Archive for May 9th, 2021

#kerajaangagal32 — Bolehkah rakyat Malaysia kembali menggegarkan dunia seperti yang kita lakukan pada hari ini tiga tahun yang lalu untuk menunjukkan bahawa harapan Malaysia Baru, walaupun berhadapan dengan cabaran dengan konspirasi Langkah Sheraton dapat dipenuhi pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-15?

Pada hari ini tiga tahun yang lalu, iaitu 9 Mei 2018, rakyat Malaysia mengagumkan dunia dengan peralihan kuasa secara demokratik dan aman buat pertama kali dalam enam dekad.

The Economist, dalam edisi bertarikh 18 Disember 2018, menamakan Malaysia sebagai “negara berjaya tahun 2018” — untuk pengundi Malaysia yang “memecat Perdana Menteri yang tidak dapat menjelaskan dengan jelas mengapa ada AS$ 700 juta dalam akaun banknya ”.
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#kerajaangagal32 – Can Malaysians again shake the world as we did on this day three years ago to demonstrate that the hopes of a New Malaysia, despite its setbacks of the Sheraton Move conspiracy can be fulfilled in the 15th General Election?

On this day three year ago, i.e. 9th May 2018, Malaysians astounded the world with the first democratic and peaceful transition of power in six decades.

The Economist, in its edition dated Dec.18, 2018, named Malaysia in a three-nation finals list in its “ovation country of the year 2018” – for Malaysian voters who “fired a Prime Minister who could not adequately explain why there was US$700 million in his bank account”. Read the rest of this entry »

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#kerajaangagal31 – nine MCO 3.0 and Covid-19 Questions for the Ministry of Health

(Tatal ke bawah untuk kenyataan versi BM)

The Sars CoV2 virus which causes Covid-19 first hit our shores on the 25th January 2020, brought in by travellers from Singapore. We have been battling Covid-19 since.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) declared Covid-19 a pandemic on the 11th March 2020, and Malaysia declared the first lockdown on the 18th March 2020. Read the rest of this entry »

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