Congrats to Samsuri for winning Kemaman by-election — will Hadi step down as PAS President to allow Samsuri to lead a PAS which is more moderate and open-minded

(Versi BM)

I congratulate Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar for his victory in the Kemaman by-election.

The question now is whether Hadi Awang will step down as PAS President for Samsuri to take over to lead a PAS which is more moderate and open-minded, which divorces itself from the hate speech and lies, falsehoods, and fake news which PAS had been identified since leaving the Pakatan Rakyat in 2015.

The future of Malaysia will be a very bleak one if the leading party of the Opposition in Parliament is led by one where its MPs, including those with PhD qualification, are totally “media illiterate” and cannot differentiate between truth and lies or differentiate between falsehoods and fake news with untruths.

Samsuri is an aeronautical engineer.

Will he take PAS to a new era more relevant to Malaysia’s realities and needs?


(Media statement by DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang in Dornoch, Scotland on December 3, 2023)

Tahniah Samsuri atas kemenangan dalam pilihan raya kecil Kemaman — adakah Hadi akan meletakkan jawatan sebagai Presiden PAS untuk memberi laluan kepada Samsuri untuk memimpin sebuah PAS yang bersifat lebih moderat dan terbuka?

Saya ucapkan tahniah kepada Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar atas kemenangannya dalam pilihan raya kecil Kemaman.

Persoalannya sekarang adalah sama ada Hadi Awang akan meletakkan jawatannya sebagai Presiden PAS untuk membolehkan Samsuri mengambil alih dan memimpin sebuah PAS yang bersifat lebih moderat dan terbuka, menjadi sebuah parti yang menolak ucapan kebencian, penipuan, fitnah, dan berita palsu — perkara-perkara yang sudah menjadi sinonim dengan PAS sejak meninggalkan Pakatan Rakyat pada tahun 2015?

Masa hadapan Malaysia amat gelap sekali sekiranya salah satu parti Pembangkang utama di Parlimen dipimpin oleh Ahli-ahli Parlimen, termasuklah yang memegang ijazah doktor falsafah, yang buta media dan mereka yang gagal untuk membezakan di antara kebenaran dan penipuan atau mengenal pasti fitnah, berita palsu, dan perkara yang tidak tepat.

Samsuri adalah seorang jurutera aero-nautikal.

Adakah dia akan membawa PAS ke dalam satu era yang lebih relevan dengan realiti dan keperluan Malaysia?


(Kenyataan media veteran DAP Lim Kit Siang di Dornoch, Scotland pada hari Ahad, 3 Disember 2023)

  1. #1 by tmc on Tuesday, 5 December 2023 - 4:28 pm

    Some friendly advice for our PMX. For the UG to thrive in its diversity, he does not have to outdo the extremists in PAS. Do you see Samsuri shouting and screaming, he is seen as a moderate, do you see Samsuri grabbing the limelight or espousing the Hamas cause? Our friends and partners in Sabah and Sarawak do not want an absent PM, but one who is hands on and goes to the ground to meet the rakyat and tries to solve our country’s economic woes. Our friends and partners in Sabah and Sarawak want knowledgeable and capable leaders and not always hearing rhetoric on the Palestine cause, they want the UG to move the country and their states ahead. Do you hear the premiers of Sabah and Sarawak expound on palestine and hamas issues?

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