
DAP Parliamentary Leader and MP for Gelang Patah


Posts by Kit

One of the rare occasions these days where I agree with Mahathir

GMT+0800000000+08:001619pm23, 19 Tue+08:002023-12-19T16:40:16+08:00+08:0012b+08:00Tue, 19 Dec 2023 16:40:16 +0800 2023 - 4:40 p12

Question for Muhyiddin: Was Mahathir subservient to DAP when he was Prime Minister the second time for 22 months?

thpm31000000Sat, 16 Dec 2023 12:30:09 +080016pm23, 16 Sat+08:002023-12-16T12:30:09+08:00+08:0012b+08:00Sat, 16 Dec 2023 12:30:09 +0800 2023 - 12:30 p12

Let the two PN parties of PAS and Bersatu declare whether Wan Fayhsal’s proposal to amend the Malaysian Constitution to restrict the Prime Minister position to Malay Muslims is their official position

DecemberFri, 15 Dec 2023 12:02:12 +08000215pm23, 15 Fri+08:002023-12-15T12:02:12+08:00+08:0012b+08:00Fri, 15 Dec 2023 12:02:12 +0800 2023 - 12:02 p12

Only the police know why they wanted to see me but not Mahathir Mohamad although he said the same thing as me that a non-Malay can be Prime Minister of Malaysia

GMT+0800000000+08:001612am23, 12 Tue+08:002023-12-12T10:24:16+08:00+08:0012b+08:00Tue, 12 Dec 2023 10:24:16 +0800 2023 - 10:24 am12

I will meet the police in next few days on my remarks to Malaysian students in Manchester at the end of last month

Dec20231211am23, 11 Mon+08:002023-12-11T10:09:14+08:00+08:0012b+08:00Mon, 11 Dec 2023 10:09:14 +0800 2023 - 10:09 am12

Why are Malaysians not sufficiently focused on regaining world-rank status or on the future?

th0000001210pm23, 10 Sun+08:002023-12-10T14:07:44+08:00+08:0012b+08:00Sun, 10 Dec 2023 14:07:44 +0800 2023 - 2:07 p12

If I was wrong about the Malaysian Dream, then Tun Razak was wrong in 1970 to formulate the Rukun Negara and Tun Mahathir Mohamad was wrong in 1990 to formulate the nine strategic objectives of Vision 2020

49+08:000612+08:004706pm23, 6 Wed+08:002023-12-06T14:11:47+08:00+08:0012b+08:00Wed, 06 Dec 2023 14:11:47 +0800 2023 - 2:11 p12

Takiyuddin’s omissions are more significant than what he said

GMT+0800000000+08:002705pm23, 5 Tue+08:002023-12-05T15:04:27+08:00+08:0012b+08:00Tue, 05 Dec 2023 15:04:27 +0800 2023 - 3:04 p12

Landslide victory for PAS in Kemaman would have been the coup de grace for the Anwar unity government if PN had captured Selangor or Negeri Sembilan in August but PN did not do so and the green wave had reached its maximum mark

Dec20231204pm23, 4 Mon+08:002023-12-04T15:47:08+08:00+08:0012b+08:00Mon, 04 Dec 2023 15:47:08 +0800 2023 - 3:47 p12

Congrats to Samsuri for winning Kemaman by-election — will Hadi step down as PAS President to allow Samsuri to lead a PAS which is more moderate and open-minded

rd0000001203pm23, 3 Sun+08:002023-12-03T15:54:37+08:00+08:0012b+08:00Sun, 03 Dec 2023 15:54:37 +0800 2023 - 3:54 p12

Call for a conference of political parties, NGOs, and NGIs on how to ensure Malaysia can rise up again to become a great world-class nation and avoid the fate of a divided, failed, and kleptocratic state

ndpm31000000Sat, 02 Dec 2023 21:10:50 +080002pm23, 2 Sat+08:002023-12-02T21:10:50+08:00+08:0012b+08:00Sat, 02 Dec 2023 21:10:50 +0800 2023 - 9:10 p12

The Opposition parties do not seem to be interested in the national decline in the last quarter of a century, not bothered about Malaysia rising up again to become a great world-class country as they are only concerned about further dividing Malaysians by exploiting the 2R issues of race and religion

DecemberFri, 01 Dec 2023 14:49:30 +08004901pm23, 1 Fri+08:002023-12-01T14:49:30+08:00+08:0012b+08:00Fri, 01 Dec 2023 14:49:30 +0800 2023 - 2:49 p12

Malaysian Constitution provides for a Malaysian Dream and not a mono-ethnic dream as it provides that a non-Malay can be a Prime Minister

GMT+080005000000Thu, 30 Nov 2023 17:13:50 +08005030pm23, 30 42023000+08:0011b+08:00Thu, 30 Nov 2023 17:13:50 +0800 2023 - 5:13 p11

Time to end the abuses and deviations of NEP

GMT+080011000000Thu, 30 Nov 2023 11:26:25 +08002530am23, 30 42023000+08:0011b+08:00Thu, 30 Nov 2023 11:26:25 +0800 2023 - 11:26 am11

Malaysians must have a vision for the future to rise up again to be a great world-class nation and not to fight the battles of the past before Independence in 1957 whether Malaysia is a mono-ethnic or plural nation

GMT+0800000000+08:002128pm23, 28 22023000+08:0011b+08:00Tue, 28 Nov 2023 12:33:21 +0800 2023 - 12:33 p11

I told Mahathir in 2019 that we must be serious with our election manifesto and that I was surprised by his statement that election manifesto is not a bible

NovemberFri, 24 Nov 2023 10:42:18 +08004224am23, 24 52023000+08:0011b+08:00Fri, 24 Nov 2023 10:42:18 +0800 2023 - 10:42 am11

Why is Hadi silent for so long on the lies, falsehoods, fake news, and hate speech by Siti Mastura?

GMT+080011000000Thu, 23 Nov 2023 11:45:23 +08002323am23, 23 42023000+08:0011b+08:00Thu, 23 Nov 2023 11:45:23 +0800 2023 - 11:45 am11

NEP has been “Mastura-ised” and producing unthinking robots who purvey lies, falsehoods, fake news and hate speech instead of producing scholars of excellence

GMT+080011000000Thu, 23 Nov 2023 11:41:42 +08004223am23, 23 42023000+08:0011b+08:00Thu, 23 Nov 2023 11:41:42 +0800 2023 - 11:41 am11

Onus is on Wan Saiful to prove that booklet “Bahan Kempen Komunikasi BN” was a BN publication, who was responsible for it and when it was published

47+08:002211+08:002722pm23, 22 32023000+08:0011b+08:00Wed, 22 Nov 2023 13:37:27 +0800 2023 - 1:37 p11

Malaysia must ensure that the Siti Mastura fiasco is the last case of the national decline and the country will rise up again to become a great world-class nation

GMT+0800000000+08:004921am23, 21 22023000+08:0011b+08:00Tue, 21 Nov 2023 11:12:49 +0800 2023 - 11:12 am11