Archive for 2021

When Najib applied for the RM100 million housing is secondary to the question that Najib is not entitled to it because of 1MDB and other scandals which cost Malaysia to suffer losses to the tune of tens and hundreds of billions of ringgit

There seems to be differences between the Finance Minister, Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz and former Prime Minister Najib Razak as to when Najib applied for the RM100 million housing – whether the application was made after the 2022 Budget was presented to Parliament on Oct. 29, 2021 or way back in 2018 after he was toppled as Prime Minister.

When Najib applied for the RM100 million housing is secondary to the question that Najib is not entitled to it because of the 1MDB and other scandals which cost Malaysia to suffer losses to the tune of tens and hundreds of billions of ringgit. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malacca General Election the most extraordinary of the 22 general elections in my experience – an election where physical campaigning is banned

(Versi BM)

The Malacca General Election is the most extraordinary of the 22 general elections in my experience in the last 56 years – an election where all forms of physical campaigning are banned.

I have gone through 12 national general elections, nine Sarawak state general elections and countless by-elections but this is the first time that we have an election where there are no public rallies, ceramahs, talks and walkabouts – which put the Opposition parties at a great disadvantage.

Nobody can be certain what would be the outcome of the Polling Day tomorrow. Read the rest of this entry »

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Support for Anwar’s call for review of CSR MOU if it is taken as a blank cheque for the most repugnant and nefarious government expenditures like the RM100 million housing for Najib

(Versi BM)

I fully support Anwar Ibrahim’s call for a review of the confidence-supply-reform (CSR) memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between Prime Minister Ismail Sabri and the Pakatan Harapan if it is taken as a blank cheque for the most repugnant and nefarious government expenditures like the RM100 million housing for Najib Razak, the person who had abused public trust and turned Malaysia into a kleptocracy.

No decent Malaysian can ever support RM100 million of public funds for housing for Najib, when he was responsible for Malaysia losing tens and even hundreds of billions of ringgit from the 1MDB and other scandals. Read the rest of this entry »

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Call on Malacca voters to represent Malaysians to vote against PN and BN tomorrow for the loss of nearly 30,000 lives and nearly 2.6 million Covid-19 cases as well as for Malaysia having the longest Covid-19 wave in the world

(Versi BM)

Tomorrow is Polling Day for the voters of Malacca for the Malacca general election.

I call on Malacca voters to represent Malaysia to vote against both the Perikatan Nasional (PN) and Barisan Nasional (BN) for the loss of nearly 30,000 lives, nearly 6,000 Brought-in-Dead covid-19 deaths and nearly 2.6 million Covid-19 cases, as well as for Malaysia having the longest Covid-19 wave in the world lasting over 14 months since the Sabah state general in September last year. Read the rest of this entry »

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RM100 million housing for Najib must be voted by Parliament in view of the fact that Najib has become a convict although subject to appeal

There was fireworks in Parliament today over the RM100 million housing for former Prime Minister Najib Razak, who was responsible for turning Malaysia into a kleptocracy with the 1MDB and other scandals.

The Finance Minister, Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz prevaricated over the issue instead of giving a clear straight-forward answer on the issue. Read the rest of this entry »

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I have been guided all my life by Wen Tianxiang’s immortal words “All men are mortal but my loyalty will illuminate the annals of history forever” and have never compromised my loyalty to Malaysia to make it a world-class great nation

(Versi BM)

Two days ago, I visited the Sam Tiong Keng temple in Semabok, Malacca which is in the Banda Hilir state constituency where we are fielding Malacca DAPSY Deputy Chief Leong Chau Yan.

I was in for a surprise as the main historic figure the temple was dedicated to was Wen Tianxiang, the poet-politician of the Southern Song dynasty, who chose death instead of betrayal of his loyalty to Kublai Khan and the Yuan dynasty.

I have been guided all my life by Wen Tianxiang’s immortal words “All men are mortal but my loyalty will illuminate the annals of history forever” and have never compromised my loyalty to Malaysia to make it a world-class great nation. Read the rest of this entry »

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Call on Malacca voters to vote against PN and BN candidates because in the last 10 days, Indonesia averages 7.2% of the daily new Covid-19 cases of Malaysia when Indonesia has more than eight times the population of Malaysia

(Versi BM)

Yesterday, Malaysia recorded 6,280 daily new Covid-19 cases and 68 Covid-19 deaths, still a great distance from the day Emergency was proclaimed to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, as the daily Covid-19 statistics on January 11, 2021 when emergency was declared were 2,232 daily new Covid-19 cases and four Covid-19 deaths.

This means we have still a long way to go to end the third Covid-19 wave in Malaysia, rampaging for 14 months since September last year – the longest Covid-19 wave in the world since September last year. Read the rest of this entry »

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Call on the people of Malacca to use the Malacca general election on Saturday to launch a “Centennial Save Malaysia Campaign“ for Malaysia to stop the regression of past half-a-century and to become a world-class great nation by 2057

(Versi BM)

Thirty-seven years ago in 1984, the UMNO Malacca State Government wanted to demolish Bukit China with 12,500 graves of various communities – mostly
Chinese but there are also Malay and Portuguese graves – for commercial development to build shopping complexes and condominiums.

DAP launched a “Save Bukit China campaign” and united not only the people of Malacca, of also of Malaysia, comprising all races and religions, to preserve the Bukit China cemetery hill as a Malaysian national heritage site. Read the rest of this entry »

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Will Malacca general election polling day on Saturday 20th November see daily new Covid-19 cases and Covid-19 deaths in Malaysia return to pre-emergency days of January 11, 2021 of less than 2,232 cases and four deaths or will it have more Covid-19 cases and deaths than Nomination Day on 8th November?

(Versi BM)

In another three days is the Malacca general election – a general election which the DAP and the Pakatan Harapan do not want but will have far-reaching implications and consequences for the political future not only Malacca, but of Malaysia.

One question Malaysians want to know is whether the Malacca general election on Polling Day on Saturday, 20th November 2021 will see daily new Covid-19 cases and Covid-19 deaths return to the pre-emergency days on January 11, 2021 of less than 2,232 cases and four deaths or will there be more daily Covid-19 cases and Covid-19 deaths than Nomination Day on 8th November?

Read the rest of this entry »

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Does Ismail Sabri’s “Keluarga Malaysia” includes a ban of gambling and liquor in Malaysia and withdrawal of support for the five Rukun Negara nation-building principles?

(Versi BM)

I have said that Ismail Sabri, the ninth Prime Minister of Malaysia, is the weakest Prime Minister in Malaysian history, and this is confirmed by Kedah Mentri Besar’s action banning gambling in Kedah.

Ismail Sabri should clarify whether his “Keluarga Malaysia” includes a ban on gambling and liquor in Malaysia and the withdrawal of support for the five Rukun Negara nation-building principles of belief in God, loyalty to King and country, supremacy of the Constitution, the rule of law and courtesy and morality. Read the rest of this entry »

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As PAS banned gambling in Kedah and raised the liquor issue violating the Rukun Negara principles of Malaysian nation-building to get votes in the Malacca general election, let Malacca voters solidly reject PAS, PN and BN candidates for this disloyalty to Rukun Negara

(Versi BM)

As PAS banned gambling in Kedah and raised the liquor issue violating the Rukun Negara principles of Malaysian nation-building to get votes in the Malacca general election, let Malacca voters solidly reject PAS, PN and BN candidates for this disloyalty to Rukun Negara.

I am eighty years old and I had never bought a 4D in my life. But it is wrong, extremist and intolerant to try moral policing in a multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-religious and multicultural Malaysia. Read the rest of this entry »

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Let Malacca general election be the start of a new journey for Malaysia to become a world-class great nation by 2050

(Versi BM)

We are now close to the finishing line for the Malacca general election on Saturday, November 20, 2021.

There are only four days left before Malacca voters cast their vote in a general election they do not want, but which will have a far-reaching effect on the future of Malaysia – determining whether the Malaysian Dream could be realised in 2050 to become a world-class great nation, instead of continuing to lose out to one nation after another like in the past half-a-century.
Read the rest of this entry »

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If as Bersatu President, Muhyiddin could repudiate the Pakatan Harapan 2018 General Election Manifesto, what is there to prevent Muhyiddin from repudiating the Perikatan Nasional manifesto, particularly in fighting corruption?

(Versi BM)

If, as Bersatu President, Muhyiddin Yassin could repudiate the Pakatan Harapan 2018 General Election Manifesto, what is there to prevent Muhyiddin from repudiating the Perikatan Nasional manifesto, particularly the “fighting corruption” plank, which was unveiled yesterday?

Yesterday, all 28 Perikatan Nasional candidates for the Malacca polls gave an anti-corruption pledge as part of PN chairperson Muhyiddin Yassin’s launch of PN anti-graft campaign pledge in the Malacca general election. Read the rest of this entry »

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Election Commission has completely misconstrued its duties to conduct “free, fair and clean” Malacca general election and has become agents of Health Ministry to prevent spread of Covid-19 infection, when this is the work of Health Ministry officials themselves

(Versi BM)

The Election Commission has completely misconstrued its duties to conduct “free, fair and clean” Malacca general election and has become the agents of the Health Ministry to prevent spread of Covid-19 infections, when this is the work of the Health Ministry officials themselves.

The Election Commission should ensure the highest voter turnout on Polling Day on Nov. 20, but it seems to be doing its utmost to ensure a low voter turnout. Read the rest of this entry »

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Selangor DAP election results an inspiring example for Malacca voters to lead Malaysia in long-term struggle lasting 20-30 years for Malaysian First objective

The Selangor DAP election results are an inspiring example for Malacca voters to lead Malaysia in long-term struggle lasting 20-30 years for the Malaysian First objective.

I congratulate Gobind Singh Deo for being re-elected Selangor DAP State Chairman and Ng Sze Han for being elected Selangor DAP State Secretary, and all the rest of the Selangor DAP committee members. Read the rest of this entry »


Call on Malacca voters to spearhead a long-term Malaysian First campaign lasting 20 to 30 years to make Malaysia a world-class great nation

(Versi BM)

I visited Gadek constituency yesterday morning where we are fielding G. Saminathan, who was falsely accused as a Tamil Tiger terrorist and wrongly detained until his release just before the Sheraton Move conspiracy in February 2020.

Fortunately, Saminathan was released before the Sheraton Move conspiracy toppled the democratically-elected Pakatan Harapan Government after 22 months or he and others similarly detained under the bogus charges of being linked to Sri Lankan Tamil Tigers terrorists would be in incarceration for quite some time. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malacca general election seeing two contrasting phenomenon: daily Covid-19 cases and deaths rising in Malaysia since nomination day in Malacca on Nov. 8 while Election Commission over-zealous in banning all forms of physical campaigning

The Health Minister, Khairy Jamaluddin has urged Malaysians to remain vigilant as the Covid-19 national infectivity rate climbed to the highest level since August.

We are seeing two contrasting phenomenon in the Malacca general election – daily Covid-19 cases and deaths in Malaysia rising above that on Nomination Day in Malacca on November 8, 2021 while the Election Commission over-zealous in banning all forms of physical campaigning in the general election. Read the rest of this entry »

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Objection inside Bersatu to Mas Ermieyati’s appointment as Malacca Chief Minister is the Bersatu time-bomb in Malacca

(Versi BM)

Malaysians must be startled by Muhyiddin Yassin’ spate of confessions in the last two days as a renegade in the 22-month Pakatan Harapan government, in particular his statement that he is not like Mahathir Mohamad and that Perikatan Nasional (PN) won’t lie to the people.

It would appear that the main conspirator in the Sheraton Move conspiracy which toppled a democratically-elected Pakatan Harapan government after 22 months, and ushered in two backdoor, undemocratic and illegitimate governments was not Azmin Ali but Muhyiddin Yassin. Read the rest of this entry »

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Will the Ismail Sabri government end up as a “kerajaan gagal” like the Muhyiddin government, unable to win the war against the Covid-19 pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic statistics in Malaysia are again getting grim, with the Health Director-General Noor Hisham Abdullah warning that the domestic Covid-19 situation may worsen yet again.

Yesterday, there were 6,517 daily new Covid-19 cases, bringing the cumulative infections to 2,535,338 cases, the highest in 21 days since October 22. Read the rest of this entry »

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Will Muhyiddin continue to support Ismail Sabri as Prime Minister if Bersatu is completely wiped out by UMNO in the Malacca general election?

There is a lot of attention in the Malacca general election on “political frogs” but there is no proper discussion on political principles and integrity as if it is a sin and an unpardonable crime to change political parties.

Winston Churchill changed political parties twice, firstly as a Conservative when he first became Member of Parliament in 1901, but he became a Liberal in 1904 protesting against “protectionism” in the Conservative Party. In 1923, he returned to the Conservative Party in protest against Liberal-Labour co-operation.

Was Churchill wrong? I would not say so, as Churchill’s political shift was one of principle and he was prepared to face the verdict of the electorate.

This was why when I suggested in Parliament on March 21, 1978 for a law to prevent party-hopping, I said: Read the rest of this entry »

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