Archive for category nation building

Let us have the stamina, perseverance and foresight not only to win a battle on May 9, 2018 but to win a war to build a New Malaysia for future generations

The 14th General Election of May 9, 2018 has rightly been described as a battle which was miraculously won by Malaysians who had the patriotism, fortitude and passion for justice, freedom, integrity and unity but we have only won a battle and not a war.

Let us have the stamina, perseverance and foresight not only to win a battle on May 9, 2018 but to win the war to build a New Malaysia for future generations of Malaysians.
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Remember Karpal Singh and Nik Aziz on Thaipusam as two great icons for a New Malaysia that Pakatan Harapan wants to build after the last general election

On Thaipusam, I am always reminded of two great icons for the New Malaysia the Pakatan Harapan wants to build after the last general election: Karpal Singh and Nik Aziz.

On Thaipusam Day in 2013, Karpal Singh had a visit at his home from Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat.

The then-menteri besar of Kelantan and mursyidul am (spiritual leader) of PAS celebrated his own 82nd birthday in Karpal’s home and offered him a slice of his birthday cake. Read the rest of this entry »

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2019 will probably be the most decisive year which will decide whether New Malaysia is a work-in-progress or a sheer chimera

2018, Malaysians stood tall for the first time in many years and shocked themselves as well as the world by carrying out a peaceful and democratic transition of power in Putrajaya to give hope to Malaysians and the world not to give up on democracy, however noisy and messy it might be, as a system of governance.

2019 will probably be the most decisive year in the nation’s history which will decide whether the New Malaysia the Pakatan Harapan coalition of DAP, Bersatu, PKR and AMANAH want to build is a work-in-progress or a sheer chimera. Read the rest of this entry »


My 2018 Christmas Wish – that Pakatan Harapan can win the next few general elections to accomplish the building of a New Malaysia with the resolution of the inter-party and intra-party PH problems, differences and conflicts

I am making a Christmas wish today – that Pakatan Harapan will grow from strength to strength to win the next few general elections so as to accomplish the building of a New Malaysia with the resolution of the various inter-party and intra-party Pakatan Harapan problems, differences and conflicts.

I am not a Christian but that does not prevent me from making a Christmas wish, just as my making a Hari Raya wish would not make me a Muslim.

One reason for making this Christmas wish is to elaborate on what I said in Luoyang, Henan last Thursday, where I responded to a FaceBook post from Tan Sri Clement Hii to explain why DAP would never become a MCA2. Read the rest of this entry »


Let Malaysians accept the challenge to make Malaysia one of the top nations in the world in interfaith dialogue, understanding and tolerance

The primitive view of the PAS Youth leader and son of PAS President, Mohamad Khalil Abdul Hadi that Muslims should not post Christmas greetings on Facebook because the Christian celebration is against the teachings of Islam and that there should not be any acknowledgement of the Christian religion should alert Malaysians to the destructive, vicious and toxic politics of lies, hate, fear, race and religious perpetrated by irresponsible, opportunistic and desperado politicians which will divide and may even destroy Malaysia.

It is a primitive view which is alien to the Malaysian Constitution, the Rukunegara and all the precepts to unite multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-religious and multi-cultural Malaysia.

How can Malaysia become an Instant Malaysia with such narrow, extremist and primitive thinking? Read the rest of this entry »

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2018 Christmas Message: Let’s build Malaysia into one of the world’s top nations where Malaysians can accept and celebrate the diversities of faiths, and the peace, tolerance and co-existence among the diverse religions in the country

Merry Christmas to all Christians in Malaysia.

Let us celebrate this first Christmas after the historic decision on May 9, 2018 to bring about a peaceful and democratic transition of power in the six decades of Malaysian history,

Let us unite to Save Malaysia from a global kleptocracy by becoming a leading nation in integrity.

Even better , let us fulfil our destiny to be a world top-class nation in various fields of human endeavour, including becoming among the world’s top nations where there is peace, tolerance, acceptance and co-existence among the diverse religions in the country. Read the rest of this entry »


Hadi Amanat2 to spearhead the vicious and toxic politics of lies, hate, fear, race and religion to destroy Malaysia as a tolerant, harmonious and successful plural nation of diverse races, religions, languages and cultures?

On this Christmas Eve, Malaysians are presented with the most shocking example of the vicious and toxic politics of lies, hate, fear, race and religion to destroy Malaysia as a tolerant, harmonious and successful plural nation of diverse races, religions, languages and cultures with the primitive warning by the PAS Youth leader and son of PAS President, Mohamad Khalil Abdul Hadi to Muslims not to celebrate Christmas tomorrow or to post Christmas greetings on Facebook because the Christian celebration is against the teachings of Islam and that there should be any acknowledgement of the Christian religion. Read the rest of this entry »

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Briefing and crossing of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge the highlight of the visit of the DAP delegation to China

The highlight of the visit of the DAP delegation to China is undoubtedly the briefing and crossing of the six-lane Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge – a 55-kilometre (34 mi) bridge–tunnel system which is both the longest sea crossing and the longest fixed link on earth.

In our briefing, we were informed that the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge (HZMB) was designed to last for 120 years and built with a cost of 126.9 billion yuan (US$ 18.77 billion).

The cost of constructing the Main Bridge was estimated at 51.1 billion yuan (US$ 7.56 billion) funded by bank loans and shared among the governments of China, Hong Kong and Macau.
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A modern-day Lewis Caroll would have found the Malaysian political landscape a fertile field to fire his imagination if he wanted to write Alice in Wonderland 2.0

A modern-day Lewis Caroll would have found the Malaysian political landscape a fertile field to fire his imagination if he wanted to write Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 2.0.

We have the leader of a political party which for six decades until the recent General Election had claimed the divine right to govern the country succumbing to pressures to relinquish his post as he has failed to give any direction to his party after a crushing defeat in the last general election. Read the rest of this entry »


Congratulations to China on the 40th anniversary of China’s Reforms which led the world in lifting more than 700 million people out of poverty

The visit of the DAP delegation is most significant as it coincides with the 40th anniversary of China’s Reform and Opening Up to the world.

Let me congratulate China on the 40th anniversary of China’s Reform, as during this period, China led the world in lifting more than 700 million people out of poverty.

Over the past 40 years, China has recorded an average annual GDP growth rate of around 9.5 percent, fostered a middle-income population of 400 million and lifted more than 700 million Chinese people out of poverty, accounting for more than 70 percent of the global total.

This is a most impressive world record.

China is no more the “Sick Man of Asia” but is respected by the world as a first-class nation in many fields of human endeavour.

Malaysia has also launched its Reform programme, which we called the building of a New Malaysia, since the great and historic decision seven months ago when the country changed the Federal Government in six decades during the 14th General Election to shift the country away from the trajectory of a sham democracy, kakistocracy, a failed state and global kleptocracy to a world top-class nation and a tiger economy which is united, harmonious, democratic, just, progressive and prosperous which upholds the rule of law and good governance.

I hope that the re-set of Malaysian nation-building directions and policies can still be on course in next few decades, and that the Malaysian nation can celebrate the 40th anniversary of its reform programme to build a New Malaysia, which will be in 2058!

(Speech by DAP MP for Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang at the reception given by the Shandong Provincial People’s Government to the DAP delegation to Shandong, China held at the Shandung Hotel, Ji Nam on Tuesday, 18th December 2018 at 7 pm)

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PAS leaders cannot be more wrong, as it is the responsibility of all Malaysian parties in Pakatan Harapan coalition to champion the Muslim/Malay and non-Muslim/non-Malay agendas to demonstrate that Malaysian nation-building is not a zero-sum game

During the nine-hour flight from Kuala Lumpur to Qingdao – with a two-hour transit in Fuzhou – for my week-long visit to China, my thoughts were on the political upheavals and convulsions in Malaysia, seven months after the historic decision of Malaysian voters in the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018.

Very few had expected the great political change to take place on May 9, 2018 – in fact, former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak not only expected to win the mandate to be re-elected as Prime Minister, he was sure that the UMNO/Barisan Nasional coalition would be returned to Putrajaya with a two-thirds parliamentary majority which had been lost for a decade since 200

But now, it would appear that almost everyone expects the ills, faults and wrongs of the past six decades of UMNO/Barisan Nasional rule to be fixed, if not in 100 days, then in two or five years – which is impossible, as the mission to establish a New Malaysia will take more than a one five-year general election cycle but would take a decade or two!

What is important is that Malaysia had a chance to make the critical shift to re-set nation-building policies to save Malaysia from the trajectory towards a sham democracy, kakistocracy, divided nation, failed state and global kleptocracy to restore Malaysia as a world top-class nation and a Tiger Economy which is united, harmonious, democratic, just and which respects the rule of law and good governance.

Just as not many had expected a historic change on May 9, 2018, many had not expected the Pakatan Harapan coalition government to last – least of all, the smooth transition of the Pakatan Harapan time-table for Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to take over as the eighth Prime Minister of Malaysia from Dr. Mahathir Mohamad during the mid-term.
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The Opportunity provided by historic May 9, 2018 decision must not be wasted to set the country on a new direction away from sham democracy, kakistocracy, afailed state and global kleptocracy to a leading nation of integrity and a Tiger Economy which is united, democratic, just, progressive and prosperous

I believe that I am one among the overwhelming majority of Malaysians who had not expected that Malaysians are capable of making the historic decision on May 9, 2018 to make a peaceful and democratic transition of power, much as we wanted it to happen – and in my case, I have dedicated 52 years of life to this goal.

The opportunity provided by the historic May 9, 2018 decision must not be wasted to set the country on a new direction away from a sham democracy, kakistocracy, a failed state and a global kleptocracy to a leading nation of integrity and a Tiger economy, which is united, democratic, just, progresive and prosperous.

This is a mission which cannot be accomplished in 100 days, two years or in one five-year general election cycle, but will engage the commitment and dedication of patritoic Malaysians for a decade or two.

At this stage, we are still feeling the reveberrations from the historic decision of May 9, 2018, viz:

· The cracking up of UMNO, which for six decades, have virtually claimed the divine right to rule Malaysia – with another MP leaving UMNO, leaving the party with 43 MPs, and another five allegedly set to quit UMNO;

· The resort to the toxic politics of lies, hate, fear, race and religion which culminated in the Anti-ICERD rally of 8th December 2018. There was both pros and cons – among the pros, the country moving solidly towards a democratic state where the people can speak and assembly peacefully and in accordance with the law; among the cons, the lengths the practitioners of lies, hate, fear, race and religion are capable of going to pursue their selfish and petty political interests at the national expense.

The monstrous 1MDB scandal, which cast Malaysia to perdition by being condemned by the world as a global kleptocracy, must be a terrible lesson for all Malaysians, that we must never again allow the nation to be pawned to anyone’s greed for power or wealth and that the interests of all Malaysians of diverse races and religions and future generations must always take higher priority than the interest of one man or group of persons, however exalted their position or power.

(Speech by DAP MP for Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang at the launching of the Malay Mail book, “100 Days, 100 Pictures” in Kuala Lumpur on Friday, 14th December 2018 at 5 pm)

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Pakatan Harapan leadership must set the New Malaysia example to show commitment to the objective to transform Malaysia from a global kleptocracy to a leading nation in integrity

The exodus of four Members of Parliament, two Senators and nine State Assembly representatives as well as division heads in Sabah from UMNO on Wednesday created shock waves in the whole country.

Questions raised include whether this is now the season of party defections, this time from UMNO to other political parties.

But the most important question is not about UMNO, but about Pakatan Harapan, whether it has lost its commitment to fight corruption and all forms of abuses of power which has degenerated under the Najib premiership to stratospheric level so much so that Malaysia becomes the laughing stock of the world and is condemned worldwide as a global kleptocracy.
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One of the greatest threats to New Malaysia is toxic politics of lies, fear, hate, race and religion

It is an honour and privilege to be invited by the organisers of Malam Sekolah, UKM to come to the UKM campus to speak, which would be unthinkable if there had not been a historic change of government in Putrajaya on May 9, 2018.

This comes on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of my cultural debate with Professor Naguib Alatas at the MARA Auditorium on November 24, 1968, on whether Malaysian literature must be written only in Bahasa Malaysia, or whether it could be written in other languages, whether Chinese, Tamil or English – in other words, whether there is going to be cultural democracy in Malaysia.
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Making the rounds of social media is the work of a wag that Najib attended the Anti-ICERD rally on Saturday to turn it into IC(uri)E(engkau)R(amai-ramai)D(efend) endorsement of his kleptocratic rule and the 1MDB corruption scandal

Making the rounds on the social media is the work of a wag that the former Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak attended the Anti-ICERD rally in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday to turn it into a IC(curi)E(ngkau)R(amai-ramai)D(efend) endorsement of his kleptocratic rule and the 1MDB corruption scandal.

This cannot be so, as it is unbelievable that the tens of thousands who rallied at Dataran Merdeka on Saturday supported Najib and his kleptocracy record, including the globally infamous 1MDB kleptocratic scandal.

Najib’s attendance at the Anti-ICERD rally is most questionable, especially as it is confirmed that Najib, accompanied by the former 1MDB Chairman Arul Kanda Kandasamy, will be charged tomorrow over the alleged tampering of the Auditor-General’s 1MDB Report – continuing Najib’s personal odyssey to overtake UMNO President Datuk Zahid Hamidi’s 45 corruption charges.

A day after the Anti-ICERD Rally, New York Times carried a long report entitled “A Yacht, a Monet, a See-Through Piano: The U.S. Collects on a Fugitive’s Shopping Spree”, a fulsome account of the ill-gotten gains of the 1MDB kleptocratic scandal. Read the rest of this entry »

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Anti-ICERD rally a victory for New Malaysia but a setback for Pakatan Harapan

The peaceful holding of the Anti-ICERD rally in Kuala Lumpur yesterday is a victory for New Malaysia but a setback for Pakatan Harapan.

As the Home Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin rightly said after the rally, it was a demonstration that the Pakatan Harapan government will always respect the rights of the people to speak and assemble peacefully, as long as these rights are practised according to the provisions of the law and the Federal Constitution.
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New Malaysia is a challenge to all Malaysians to make Malaysia a top world class nation to compete with the rest of the world and not a divided and fractured nation warring against itself

Two events mark the new era that we are in after the historic 14th General Elections on May 9, 2018, when we shocked ourselves and the world with a peaceful and democratic transition of power and gave hope to Malaysians and the world not to write off parliamentary democracy as a form of government to bring a better life for the people.

Firstly, my return to speak at the University of Malaya after absence of some four decades for the launching of the book, “509: The People Have Spoken”; and secondly, the alleged 500,000-people anti-ICERD rally in Kuala Lumpur tomorrow – both of which would have been unthinkable and undoable if there had been no change of the occupants in Putrajaya on May 9, 2018. Read the rest of this entry »


Malaysia should not ratify ICERD until the majority of the races and religions in Malaysia supports it and understand that it no threat to the various races, religions or the Federal Constitution but a step forward to join the world in promoting human rights

UMNO President, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi questioned the faith of Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah for wanting the government to ratify the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Icerd).

He is among Malay political leaders who warned that the Malays will run amok if ICERD is ratified by the Malaysian Government.

PAS President, Datuk Seri Hadi Awang said it was compulsory for Muslims to oppose ICERD while the organisers of this Saturday’s anti-ICERD rally said that the rally was not aimed at other races but at the “traitors” of the nation.
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Wee Ka Siong should lead the entire MCA leadership to make two abject apologies to all Malaysians at MCA General Assembly tomorrow – firstly, for aiding and abetting Najib in making Malaysia a global kleptocracy and secondly, for the extremist and dangerous MCA politics of lies and hate as exhibited in today’s MCA Youth Assembly

The new MCA President, Datuk Wee Ka Siong should lead the entire MCA leadership to make two abject apologies to all Malaysians at the MCA General Assembly tomorrow – firstly, for aiding and abetting former Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak in making Malaysia a global kleptocracy and secondly, for the extremist and dangerous MCA politics of lies and hate as exhibited in today’s MCA Youth Assembly.

When I was at the City University in Hong Kong last week, a Malaysian told me that for several years before May 9 this year, he was ashamed to identify himself as a Malaysian because of the international 1MDB corruption and money-laundering scandal which caused Malaysia to be regarded worldwide as a global kleptocracy.

This was not an isolated case, as the shame and infamy of the 1MDB scandal caused many Malaysians before the 14th General Election to avoid disclosing that they are Malaysians when they were overseas, telling white lies that they were from Singapore, Indonesia or Thailand. Read the rest of this entry »

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Vision of New Malaysia must continue to inspire and unite Malaysians despite the multitude of problems haunting and hounding the country after six decades of UMNO/BN rule

The country seems to be overwhelmed by a multitude of problems which raise the question whether the vision of a New Malaysia has any relevance to the future of Malaysia.

But I think otherwise, as I believe that the vision of a New Malaysia which resulted in the historic decision of May 9, 2018 must continue to inspire and unite Malaysians despite the multitude of problems haunting and even hounding the country after six decades of UMNO/BN rule.

In the past week, problems piled up one after another, some of which seemed to concern only one particular community or religious group but actually concern all Malaysians and all religious groups, including the following:

— Ratification of ICERD (International Covenant for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination) which has been distorted to mean a grave threat and assault on the rights and interests of the Malays, Islam and the Malay Rulers. Read the rest of this entry »

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