Archive for category DAP

National Day in 2022 is diametrically different from National Day in the last two years of 2020 and 2021 – as there is now hope and anticipation instead of black despair and hopelessness

(Versi BM)

The National Day today in 2022 is diametrically different from the National Day in the last two years of 2020 and 2021 – as there is now hope and anticipation instead of black despair and a sense of hopelessness.

In 2020 was the first National Day after the greatest political betrayal in the nation’s history when the Sheraton Move political conspiracy toppled the Pakatan Harapan government and shortened its rule from a mandate for five years to 22 months.
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In tribute of Dr. Chen Man Hin (6): Sublime life leaving footprints on the sands of time

(Versi BM)

The outpouring of support and solidarity for Dr. Chen Man Hin at his passing in Seremban reminds me of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem which I had studied in school:

“Lives of great men all remind us, we can make our lives sublime, and, departing, leave behind us, footprints on the sands of time.” Read the rest of this entry »

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In tribute of Dr. Chen Man Hin (5): Malaysia at the crossroads – to go forward or to go backwards

(Versi BM)

Yesterday, I referred to a document which recently came into my possession – the statement I made to the police while in police custody at the Kuala Selangor Police Station lock-up under the Internal Security Act after I voluntarily flew bac-k to Malaysia on 18th May 1969.

This document was classified for 50 years and was declassified on 24th February 2020.
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In tribute of Dr. Chen Man Hin (4) – “A Tower of Strength in a Time of Darkness”

(Versi BM)

In the early years of DAP, nobody could predict that DAP would be able to survive the onslaught of the UMNO-Barisan Nasional political behemoth, which exercised political hegemony for several decades.

In fact, in the early seventies, a deputy prime minister declared that DAP was “one foot in the grave” and everyone expected the DAP to expire soon after.

But a determined and idealistic band of Malaysians was committed to the Malaysian Dream where every Malaysian, regardless of race, religion and region, is an equal Malaysian citizen and where it is possible to unite all Malaysians despite our ethnic, linguistic, religious and cultural diversity, to make Malaysia a world-class great nation.
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In tribute of Dr. Chen Man Hin (3) – “Malaysia needs more Dr. Chen Man Hins”

(Versi BM)
The President of Dewan Negara, Tan Sri Dr. Rais Yatim said that Malaysia needs more political leaders like Dr. Chen Man Hin as it will make the country a better place.

While expressing his condolences over the death of Dr. Chen, Rais said they were from the same political era in the seventies and knew each other since l978 when he was the Negeri Sembilan Mentri Besar. Read the rest of this entry »

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In Tribute to Dr. Chen Man Hin (2) – “Fighter to the end”

(Versi BM)

Public intellectual Dr. Lim Teck Ghee has this to say of Dr. Chen Man Hin:

“Great and good man who was always humble and modest. Fire for the undeserving but charity for the needy and deserving. Very unusual combination.
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In tribute to Dr. Chen Man Hin – we have lost a great Malaysian

(Versi BM)

We have lost a great Malaysian with the death of Dr. Chen Man Hin, 98.

Although China-born, Dr. Chen was a model Malaysian, who regards himself as a Malaysian first despite his Chinese heritage and ethnicity. Read the rest of this entry »

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Time to debunk the sea of lies, fake news and false information which had been polluting the political arena in the last few years

(Versi BM)

The time has come to debunk the sea of lies, fake news and false allegations which had been polluting the political arena in the last few years.

The Prime Minister, Ismail Sabri tried to justify the Sheraton Move conspiracy at the Selangor Barisan Nasional convention on Sunday when he justified the Sheraton Move which unconstitutionally and undemocratically toppled the elected Pakatan Harapan government after 22 months on the grounds of DAP dominance in the Pakatan Harapan government. Read the rest of this entry »

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I have never suggested to Mahathir who should be appointed to Cabinet or high office, and the posts he or she should hold, before or after Mahathir became Prime Minister of Pakatan Harapan Government

(Versi BM)

This is a very DAP occasion as DAP had always been in the forefront of change.

We started as a political party 56 years ago espousing change in Malaysia in fulfilment of the Malaysian Dream, where every Malaysian, regardless of race, religion or region, is entitled to justice, freedom, equality and fair-play. Read the rest of this entry »

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My media statements reflect my political views and has nothing to do with the DAP leadership, as I have retired from competitive politics and no more in the political front-line

(Versi BM)

I have a message for the Malaysian public. My media statements reflect my political views and has nothing to do with the DAP leadership, as I have retired from competitive politics and no more in the political front-line.

I can understand the horror of some Malaysians at my statement on Sunday that I was prepared to work with Najib Razak for the good the country and not for a portion of the 1MDB riches but first all, Najib must condemn the 1MDB scandal and declare his stand against Malaysia becoming a kleptocracy. Read the rest of this entry »

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Why I declined to be in the Pakatan Harapan Cabinet

(Versi BM)

There is at present an aggressive demonization campaign to make Malaysians believe that the 22-month Pakatan Harapan Government was responsible for all the woes and crisis of the country.

But is this so. Read the rest of this entry »

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Visit to Serendah gives me hope Malaysians are not indifferent to the need to save Malaysia for our children and children’s children by ensuring that Malaysia does not become failed state before Malaysia’s Centennial in another four decades

(Versi BM)

While sitting here listening to the speeches of DAP Selangor and Hulu Selangor leaders, a variety of thoughts swirled through my mind.

Firstly , why was I here when about four months ago I announced my political “retirement”. Read the rest of this entry »

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Lam Thye is not telling why he quit politics one week before Parliament was dissolved in 1990 when he went incommunicado by going overseas but don’t lie about it – let issue return to the annals of history

(Versi bm)

Lee Lam Thye is not telling why he quit politics one week before Parliament was dissolved in 1990 and he went incommunicado by going overseas but don’t lie about it.

It had nothing to do with the purported lie that I told him to vacate Bukit Bintang seat for I never did that.
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I have just learnt that young DAP leaders had met Lam Thye before the 1990 general election to ask him to contest elsewhere instead of in Bukit Bintang, but these suggestions were not on behalf of the party leadership

(Versi BM)

I have just learnt that young DAP leaders had met Lee Lam Thye before the 1990 general election to ask him to contest elsewhere instead of in Bukit Bintang but these suggestions were not made on behalf of the party leadership.

It is regrettable that Lam Thye has maintained his lie that I had asked him to contest elsewhere apart from Bukit Bintang, when this was not the case.
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Lam Thye told a big lie in his autobiography and why he quit politics on the eve of the 1990 general election will continue to remain a mystery

(Versi BM)

Lee Lam Thye has told a big lie in his autobiography and why he quit politics on the eve of the 1990 general election will continue to remain a mystery.

He blamed me as DAP Secretary-General in 1990 and some party colleagues for stabbing him in the back and led to his announcement on Sept. 29, 1990 on his retirement from politics.
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Can Malaysia get rid of the infamy of being “ kleptocracy at its worst” in the world when the RM29,125 monthly salary of the Chief Secretary to the Government is deemed “too little” by a former Prime Minister?

(Versi BM)

For the past half a century, Malaysia has, in the words of 76-year-old Yusuf Hashim, become “a broken country” – once a potential Tiger but now possibly one of the greatest kleptocracies in the world!

We have lost out to Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong in economic development in the past half a century. Would we lose out to more countries in the next half a century – even to Indonesia and the Philippines?
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I would have been blazoned on the front-pages in printed media, whether Star, New Straits Times, Berita Harian or Utusan if Apandi had won his RM10 million defamation suit against me, but the report was blacked out when I won

(Versi BM)

I would have been blazoned on the front-pages in the printed media, whether Star, Straits Times, Berita Harian or Utusan if the former Attorney-General Ali Apandi had won his RM10 million defamation suit against me, but the report was blacked out when I won.

I was a non-person except for adverse news before May 2018 and I have again become a non-person after February 2020. Read the rest of this entry »

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Will Malaysia become a failed state by 2050 or 2063?

(Versi BM)

Will Malaysia become a failed state by 2050 or 2063?

Last Wednesday, the sixth Malaysian Prime Minister wrote in his Facebook displaying the cover my 1978 book “Time Bombs in Malaysia”:

“Dari permulaan karier politiknya pada tahun 1960an, Uncle sering beri amaran bahawa Malaysia bakal muflis dan menjadi failed state.

“Tapi 60 tahun kemudian sehingga Uncle bersara politik, Malaysia masih belujm muflis dan failed state.” Read the rest of this entry »

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Malaysians must ensure that Malaysia does not end up like Sri Lanka, one of the most prosperous Asian nations more than half a century ago but which took a wrong turn in nation-building and is now virtually a failed state

(Versi BM)

During my schooldays in Batu Pahat in the fifties, Ceylon (which later changed its name to Sri Lanka in 1972 after becoming a republic) was one of the most prosperous countries in Asia, more developed than many Asian countries like Thailand, South Korea, India, Pakistan and Burma.

But it took a wrong turn in nation-building policies and today after more than half a century later, it is on the verge of becoming a failed state.
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My first post-retirement project is a book on whether Malaysia can reverse the national decline of past half-century and become a world-class great nation by 2040 or 2050

(Versi BM)

For the past three weeks since my retirement from competitive politics, I have been wrestling with the questions:

· whether Malaysia can reverse the national decline in the past half-century and become a world-class great nation by 2040 or 2050; Read the rest of this entry »

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