Archive for category Malaysian Dream
Mahathir wrong when he said that without his help, DAP could not get more than 18 seats as DAP won 24 parliamentary seats in 1986, 20 in 1990, 28 in 2008 and 38 in 2013 before winning 42 seats in 2018
Posted by Kit in DAP, Mahathir, Malaysian Dream, nation building on Friday, 1 January 2021
(Tatal ke bawah untuk kenyataan versi BM)
In his interview with China Press, former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad said: “I had helped the opposition to win (in GE14) because I brought in Malay support. You know DAP, which could never get more than 18 seats, get 42 seats because of the Malay support I brought in”.
Mahathir was wrong when he said that without his help, DAP could not get more than 18 seats as DAP won 24 parliamentary seats in 1986, 20 seats in 1990, 28 seats in 2008 and 38 seats in 2013 before winning 42 parliamentary seats in 2018. Read the rest of this entry »
Malaysians need a new national consensus as Malaysians must never give up hope to build a just, prosperous, dynamic and world-class plural Malaysia
Posted by Kit in Malaysian Dream, nation building on Thursday, 17 December 2020
(Tatal ke bawah untuk kenyataan versi BM)
Today is the last day of Dewan Rakyat proceeding on which a lot of hope had been invested and lost – whether the country can redeem itself to have a government which is legitimate with the people’s mandate, and not illegitimate and established through the backdoor.
Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had survived the confidence test in Parliament by a razor-thin majority but he has not won the confidence of Malaysians or the international community. Read the rest of this entry »
Call for every Minister to declare support for the five Rukun Negara principles or his/her Cabinet position should be vacated
Posted by Kit in Malaysian Dream, nation building on Wednesday, 16 September 2020
(Tatal ke bawah untuk kenyataan versi BM)
On this day, I will like to make a proposal to make the Malaysia Day meaningful and purposeful in contributing to the building of an united Malaysian nation out of our diverse races, languages, religions and cultures.
I call on every Cabinet Minister to declare support for the five Rukun Negara principles or his/her Cabinet position should be vacated.
I do not know whether every Cabinet Minister in the Muhyiddin government is prepared to make such a declaration of unequivocal support of the five Rukun Negara principles but the present Muhyiddin Cabinet appears to be the weakest Cabinet in support or the five Rukun Negara principles. This is a major blemish of the Cabinet. Read the rest of this entry »
Can the Malay Dignity Congress lead the way for a Malaysian campaign to achieve a Golden Age for Malaysia as a top world-class nation of unity, justice, freedom, excellence and integrity
Posted by Kit in Malaysian Dream, nation building, Poverty on Saturday, 5 October 2019
Dapatkah Kongres Maruah Melayu menjadi perintis kepada sebuah kempen untuk mencapai Era Kegemilangan untuk Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara terunggul di mata dunia yang berteraskan perpaduan, keadilan, kebebasan, kecemerlangan, dan integriti
Saya telah ditanya: “Kenapa takut Melayu Bersatu?”
Saya tidak takut kepada Melayu Bersatu, jika perkara ini boleh menjadi perintis kepada satu kempen yang melingkumi semua rakyat Malaysia untuk mencapai satu Era Kegemilangan untuk Malaysia.
Sama ada Melayu Bersatu, Cina Bersatu, India Bersatu, Kadazan Bersatu, Dayak Bersatu, ataupun Orang Asli Bersatu sekalipun, saya akan berasa risau jika ia diasaskan kepada berita palsu dan ucapan kebencian yang bertujuan untuk menghasut polarisasi perkauman dan keagamaan atau lebih buruk lagi, keganasan perkauman. Terutamanya apabila terdapat sesetengah pihak yang cuba mengambil kesempatan politik yang dengan secara terbukanya menyatakan kenyataan seperti “Rindu 13 Mei! Rindu darah!”.
Semua rakyat Malaysia, tanpa mengira kaum atau agama, sepatutnya berasa bimbang dengan peningkatan berita palsu dan ucapan kebencian sehingga terdapat satu artikel diterbitkan yang bertajuk: “Remembering Nik Aziz as nation drowns in polemics of race and religion”
Salah satu tugas terpenting dalam pembinaan negara adalah menyelamatkan Malaysia daripada ditenggelamkan di dalam polemik perkauman dan keagamaan, dan seperti yang diperkatakan oleh Presiden PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim semalam di Persidangan Perlembagaan dan Kedaulatan Undang-undang LawAsia, pemimpin politik perlu cuba untuk mengubah topik percakapan negara daripada kerangka perkauman dan keagamaan kepada satu fokus terhadap kebajikan rakyat terpinggir. Read the rest of this entry »
Will the four public universities which is organising the Malay Dignity Congress on Sunday organise a Chinese Malaysian Dignity Congress, Indian Malaysian Dignity Congress, Kadazan Dignity Congress, Dayak Dignity Congress, Orang Asli Dignity Congress and most important of all, a Malaysian Dignity Congress?
Posted by Kit in Malaysian Dream, nation building on Friday, 4 October 2019
Adakah empat universiti awam yang akan menganjurkan Kongres Maruah Melayu pada Ahad ini sudi untuk menganjurkan Kongres Maruah Cina Malaysia, Kongres India Malaysia, Kongres Maruah Kadazan, Kongres Maruah Dayak, Kongres Maruah Orang Asli dan paling penting Kongres Maruah Rakyat Malaysia?
Empat universiti awam, iaitu Universiti Malaya (UM), Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) dan Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) akan menganjurkan Kongres Maruah Melayu di Stadium Malawati di Shah Alam pada Ahad ini.
Adakah empat universiti awam tersebut sudi mengadakan kongres yang sama untuk kaum-kaum lain di Malaysia, sebagai contoh; Kongres Maruah Cina Malaysia, Kongres Maruah India Malaysia, Kongres Maruah Kadazan, Kongres Maruah Dayak, Kongres Maruah Orang Asli, dan yang paling penting, Kongres Maruah Rakyat Malaysia?
Ini antara persoalan yang dibangkitkan rakyat Malaysia sebagai reaksi terhadap penganjuran Kongres Maruah Melayu pada Ahad nanti.
Maruah Malaysia akan terpelihara sekiranya maruah setiap kumpulan etnik dan agama di negara ini turut terpelihara — iaitu dengan berpegang teguh terhadap prinsip-prinsip asas dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan Rukun Negara.
Adakah Kongres Maruah Melayu ini akan menegaskan semula prinsip-prinsip asas dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan Rukun Negara, dan mengecam prinsip memecah-belah dan membinasakan yang bertentangan Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan Rukun Negara, contohnya, pendirian yang mengatakan seseorang itu harus mengundi calon yang beragama Islam meskipun dia adalah seorang kleptokrat atau pendirian yang mengatakan orang Melayu hanya boleh menyokong calon yang beragama Islam! Read the rest of this entry »
Rukunegara is manifestation of the philosophy of Alliance of Civilisations in Malaysian nation-building as a Clash of Civilisations can only result in Malaysia’s failure and destruction
Posted by Kit in Malaysian Dream, nation building, PH Government on Sunday, 25 August 2019
The Rukunegara is the manifestation of the philosophy of Alliance of Civilisations in Malaysian nation-building as a Clash of Civilisations can only result in Malaysia’s failure and destruction.
I will like to see this spirit of Alliance of Civilisations in Malaysia highlighted in the forthcoming celebrations for the 62nd National Day on August 31 and the 56th Malaysia Day on Sept. 16.
But there seems to be plot to denigrate and defile these two important occasions.
Malaysians must be alert to the unusual increase of traffic of fake news and hate speech on Malaysian social media recently as if to provoke inter-racial and inter-religious strife in the country. Read the rest of this entry »
Lets build a country where every Malaysian, regardless of race, religion, region or socio-economic origin, can reach for the stars
Posted by Kit in General, Malaysian Dream on Friday, 5 July 2019
I am particularly struck by two events revealed in the book.
Page 34 – while stopping at a newsagent in Petaling Jaya in September 1978 enroute to the Subang International Airport flying to London to study law, Kula caught sight of a book that was displayed, Time Bombs in Malaysia, which was published for the July 1978 General Election.
He wrote: “I purchased a copy and commenced reading the book in the taxi to the airport, and while in the departure lounge awaiting embarkation, and on the flight to Heathrow Airport, London. By the time I landed I had changed my mind about immigrating to another land. I wanted to complete my studies and come back to the country of my birth to see what I could do to change things”.
Page 50 – 51 on his visit to P.Patto, who was a Operation Lalang detainee in Kamunting Detention Centre in 1988, and airing his family’s view on emigration to Australia.
Kula wrote: “He reacted angrily. I was jolted by his reaction. He told me not to waste his and my time by visiting him if I harboured thought of migrating. He did not spare my feelings. He made it sound like I was a coward if I wanted to migrate. He appeared to equate patriotism with a willingness to sacrifice for the sake of making the country a better place for all Malaysians. Patto told me not to visit him again if I persisted in wanting to migrate. Read the rest of this entry »
Rafidah’s advocacy of “ketuanan Malaysia” as a more inclusive concept for all Malaysians should be welcomed by Malaysians who want Malaysia to fulfill her destiny as “a beacon of light in a disturbed and distracted world”
Posted by Kit in Good Governance, Malaysian Dream, nation building on Sunday, 3 June 2018
Former Wanita UMNO Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz’s advocacy of “ketuanan Malaysia” as a more inclusive concept for all Malaysians should be welcomed by Malaysians to want Malaysia to fulfill her destiny as “a beacon of light in a disturbed and distracted world”.
These were the founding ideals when our nation achieved Merdeka in 1957 and Malaysia was formed in 1963, to be “an independent and sovereign democratic State founded upon liberty and justice, ever seeking to defend and uphold peace and harmony among its people and to perpetuate peace among nations”, where all citizens dedicate themselves “to work and strive with hand and brain to create a new nation, inspired by the ideals of justice and liberty – a beacon of light in disturbed and distracted world”.
It is no exaggeration to say that never before in previous thirteen general elections since 1959 had the country seen such intensity and viciousness in the politics of fear, hate, lies, race and religion as in the 14th General Election. Read the rest of this entry »
14GE is the only one opportunity and possibility in 60 years to Save Malaysia from being a failed, rogue and kleptocratic state and to be a great and united plural nation
Posted by Kit in Elections, Malaysian Dream, nation building on Sunday, 28 January 2018
The 14th General Election to be held in 100 days is the one opportunity and possibility in 60 years to Save Malaysia from being a failed, rogue and kleptocratic state and for the country to a be a great and united plural nation.
For over half a century and through eleven General Elections, Malaysian electoral politics were cast in stone as to who was the governing coalition of the country, and the question to be decided was how many seats Opposition parties can win in the very undemocratic and one-sided electoral process.
I still remember the very uphill struggle in the early decades when DAP parliamentary representation, often the largest Opposition grouping in Parliament, only managed to secure from a lowly nine to 24 and back to 9, 10 and 11 parliamentary seats from 1969 to 2004 General Elections. Read the rest of this entry »
The battle in the 14GE is not between Najib and Mahathir but between Najib/BN and the people of Malaysia
Posted by Kit in Financial Scandals, Impian Malaysia, Malaysian Dream, nation building, Save Malaysia on Sunday, 28 January 2018
Firstly, I wish to thank all Malaysians, especially Pakatan Harapan and DAP leaders, members and supporters, as well as those from other political parties and organizations, for their support, concern and good wishes during my cancer operation and month-long break and recuperation.
I found however that I could not escape the demonization campaign against me, even during the five-week break.
I was in fact hospitalized on the day the MCA newspaper launched a major demonization against me, with the screaming headline: “Kit Siang as PM will create racial rift, says Liow” on December 18, 2017, quoting the MCA President and Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai warning that “Racial ties among the people will be damaged if DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang becomes prime minister” and that “Lim’s ambition would steer Malaysia towards the path of ruin”.
This is the stuff of fake news and false information, the staple diet of demonization by UMNO/BN propagandists and cytrops (cybertroopers), adopted wholesale by the MCA President as I had never thought of becoming Prime Minister of Malaysia. Read the rest of this entry »
How did we lose our way in our journey started 60 years ago to pursue the Merdeka Dream?
Posted by Kit in 1Malaysia, Corruption, Malaysian Dream, nation building on Thursday, 31 August 2017
Congratulations to the 844-strong Malaysian contingent for the golden harvest of 145 gold medals, 92 silver and 86 bronze at the 2017 SEA Games which concluded yesterday.
This is the only silver lining and glimmer of hope in the 60th Merdeka Anniverary celebrations today – a far cry from this day sixty years ago when we set out as a young nation, brimming with hope and confidence, dedicated, in the words of the Merdeka Proclamation 1957 and reaffirmed in the Malaysia Proclamation six year later, that the nation “shall be for ever a sovereign democratic and independent State founded upon the principles of liberty and justice and ever seeking the welfare and happiness of its people and the maintenance of a just peace among all nations”.
The remarkable and unprecedented Merdeka video “Citizen” by Pete Teo where the MCA President and Transport Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai took on a double acting role, captured the Malaysian malaise sixty years after Merdeka – the sense of hopelessness even despair, felt by patriotic Malaysians at the state of Malaysia today. Read the rest of this entry »
Let Malaysians make a common commitment on 60th Merdeka Anniversary to be more patriotic than the Cabinet Ministers and resolve to save Malaysia from kleptocracy and extremism and to revive the Merdeka Dream for Malaysia to be a world-class nation in every field of human endeavour
Posted by Kit in Corruption, Financial Scandals, Malaysian Dream, Najib Razak, nation building on Wednesday, 30 August 2017
On the occasion of the 60th Merdeka Anniversary, I call on all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, region or politics, to make a common commitment to be more patriotic than the Cabinet Ministers and resolve to save Malaysia from kleptocracy and extremism and to revive the Merdeka Dream for Malaysia to be a word-class nation in every field of human endeavor.
Two days ago on Monday, I issued an Open Letter to all Cabinet Ministers asking them to take a patriotic stand at the Cabinet meeting today on the eve of the 60th Merdeka Anniversary to veto Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak from visiting White House to meet President Trump on Sept. 12 to spare 30 million Malaysians international shame and humiliation as the US Government had virtually branded the Malaysian Prime Minister as kleptocrat by being “MO1” in the United States Department of Justice (DOJ)’s kleptocratic litigation to forfeit US$1.7 billion 1MDB-assets in the United States, the United Kingdom and Switzerland.
In the last two years, Najib has not cleared or cleansed himself after being branded by the American Government as a kleptocrat by being “MO1” in the US DOJ’s largest kleptocratic forfeiture suits.
Najib cannot deny that he is “MO1” as his Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of Economic Planning Unit, Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan, had told the world in a BBC interview last September that only an idiot would not know that the US DOJ reference of “MO1” was referring to none other than Najib.
The corruption problem in Malaysia has come to a stage where even Perak Sultan Nazrin has declared publicly that sixty years after Merdeka, corruption has become one of Malaysia’s major ills. Read the rest of this entry »
Congrats to Malaysian athletes for 111 Gold in SEA Games and go for more – but will Cabinet strike Gold for Malaysia by vetoing Najib’s humiliating and shameful visit to White House and meeting with Trump?
Posted by Kit in Malaysian Dream, Najib Razak, nation building on Tuesday, 29 August 2017
Congrats to Malaysian athletes for 111 Gold Medals in the SEA Games and go for more in the last two days of SEA Games, including the “mother of all medals” – the football gold tonight.
But will the Cabinet meeting on the eve of the 60th National Day celebrations strike a Gold for Malaysia by vetoing the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s humiliating and shameful visit to the White House and meeting with US President Donald Trump scheduled for Sept. 12 as a kleptocrat and “MO1”? Read the rest of this entry »
Mengapa Mahathir berkawan dengan Kit Siang?
Posted by Kit in DAP, Mahathir, Malaysian Dream, nation building on Saturday, 1 April 2017
oleh Wan Hamidi Hamid
16 Mac 2017
Bagi kebanyakan orang Melayu, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad adalah pejuang bangsa. Dalam konteks ini, ia membawa dua maksud, iaitu bangsa sebagai kaum dan bangsa sebagai negara (nation).
Mereka yang menyanjunginya pasti tidak lupa amanat terakhir beliau sebagai Presiden UMNO sewaktu berucap di perhimpunan agung parti ke-54 pada Jun 2003 yang mengingatkan ahli dan pemimpin parti agar tidak mengkhianati bangsa, iaitu kedua-dua maksud bangsa; Melayu dan Malaysia. Read the rest of this entry »
Mencari butang ‘reset’ buat menyembuh penyakit kakistokrasi Malaysia
Posted by Kit in DAP, Malaysian Dream, nation building on Saturday, 1 April 2017
oleh Izmil Amri
17 Mac 2017
Pagi tadi saya hidupkan semula telefon lama yang sudah separuh nyawa. Telefon pintar yang dibeli pada tahun 2014 itu telah saya ganti dengan yang baru. Pastinya lebih canggih dan laju. Namun kerana sedikit rasa sentimental, saya hidupkan kembali setelah hampir tiga bulan ia ‘mati’.
Meski sudah hampir ajal dengan bateri yang hanya bertahan tiga jam, saya kira ia masih boleh diguna untuk tugas-tugas ringan menjadi penggera bangun tidur dan buat memainkan radio. Maka telefon itu akhirnya saya ‘reset’ ke tetapan kilang, dan ia pun kembali ke fitrah asalnya.
Demikian nasib barang-barang elektronik zaman kini. Asal berpenyakit, tekan butang ‘reset’ maka sihatlah ia semula.
Tetapi kalau yang menanggung sakit itu sebuah negara, di celah mana harus ditekan butang ‘reset’nya. Read the rest of this entry »
Seeking a new formula to unite Malaysia’s diversity
Posted by Kit in Malaysian Dream, nation building on Saturday, 27 August 2016
Ooi Kee Beng
The Straits Times
AUG 26, 2016
The issue of Bangsa Johor (Johor nationality) made national news again on Wednesday, when former prime minister Mahathir Mohamed was asked about it at a forum on relations between the federal government and state governments.
Asked about Johor’s separation from Malaysia, a national concern fanned by provocative comments made by Johor’s Crown Prince, Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim, Tun Dr Mahathir replied that such a separation would encourage “unhealthy” feelings of superiority and harm the unity of the federation.
The issue of “Bangsa Johor” is hugely interesting on several levels. It acts as a reminder that despite the centralised nature of Malaysian governance, the country was sewn together in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s as a federation. This was clearly reflected in the country’s 1957 Constitution. Read the rest of this entry »
Patto’s Malaysian Dream is the Dream of all Patriotic Malaysians
Posted by Kit in DAP, Malaysian Dream, nation building on Tuesday, 12 July 2016
DAP MP for Batu Kawan, Kasthuri Patto, wrote a touching article on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the death of her father, P. Patto, one of the giants in the pantheon of Malaysian leaders in the half-century history of the DAP.
Patto was never just an Indian leader as he was always a Malaysian leader.
He dedicated his life not for an Indian Malaysia, definitely not a Chinese Malaysia, but a Malaysian Malaysia where every Malaysian, regardless of whether Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan or Iban; Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Christian or Taoist is proud to be a Malaysian first and last. Read the rest of this entry »
Three cries for Malaysia – that in run-up to the 53rd Malaysia Day and 59th National Day celebrations, a state mufti could classify non-Muslim Malaysians as “kafir harbi” who could be slain
Posted by Kit in Islam, Malaysian Dream, nation building on Saturday, 25 June 2016
I cry for Malaysia – firstly, that in the run-up to the 53rd Malaysia Day on Sept. 16 and 59th National Day celebrations on August 31, a state mufti could classify non-Muslims Malaysians as “kafir harbi” who could be slain.
I further cry for Malaysia that the state mufti’s statement was made a day after the Islamic State IS) released a new propaganda video where a Malaysian identified as Mohd Rafi Udin from Negri Sembilan warned that there would be “no peace” for police personnel in the Bukit Aman headquarters, and urged IS supporters in Malaysia to employ whatever means necessary to kill non-believers – “Kill them wherever you meet them…if you have a car, hit them…Use your weapon and knives to stab them in the chest”.
The state mufti’s statement has prompted the reaction, “Daesh is already in Malaysia”, among many Malaysians.
My third cry for Malaysia is that the mufti’s statement was made as part of a high-level UMNO/BN political conspiracy after the Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar by-elections to incite hatred and animosity among the diverse races and religions to accummulate political capital, spearheaded by the UMNO propaganda mouthpiece, Utusan Malaysia, as if there is no rule of law in Malaysia and in utter contempt of six decades of nation-building efforts. Read the rest of this entry »
Has the end-game however protracted of the nation’s first global financial scandal – RM50-55 billion 1MDB scandal – begun with the two-pronged crackdown by the Swiss and Singapore authorities?
Posted by Kit in Corruption, Financial Scandals, Malaysian Dream, Najib Razak on Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Has the end-game, however protracted, of the nation’s first global financial scandal – the RM50-55 billion 1MDB scandal – begun with the two-pronged crackdown by the
Swiss and Singapore authorities yesterday?
The two-pronged crackdown involved the closure of the Singapore branch of BSI, the commencement of criminal proceedings against the bank by the Swiss authorities over “money laundering and corruption” offences relating to suspected embezzlement of US$4 billion from 1MDB and the liquidation of the 143-year-old Swiss bank.
In Malaysia, however, all that the government investment arm 1MDB could say in a statement is that “it had not been contacted by any foreign lawful authority on matters relating to the company”.
Nothing could be more surreal than this response from 1MDB – suggesting that while over half a dozen countries are not only investigating, but beginning to commence criminal proceedings, against institutions and individuals for money laundering and embezzlement of 1MDB funds of at least US$4 billion, 1MDB as the company directly involved, is claiming that there had been no such embezzlement at all!
1MDB is creating world history as a company which is the subject of investigation by half a dozen foreign countries involving multi-billion ringgit money-laundering and global corruption but which is strenuously denied by both the company and its government.
Has there been any such a case, where a company is being investigated for multi-billion ringgit money laundering and global corruption by half a dozen foreign countries, but which is strenuously denied by the company affected and its government?
On this score, we must be the first in the world. Read the rest of this entry »
The Malaysia that could be
Posted by Kit in 1Malaysia, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Malaysian Dream on Thursday, 19 May 2016
Michael Vatikiotis
Straits Times
May 15, 2016
Shortly after I arrived in Kuala Lumpur in 1991 as newly appointed bureau chief for the Far Eastern Economic Review, I was introduced to a Malaysian journalist then working here for The Straits Times in Singapore. We worked in a country well known for its disdain for the foreign media; and we were particular targets because our publications were deemed by the government to be biased against or even hostile to Malaysia.
Partly because of the common challenges we faced, but perhaps mostly because we enjoyed eating nasi kandar and roti canai at street- side stalls in Kuala Lumpur or on the many outstation reporting trips we took together, we became good friends.
A quarter of a century later, my close friend Kalimullah Hassan is no longer a journalist – neither am I. Our beloved profession has been much affected by the decline of advertising revenues and the rise of social media. But Kali, as all his friends know him, remains as passionate and concerned about his country as he was when we drove for long hours around rural constituencies in out-of-the-way parts of Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu covering by-elections.
So when I read his newly published collection of columns and recollections, many of those earnest discussions and arguments we had over steaming cups of teh tarik in the 1990s came flooding back to me. There is his great pride in Malaysia’s ethnic diversity, his deep concern about the divisive racist rhetoric of contested politics and the corrosive impact of patronage and corruption in high places.
Read the rest of this entry »