Malaysia must learn from the lessons of South Korea, China, United Kingdom and Italy and convene an emergency meeting of Parliament to craft a “whatever it takes” strategy to flatten both the epidemiological and recession curves of the Covid-19 pandemic

Malaysia perlu mempelajari pengajaran daripada Korea Selatan, China, United Kingdom dan Itali dan memanggil satu persidangan khas Parlimen untuk merangka satu strategi untuk meratakan lengkungan penyebaran Covid-19 dan lengkungan kemelesetan ekonomi yang disebabkannnya

Tidak ada satu hari yang berlalu tanpa peningkatan rekod buruk Covid-19.

Dalam tempoh 24 jam yang lepas, pemecutan penularan global wabak Covid-19 terus meningkat. Virus ini mengambil 67 hari untuk merekodkan 100,000 kes yang pertamanya, 11 hari untuk 100,000 kes kedua, empat hari untuk 100,000 kes ketiga, tiga hari untuk 100,000 kes keempat, dua hari untuk 100,000 kes kelima, dan sehari untuk mencapai 100,000 kes keenamnya.

Kini terdapat sejumlah 721,412 kes yang disahkan di peringkat global, dengan 33,956 kematian dan 151,004 kes yang sudah pulih. 24 jam sebelum angka ini dicapai, jumlah keseluruhan kes global adalah 662,751 kes.

Keseluruhan kes aktif global buat masa ini adalah 536,452 kes.

Sepuluh negara teratas dengan jumlah kes tertinggi menurut laman web adalah seperti berikut:

AS: 139,904 kes, 2,449 kematian
Itali: 97,689 kes, 10,779 kematian
China: 81,439 kes, 3,300 kematian
Sepanyol: 80,031 kes, 6,802 kematian
Jerman: 62,095 kes, 525 kematian
Perancis: 40,174 kes, 2,606 kematian
Iran: 38,309 kes, 2,640 kematian
UK: 19,522 kes, 1,228 kematian
Switzerland: 14,829 kes, 300 kematian
Belanda: 10,864 kes, 771 kematian

Di Malaysia pula, kita mencapai tahap baharu dengan peningkatan 150 kes yang membawa jumlah keseluruhan kepada 2,470 kes dengan 8 kematian baharu membawa jumlah kematian keseluruhan kepada 35.

Terdapat beberapa lagi berita menyayat hati dalam 24 jam yang lepas.

Lebih banyak negara di serata dunia kini di bawah perintah berkurung akibat penularan pantas wabak Covid-19. Ibu negara Nigeria, Lagos dan bandar Abuja kini sedang menjalani perintah berkurung, begitu juga dengan Moscow yang akan ditutup mulai esok, mengurung hampir 12 juta penduduk bandar tersebut di rumah mereka, manakala Itali akan melanjutkan perintah berkurungnya melepasi 3 April.

Di United Kingdom, kerajaan telah memberikan amaran yang “kehidupan normal” mungkin tidak akan kembali dalam tempoh enam bulan yang mendatang, dan unit rawatan rapi untuk pesakit coronavirus kini dihadkan kepada mereka yang mempunyai “kemungkinan munasabah” akan kekal hidup.

Antara perkara yang menjadi kerunsingan adalah peratusan tinggi petugas perubatan dan barisan hadapan yang terjangkit dengan wabak ini. Di Sepanyol, dijangkakan sehingga 14% ataupun lebih kurang 5,400 daripada jumlah kes wabak ini terdiri daripada para petugas kesihatan.

Masalah ini lebih runcing di Eropah, memandangkan hanya dalam minggu lepas dilaporkan di Itali, Perancis, dan Sepanyol lebih daripada 30 orang petugas kesihatan telah terkorban akibat wabak Covid-19 ini, dan beribu lagi yang lain terpaksa mengasingkan diri mereka.

Namun perkembangan yang paling menyayat hati adalah laporan daripada kerajaan United Kingdom yang mengatakan bahawa mereka dikira telah melakukan yang terbaik jika mereka berjaya mengekalkan jumlah kematian akibat Covid-19 di bawah paras 20,000 nyawa. Jumlah korban keseluruhan United Kingdom buat masa ini adalah 2,606 nyawa.

Jika di UK mereka melihat 20,000 kematian sebagai kayu ukur mereka, apakah kayu ukur bagi pihak berkuasa di Malaysia?

Pakej rangsangan ekonomi bernilai RM250 bilion yang diumumkan oleh Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin jumaat lepas telah mengecewakan ramai kerana tidak mencapai strategi “melakukan apa sahaja”.

Pakar ekonomi Profesor Terence Gomez menimbulkan persoalan mengapa semua syarikat berkaitan kerajaan (GLC) tidak dimanfaatkan dalam satu strategi untuk menggerakkan semula ekonomi negara.

Malaysia perlu mempelajari pengajaran daripada Korea Selatan, China, United Kingdom dan Itali dan memanggil satu persidangan khas Parlimen untuk merangka satu strategi untuk meratakan lengkungan penyebaran Covid-19 dan lengkungan kemelesetan ekonomi yang disebabkannnya

Saya telah menyeru untuk satu strategi yang “tegas, kreatif, fleksibel, dan lincah” untuk menangani pelbagai cabaran wabak Covid-19, dan dalam semangat strategi ini, saya menyeru supaya Muhyiddin mengambil pakai cadangan daripada persatuan civil dan NGO supaya semua NGO yang telah sebelum ini mengedarkan bantuan makanan, ubat-ubatan dan bantuan-bantuan lain dibenarkan untuk meneruskan aktiviti mereka dengan satu cara yang selamat dan bertanggungjawab, dengan kerjasama penuh kerajaan, dan dengan mematuhi panduan kesihatan dan keselamatan yang disediakan oleh pihak kerajaan.

Pihak kerajaan perlu sedar terdapat banyak golongan memerlukan yang terjejas dengan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan ini dan kini sedang menghadapi kesukaran untuk mendapatkan keperluan asas seperti bahan makanan.

Komuniti ini termasuklah golongan B40, golongan miskin bandar dan luar bandar, rakyat Malaysia yang telah kehilangan punca pendapatan akibat PKP, warga emas, mereka yang tidak boleh keluar rumah, orang sakit, anak yatim, Orang Asli, pekerja warga asing, warga pelarian, dan ramai lagi.

Muhyiddin harus ingat bahawa era “kerajaan tahu semua” sudah berakhir.

(Kenyataan media Ahli Parlimen DAP Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang pada hari Isnin 30 Mac 2020)


Not a day passes without a new grim milestone in the invisible global war against Covid-19.

In the last 24 hours, the global acceleration of Covid-19 cases at an exponential rate of raged on unabated. It took 67 days from the first reported case to reach 100,000 cases, 11 days for second 100,000 cases, four days for the third 100,000 cases, three days for the fourth 100,000 cases, two days for the fifth 100,000 cases, and one day for the sixth 100,000 cases.

The global confirmed Covid-19 cases now stand at 721,412 with 33,956 deaths and 151,004 recoveries. Twenty-four hours before that, it was 662,751 cases.

The global total for active infections is now 536,452.

The top ten countries for number of coronavirus cases worldwide, according to tracker site,, is as follows:

– US:139,904 cases, 2,449 deaths
– Italy: 97,689 cases, 10,779 deaths
– China: 81,439 cases, 3,300 deaths
– Spain: 80,031 cases, 6,802 deaths
– Germany: 62,095 cases, 525 deaths
– France: 40,174 cases, 2,606 deaths
– Iran: 38,309 cases, 2,640 deaths
– UK: 19,522 cases, 1,228 deaths
– Switzerland: 14,829 cases, 300 deaths
– Netherlands: 10,864 cases, 771 deaths

Locally, Malaysia yesterday reached new heights in the Covid-19 pandemic with an increase of 150 cases to reach a total tally of 2,470 cases, and an increase of eight deaths to reach a total fatality of 35.

There had been further heart-wrenching developments in the past 24 hours.

More and more parts of the world are being locked down as a result of the exponential spread of Covid-19. Nigeria’s capital Lagos and the city of Abuja are being locked down, Moscow will be locked down from tomorrow confining the city’s nearly 12 million people to their homes while Italy will extend its month-long lockdown beyond 3rd April.

In the United Kingdom, the government has warned that a “normal way of living” may not return for more than six months, while intensive care for coronavirus patients is now being limited to those “reasonably certain” to survive.

Of great concern is the high percentage of medical personnel and frontliners infected with the coronavirus. In Spain, it was estimated last week that nearly 14% of the confirmed coronavirus cases, or some 5,400, were medical professionals.

The problem is particularly widespread in Europe, as a week ago, it was reported that more than 30 health care professionals had died of the coronavirus, and thousands of others have had to self-isolate, in Italy, France and Spain.

But the most heart-wrenching development of all was the report emanating from United Kingdom government that United Kingdom would do well if it managed to keep the Covid-19 death toll below 20,000 in the pandemic. UK’s present Covid-19 death toll is 2,606.

If the Government authorities are looking at a Covid-19 death toll below 20,000, what is the death toll the Malaysian authorities are looking at?

The RM250 billion economic stimulus package announced by the Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin last Friday has disappointed many as it does not meet a “whatever it takes” strategy.

Economist Prof Terence Gomez, for instance, has raised the pertinent question why not all government-linked companies (IGLCs) were being roped in a ”whatever it takes” strategy to reflate the economy.

Malaysia must learn from the lessons of South Korea, China, United Kingdom and Italy and convene an emergency meeting of Parliament to craft a “whatever it takes” strategy to flatten both the epidemiological and recession curves of the Covid-19 pandemic.

I have called for a “firm, creative, flexible, nimble” strategy to deal with the manifold challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, and in this spirit, I call on Muhyiddin to adopt the proposal by the civil society and NGOs allow all NGOs that have been distributing food, medicine and other aid to be allowed to continue doing so in a way that is safe and responsible, in full cooperation with the government, and in accordance with the health and safety guidelines of the government.

The government must appreciate that many vulnerable communities are affected by the Movement Control Order and are having difficulties accessing basic necessities such as food.

These communities include the B40, urban and rural poor, Malaysians who have lost their income as a result of the MCO, the elderly, the housebound, the sick, orphans, orang asli, migrant workers, refugee communities, and many, many more.

Muhyiddin should not forget that the era of “government knows best” is over.

(Media Statement by DAP MP for Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang on Monday, March 30, 2020)

  1. #1 by Sallang on Monday, 30 March 2020 - 4:41 pm

    YB Lim, if I were the govt of today, I would implement a complete lock down, because by introducing it phase by phase, we are extending the incubation period.
    If A was infected on day one, 14 days later his symptoms would appear, or he would have died.
    However, if he had unknowingly infected people(B) on day 10, then B will have an incubation period of 14 days, am I right?
    Which means to say the public is not safe for 24 days.
    So when will it end?
    Even if they have found the 3000 odd Tabligh attendees, how do we know how many other unknown persons they could have infected, and when?
    Meanwhile people are restless, money is not enough, and food is running low.

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