Who will be the Prime Minister if PAS-UMNO alliance of klepto-theocracy wins the 15th General Election – Najib again or Hadi or Zahid Hamidi?

Siapa yang akan jadi Perdana Menteri jika gabungan klepto-teokrasi PAS-UMNO menang Pilihan Raya Umum ke-15 – Najib lagi? Atau Hadi? Atau Zahid Hamidi?

Siapa yang akan jadi Perdana Menteri jika gabungan klepto-teokrasi PAS-UMNO, yang akan diputuskan esok, menang Pilihan Raya Umum ke-15 pada 2023?

Adakah Datuk Seri Najib Razak? Yang kini berdepan 43 tuduhan rasuah dan digelar sebagai kleptokrat global — sekaligus menyelematkan dirinya daripada dipenjara seumur hidup di penjara Sungai Buloh?

Adakah rakyat Malaysia akan terpaksa sekali lagi menerima “Malu Apa Bossku” sebagai PM?

Adakah PRU15 akan menyelamatkan Najib daripada skandal 1MDB, membuka jalan untuk Tan Sri Mohamad Apandi Ali kembali sebagai Peguam Negara untuk mempertahankan skandal 2MDB, 3MDB dan skandal-skandal seterusnya?

Yang lebih “menarik”, adakah negara ini akan kembali dikawal oleh penjenayah dalam buruan yang kini cuba mengelak perbicaraan; Jho Low yang “pro-Melayu, pro-Islam”, yang mana akan membawa Malaysia ke arah kegemilangan – seorang Cina yang akan mengawal Malaysia menerusi proksinya “Malu Apa Bossku”!

Pun begitu, “kemahsyuran” Najib bukan datang daripada “dalang 1MDB” itu sahaja. Malahan Najib juga bertanggungjawab terhadap pembohongan terbesar dalam sejarah Malaysia – kononnya DAP adalah anti-Melayu, anti-Islam dan anti-Malaysia, bahawa saya kononnya Syaitan Besar Malaysia.

Satu lagi contoh ketoksikan Najibisme boleh dilihat dalam Perhimpunan Agung UMNO, sebelum dan selepas PRU14, termasuk tuduhan liar bahawa saya kononnya seorang komunis; boneka kuasa asing; kononnya saya menguasai Pakatan Harapan dan membuatkan pemimpin lain seperti Mahathir, Anwar Ibrahim, Wan Azizah, Muhyiddin Yassin dan Mohamad Sabu sebagai pak turut dan boneka saya; bahawa kononnya saya mahu jadi Perdana Menteri; bahawa kononnya kerajaan Pakatan Harapan (PH) mengamalkan agenda Kristianisasi – dan terbaru, kononnya saya ingin merebut jawatan dalam Kabinet!

Pada masa sama, saya dituduh oleh oportunis dan desperado dari MCA dan Gerakan kononnya saya kini menjadi “anjing suruhan” yang menjual hak, kepentingan dan masa depan orang Cina.

Biar saya jelaskan secara tuntas bahawa dalam 53 tahun saya berkecimpung dalam politik Malaysia, saya tidak pernah sekalipun terfikir untuk jadi PM Malaysia.

Mereka yang menyebarkan pembohongan bahawa DAP mempunyai agenda Kristianisasi adalah pihak tidak bertanggungjawab yang mahu melihat Malaysia gagal sebagai sebuah negara. Kepercayaan yang amat dangkal bagi mereka yang yakin bahawa DAP dan saya sendiri kononnya mahu menolak Islam sebagai agama rasmi dan digantikan dengan Kristian, sedangkan saya sendiri bukan penganut agama Kristian.

Sekali lagi, ingin saya tegaskan bahawa sejak 53 tahun lalu, agenda kristian atau seumpamanya tidak pernah dibincangkan dalam mesyuarat DAP, sama ada di peringkat kebangsaan, negeri mahupun tempatan – termasuk dalam Kongres DAP Kebangsaan.

Pendirian DAP terhadap Islam sebagai agama rasmi adalah jelas dan tuntas, kerana kami telah berulang kali menyatakan sokongan penuh terhadap peruntukan asas dalam perlembagaan tersebut.

Ia adalah objektif utama dalam gabungan Pakatan Rakyat dahulu dan dalam kerajaan Pakatan Harapan hari ini.

Atau adakah jawatan PM akan diberikan kepada Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, yang membunuh Pakatan Rakyat dengan menolak pencalonan Presiden PKR ketika itu, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, untuk jawatan Menteri Besar Selangor bagi menggantikan Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim pada Ogos 2014?

Saya masih ingat ucapan saya pada forum PAS di Melaka, 19 tahun lalu pada Jun 2000, berikut beberapa soalan yang saya ajukan pada forum tersebut:

– Adakah PAS serasi dengan demokrasi
– Adakah PAS serasi dengan pluralisme
– Adakah PAS serasi dengan hak asasi manusia
– Adakah PAS serasi dengan kepelbagaian budaya
– Adakah PAS serasi dengan hak-hak wanita, prinsip kesaksamaan untuk wanita termasuk peluang kepada wanita dalam pejabat awam dan kehidupan awam
– Adakah PAS serasi dengan pembangunan dan pemodenan.

Pada awal pembentukan Pakatan Rakyat dari tahun 2008 hingga 2013, PAS berkempen atas platform “PAS for All”, membawa perjuangan gagasan politik Islam yang bersesuaian dengan enam objektif yang dibangkitkan saya pada 2000.

Namun pada 2014, kepimpinan PAS di bawah pimpinan Hadi menentang pencalonan Wan Azizah sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor atas dasar bahawa beliau seorang wanita, sehingga mencetuskan perpecahan Pakatan Rakyat sebagai sebuah gabungan yang diasaskan pada 2008 dan terdiri daripada DAP, PKR dan PAS.

Kini, kepimpinan PAS yang dikemudi Hadi menyokong tesis bahawa pemimpin beragama Islam yang korup lebih baik daripada pemimpin bukan beragama islam yang bersih, jujur dan tidak korup. Kepimpinan Hadi malah mengikut rentak pemimpin UMNO dengan menyebarkan pembohongan, fitnah, berita palsu dan ucapan kebencian yang melaga-lagakan kaum dengan kaum dan agama dengan agama. Akibatnya, kita kini dihidangkan dengan pembohongan “patuh syariah”, fitnah, berita palsu dan ucapan kebencian!

Hadi mungkin sudah lupa bahawa beliau pernah secara terbuka mengaku bahawa DAP pernah mempertahankan PAS semasa kerajaan Kelantan jatuh ke tangan Barisan Nasional pada 1978, sehingga mencetuskan kekacauan di negeri tersebut.

Barisan Nasional, yang bekerjasama dengan PAS ketika itu, tidak melakukan apa-apa untuk membantu PAS dan hanya DAP yang mempertahankan PAS.

Atau adakah Presiden UMNO sekarang, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Raja Tuduhan Rasuah dengan 87 tuduhan jenayah, akan menjadi PM Malaysia jika gabungan klepto-teokrasi PAS-UMNO menang PRU15?

Saya pernah nyatakan sebelum ini bahawa gabungan yang diputuskan esok itu adalah gabungan PAS-UMNO dan bukannya UMNO-PAS, kerana jelas PAS memainkan peranan “Abang Besar” dalam gabungan itu.

Sejak beberapa bulan lalu, pemimpin UMNO lah yang banyak memuji pemimpin PAS dan bukan sebaliknya, kerana pemimpin UMNO berharap gabungan dengan PAS akan menyelematkan mereka.

Sudah dua minggu berlalu, tetapi saya masih ternanti-nanti jawapan daripada Zahid tentang parti politik mana yang sebenarnya mengalami “kelemayuh politik” dan telah “ditendang keluar dari tampuk kuasa dalam PRU14 pada 9 Mei 2018”, meskipun PM dan Presiden UMNO/BN malah semua kepimpinan Barisan Nasional menjangkakan bahawa mereka akan bukan sahaja mendapat semula mandat untuk mentadbir, tetapi memperolehi dua pertiga sokongan Parlimen?

Lebih-lebih lagi, saya telah bertanya kepada Zahid mengapa beliau terpaksa bercuti daripada jawatan presiden UMNO pada 18 Disember 2018? Selepas beliau merujuk kepada keadaan memalukan yang sedang dihadapi UMNO dan dimalukan dan ditolak dalam mesyuarat yang dihadirinya.

Jadi siapa calon PM gabungan klepto-teokrasi PAS-UMNO – Najib lagi atau Hadi atau Zahid? Atau mereka tidak berani untuk memperkatan tentang perkara itu dan mahu terus memesongkan rakyat Malaysia?

(Kenyataan Media oleh Ahli Parlimen DAP Iskandar Puteri, Lim Kit Siang di Gelang Patah pada Jumaat, 13 September 2019)

Who will be the Prime Minister if the PAS-UMNO alliance of klepto-theocracy, to be finalised tomorrow, wins the 15th General Election in 2023?

Will it be Datuk Seri Najib Razak again, with his 43 corruption charges hanging over his head and his notoriety as a global kleptocrat, saving him from spending the rest of his life in Sungai Buloh Prison?

Are Malaysians going to have “Malu Apa BOSSKU” back again as the tenant in Sri Perdana in Putrajaya and their Prime Minister?

Will the 15th General Election rescue Najib from the 1MDB scandal, paving the way for the return of Tan Sri Mohamad Apandi Ali as the Attorney-General with the country poised for even greater 2MDB, 3MDB and 3MDB scandals?

Even more “exciting”, the country will be back under the control of the international fugitive from justice, the “pro-Malay, pro-Islam” Jho Low, who will return to Malaysia in a blaze of glory – the Chinese who will be controlling Malaysia through his control of “Malu Apa BOSSku”!

But the “1MDB Man” is not Najib’s only notoriety. In fact, Najib is responsible for the greatest lies in the history of Malaysia – that the DAP is anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Malaysia, that I am the Devil-in-Chief in Malaysia.

Other toxic Najibisms are to be found at recent UMNO General Assemblies, during and after the 14th General Election, including the wild allegations that I was a communist; a stooge of foreign powers; that I dominated Pakatan Harapan and made other leaders like Mahathir, Anwar Ibrahim, Wan Azizah, Muhyiddin Yassin and Mohamad Sabu my stooges and puppets; that I wanted to be Prime Minister; that the Pakatan Harapan Government was adopting the DAP’s Christianisation agenda – and the latest, that I am angling for a position in the Cabinet!

All at the same time, I am accused by MCA and Gerakan opportunists and desperados of having becoming a “running dog” selling out the rights, interests and future of the Chinese – but nobody is the wiser as to how this circle could be squared!

Let me state categorically and unequivocally that in the 53 years that I have been in Malaysian politics, the thought of my becoming Prime Minister of Malaysia had never entered even once into my mind.

Those who spread the lies that DAP has a Christianisation agenda are mere mischief makers who want Malaysia to fail as a nation. It really beggars belief that DAP and I want to do away with Islam as the official religion and bring about a Christian Malaysia, when I am not even a Christian!

Again, let me state categorically and unequivocally that for the past 53 years, no such Christian agenda had ever been raised in any DAP meeting, whether national, state or local – including the DAP National Congress.

DAP’s position on Islam as the official religion is clear and unequivocal, as we have many a time expressed full support for this basic constitutional provision in the country.

It was a major objective in the former Pakatan Rakyat coalition and in the present Pakatan Harapan Government.

Or will the post of Prime Minister if PAS-UMNO alliance of klepto-theocracy wins the 15th General Election go to the PAS President, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, who killed Pakatan Rakyat by vetoing the nomination of then PKR President, Datuk Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, for the post of Selangor Mentri Besar to replace Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim in August 2014?

I remember that I gave a talk to a PAS forum in Malacca 19 years ago in June 2000, and I posed the following questions:

(1) Was PAS compatible with Democracy.
(2) Was PAS compatible with pluralism.
(3) Was PAS compatible with human rights.
(4) Was PAS compatible with cultural diversity.
(5) Was PAS compatible with women’s rights, the principle of equality for women including women’s access to public office and public life.
(6) Was PAS compatible with development and modernity.

In the early years of Pakatan Rakyat from 2008 to 2013, PAS campaigned on a platform of “PAS for All”, demonstrating that it represents a political Islam compatible with the six objectives I had asked in 2000.

But in 2004, Hadi’s PAS leadership opposed Wan Azizah’s nomination as Selangor Mentri Besar on the ground that she was a woman, leading to the eventual death of Pakatan Rakyat as a coalition of DAP, PKR and PAS which as formed in 2008.

Now, Hadi’s PAS leadership supports the thesis that a corrupt Muslim leader is better than a clean, honest and non-corrupt non-Muslim leader and together with UMNO leaders, are disseminating lies, falsehoods, fake news and hate speech to pit race against race and religion against religion. As a result, are we having Shariah-compliant lies, falsehoods, fake news and hate speech!

Hadi had forgotten what he had admitted publicly, that it was DAP which had defended PAS when the Kelantan government fell to Barisan Nasional in 1978, causing chaos within the state.

Barisan Nasional, that was working with PAS then, did nothing to help PAS and only DAP defended PAS.

Or will the present UMNO President, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, the King of Corruption Charges with 87 charges hanging over his head, going to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia if the PAS-UMNO alliance of klepto-theocracy wins the 15th General Election?

I had mentioned the alliance which will be finalised tomorrow as a PAS-UMNO alliance and not UMNO-PAS alliance, as it is clear that it is PAS which will play the role of the “Big Brother”.

In the past few months, it is the UMNO leaders who had been singing praises of the PAS leaders and not the other way round, as UMNO leaders are hoping that the alliance with PAS will provide UMNO with life support.

It is more than a fortnight but I am still waiting for an answer from Zahid as to which political party was suffering from “political gangrene” and got “booted out of power in the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018”, although the then Prime Minister and UMNO/BN President as well as the entire Barisan Nasional leadership had expected not only to regain the mandate to govern, but to recapture two-thirds parliamentary support?

Furthermore, I had asked Zahid why he had gone on “garden leave” as UMNO President on 18th December 2008, after he had referred to “punishing” conditions imposed on UMNO and the humiliation it suffered in a number of meetings he attended, where he not only faced rejection and insults, but even “humiliation, as if Umno was as unclean as the faeces of animals deemed haram”; and why did he end his “garden leave” as UMNO President on 30th June 2019 after he accumulated a total of 87 corruption charges?

So who is the Prime Ministerial candidate for the PAS-UMNO alliance of klepto-theocracy – Najib again or Hadi or Zahid? Or they don’t dare to talk about it and want to continue to mislead the people of Malaysia?

(Media Statement by DAP MP for Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang in Gelang Patah on Friday, Sept. 13, 2019)

  1. #1 by SuperStringhg on Friday, 13 September 2019 - 3:09 pm

    Political Analyst and others kept saying PH will loose if they don’t do this or that and UMNO/PAS will win in GE15!. Has anyone think what Malaysia is like if UMNO/PAS win GE15? Not difficult to imagine UMNO will continue with its KLEPTOCRATIC activities (since people voted them in again confirming that that’s what the People want) and PAS will continue to ISLAMISATION of Malaysia. Is this the Malaysia after GE15….

  2. #2 by Saint on Friday, 13 September 2019 - 11:26 pm

    My guess – Tun Mahathir once again

  3. #3 by Bigjoe on Saturday, 14 September 2019 - 3:28 pm

    It’s just incredible that while calling in Malay Muslim front, they still insist it’s not racial nor religo. Like it or not many will continue to parrot and even trumpet the lie no matter how it makes no sense whatever.

    Like it or not we are seeing our own Brexiteers, Trump supporters in our own land, but the line here is clearly marked race and religion making it much harder.

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