Archive for 2021

Call on Malacca voters to look at the Covid-19 statistics in Malaysia when they cast their vote for the Malacca general election

(Versi BM)

I want to make a straightforward call today – to ask the Malacca voters to look at the Covid-19 statistics for Malaysia when they cast their vote for the Malacca general election on November 20, 2021.

The reason is simple: The Covid-19 pandemic, not only in Malacca but in Malaysia, affects every aspect of our life in the country – the economy, the job situation, schools and universities, travel, the private space of Malaysians whether in sports, recreation, social or family life. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malacca in the seventies and eighties was the front-line state in the Malaysian First campaign – now the torch has come back to Malacca

(Versi BM)

Many thought I am a Malaccan. They are wrong.

I was born, bred and educated in Batu Pahat, Johore up to the end of my secondary education.

I first visited Malacca in April 1955 when I was in Form One and cycled with two classmates Tan Tik Seng and Allan Goh Chay Foo from Batu Pahat to Malacca during the April school holidays. Read the rest of this entry »

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Can the Agenda Nasional Malaysia Sihat (ANMS) succeed when the government is not prepared to admit that Malaysia has become one of the worst performing nations in the world in the Covid-19 pandemic?

(Versi BM)

The Prime Minister Ismail Sabri today launched the Agenda Nasional Malaysia Sihat (ANMS) to help the Malaysian Family face and cope with the endemic phase of Covid-19 pandemic by cultivating a healthy lifestyle and promoting environmental sustainability.

The ANMS agenda is for a period of 10 years, from 2021 to 2030 and the implementation is to be divided into two terms; the first from 2021 until 2025, and the second from 2026 and will end in 2030.
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Despite umpteenth times of talk of “light at the end of the tunnel” since last year, the total ban on any form physical campaigning in Malacca general election shows the light is not there

(Versi BM)

For umpteenth time since last year, Muhyiddin Yassin had been talking about seeing light at the end of the tunnel in the Covid-19 pandemic – from when he was the eighth Prime Minister of Malaysia to yesterday when he was an ordinary MP in Parliament.

But the “light at the end of the tunnel” proved to be very flickering, and although Malaysia ranks 10th among countries with the highest full Covid-19 inoculation rate, we rank among the world’s top 20th country for the most cumulative total of Covid-19 cases and daily new Covid-19 cases, while having the highest daily Covid-19 death per million people in ASEAN and Asia (the Asian average is 0.31 compared to Malaysia’s 2.38 on November 9, 2021). Read the rest of this entry »

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Can the voters of Malacca turn the Malacca general election on Nov.20 poll into the first “Malaysians First” election forerunner to the 15th Malaysian General Election?

(Versi BM)

Last night, I had the first taste of the Malaysia-made Timah Whisky. I also had a first taste of Taiwanese Omar whisky.

Whisky connoisseurs will have their opinion of Timah and Omar whisky but only those who don’t drink can come out with silly or stupid statements like “drinking a Malay woman” or “drinking a Malay man”. Read the rest of this entry »

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Its unbelievable – Malaysia not only losing out to Indonesia and Philippines but also to India and China in daily new Covid-19 cases and deaths in battling Covid-19 pandemic!

(Versi BM)

Its unbelievable – Malaysia not only losing out to Indonesia and Philippines but also to India and China in daily new Covid-19 cases and deaths in battling the Covid-19 pandemic!

Yesterday, Malaysia did a rebound for the second consecutive day, increasing its daily new Covid-19 cases and Covid-19 deaths to 5,403 cases and 78 deaths, as compared to 4,343 daily new Covid-19 cases and 35 deaths two days earlier. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malaysia First – Boleh ke?

Firstly, I want to thank Kee Thuan Chye for writing about my past. I did not know what he was writing and I was quite curious when he gave me the first copy of the book when it was published – and I find it most readable and absorbing.

He did not ask me very much of my school days and I found to my surprise that he has learnt quite a bit. The stories were true although some aspects were quite apocryphal, gained from the telling and re-telling of the stories. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malacca General Election the messiest general election in Malaysian history for six decades with the most number of candidates likely to lose their deposits

(Versi BM)

The Malacca General Election is the messiest general election in Malaysian history for six decades, with the most number of candidates likely to lose their deposits.

There are 112 candidates vying for 28 Malacca State Assembly seats. There will be three-cornered fights in 11 seats, four-way contests in nine, five-cornered battles in five and six-way fights in three.

Although it is a Malacca state general election, it will have far-reaching political future implications for the future of Malaysia and may even decide whether Ismail
Sabri will Prime Minister for the shortest term – shorter than the term served by his “backdoor” predecessor, Muhyiddin Yassin. Read the rest of this entry »

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Election Commission failing its national duty to conduct “free, fair and and clean” Malacca general election with its antediluvian, anachronistic and antiquated election SOPs imposing a virtual ban on physical campaigning

(Versi BM)

The Election Commission is failing in its national duty to conduct “free, fair and clean” Malacca general election on November 20, 2021 with its antediluvian, anachronistic and antiquated election SOPs imposing a virtual ban on physical campaigning.

Malacca is in Phase 4 of the National Recovery Plan (NRP). Is this the phase for the virtual ban on physical campaigning for elections? If so, when will physical campaigning be allowed? Read the rest of this entry »

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Although the exponential increase of Covid-19 cases and deaths in Malaysia have been halted, will Covid-19 pandemic statistics on Ismail Sabri’s First 100 days as ninth Prime Minister of Malaysia on Nov. 28 see cumulative totals of 2.6 million Covid-19 cases and 30,000 Covid-19 deaths?

(Versi BM)

We have stopped the exponential increase of Covid-19 cases and deaths in Malaysia, although 4,543 Covid-19 cases and 58 Covid-19 deaths recorded yesterday highlights the agonisingly slow rate of such reduction in Malaysia.

We are not only unable to end the longest Covid-19 wave in the world – the third Covid-19 wave continuing for 14 months since the Sabah state general election last year – but we are performing worse than Indonesia and even India in reduction of daily Covid-19 cases and Covid-19 deaths. Read the rest of this entry »

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Election Commission is becoming the most anachronistic and antiquated agency which goes against the government’s “Live with Covid” policy marking the transition of Covid-19 pandemic to an endemic and the opening up of the country and economy

(Versi BM)

The Election Commission is becoming the most anachronistic and antiquated agency which goes against the government’s “Live with Covid” policy marking the transition of Covid-19 pandemic to an endemic and the opening up of the country and economy.

Malacca is in Phase 4 of the Covid-19 Pandemic National Recovery Plan (NRP). Is the election SOP of the Sarawak general election going to be as strict as for the Malacca general election, although Malacca is in Phase 4 and Sarawak in Phase 3 of the NRP? Read the rest of this entry »

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Congrats to KJ for reaching a new low for daily new Covid-19 cases when 4,343 Covid-19 cases and 35 Covid-19 deaths were recorded yesterday

(Versi BM)

Congrats to the Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin for reaching a new low for daily new Covid-19 cases when 4,343 Covid-19 cases and 35 Covid-19 deaths were recorded in Malaysia yesterday, but why is the reduction of daily new Covid-19 cases and daily Covid-19 deaths such an agonisingly slow process as compared to other countries like Indonesia and India?

For daily new Covid-19 cases, Malaysia has fallen from the peak of 24,599 cases on August 26 to 4,343 cases yesterday, while daily Covid-19 deaths have fallen from the peak of 592 deaths recorded on Sept. 11 to 35 deaths yesterday – but still a long way from double-digit figure for daily new Covid-19 cases and single-digit number for daily Covid-19 deaths for Malaysia “to live with Covid”. Read the rest of this entry »

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Ismail Sabri is the weakest Prime Minister in Malaysian history – completely lost about the Malacca state general election which would have far-reaching implications for Malaysia for many years to come

(Versi BM)

Ismail Sabri is the ninth Prime Minister of Malaysia but he is the weakest Prime Minister in Malaysian history, completely lost about the Malacca state general election which would have far-reaching implications for Malaysia for many years to come.

Tomorrow is the Nomination Day of the Malacca general election. It will see multiple contests – between the Pakatan Harapan and the Government parties on the one hand as well as between Perikatan Nasional and Barisan Nasional on the other. Read the rest of this entry »

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Is the Election Commission the most anachronistic and antiquated agency which goes against the government’s “Live with Covid” policy marking the transition of Covid-19 pandemic to an endemic and leading to the opening up of the country and economy?

Is the Election Commission the most anachronistic and antiquated agency which goes against the government’s “Live with Covid” theme marking the transition of Covid-19 pandemic to an endemic and leading to the opening up of the country and economy?

Malacca is in Phase 4 of the Covid-19 Pandemic National Recovery Plan and Sarawak is in Phase 3 of the Plan.
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Malacca and Sarawak general elections will be important forerunners of the 15th General Election to decide whether the Malaysian Dream has come to an end and there is no way for Malaysia to become a successful plural society and a world-class great nation

In my 57 years of political work, I have always regarded myself as first and foremost a Malaysian.

This has been distorted by my enemies to mean that I have sold out the Chinese or given up on my identity as a Chinese. They cannot be more wrong for one who regards himself as first and foremost as a Malaysian does not relinquish his ethnicity. I want everyone to regard himself or herself as a Malaysian first and foremost without relinquishing his or her ethnic identity and roots whether as a Chinese, Malay, Indian, Kadazan or Iban.
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As Khairy is over two-thirds in his first 100 Days as the new Health Minister, is the reduction of daily new Covid-19 cases in Malaysia to less than 500 cases still on target as his 100-day PKI?

I am reading the two-volume report of the Parliament Special Select Committee on Health, Science and Innovation which was tabled in Parliament this week, comprising the recommendations of the Parliament Special Select Committee and the transcripts of six meetings of the Select Committee from July 23, 2021 to October 4, 2021.

Among those who appeared before the Select Committee in these six meetings were Khairy Jamaluddin on 14th September, 16 days after he was sworn in as Health Minister; Mohd Shafiq bin Abdullah, Secretary-General of Health Ministry; Noor Hisham bin Abdulah, Health Director-General; Dr. Abu Bakar Suleiman (Chairman of Health and Sciences Covid-19 Advisory Group of Experts EAG) and public and private health experts.
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Election Commission should draw up separate SOPs for the four phases of the NRP to demonstrate its is mindful of its duty to conduct free, fair and clean elections

From Monday, five more states currently under Phase 3 of the National Recovery Plan (NRP) will transition to the final Phase 4 for full re-opening, leaving Kelantan and Sarawak as the only states still in Phase 3.

Compared to Phase 3, Phase 4 has fewer restrictions for curtailing the spread of Covid-19, such as by allowing social functions such as wedding receptions to take place albeit with certain precautions still in place. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malacca and Sarawak general elections must renew hopes of all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion and region, that the Malaysian Dream, though difficult and uphill, is not an impossible dream

(Versi BM)

Yesterday, I issued an Open Letter to DAP leaders, members and supporters in Malaysia and the Diaspora that the hardliners in the Ismail Sabri government who wanted Malacca and Sarawak general elections this year believing that there is a possibility of wiping out the DAP or delivering a fatal blow to DAP have won over the moderates who wanted to uphold the confidence-supply-reform (CSR) memorandum of understanding (MOU) and delay elections.

I warned that the DAP faced the existential threat of either being wiped out or suffering a fatal blow to the DAP’s Malaysian Dream of building an united and prosperous multi-racial, multi-religious, multi-lingual and multi-cultural country which is a world-class great nation in important fields of human endeavour after leveraging on the best values and virtues of the four great civilizations of the world.
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Formulation of Covid-19 SOPs for Malacca and Sarawak general elections should not be abused but should strike a proper balance between ensuring free, fair and clean election and preventing the spread of Covid-19 infections

(Versi BM)

Yesterday, the emergency in Sarawak was lifted and the Election Commission is set to conduct the 12th Sarawak state general election within 60 days.

Election Commission Secretary Ikmalrudin Ishak said that in accordance with Section 2(2) of the Emergency (Essential Powers) (Sarawak) Ordinance 2021, the Sarawak state assembly is automatically dissolved when the emergency is lifted.

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The hardliners in the Ismail Sabri government who want Malacca and Sarawak general elections this year and believe there is a possibility of wiping out DAP or deliver a fatal blow to DAP have won over the moderates who want to uphold the CSR MOU and delay elections

The hardliners in the Ismail Sabri government who want Malacca and Sarawak general elections this year and believe that there is a possibility of wiping out the DAP or deliver a fatal blow to DAP have won over the moderates who want to uphold the confidence-supply-reform (CSR) memorandum of understanding (MOU) and delay elections.

The hardliners argue that a devastating blow to DAP in Malacca and Sarawak will further the cause of the “race and religion” politics and rhetoric of the political parties in government which had toppled the 22-month Pakatan Harapan government in February 2020. Read the rest of this entry »

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