Archive for July 7th, 2019
Lowering of voting age from 21 to 18 had been described as an act of political suicide by Pakatan Harapan, but I believe this will be an added reason for Pakatan Harapan parties to get their act together to fulfil the vision of a New Malaysia as promised in the Pakatan Manifesto
Posted by Kit in PH Government, Youth on Sunday, 7 July 2019
The lowering of the voting age from 21 to 18 has been described as an act of political suicide by Pakatan Harapan as it will add an army of voters in the next general election who will be anti-government.
However, I do not agree with this pessimistic analysis, as Pakatan Harapan is not only doing what is right for the country, it will be an added reason for Pakatan Harapan parties to get their act together to fulfil the vision of a New Malaysia as promised in the Pakatan Manifesto in the 14th General Election.
Pakatan Harapan leaders must recognise the disappointment and disillusionment of large segments of our supporters who had voted for the historic change of government in the 14th General Election on May 9 last year, who believed that the Pakatan Harapan government in Putrajaya had gone back to the bad old ways of the previous Barisan Nasioanal government.
They are wrong, but what is more important is that we must be able to convince them that their disappointment and disillusionment while understandable are completely misplaced and that Pakatan Harapan remains as committed as ever in resetting the nation-building process to build a New Malaysia. Read the rest of this entry »