Congrats to Samsuri for winning Kemaman by-election — will Hadi step down as PAS President to allow Samsuri to lead a PAS which is more moderate and open-minded

(Versi BM)

I congratulate Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar for his victory in the Kemaman by-election.

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Call for a conference of political parties, NGOs, and NGIs on how to ensure Malaysia can rise up again to become a great world-class nation and avoid the fate of a divided, failed, and kleptocratic state

(Versi BM)

I visited the tourist attractions in Edinburgh and the prevailing thought in my mind was that Edinburgh was the place in the past few hundred years where history was made, but now tourists visit Edinburgh to “see history” instead of “making history”.

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The Opposition parties do not seem to be interested in the national decline in the last quarter of a century, not bothered about Malaysia rising up again to become a great world-class country as they are only concerned about further dividing Malaysians by exploiting the 2R issues of race and religion

(Versi BM)

Watching the political scenario in Malaysia in the last one year, the Opposition parties do not seem to be interested in the national decline in the last quarter of a century, not bothered about Malaysia rising up again to become a great world-class country as they are only concerned about further dividing Malaysians by exploiting the 2R issues of race and religion.

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Malaysian Constitution provides for a Malaysian Dream and not a mono-ethnic dream as it provides that a non-Malay can be a Prime Minister

(Versi BM)

The Malaysian Constitution, both in 1957 and the amended one in 1963 when Malaysia was formed, the Rukun Negara and Vision 2020 with its nine strategic challenges, provide for a multi-ethnic, multi-religious, and multi-cultural Malaysian Dream and not a mono-ethnic dream.

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Time to end the abuses and deviations of NEP

(Versi BM)

I commend the Royal Education Award winner in Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) Nahvin Muthusamy for speaking about the restoration of meritocracy in the education system, for it is time that we end the abuses and deviations in the education system as we do not want a local university to award PhD to someone who is totally media illiterate, and cannot distinguish between right from wrong or lies and fake news from truth and fact to enter Parliament to help Malaysia end up as a divided, failed, and kleptocratic state.

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Malaysians must have a vision for the future to rise up again to be a great world-class nation and not to fight the battles of the past before Independence in 1957 whether Malaysia is a mono-ethnic or plural nation

(Versi BM)

Malaysians must have a vision for the future for the country to rise up again and be a great world-class nation and not to fight the battles of the past before Independence whether Malaysia is a mono-ethnic or a plural nation.

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I told Mahathir in 2019 that we must be serious with our election manifesto and that I was surprised by his statement that election manifesto is not a bible

(Versi BM)

I thank Tommy Thomas for agreeing to be moderator of this discussion.

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Why is Hadi silent for so long on the lies, falsehoods, fake news, and hate speech by Siti Mastura?

(Versi BM)

PAS President, Hadi Awang reiterated his wild and preposterous allegations against the DAP at the Kemaman by-election last night saying that DAP would ruin the country and must be defeated.

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NEP has been “Mastura-ised” and producing unthinking robots who purvey lies, falsehoods, fake news and hate speech instead of producing scholars of excellence

(Versi BM)

Two things happened in this month which will decide whether we are in the trajectory towards a failed, divided, and kleptocratic state or whether we can reverse the national decline in the last few decades to rise up again to become a great world-class nation, namely: the call by the Royal Education Award recipient Nahvin Muthusamy for meritocracy in education and the protection of minorities in his award acceptance speech and the “Mastura-isation” of the New Economic Policy (NEP) producing unthinking robots and even Members of Parliament who purvey lies, falsehoods, fake news, and hate speech instead of producing scholars of excellence.

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Onus is on Wan Saiful to prove that booklet “Bahan Kempen Komunikasi BN” was a BN publication, who was responsible for it and when it was published

(Versi BM)

With the revelation by DAP National Chairman, Lim Guan Eng in the Penang State Assembly that the Barisan Nasional Deputy Chairman Mohamad Hasan had no knowledge of the so-called BN booklet “Bahan Kempen Komunikasi BN”, the onus is on Wan Saiful to prove that the booklet was a BN publication, who was responsible for it and when it was published.

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Malaysia must ensure that the Siti Mastura fiasco is the last case of the national decline and the country will rise up again to become a great world-class nation

(Versi BM)

Malaysia must ensure that the Siti Mastura fiasco is the last case of the national decline and that the country will leave such shameful episodes behind and rise up again to become a great world-class nation.

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Confirm Teresa Kok’s statement that I will sue Siti Mastura as it is a national disgrace that a media illiterate could become a Member of Parliament and have a PhD conferred on her

I want to confirm the statement by the DAP MP for Seputeh Teresa Kok that I have instructed my lawyers to institute legal action against the PAS MP for Kepala Batas Siti Mastura Muhammad.

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Siti Mastura and Hadi Awang are the best examples of the study which showed that the “green wave” was the result of the political misinformation and hate propaganda of the social media in the 15th General Election

It is more than 10 days since the PAS MP for Kepala Batas, Siti Mastura Muhammad, with a doctorate, made an international fool of herself by claiming that I was related to the former MCP secretary-general Chin Peng as well as the Singapore founder Prime Minister, changing his surname to “Lim” Kuan Yew.

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PAS may win the Kemaman by-election and yet lose the larger battle

The Kemaman by-election on Dec. 2, 2023 is more for PAS to lose than for UMNO to win.

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I never said DAP “used” Mahathir

At the Kuala Lumpur launch of Kee Thuan Chye’s “Lim Kit Siang — Malaysian First — Volume II” at Sogo this morning, I was asked by the press about former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s podcast where he said he used DAP and that the DAP used him too.

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Lets hope that by Deepavali next year, light will begin to replace darkness so that Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman’s wish begin to come true

I wish all Malaysian Indians Happy Deepavali.

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Malaysia cannot reverse the national decline and become a great world-class nation if “media illiterates” could be elected MPs or have doctorates conferred on them by local universities

Yesterday, I asked the question whether it is possible to reverse the national decline to become a great world-class nation.

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Siti Mastura fiasco highlights the gravity of Malaysia’s national decline in three important ways

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, yesterday expressed confidence that Malaysia can emerge as a great nation within the next two or three years through a collaborative approach involving all parties, including civil servants.

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Final 48 hours to Hadi to substantiate or retract his wild and preposterous allegations that DAP and I were anti-Malay, anti-Islam, anti-Royalty, communist, and spreading Islamophobia or I will consider whether to sue Hadi for defamation

The Siti Mastura fiasco has given a new perspective to the wild and preposterous allegations of the PAS President Hadi Awang that DAP and I were anti-Malay, anti-Islam, anti-Royalty, communist, and spreading Islamophobia.

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Malaysia needs a reset and return to the original nation-building principles of the nation’s founding fathers, as exemplified by the first three Prime Ministers of Malaysia

I thank everyone for attending this launch and in particular the writer, Kee Thuan Chye, for this two-volume biography.

As Kee has testified, I did not know what he was writing, and the first time I read both volumes were when they were printed. I do not agree with all that he has written, in particular his speculations, but I would recommend both volumes as an insight of my 57 years of political struggle.

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