Archive for 2021

Appeal to GPMS, Mappim and Gapena not to appeal the Kuala Lumpur High Court judgement on the constitutionality of Chinese and Tamil primary schools but to provide leadership to undo the half-a-century of national decline losing out to other countries

(Versi BM)

2021 has the been the worst annus horribilis (horrible year), more than any year past, for Malaysia – Covid-19 pandemic, floods, kleptocracy, a convict opening an international conference, Kerajaan Gagal1 and Kerajaan Gagal2 among the long list of failures.

Should Malaysians give in to despair, dejection, despondency and hopelessness?

I do not think so. Read the rest of this entry »

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Abu Zahar has got the wrong end of the stick – the issue is not Gomez but Azam

(Versi BM)

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Advisory Board Chairman Abu Zahar Ujang has got the wrong end of the stick – the issue is not academician Edmund Terence Gomez but the MACC Chief Commissioner Azam Baki.

Gomez’ shock resignation has only highlighted the Azam Baki issue. Read the rest of this entry »

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Covid Infamy in Malaysia: In 30 days in December 2021, Malaysia has 20 times Covid-19 cases and four times Covid-19 deaths of Indonesia, which has more than eight times the population of Malaysia

(Versi BM)

Today is the last day of the last week for 2021.

I have written about an infamy a day for Malaysia in the six days for the last week of 2021.

Today is no exception. Read the rest of this entry »

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Ibrahim Durum has failed as the Malacca State Assembly Speaker in frivolously allowing the four-day Malacca Assembly to be shortened to one day when Malacca had the second lowest daily new Covid-19 cases since Polling Day on 20th November and no Covid-19 death on Dec. 27, 2021

(Versi BM)

Ibrahim Durum has failed as the Malacca State Assembly Speaker in frivolously allowing the four-day Malacca State Assembly to be shortened to one day when Malacca had the second lowest daily new Covid-19 cases since Polling Day on November 20 and no Covid-19 death on Dec. 27, 2021.

The Malacca State Assembly Speaker should not have allowed the Malacca Chief Minister, Sulaiman Md Ali to move the motion to shorten the State Assembly from four days to one day on the ground that four Malacca State Assemblymen did not attend because they were tested positive for Covid-19 while three other assemblymen were absent after coming into close contact with those who had tested positive. Read the rest of this entry »

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Call on all members the Parliamentary Special Select Committee for Agencies under the Prime Minister’s Department to agree to summon MACC Chief Comissioner Azam Baki to respond to serious allegations of impropriety first made more than two months ago

(Versi BM)

The ideal situation is to have a Parliamentary Special Select Committee on Corruption and Abuses/Wastage of Public Funds which should conduct an investigation into the allegations of lack of integrity which have been made against the MACC Chief Commissioner, Azam Bai, more than two months ago and which has prompted academician Edmund Terence Gomez to resign from the MACC’s Consultation and Corruption Prevention Panel for the MACC inaction in the last two months.

But even if Prime Minister Ismail Sabri agrees to set up such a Parliamentary Special Select Committee, which is a very big “If”, such a Special Select Committee can only be set up when Parliament next meets, which is two months away on February 28, when what is needed urgently is immediate action as the trust deficit in the government generallty and the MACC in particular has dropped to an all-time low.
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Infamy of Infamies – the 1MDB “kleptocracy at its worst” scandal

(versi BM)

Thanks goodness, it was not all news of infamy for Malaysia every day for the last week for the year 2021 – as there were also some good news and one came yesterday when the High Court in Kuala Lumpur ruled that the existence and establishment of vernacular schools and the use of Chinese and Tamil languages in schools are constitutional.

Judge Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali ruled that vernacular schools are not a public authority and the use of a non-Malay medium of instruction for teaching in Chinese and Tamil vernacular schools is not for an official purpose and thus, did not infringe Article 152 (1) of the Federal Constitution. Read the rest of this entry »

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The Parliamentary Special Select Committee on Agencies under the Prime Minister’s Department should summon MACC Chief Commissioner Azam Baki to explain the two-month old allegations against him, which has caused “trust deficit” in government and MACC to drop to an unprecedented level

(Versi BM)

The Parliamentary Special Select Committee on Agencies under the Prime Minister’s Department should summon MACC Chief Commissioner Azam Baki to explain the two-month old allegations against him, as the “conspiracy of silence” on the issue has, among other things, caused “trust deficit” in government and MACC to drop to an unprecedented level.

The Special Select Committee should submit its report to Dewan Rakyat on the first day of the first meeting of the fifth session of Parliament from February 28 to 24th March, 2022. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malaysi’s Final Week of Infamy in 2021 – Peter Anthony becomes a “frog” and forms a new political party with another “frog”

(Versi BM)

Malaysia is having its Final Week of Infamy in 2021.

On Saturday, 25th December, 2021, Prime Minister Ismail Sabri ignores the annual Christmas high tea of the Christian Federation of Malaysia, which had been attended by the Prime Minister or his representative every year since 1999, signalling that Ismail Sabri’s “Keluarga Malaysia” is not for unity in diversity of Malaysia’s multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-religious and multi-cultural population and no unifying policy at all.
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Ismail Sabri must act on Gomez’ shock resignation from MACC panel and end the two-month “conspiracy of silence” about allegations of MACC Chief’s ownership of close to two million shares in a public listed company

(Versi BM)

It would appear that Malaysia’s international infamy this year has not ended, although we are left with three days before we enter the New Year of 2022.

What other infamies are in store for Malaysia for the next three days?

Yesterday, a convicted criminal opened an international conference in Kuala Lumpur while today we have the shock resignation of the Edmund Terence Gomez from a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Panel, highlighting that something is very rotten with the anti-corruption efforts in Malaysia.
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New height of infamy for Malaysia that apart from 1MDB scandal which was “kleptocracy at its worst”, among worst performing nations in two-year Covid-19 pandemic, catastrophic government mismanagement of massive floods in Selangor and Pahang, absence of Prime Minister at annual Christmas high tea, a convicted criminal was invited to open an international conference

(Versi BM)

There have been many “national embarrassments” for Malaysia of late

With the global 1MDB scandal which had been described by the former US Attorney-General as “kleptocracy at its worst”; Malaysia among the worst performing nations in the two-year Covid-19 pandemic accumulating nearly 2.75 million Covid-19 cases and over 31,000 deaths; a former Prime Minister declared by the Court of Appeal as a “national embarrassment” during his premiership; catastrophic government mismanagement of last week’s massive floods in Selangor and Pahang causing loss of at least 48 lives and the absence of the Prime Minister at the annual Christmas high tea which totally demolished his “Keluarga Malaysia” slogan, one would have thought Malaysia had enough infamies for any nation.
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Ismail Sabri’s absence from the annual Christmas high tea illustrates his inability to live down his past to prove he is Prime Minister for all Malaysians and his Keluarga Malaysia slogan is for an inclusive Malaysian family regardless of race, religion or region

(Versi BM)

Prime Minister Ismail Sabri’s absence from the Christian Federation of Malaysia’s (CFM) annual Christmas high tea illustrates his inability to live down his past to prove he is Prime Minister for all Malaysians and his “Keluarga Malaysia” slogan is for an inclusive Malaysian family regardless of race, religion or region and not for any one race, religion or region.

A Malaysian Prime Minister who really understands the Malaysian Constitution and the Rukun Negara principles would not have missed the annual Christmas high tea or at least, ensure that he would be officially represented. Read the rest of this entry »

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Why is Malaysia losing out to Indonesia for more than four months in the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic although Indonesia has more than eight times Malaysia’s population?

A British think-tank has predicted that China’s Covid-19 response will help China to become the world’s biggest economy three years early in vying with United States for economic superiority.

British consultancy Cebr expected China will become the world’s top economy in dollar terms in 2030, two years later than forecast in last year’s World Economic League Table report. Read the rest of this entry »

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The call by Yang di Pertuan Agong for post-mortem on floods is an indication that the Ismail Sabri’s government is not functioning despite his cancellation of year-end leave for all his Ministers

The call by the Yang di Pertuan Agong for a post-mortem on the floods disaster in Selangor and Pahang is an indication that the Ismail Sabri government is not functioning, despite his cancellation of year-end leave of all his Ministers.

It raises the question what is use of Ismail Sabri’s cancellation of the year-end leave of his Ministers if all the jumbo-sized Cabinet does is for the Ministers to collect their super salaries and allowances without doing useful or worthwhile work? Read the rest of this entry »

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Will Ismail Sabri sack Ministers who defy his instruction to cancel their leave abroad and return immediately to be with the people who are facing hardship?

I commend the Prime Minister, Ismail Sabri for his cancellation of the year-end leave application from his cabinet Ministers until after the flood situation had passed.

Will Ismail Sabri sack Ministers who defy his instruction to cancel their leave abroad and return immediately to be with the people who are facing hardship? Read the rest of this entry »

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Let us learn from Covid-19 pandemic and massive floods that we must unite as Malaysians and help each other as disasters know no race or religion

Malaysians will celebrate Christmas this year in the midst of two disasters, the Covid-19 pandemic and the massive floods particularly in Selangor, Pahang and Kelantan.

Let us learn from the two-year old Covid-19 pandemic and the massive floods that we must unite as Malaysians and help each other as disasters know no race or religion. Read the rest of this entry »

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Prime Minister Ismail Sabri should reprimand MCMC and declare that he will not stop Malaysians from exercising their constitutional right to free speech to criticise his government and Ministers

(Versi BM)

It is shocking that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has requested Twitter to remove posts critical of the government’s atrocious response to the recent floods.

The Prime Minister, Ismail Sabri should reprimand the MCMC and declare that he will not stop Malaysians from exercising their constitutional right to free speech to criticise the government and his Ministers. Read the rest of this entry »

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Is Prime Minister Ismail Sabri himself unaware who is the Selangor Chairman of National Security Council?

(Versi BM)

Yesterday, I asked the Prime Minister Ismail Sabri to clear the air as to who is the Selangor Chairman of the National Security Council (NSC) as such a confusion should not arise in the midst of the deadliest flood disaster which has claimed 37 lives so far.

The thunderous silence of the Prime Minister on this question in the last 24 hours in most ominous.
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Has the Ismail Sabri government descended into a kakistocracy where the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing?

(Versi BM)

The claim by the Entrepreneur Development and Cooperative Minister Noh Omar that he is still the Selangor state chairman of the National Security Council (NSC) after the Selangor Mentri Besar Amirudin Shari claimed that he has resumed the task of the state NSC chief beggars imagination.

Has the Federal Government, which Prime Minister Ismail Sabri gave 90 per cent score to his jumbo-sized Cabinet for its first 100-day performance, quickly descended into a kakistocracy where the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing?
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We have missed the boat and will not be able to achieve Pre-Emergency situation in Covid-19 pandemic this year, let alone end the longest Covid-19 wave in the world going back to September last year

(Versi BM)

Malaysians must now keep their eyes on the twin disasters in Malaysia – the two-year Covid-19 pandemic and the floods disaster in Selangor and Pahang, which have claimed 27 lives so far, the highest death toll since the last major floods in 2014.

On the Covid-19 pandemic, which has claimed 31,221 lives and exceeded cumulative total of 2.7 million Covid-19 cases, we have missed the boat and will not be able to achieve pre-Emergency situation this year, let alone end the longest Covid-19 wave in the world going back September last year. Read the rest of this entry »

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Noh Omar should not only be removed as Chairman of Selangor National Security Council (NSC), he should be sacked for his abysmal performance in the massive Selangor floods

(Versi BM)

Noh Omar should not only be removed as Chairman of Selangor National Security Council (NSC), he should be sacked as the Entrepreneur and Co-operative Development Minister for his abysmal performance in the massive Selangor floods.

How could Noh get 90% for his first 100-day performance as Minister when all he deserved was -90% for his performance as Selangor NSC Chairman in his abysmal handling of the massive Selangor floods.
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