Archive for category nation building

The best way to remember Dr. Chan Man Hin is to continue his vision of a Malaysian Dream – a world class great plural nation which is honest, effective and incorruptible

(Versi BM)

The best way to remember Dr. Chen Man Hin, founder Chairman of Democratic Action Party for 30 years, and who have dedicated over five decades of his life to Malaysia, is to continue his vision of a Malaysian Dream – a world class great plural nation which is honest, effective and incorruptible.

I thank the longest-serving Inspector-General of Police, Tun Haniff Omar, for the declassification of a over-50 year Official Secrets Act document – the statement which I made to the police while in police custody at the Kuala Selangor Police Station lock-up under the Internal Security Act after I rejected advice not to return to Malaysia and flew back to Malaysia on 18th May 1969. Read the rest of this entry »

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Wrong question to ask: “What Malays do you want?” when the question should be: “What Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans and Dayaks do you want?”

(Versi BM)

Somebody asked: “What Malays do you want?”

That is a wrong question to ask. The right question is “What Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans and Dayaks do you want?” Read the rest of this entry »

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Can Malaysia avoid the fate of a failed state like Sri Lanka?

(Versi BM)

The two books launched today have sombre titles, “Malaysia Towads GE15 and Beyond” and “Dark Forces Changing Malaysia” , but they contained important question marks as the final decision has not been taken and as last page of the book on “Dark Forces” put it: GE 15 will decide the future of the nation – a Malay-Malaysia or a Malaysian-Malaysia.

The jailing of former Prime Minister, Najib Razak and the corruption conviction of his wife, Rosmah Mansor, and the contribution of the recent irrational, extremist and bigoted utterances of Hadi Awang, may bring about a sea-change in Malaysian politics.
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Resolve the dissonance in the two dates – National Day on August 31 and Malaysia Day on September 16

(Versi BM)

For a reset to return to the original nation-building principles and policies of Malaysia, one of the first issues is to resolve the dissonance of two dates – National Day on August 31 and Malaysia Day on Sept. 16.

At present, National Day is primarily celebrated officially in Kuala Lumpur while Malaysia Day is officially celebrated in either Sabah or Sarawak.

The official celebration of National Day should not be primarily confined to Kuala Lumpur while the official celebration of Malaysia Day should not only be in Sarawak or Sabah but circulated nationwide.

Both dates should be officially celebrated throughout the country, by rotation.

National Day should be about national issues while Malaysia Day should not be confined to the restoration of Malaysia Agreement 1963 to ensure equitable relationship of the three Malaysian territories – Malay, Sabah and Sarawak.

It should also be how to make Malaysia a world-class great plural nation.

Sarawak will have three dates including Sarawak Independence Day on 22nd July.

Malaysia has embarked on the great task of a reset to return to the original nation-building principles and policies to build a world-class plural great nation with the restoration of the credibility, legitimacy and integrity of institutions – the Judiciary.

It is most touching and heart-warming that the former lord president Salleh Abas was honoured in a special reference by the judiciary, where the Chief Justice, Tun Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat said that the constitutional crisis of 1988 had shown that despite attempts to undermine the independence of the judiciary, judges must be faithful to the Federal Constitution and be resolute in upholding the rule of law.

Describing the 1988 constitutional crisis which saw the removal of Salleh from his post as Lord President as the “darkest chapter in the history of the Malaysian judiciary”, Tengku Maimum stressed that an independent judiciary that is free from external influences is the “life-blood of constitutionalism in a democratic society”.

She said: “This is the foundation of judicial power and the central component of the doctrine of separation of power”.

For three decades since the 1988 constitutional crisis, the principles of the separation of power, the rule of law and the independence of judiciary, came under a cloud – but the political miracle of the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018 had brought out the sun.

This is the first step for Malaysia to fulfil her potential to become a world-class great plural nation – by returning to the original nation-building principles and policies of the nation.

(Malaysia Day Message by DAP MP for Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang in Kuala Lumpur on Friday, September 16, 2022)

Selesaikan perbezaan sambutan dua tarikh – Hari Kebangsaan pada 31 Ogos dan Hari Malaysia pada 16 September

Untuk menetapkan semula hala tuju negara kepada dasar dan prinsip asal Malaysia, salah satu isu yang perlu diselesaikan adalah perbezaan sambutan dua tarikh – Hari Kebangsaan pada 31 Ogos dan Hari Malaysia pada 16 September.

Buat masa ini, Hari Kebangsaan kebiasaannya disambut secara rasmi di Kuala Lumpur manakala Hari Malaysia disambut secara rasmi sama ada di Sabah atau Sarawak.

Sambutan rasmi Hari Kebangsaan ini tidak sepatutnya hanya disambut di Kuala Lumpur sahaja manakala sambutan rasmi Hari Malaysia juga tidak patut hanya disambut di Sarawak atau Sabah, sebaliknya disambut secara bergiliran di seluruh negara.

Kedua-dua tarikh ini patut diadakan sambutan secara rasmi di seluruh negara, mengikut giliran.

Sarawak pula akan mempunyai tiga tarikh untuk diraikan, termasuklah Hari Kemerdekaan Sarawak pada 22 Julai.

Perkara ini juga patut menjadi salah satu langkah untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara majmuk hebat yang bertaraf dunia.

Malaysia telah memulakan perjalanan panjang untuk kembali semula kepada prinsip dan dasar pembinaan negara bangsa untuk membina sebuah negara majmuk hebat bertaraf dunia dengan mengembalikan semula kredibiliti, keabsahan, dan integriti institusi kehakiman.

Amat menyentuh perasaan melihat bekas Ketua Hakim Salleh Abas diberikan penghormatan dalam majlis rujukan khas oleh pihak kehakiman, di mana Ketua Hakim Negara, Tun Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat mengatakan yang krisis perlembagaan pada tahun 1988 telah menunjukkan walaupun ada usaha untuk merendahkan kebebasan pihak kehakiman, para hakim perlu terus berpegang kepada Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan cekal menegakkan kedaulatan undang-undnag.

Menggambarkan krisis perlembagaan 1988 yang menyaksikan penyingkiran Salleh dari jawatannya sebagai Ketua Hakim sebagai satu “”detik gelap dalam sejarah kehakiman Malaysia”, Tengku Maimun menekankan bahawa badan kehakiman yang bebas dari pengaruh luar adalah “asas sistem pegangan perlembagaan dalam masyarakat berdemokratik”.

Beliau mengatakan: “Perkara ini adalah asas kuasa kehakiman dan merupakan teras utama doktrin pemisahan kuasa”.

Untuk tiga dekad sejak dari krisis perlembagaan 1988, prinsip pemisahan kuasa, kedaulatan undang-undang, dan kebebasan badan kehakiman diragui – namun, keajaiban politik Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 pada 9 Mei 2018 akhirnya membawa perubahan.

Perkara ini adalah langkah pertama untuk Malaysia memenuhi potensinya untuk menjadi sebuah negara majmuk hebat bertaraf dunia – dengan kembali semula kepada prinsip-prinsip dan dasar-dasar asal pembinaan negara.

(Perutusan Hari Malaysia Ahli Parlimen DAP Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang di Kuala Lumpur pada hari Jumaat, 16 September 2022)

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Is the jailing of former Prime Minister Najib Razak the tipping point for the Malays, who form the dominant majority in Malaysia, to realise that we must all become Malaysians First and not Malay first, Chinese first, Indian First, Kadazan first or Iban first if Malaysia is to succeed as a world-class great nation?

(Versi BM)

Since the jailing of Najib Razak for the monstrous mega 1MDB financial scandal with the dismissal of his appeal by the Federal Court on 23rd August 2022, I have been wrestling with the question:

Whether the jailing of former Prime Minister Najib Razak is the tipping point for Malays in the country, who form the dominant majority in Malaysia, to realise that we must all become Malaysian First, and not Malay first, Chinese first, Indian first, Kadazan first or Iban first if Malaysia is to succeed as a world-class great nation? Read the rest of this entry »

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National Day in 2022 is diametrically different from National Day in the last two years of 2020 and 2021 – as there is now hope and anticipation instead of black despair and hopelessness

(Versi BM)

The National Day today in 2022 is diametrically different from the National Day in the last two years of 2020 and 2021 – as there is now hope and anticipation instead of black despair and a sense of hopelessness.

In 2020 was the first National Day after the greatest political betrayal in the nation’s history when the Sheraton Move political conspiracy toppled the Pakatan Harapan government and shortened its rule from a mandate for five years to 22 months.
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With Najib’s jailing, there is light at the end of the tunnel that Malaysia will not end up as a failed state like Sri Lanka

(Versi BM)

Today’s launch in Penang of Tony Pua’s Langkah Sheraton NFT project takes place at a critical time in the nation’s history – after 30 months of blackest despair, despondency, dejection and even hopelessness after the Sheraton Move political conspiracy which toppled the 22-month Pakatan Harapan government in February 2020, there is now light at the end of the tunnel that Malaysia will not end up as a failed state like Sri Lanka with the jailing of former Prime Minister, Najib Razak.

There is hope that Malaysia can reset and correct the wrong turn we have taken in nation-building in the last half a century, deviating from the nation-building principles our founding fathers have entrenched in the Malaysian Constitution and Rukun Negara – constitutional monarchy, parliamentary democracy, separation of powers, rule of law, good governance, public integrity, meritocracy, respect for human rights and national unity from our multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-religious and multi-cultural diversity where there are no first-class and second-class citizens whether based on race, religion or region.
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Country is divided between those who asked “What’s next for Najib” and those who asked “What’s next for Malaysia?”

(Versi BM)

August 23, 2022 has proved to be a critical day for Malaysia – which divided the country between those who asked “What’s next for Najib” and those who asked “What’s next for Malaysia”?

Those who asked “What’s next for Najib” have pledged that the “Malu Apa BOSSku” movement will fight on, not realising that the “Malu Apa BOSSku” phenomenon is a Malaysian abomination and had actually done a great disservice to Najib himself. Read the rest of this entry »

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In tribute of Dr. Chen Man Hin (5): Malaysia at the crossroads – to go forward or to go backwards

(Versi BM)

Yesterday, I referred to a document which recently came into my possession – the statement I made to the police while in police custody at the Kuala Selangor Police Station lock-up under the Internal Security Act after I voluntarily flew bac-k to Malaysia on 18th May 1969.

This document was classified for 50 years and was declassified on 24th February 2020.
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In tribute of Dr. Chen Man Hin (4) – “A Tower of Strength in a Time of Darkness”

(Versi BM)

In the early years of DAP, nobody could predict that DAP would be able to survive the onslaught of the UMNO-Barisan Nasional political behemoth, which exercised political hegemony for several decades.

In fact, in the early seventies, a deputy prime minister declared that DAP was “one foot in the grave” and everyone expected the DAP to expire soon after.

But a determined and idealistic band of Malaysians was committed to the Malaysian Dream where every Malaysian, regardless of race, religion and region, is an equal Malaysian citizen and where it is possible to unite all Malaysians despite our ethnic, linguistic, religious and cultural diversity, to make Malaysia a world-class great nation.
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Can Malaysians rediscover the spirit of hope and challenge in the 2018 general election to continue to press for change and excellence in Malaysia to save the country so that Malaysia can be a world-class great nation?

There is an old film on the Inn of Sixth Happiness.

The 56th Installation Dinner tonight is a Dinner of Four Happiness.

Firstly, it is the birthday of Jitco Chin, newly installed President of the Pudu Rotary Club. Read the rest of this entry »

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How can Muhyiddin be an “overlooked reformer” when SOSMA, Sedition Act and Prevention of Crimes Act remain untouched on the statute books despite his being Home Minister for 22 months and Prime Minister for 17 months?

(Versi BM)

How can the Parliament Speaker Azhar Azizan Harun hail Muhyiddin Yassin as an “overlooked reformist” when SOSMA, Sedition Act and the Prevention of Crimes Act remain untouched on the statute books despite his being Minister for 22 months and Prime Minister for 17 months?

Azhar said on Friday at the launch of the book “Muhyiddin Yassin: Leading a Nation in Unprecedented Crisis” by Abdul Mutalib Razak that he could speak from personal experience as among Muhyiddin’s first initiatives as minister was to set up a committee to look into laws that were deemed “unsuitable” such as the Sedition Act, the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act, and the Prevention of Crimes Act. Read the rest of this entry »

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History was made yesterday in Parliament in passing the constitutional amendment against party-hopping, but it is only the beginning of a reset of nation-building policies and principles if Malaysia is to achieve her potential as a world-class great nation

(Versi BM)

History was made yesterday in Parliament in passing the constitutional amendment against party-hopping, but it is only the beginning of a reset of nation-building policies and principles if Malaysia is to achieve her potential as a world-class great nation.

Malaysians should ponder two question about the constitutional amendment passed by Dewan Rakyat with 209 votes in favour, none against with 11 MPs absent, viz: Read the rest of this entry »

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We must highlight “Ketuanan Malaysia” instead of “Ketuanan Melayu” if we are to return to the nation-building principles and policies embedded in the original Constitution and Rukun Negara and as agreed by the nation’s founding fathers if we are not to be left behind in the sands of time

(Versi BM)

An ethnic Indian may become the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to replace Boris Johnson.

Former Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak is at present the front-runner in a race that has been reduced to four Conservative leaders – one man and three women. One of the women, Kemi Badenock is an ethnic Nigerian.
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I am prepared to work with Najib Razak for the good of the country not for a portion of the 1MDB riches but first of all he must condemn the 1MDB scandal and declare his stand against Malaysia becoming a kleptocracy

(Versi BM)

In my six decades of political life, I have always been guided by the view that human personalities must not be seen in pure black and white but in different shades of grey.

There are no angels among men and women but it is wrong see anyone as the very embodiment of evil. Read the rest of this entry »

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Why I declined to be in the Pakatan Harapan Cabinet

(Versi BM)

There is at present an aggressive demonization campaign to make Malaysians believe that the 22-month Pakatan Harapan Government was responsible for all the woes and crisis of the country.

But is this so. Read the rest of this entry »

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What Malaysia can learn from Sri Lanka?

(Versi BM)

It is painful and humiliating to see the agony of Sri Lanka – how a country which some seventy years ago during my school days was regarded as a “jewel” of
South Asia had embarked on the road to ruin and destruction, ending as a bankrupt nation and a failed state, with the people burning not only the residences of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Ministers, but the President had to flee his presidential residence and the country to escape the wrath of the people after a more-than-72-hours stand-off with immigration personnel at the airport.

What is the lesson Malaysia can learn from Sri Lanka?
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Will Zahid sack Prime Minister Ismail Sabri from UMNO if the Registrar of Societies (ROS) does not approve the UMNO constitutional amendment to further postpone UMNO party election until after the 15GE?

(Versi BM)

The question that is being asked by politically-aware Malaysians is whether the UMNO President, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and the former UMNO President and former Prime Minister, Najib Razak, will sack Prime Minister, Ismail Sabri from UMNO if the Registrar of Societies (ROS) does not approve the UMNO constitutional amendment to further postpone UMNO party election until after the 15th General Election.

UMNO Secretary-General Ahmad Maslan said yesterday that apart from complying with the ROS and hold its internal election as required, UMNO has a ‘Plan B’ if the ROS rejects the UMNO constitutional amendment, although he declined to reveal what ‘Plan B’ is. Read the rest of this entry »

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More Malaysians apart from Abang Johari and Daim Zainuddin should speak up on what went wrong in six decades of Malaysian nation-building which is related to the question whether Malaysia can be saved to become a world-class great nation before Malaysia’s Centennial instead of becoming a failed state like Sri Lanka

(Versi BM)

Yesterday Sarawak Premier Abang Johari and former Finance Minister Daim Zainuddin spoke up on what went wrong in six decades of Malaysian nation-building which is related to the question whether Malaysia can be saved to become a world-class great nation instead of becoming a failed state like Sri Lanka.

Abang Johari said UMNO Deputy Chairman Mohamad Hasan’s proposal about a New Malaysia should never be brought up as what is needed is the implementation of the conditions enshrined in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 which was fundamental to the establishment of Malaysia and the results of the Inter-Governmental Committee report. Read the rest of this entry »

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Call for an overall review of Federal-State relations in Malaysia to effect greater decentralisation and confer greater autonomy from Putrajaya to all state governments, not just Sarawak and Sabah

I agree with the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Parliament and Law) Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar that the proposal by the UMNO Deputy Chariman Mohamad Hassan to have a new Malaysia Agreement is “nonsense” as the existing Malaysia Agreement 1963, known as MA63, is a commitment that had been agreed upon by all quarters for the formation of the Federation of Malaysia.

I also agree with Wan Junaidi that what is being demanded by Sabah and Sarawak now is not to renegotiate the existing agreement but the fulfilment of matters that have already been agreed upon. Read the rest of this entry »

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