Archive for category nation building

Malaysians in the durian belt in Pahang celebrate National Day although they are targets of a nefarious plot contrary to the National Day theme of “Prihatin Rakyat” and falsely targeted as opposing the second Rukun Negara principle of “Loyalty to King and Country”

(Tatal ke bawah untuk kenyataan versi BM)

On this day 63 years ago, when I was in Form III in Batu Pahat High School, students gathered at the school padang to hear the Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, read out the Proclamation of Independence in Kuala Lumpur where he concluded with the declaration: “from the thirty first day of August, nineteen hundred and fifty seven, the Persekutuan Tanah Melayu comprising the States of Johore, Pahang, Negri Semblian, Selangor, Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan, Trengganu, Perak, Malacca and Penang is and with God’s blessing shall be for ever a sovereign democratic and independent State founded upon the principles of liberty and justice and ever seeking the welfare and happiness of its people and the maintenance of a just peace among all nations”.

We all returned home proudly that day with a printed scroll of the Proclamation of Independence and our hopes for the nation were sky-high as we could think of no limits of what the country could achieve.

Today, 63 years later, the Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, said in his National Day Message that the government will make “Prihatin Rakyat” (Caring for the People) as its main guiding principle in championing the fate and prioritising the welfare of the people. Read the rest of this entry »

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Defend the independence of national institutions like Parliament, Judiciary, Police, MACC, the offices of Attorney-General and Auditor-General as a first step to uphold the principles of Rukun Negara in the war against the “Malu Apa” viral pandemic in Malaysia

(Tatal ke bawah untuk kenyataan versi BM)

One question which had been haunting me for some time is whether the Malaysian Constitution adopted as the basis for the building of a Malayan and later Malaysian nation in 1957 would have been accepted and adopted if it had been presented to the highest legislature of the land today.

There are legitimate doubts that the 1957 Constitution would have been passed by the highest legislature of the land today especially as the Constitution is viewed with considerable disfavour by those who believe that while corruption is deplorable, one should support a Muslim who is corrupt and not a non-Muslim who is clean, honest and upright; or those committed to the toxic politics of race and religion to disunite and polarise Malaysia and condemn the nation to the fate of a kleptocratic, kakistocratic and a failed state. Read the rest of this entry »

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UMNO’s thumping Slim River by-election victory is the victory of “Malu Apa” campaign against the Rukun Negara principles of Belief in God, Loyalty to King and country, supremacy of Constitution, rule of law and good morality

(Tatal ke bawah untuk kenyataan versi BM)

UMNO’s thumping by-election victory in the Slim River by-election yesterday is the victory of the “Malu Apa” campaign against the Rukun Negara principles of Belief in God, Loyalty to King and Country, Supremacy of the Constitution, the rule of law and good morality.

It reminds me of the thumping victories of Barisan Nasional in the last two by-elections of the 13th Parliament – the Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar parliamentary by-elections in June 2016.

In the Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar by-elections, for the first time, the UMNO President beat the PAS President in claiming divine intervention for the electoral victories. Read the rest of this entry »

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It is most sad and deplorable that the Rukun Negara has become the greatest casualty during its Golden Jubilee celebrations

(Tatal ke bawah untuk kenyataan versi BM)

The Parliament session that just ended yesterday showed that the Perikatan Nasional Ministers have the scantiest respect for Rukun Negara and are the greatest violators of its principles.

There is a great and urgent need to educate Malaysians about the meaning and purpose of the five Rukun Negara principles, starting first with the Cabinet Ministers and the Members of Parliament.

Will every Cabinet Minister and Member of Parliament declare support and commitment to abide by the five Rukun Negara principles?

It is no use asking students to memorise the Rukun Negara principles when every day, the people see Ministers and Members of Parliament violating the Rukun Negara principles. Read the rest of this entry »

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Slim River by-election: the battle for the soul of Malaysia – the Rukunegara principles or “Malu Apa Bossku?”

(Tatal ke bawah untuk kenyataan versi BM)

The Slim River by-election on Saturday, with early voting today, is the battle for the soul for Malaysia – a battle between the Rukunegara principles or “Malu Apa Bossku”?

No wonder that the campaigner-in-chief is none other than the former Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who is making the Slim River by-election the first major test for his “Malu Apa Bossku?” campaign.

There had been 11 by-elections, five Parliament and six State Assembly, after the historic 14th General Election of May 9, 2018 which ended the seemingly invincible control of Barisan Nasional and UMNO to save Malaysia from becoming a kleptocracy, kakistocracy and a failed state, but the Slim River State Assembly by-election in Perak this Saturday is the first by-election to be held after the former Prime Minister was convicted and sentenced to 12 years’ jail and fined RM210 million on all seven charges related to the misappropriation of RM42 million of SRC International funds involving the 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB).

The former Prime Minister campaigned in the first by-election for the Sungai Kandis State Assembly constituency in Selangor on August 4, 2018 and was blamed for the UMNO defeat.

As a result, he stayed out of the Balakong and Seri Setia by-elections and made low-keyed appearances at the Port Dickson by-elections. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malaysia can be saved by the combined energies and commitment of youths, women and senior citizens in Malaysia

(Tatal ke bawah untuk kenyataan versi BM)

Many Malaysians have been thinking of the question: Who could save Malaysia.

I think the answer is not in a Mahathir Mohamad, Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Guan Eng, Lim Kit Siang, Gobind Singh Deo or M. Kulasegaran, but whether we can motivate and mobilise the youths, women and senior citizens and combine their energies and commitments to save Malaysia.

Is the Malaysian Dream – an united, democratic, just, progressive and prosperous, a world top class nation which is capable of leveraging on the best of the diverse races, languages, cultures and civilisations that meet in confluence in Malaysia so as to gain international respect and admiration as a successful nation which leads the world in unity, democracy, justice, freedom, excellence and integrity, a lost cause? Is Malaysia to be condemned and scorned as a global kleptocracy and kakistocracy hurtling towards a failed state future.

Malaysians achieved a near-miracle on May 9, 2018 and toppled a seemingly invincible UMNO-led Barisan Nasional in the 14th General Election in plursuit of a Malaysian Dream.

But 22 months later, through the Sheraton Move conspiracy, the Pakatan Harapan government was toppled, giving way to a “backdoor” government.

Has the Malaysian Dream for a New Malaysia been lost forever and Malaysia condemned to be a kleptocracy, kakistocracy and a failed state? Read the rest of this entry »


Who can save Malaysia?

(Tatal ke bawah untuk kenyataan versi BM)

In the first 100 days of the Pakatan Harapan government in 2018, there was nothing that it could do wrong. After that, there was nothing that it could do right.

Why was it so?

There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, the euphoria and the expectations of the unprecedented general election victory were too sky-high although grave mistakes were made in the first months of Pakatan Harapan government.

I had never expected the invincible Barisan Nasional to be toppled in the May 9, 2018 General Election.

But the seeds for the premature end of the Pakatan Harapan government were planted as early as in the first hundred days of the new administration. Read the rest of this entry »


Let every Malaysian come forward to re-unite and dare to hope and struggle again to restore dignity and decency in a New Malaysia where there is unity, democracy, justice, freedom, excellence and integrity

(Tatal ke bawah untuk kenyataan versi BM)

I call on Malaysians to come forward to re-unite and dare to hope and struggle again to restore dignity and decency in a New Malaysia where there is unity, democracy, justice, freedom, excellence and integrity.

In the past few days, apart from the political persecution of Betty Chew – just because she is the wife of Lim Guan Eng- Malaysia has been buffetted by a series of events which highlight a gross deficit of dignity and decency in Malaysian public life, which must be the concern of all thinking and patriotic Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, region, age or gender.

We read of netizens rallying behind a teenager who was fined RM1,000 for purportedly pulling down his face mask while waiting on a platform for a train.

Kepong MP Lim Lip Eng has offered to assist the teenager who was fined RM1,000 urging the student to contact him for help.

In fact, all members of the public in such circumstances should be refunded the bulk of their fines as Malaysians were right to question the seemingly uneven enforcement of the compulsory face mask rule with regard to a number of politicians who have been photographed without masks in public places.
Read the rest of this entry »

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Muhyiddin’s First 100 Days – from the second wave of Covid-19 outbreak to lockdown of Parliament and the return of kleptocracy and kakistocracy

Seratus hari pertama Muhyiddin — daripada gelombang kedua penularan Covid-19 kepada pengembalian kleptokrasi dan kakistokrasi

Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin baru sahaja menyambut 100 hari pertama pemerintahan beliau yang telah menyaksikan gelombang kedua penularan wabak Covid-19 dalam negara dan pengembalian kleptokrasi dan kakistokrasi (sistem kepimpinan daripada kalangan individu yang tidak berkelayakan).

Jika tidak kerana Langkah Sheraton, kita tidak akan berhadapan dengan gelombang kedua penularan wabak ini yang telah menyebabkan perlunya dilaksanakan kawalan pergerakan.

Kita bernasib baik kerana kita berjaya mengekang penularan gelombang kedua wabak ini, walaupun pada masa yang sama, seperti di seluruh dunia, kita perlu berhati-hati dan bersedia untuk sebarang penularan semula wabak ini — yang akan dikira sebagai gelombang kedua untuk kebanyakkan negara lain, dan gelombang ketiga untuk negara kita. Read the rest of this entry »


Height of irresponsibility to create a political crisis in Malaysia in the midst of a global coronavirus crisis

It is the height of irresponsibility to create a political crisis in Malaysia in the midst of a global coronavirus crisis.

The World Health Organsiation head Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus has warned that coronavirus outbreak has reached a “decisive point” and has “pandemic potential” as countries around the world battle to prevent the virus spreading further.

For a second day, more cases have been reported outside than inside China.

Iran and Italy have become major centres of infection, with people travelling from there spreading the virus further afield.

Several high-profile Iranian officials have become infected, the latest being Vice-President for Women and Family Affairs Masoumeh Ebtekar.

But in Malaysia, a political crisis had been created for a week by irresponsible political leaders to distract attention from the global coronavirus crisis. Read the rest of this entry »


The best way to establish a national unity government is to build on the foundation of Pakatan Harapan coalition

Although the idea of a national unity government is attractive and should be considered by all rational Malaysians, one thing is clear: No national unity government can be established on treachery, deceit, corruption, betrayal of the people’s mandate or by promoting national disunity.

It is foolish and short-sighted to purportedly establish a national unity government by destroying the Pakatan Harapan Government.

The ideal way to establish a national unity government is to build on the Pakatan Harapan coalition and convince other political parties and entities to come together in the larger interest of the nation to build a New Malaysia – based on the Pakatan Harapan mandate in the 14th General Election for a New Malaysia.

Or to use the words of the Chairman of Pakatan Harapan in the foreword to Buku Harapan dated 8th March 2018, policies and actions “to rebuild the nation and to fulfil the hope of the people”.

Two days ago, I had asked: Read the rest of this entry »


However hard, uphill and even daunting the road, the only way for Malaysia to reclaim the nation’s honour, rebuild and fulfil its potentials is the Pakatan Harapan agenda for a New Malaysia

Sesusah mana sekalipun cabarannya, agenda Malaysia Baharu Pakatan Harapan adalah satu-satunya cara untuk menebus maruah, membina dan membangunkan potensi Malaysia sepenuhnya

Persoalan utama yang berlegar-legar dalam fikiran rakyat Malaysia sepanjang tiga hari yang lepas sudah tentunya berkisar tentang soal sama ada negara ini akan kembali terjunam ke kancah kerosakan di mana mandat rakyat boleh dirampas begitu sahaja dan diseleweng untuk memberi ruang kepada penubuhan satu kerajaan pintu belakang yang akan mengembalikan negara kita ke arah sebuah negara kleptokratik yang gagal, malahan lebih teruk lagi, sebuah kakistokrasi di mana anasir-anasir yang paling teruk, paling tidak berkelayakan, dan paling tidak berprinsip memegang jawatan tertinggi negara.

Sesusah mana sekalipun cabarannya, agenda Malaysia Baharu Pakatan Harapan adalah satu-satunya cara untuk menebus maruah, membina dan membangunkan potensi Malaysia sepenuhnya.

Seperti yang telah dinyatakan di dalam Manifesto Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 Pakatan Harapan, sejak perisytiharan kemerdekaan oleh Bapa Kemerdekaan Tunku Abdul Rahman pada 31 Ogos 1957, “negara kita telah terbina sebagai sebuah negara yang bertuah kerana memiliki rakyat yang majmuk iaitu pelbagai kaum dan pelbagai agama”.

Manifesto tersebut menyambung lagi: Read the rest of this entry »


Parliament next month should not only be the most important in the 22-month Pakatan Harapan government, but also in the nation’s history, by implementing the most number of PH promises of a New Malaysia in the 14GE

The announcement by the PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man that PAS will move a “vote of confidence” motion in the Dewan Rakyat to support Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s premiership until the 15th General Election found unusual support from MCA and precipitated the country into a week of frenzy awash with plots, conspiracy theories and fake news of Statutory Declaratins by 138 MPs to torpedo the Pakantan Harapan Government in Putrajaya.

The climax of this political chicanery and psy-war to torpedo the Pakatan Harapan government was the explosive infographic by the MCA-owned newspaper trumpeting that 138 Members of Parliament had purportedly signed Statutory Declaration “for PM to stay the full term”, and a breakdown which political party the 138 MPs came from.

It was the most recent example of the unholy alliance between PAS and MCA to propagate conflicting lies to create an unprecedented scenario in Malaysia – where every ethnic community or religion was made to fear that it faced an existential threat from the other ethnic group or religion and where the DAP was painted as a political party performing the impossible tasks of being the greatest existential threat to Malay rights, position and future as well as that of Islam on the one hand while being the greatest existential threat to the rights, position and future of the Chinese and non-Malays in the country on the other.

All these foam and fluff should have been exposed by the statement by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim last Thursday after his meeting with the Prime Minister and Mahathir’s statement in Langkawi the next day that Anwar had provided an accurate account of what transpired in their meeting. Read the rest of this entry »

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Hadi thinks Malaysians are fools to believe the latest PAS fairy tale that its confidence motion is to save the nation, when in fact it is to torpedo the Pakatan Harapan government and advance Hadi’s choice for Malaysians to be goat-herders or pig-herders

PAS President Datuk Seri Hadi Awang thinks Malaysians are fools to believe the latest PAS fairy tale that its confidence motion in Parliament next month is to save the nation when in fact it is to torpedo the Pakatan Harapan government and advance Hadi’s choice for Malaysians choose to be goat-herders or pig-herders.

It is also proof that the present PAS leadership is never committed to the principles of parliamentary democracy and will be the first to dispense with democratic principles and practices if given access to power, just as the present PAS leadership has exhibited its disloyal attitude to the Constitution and the Rukunegara after the 14th General Election, supporting corruption and kleptocracy as well as approving lies and falsehoods, sanitised as being “shariah-compliant”.

Hadi claims that PAS MPs are not “cowards” and even concocts the lie that DAP MPs are not united on the issue.

This is the latest example of “shariah-compliant” lie sanctioned by the present PAS leadership.

What is the political future of Malaysians for the present PAS leadership – a kleptocratic Malaysia, teeming with “shariah-compliant” sin and lies, for the people to choose to be goat-herders or pig-herders? Read the rest of this entry »


A question which is also an indictment

There are those who think that it is naïve for me to pose the question: Will the Opposition play its role as an honest, constructive and loyal Opposition to the Constitution and Rukunegara instead of trying its utmost to polarise and divide Malaysians through the politics of race, religion, fake news and hate speech?

This is a question which is also an indictment.

I had not expected any answer from the Opposition and there was none. In the new Internet era of 24-hour news cycle, the two-day total Opposition silence to my question on Tuesday is very eloquent and conclusive proof that the Opposition will continue to be dishonest, destructive and disloyal to the Constitution and Rukunegara so that it could divide Malaysians through the politics of race, religion, fake news and hate speech.

I have always believed that in any democracy, the Opposition has an important role to play to provide the necessary check and balance to prevent abuse of power and other deviations, but it must be an honest, constructive and loyal Opposition – not to the government of the day, but to the country and the basic nation-building documents like the Constitution and the Rukunegara.

I have never believed that to be an effective Opposition, one must be dishonest, destructive and disloyal to the Constitution and Rukunegara which best describe the present Opposition. Read the rest of this entry »

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Will the Opposition play its role as an honest, constructive and loyal Opposition in accordance with the Constitution and Rukunegara instead of trying its utmost to polarise and divide Malaysians through the politics of race, religion, fake news and hate speech?

At last an Opposition leader has spoken the truth when the UMNO deputy president Mohamad Hasan lamented about the level of politicking in the country, stressing that it is Malaysia that required a vote of confidence.

Referring to the PAS move for a vote of confidence for Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad in the Dewan Rakyat next month, Mohamad Hassan said:

“Recently, there has been a lot of politicking in Malaysia, so much so that we forget the country is facing several critical challenges.

“Malaysia is the one that needs the confidence vote. If Malaysia fails to resolve the crisis of confidence which it is facing, Malaysia will continue to remain as a mediocre country.”

It is because of such irresponsible and unhealthy level of politicking by a dishonest, destructive and disloyal Opposition to the Constitution and Rukunegara, that twenty months after the historic, peaceful and democratic change of government in the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018 – one of the few victories of democracy in the world in the past decade – that Malaysia has become a very polarised and divided nation where the politics of race, religion, fake news and hate speech sow and incite suspicion, doubt, distrust and hatred among the different communities, and generate the baseless fear that each community is facing an existential threat with regard to its ethnicity, rights, religion and culture. Read the rest of this entry »

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Fully support call on the Attorney-General to review the case of disabled person Mohamad Sani Isa who is jailed today for attempting suicide as Parliament is in the process of decriminalising suicide

I fully support the call on the Attorney-General Tan Sri Tommy Thomas to review the case of disabled person Mohamad Sani who is jailed today for attempting suicide as Parliament is in the process of decriminalising suicide.

This will be in keeping with the Pakatan Harapan’s promise of a New Malaysia – a more humane and caring nation that looks after the welfare of the more unfortunate sections of society.

Today, there is the good news that Malaysia has achieved its best score and rank to date on the Democracy Index, placing 43rd from a total of 167 countries.

The Democracy Index 2019 report, released by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), gave Malaysia a score of 7.16 from a maximum score of 10.

Malaysia had scored between 5.98 and 6.88 since the index began in 2006. It was ranked 52nd last year with a score of 6.88.

Malaysia’s score of the Democracy Index 2019 improved and the country rose nine places in the global ranking from No. 52 last year to No. 43 out of 167 countries.

One important reason why Malaysia had been falling down the slippery slope of a failed, rogue and kleptocratic state is because the nation’s leaders had disregarded the compass of nation-building which our forefathers had put together, in particular the Malaysian Constitution and the Rukunegara. Read the rest of this entry »

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Pakatan Harapan has a long hard road back to restore public trust in government and national institutions although this is also a grave global problem

After nearly 21 months of the historic transition of power in the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018, where PH Government could do no wrong in the first months of power in 2018 but where it could do no right last year, Pakatan Harapan has a long hard road back to restore public trust in government and national institutions although this is also a grave global problem.

A new report released last week found widespread global distrust in societal institutions – defined as government, business, NGOs and the media — despite a strong global economy, a phenomenon it deemed a “trust paradox”.

The report concluded that people’s fears about the future are driving this trend, and proposed institutions prioritize balancing competence with ethical behaviour to rebuild public trust.

The “Trust Barometer 2020” report was conducted by the communications firm Edelman, which has been running the survey for the past 20 years.

The Barometer, which aims to survey trust and credibility around the world, surveyed over 34,000 people in 28 countries. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malaysians do not want to be cow herders or pig herders but want to be on the cutting edge of technology, leveraging on the best values from the four great civilisations which meet in confluence in Malaysia, to build a world top class nation

The outbreak of the Wuhan coronavirus has also seen the outbreak of another “virus” – the Internet virus of lies, fake news and hate speech which is even more critical.

The previous deadly coronavirus outbreaks, whether Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) which originated from China or Middle East Respiratory Synbdrome (MERS-Cov) which originated from Saudi Arabia, have shown that mankind is capable of prevailing over them, and it is reassuring that the Universiti Malaya Tropical Infectious Diseases Research and Education Centre (TIDREC) director Professor Dr. Sazaly Abu Bakar has said that unlike SARS and MERS. the Wuhan coronavirus has a low case fatality ratio (CFR) and appears to be less virulent at present, with the exception of the elderly and those with underlying health conditions.

But mankind has to find a solution to the Internet “virus”.

In fact, the “cyber-enabled information warfare” of lies, fake news and hate speech is one reason why the Doomsday Clock in 2020 now stands at 100 seconds to midnight, the most dangerous situation that humanity has ever faced.

Why is the Doomsday Clock so close to midnight so long after the end of the Cold War? Read the rest of this entry »

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2020 is the year to leave the negative vibes of last year behind

Last year, Malaysia was virtually drowned in a sea of negative vibes.

In the first seven months of the new government in 2018, there was nothing that the Pakatan Harapan government could do wrong. But in the past year, there was nothing that the PH could do right.

This is one reason why the Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2019 Report which was released on the eve of the Chinese New Year was met with such grudging response, although it was the best TI CPI report in 25 years.

Without the phenomenal improvements in both TI CPI ranking and score last year , Malaysia would not be making the crucial and critical break from a global kleptocracy.

If there had been no change of government, Malaysia will be sliding down the CPI score to the thirties bracket, to find new company among the more corrupt nations of the world in the lower rankings. Read the rest of this entry »

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