Strange things happening now in BN and UMNO
Posted by Kit in Corruption, Najib Razak, UMNO on Thursday, 30 June 2022, 5:22 pm
Strange things are happening now in Barisan Nasional and UMNO.
Firstly, the bombshell of the sacked UMNO Supreme Council member Tajuddin Abdul Rahman that a group of senior and influential UMNO leaders had met in his house in 2020 and agreed that Ahmad Zahid Hamidi should go as UMNO President and brokered a deal that would see Zahid step down amicably but UMNO Deputy President Mohamad Hasan and former Prime Minister/UMNO President Najib Razak later reneged and backed off. Read the rest of this entry »
Cabinet silence meant Cabinet cowardice and irresponsibility yesterday in not issuing any directive to freeze all increases of salaries and allowances of GLCs and GLICs top executives until economic recovery and to sack GLC and GLIC nominees who violate the Cabinet directive?
Posted by Kit in Corporate, Corruption, Economics on Thursday, 30 June 2022, 8:17 am
Cabinet silence meant Cabinet cowardice and irresponsibility yesterday in not issuing any directive to freeze all increases of salaries and allowances of GLCs and GLICs top executives until economic recovery and to sack GLC and GLIC nominees who violate the Cabinet directive?
This is a great disappointment and show the limitations of Ismail Sabri as Prime Minister of Malaysia. Read the rest of this entry »
Will the Cabinet tomorrow issue directive to freeze all increases of salaries and allowances of GLCs and GLICs until economic recovery and to sack GLC and GLIC nominees who violate the Cabinet directive?
Posted by Kit in Corruption, nation building on Tuesday, 28 June 2022, 12:57 pm
Tomorrow , will the Cabinet issue a directive to freeze all increases of salaries and allowances of Government-linked companies (GLCs) and Government-linked Investment Companies (GLICs) and to sack GLC and GLIC nominees who violate the Cabinet directive and present the Cabinet decision to Parliament on July 18 for parliamentary sanction?
The Prime Minister, Ismail Sabri, has many things on his plate tomorrow.
Most important question in Malaysia today is not who will win the next general election, but whether Malaysia will become a failed state before Malaysia’s Centennial in four decades from now, becoming an even greater kleptocracy
Posted by Kit in nation building on Monday, 27 June 2022, 6:35 am
The general election drums are becoming louder and louder.
The “court cluster” wants the 15th general election to be held now, before any of its members is sent to Sungei Buloh Prison for corruption and abuse of power.
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All political parties, NGOs, youth associations and student clubs should hold “What Went Wrong?” sessions throughout the country to find out why Malaysia, in more than six decades of nation-building, failed to achieve her potential to become a world-class great nation and what is the way forward
Posted by Kit in nation building on Sunday, 26 June 2022, 6:34 am
I propose that all political parties, NGOs, youth associations and student clubs hold “What Went Wrong?” sessions throughout the country to find out why Malaysia, in more than six decades of nation-building, failed to achieve her potential to become a world-class great nation and what is the way forward.
When Malaya, now Malaysia, achieved her independence in 1957, Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman expressed the hope that the new nation would become “a beacon of light in a difficult and distracted world”? Read the rest of this entry »
Hussein Onn’s warning 43 years ago that Malaysia will be ”destroyed if the leaders are dishonest, untrustworthy and corrupt” will be proven true before Malaysia’s Centennial if there is no reset of Malaysia nation-building policies and principles to get out the present trajectory of kleptocracy
Posted by Kit in Corruption, nation building on Saturday, 25 June 2022, 5:20 pm
In 1979, at the UMNO General Assembly, the then Prime Minister , Hussein Onn warned that Malaysia will be destroyed if its leaders are “dishonest, untrustworthy and corrupt” and expressed the hope that the Bank Rakyat scandal would be a “bitter lesson to other government institutions and agencies including companies and subsidiaries set up by the Government”.
However, Hussein Onn’s warning 43 years ago that Malaysia will be ”destroyed if the leaders are dishonest, untrustworthy and corrupt” fell on deaf ears and will be proven true before Malaysia’s Centennial if there is no reset of Malaysia nation-building policies and principles to get out the present trajectory of kleptocracy.
Four things reminded me of Hussein Onn’s warning 43 years ago.
First, I went to Bukit Aman yesterday because the police wanted a statement from me over my media statement last month warning Malaysians that Malaysia should not become another Sri Lanka of becoming a failed state and where the houses of the Prime Minister and Ministers of Sri Lanka were set on fire by angry protestors?
I said “This is not going to happen today, this month or this year” but asked:
“Will it happen before Malaysia marks its Centennial in 2057 or 2063? Are we following in the footsteps of Sri Lanka, at one time a ‘jewel’ in terms of development prospects in South Asia?”
I had not incited anyone, any class or community of persons nor had I any intent to incite anyone, any class or community of persons. I had also not created or initiated any transmission which was ‘obscene, indecent, false, menacing or offensive in character with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass another person’, but I am prepared to go to jail for warning Malaysians not to become another Sri Lanka.
Secondly, Malaysia has lost it way in nation-building after 65 years, failed to become a Tiger economy or a world-class great nation.
We have increased our national per capita income by 30-fold from 1970 to the present day but we have increase by more than 63,000-fold the corruption and financial scandals in this period, as illustrated RM100 million Bank Rakyat scandal in 1979, the RM2.5 billion Bumiputra Malaysia Finance (BMF) scandal in 1983 and the RM42 billion 1MDB scandal in the last decade.
In the past half-a-century, Malaysia lost out to Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Vietnam.
Will we lose out China and Indonesia before the end of this decade in the annual Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI)?
Will we lose out to more countries in economic development, even to Indonesia and the Philippines, come 2,040 or 2,050?
Thirdly, the recent memoirs of corporate lawyer Chooi Mun Sou, one of the three men appointed to the Ahmad Nordin Bumputra Malaysia Finance (BMF) Inquiry Committee in 1984, whose book “Malaysia My Home – Quo Vadis” reminded me that Malaysia may be spared the mega multi-billion 1MDB scandal and the infamy, ignominy and iniquity of “kleptocracy at its worst” if the recommendations of the Ahmad Nordin Committee had been acted upon by the government in 1986.
Fourthly, the indecent increase of the allowance of the Chairman of FGV Holdings Bhd to RM480,000 from RM300,000 and the allowances of the directors to RM150,000 from RM120,000 as compared to the meagre cash transfer announced by Putrajaya for people struggling with rising cost of food.
Hussein Onn’s 1979 warning to the UMNO General Assembly of “dishonest, untrustworthy and corrupt” leaders not only in government but in “other government institutions and agencies including companies and subsidiaries set up by the Government” come to mind.
I am not an UMNO member but how many UMNO leaders and members remember Hussein Onn’s warning or live by it?
In fact, we can even ask, is there a Hussein Onn in UMNO today?
I said in Parliament in 1979 during the debate on the Bank Rakyat scandal that if the New Economic Policy objectives of eliminating poverty regardless of race and the restructuring society were to succeed, the saboteurs of NEP in the public enterprises and companies must be got rid of.
The NEP is supposed to have life span of 20 years from 1970-1990. Who sabotaged NEP and ensured its failure as the overwhelming majority of the Malays remain poor?
Where have Malaysia nation-building gone wrong?
Probably, the greatest wrong was it continuing the corruption, abuses of power and breaches of trust in the NEP in 1990 instead of replacing it by a needs-based policy declaring a war against poverty regardless of race, religion or region.
Where has Malaysian nation-building gone wrong?
This is a question all Malaysians who love the country must ask and find an answer.
(Speech by DAP MP for Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang at Ipoh Barat constituency’s “Malaysian Dream Continues” Dialogue at Guntong, Ipoh on Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 12 noon)
Ismail Sabri shamed by obscene increase of allowances of FGV Holdings Chairman and Directors to do a U-turn on chicken ceiling price but this is still grossly inadequate
Posted by Kit in Economics, Good Governance on Saturday, 25 June 2022, 7:08 am
The Prime Minister, Ismail Sabri has shamed by the obscene increase in the allowances of FGV Chairman and Directors to do a U-turn on chicken ceiling price and to announce that the government will not allow any increase the water and electricity tariffs in Peninsular Malaysia, but this is still grossly inadequate.
The U-turn cannot justify the obscene increase in the annual allowances of FGV Holdings Bhd Chairman to RM480,000 from RM300,000 and the increase to RM150,000 from RM120,000 for the six Board directors, and I reiterate my call to the Cabinet next Wednesday to issue a directive to freeze all increases of salaries and allowances of Government-linked companies (GLCs) and Government-linked Investment Companies (GLICs) and to sack GLC and GLIC nominees who violate the Cabinet directive.
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Call on Cabinet next Wednesday to issue directive to freeze all increases of salaries and allowances of GLCs and GLICs until economic recovery and to sack GLC and GLIC nominees who violate the Cabinet directive
Posted by Kit in Economics, Good Governance on Friday, 24 June 2022, 7:52 am
I call on the Cabinet next Wednesday to issue a directive to freeze all increases of salaries and allowances of Government-linked companies (GLCs) and Government-linked Investment Companies (GLICs) and to sack GLC and GLIC nominees who violate the Cabinet directive.
The Cabinet directive should be presented to Parliament on July 18 for parliamentary sanction.
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Questions raised by Chooi Mun Sou’s Memoirs “Malaysia My Home – Quo Vadis” on the future of Malaysia
Posted by Kit in Corruption, Financial Scandals, nation building on Thursday, 23 June 2022, 10:00 am
I have read lawyer Chooi Mun Sou’s memoirs “Malaysia My Home – Quo Vadis” which raised various questions on the future of Malaysia. The book is a “must read” for all Malaysians.
Firstly, whether Jalil Ibrahim, the Bank Bumiputra internal auditor who was sent to Hong Kong to be assistant general manager of Bumiputera Malaysia Finance (BMF) to curb the BMF scandal but was murdered at the Regent Hotel, Hong Kong in 1983, had died in vain – with more bumiputras becoming rich, corrupt and involved in mega-billion-dollar scandals like the 1MDB scandal, in the name of “race and country”. Read the rest of this entry »
There may not be a multi-billion dollar 1MDB scandal equated as “kleptocracy at its worst” if the recommendations of the Ahmad Nordin Bumiputera Malaysia Finance (BMF) Inquiry Committee had been acted on by the 1986 Mahathir government
Posted by Kit in Corruption, Financial Scandals, Najib Razak on Wednesday, 22 June 2022, 5:21 pm
There may not be a multi-billion dollar 1MDB scandal equated as “kleptocracy at its worst” if the recommendations of the Ahmad Nordin Bumiputera Malaysia Finance (BMF) Inquiry Committee had been acted on by the 1986 Mahathir government.
This thought struck me when I read Chooi Mun Sou’s memoirs – “Malaysia My Home – Quo Vadis”. Read the rest of this entry »
Jalil Ibrahim sacrificed his life for race and country 39 years ago while others became rich, famous, corrupt and involved in mega multi-billion-dollar scandals like 1MDB scandal also in the name of “race and country”
Posted by Kit in Corruption, nation building on Tuesday, 21 June 2022, 7:33 am
Reading lawyer Chooi Mun Sou’s memoirs, “ Malaysia My Home – Quo Vadis”, I was most touched by the unfinished letter written by Jalil Ibrahim to his wife and children before he was murdered in the Regent Hotel, Hong Kong on July 18, 1983:
“The problems in Hong Kong are not my making and from today onwards I am going to think of myself and my family first and put the interests of the Bank, the race and the country behind me. If those directors had thought of the interests of the Bank, the race and the country first they would’nt have made all those blunders in the first place. I have sacrificed enough and suffered enough for their blunders…”
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Lam Thye is not telling why he quit politics one week before Parliament was dissolved in 1990 when he went incommunicado by going overseas but don’t lie about it – let issue return to the annals of history
Lee Lam Thye is not telling why he quit politics one week before Parliament was dissolved in 1990 and he went incommunicado by going overseas but don’t lie about it.
It had nothing to do with the purported lie that I told him to vacate Bukit Bintang seat for I never did that.
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I have just learnt that young DAP leaders had met Lam Thye before the 1990 general election to ask him to contest elsewhere instead of in Bukit Bintang, but these suggestions were not on behalf of the party leadership
I have just learnt that young DAP leaders had met Lee Lam Thye before the 1990 general election to ask him to contest elsewhere instead of in Bukit Bintang but these suggestions were not made on behalf of the party leadership.
It is regrettable that Lam Thye has maintained his lie that I had asked him to contest elsewhere apart from Bukit Bintang, when this was not the case.
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Lam Thye told a big lie in his autobiography and why he quit politics on the eve of the 1990 general election will continue to remain a mystery
Lee Lam Thye has told a big lie in his autobiography and why he quit politics on the eve of the 1990 general election will continue to remain a mystery.
He blamed me as DAP Secretary-General in 1990 and some party colleagues for stabbing him in the back and led to his announcement on Sept. 29, 1990 on his retirement from politics.
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Most regrettable that Cabinet yesterday missed the opportunity to declare July/August meeting of Parliament a “Reform Parliament”
Posted by Kit in nation building, Parliament on Thursday, 16 June 2022, 12:14 pm
It is most regrettable that the Cabinet yesterday missed the opportunity to declare the July/August meeting of Parliament a “Reform Parliament” as evident from the absence of discussion of the issue.
There are four more Wednesdays – when the Cabinet meets – before the start of the Parliamentary meeting on July 18 and Malaysians have to wait whether the Cabinet would dare to take up the challenge to declare the Malaysian Parliament next month a Reform Parliament. Read the rest of this entry »
Most proper, honourable and patriotic thing Najib Razak could do is to renounce any political comeback as Prime Minister to save the country from any global embarrassment
Posted by Kit in Corruption, Najib Razak on Thursday, 16 June 2022, 6:48 am
I commend the forthright, appropriate, patriotic and courageous statement by the MP for Pasir Gudang, Hassan Abdul Karim following the outstanding speech by the Yang di Pertuan Agong that all religions denounce corruption which is a “cancer that can ruin civilisations” at the convocation ceremony of Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) in Shah Alam.
There is nothing more appropriate now than to remind Malaysians of the bane of corruption, in view of the following developments:
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Why is the Prime Minister not taking the lead in the war against corruption?
Posted by Kit in Corruption, Ismail Sabri on Wednesday, 15 June 2022, 9:17 am
The Yang di Pertuan Agong is taking the lead in the war against corruption.
He said yesterday that all religions denounced corruption, as it is a cancer that can ruin civilisations.