – one of the few victories of democracy in the world in the past decade – that Malaysia has become a very polarised and divided nation where the politics of race, religion, fake news and hate speech sow and incite suspicion, doubt, distrust and hatred among the different communities, and generate the baseless fear that each community is facing an existential threat with regard to its ethnicity, rights, religion and culture. Read the rest of this entry »

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Fully support call on the Attorney-General to review the case of disabled person Mohamad Sani Isa who is jailed today for attempting suicide as Parliament is in the process of decriminalising suicide

I fully support the call on the Attorney-General Tan Sri Tommy Thomas to review the case of disabled person Mohamad Sani who is jailed today for attempting suicide as Parliament is in the process of decriminalising suicide.

This will be in keeping with the Pakatan Harapan’s promise of a New Malaysia – a more humane and caring nation that looks after the welfare of the more unfortunate sections of society.

Today, there is the good news that Malaysia has achieved its best score and rank to date on the Democracy Index, placing 43rd from a total of 167 countries.

The Democracy Index 2019 report, released by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), gave Malaysia a score of 7.16 from a maximum score of 10.

Malaysia had scored between 5.98 and 6.88 since the index began in 2006. It was ranked 52nd last year with a score of 6.88.

Malaysia’s score of the Democracy Index 2019 improved and the country rose nine places in the global ranking from No. 52 last year to No. 43 out of 167 countries.

One important reason why Malaysia had been falling down the slippery slope of a failed, rogue and kleptocratic state is because the nation’s leaders had disregarded the compass of nation-building which our forefathers had put together, in particular the Malaysian Constitution and the Rukunegara. Read the rest of this entry »

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UiTM should dismiss Musa Hassan as lecturer at its Centre of Media and Information Warfare Studies (CMIWS) as the former IGP has become a “poster boy” not only for media illiteracy but also for lies, fake news and hate speech

UiTM should dismiss former Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan as lecturer at its Centre of Media and Information Warfare Studies (CMIWS) if it aspires to be a centre of excellence for its information warfare centre, as the former IGP has become a “poster boy” not only for media illiteracy but also for lies, fake news and hate speech.

Last October, Musa made himself the joke in the cyber world when he demonstrated his media illiteracy by showing that he did not know that The Onion website was a satirical news website when he defended his comment against an old Onion article on terrorist Osama Bin Laden and the United States’ Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), entitled “CIA Issues Posthumous Apology After New Evidence Clears Osama Bin Laden Of Involvement In 9/11 Attacks”.

Recently, Musa again made a fool of himself when he tried to poison the minds of the new generation of Malaysians alleging that DAP has an agenda to rewrite history by reviving the communist ideology.

In doing do, Musa denigrated the Special Branch of the Malaysian Police as an useless and incompetent outfit, when in fact the Special Branch is one of the best of its kind in the world. Read the rest of this entry »

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DAP demonisers should make up their mind – Is DAP communist, want to revive communism, Christian committed to set up a Christian state in Malaysia, Chinese chauvinist, anti-Islam, anti-Malay, anti-Indian, anti-Chinese, puppet-master of Mahathir, stooge of Mahathir – as it is impossible for DAP to play so many conflicting and contradictory roles

DAP demonisers should make up their mind – is DAP communist, want to revive communism, Christian committed to set up a Christian State in Malaysia, Chinese chauvinist, anti-Malay, anti-Indian, anti-Chinese, puppet-master of Mahathir, stooge of Mahathir – as it is impossible for DAP to play so many conflicting and contradictory roles.

In actual fact, the DAP is none of these, as it is a patriotic Malaysian political party upholding the Malaysian Constitution and the Rukunegara principles and fully committed to improving the socio-economic welfare of all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region and wants to see Malaysia succeed as a democratic, just, progressive and prosperous nation which can take its rightful place in the international community.

The latest demonization of DAP came from the former inspector-general of police (IGP) Tan Sri Musa Hassan who in a lecture at Universiti Teknologi Mara tried to poison the minds of the new generation of Malaysians by alleging that DAP of an agenda to rewrite history by reviving the communist ideology.

DAP is a political party with a 54-year history, and although DAP leaders had previously been detained under the Internal Security Act, neither the DAP nor any of the DAP leaders had ever been accused of being a communist or support of communist causes. Read the rest of this entry »

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