Archive for category Good Governance

Let Malaysia avoid the infamy of being the only country in the world to lockdown Parliament and suspend parliamentary oversight and scrutiny of government for this is the road to defeat in the invisible war against Covid-19 to revive the economy devastated by the coronavirus

Yesterday, the 169-year-old New York Times filled the entire front page of its Sunday paper with the death notices of victims from the Covid-19 pandemic from across the United States.

In a decision the paper said was intended to convey the vastness and variety of the tragedy, the front page is a simple list of names and personal details taken from obituaries around the US.

The headline is “US deaths near 100,000, an incalculable loss”, with a sub-heading that reads: “They were not simply names on a list. They were us.” Read the rest of this entry »

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Government must do more to earn the trust and confidence of all Malaysians so as to communicate effectively the unprecedented peril of the Covid-19 pandemic

Kerajaan perlu bekerja lebih keras untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan dan keyakinan rakyat Malaysia bagi membolehkannya untuk berkomunikasi secara berkesan mengenai bahaya yang dibawa oleh wabak Covid-19

Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) telah memasuki hari keenam hari ini, namun begitu masih terdapat segelintir rakyat Malaysia yang degil dengan tidak mematuhi arahan untuk kekal berada di rumah dan perkara ini menimbulkan persoalan sama ada PKP ini akan dilanjutkan lagi selama dua minggu ataupun lebih lama lagi.

Kerajaan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin perlu bekerja dengan lebih keras lagi untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan dan keyakinan rakyat kepada mereka bagi membolehkan mereka berkomunikasi dengan berkesan kepada rakyat mengenai bahaya yang dibawa oleh wabak Covid-19 ini.

Siaran langsung Muhyiddin hari adalah satu lagi langkah ke arah ini, tetapi ianya tidak memadai. Kerana inilah saya pernah cadangkan sebelum ini supaya beliau membuat siaran langsung sekurang-kurangnya sekali sehari, ataupun lebih baik lagi dua kali sehari, mengenai perkembangan terkini bencana yang sedang melanda negara kita ini.

Sedangkan di negara Itali — yang kini merupakan tumpuan utama wabak Covid-19 dengan jumlah kematian yang lebih tinggi daripada negara China — pun masih terdapat rakyat mereka yang tidak memahami keperluan pelaksanaan perintah berkurung yang diumumkan beberapa minggu yang lepas. Read the rest of this entry »

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Call on Government to adopt a new motto in the war against Covid 19 – whatever it takes to save people’s lives, jobs and livelihoods!

Seruan kepada Kerajaan untuk mengguna pakai motto baru dalam peperangan melawan wabak Covid-19 — Segala-galanya demi nyawa, kehidupan dan pekerjaan rakyat!

Kadar penularan wabak Covid-19 sedang meningkat saban hari, di dalam negara kita dan juga di peringkat antarabangsa.

Di Malaysia, kadar peningkatan kes baharu masih lagi berada dalam takuk tiga angka seperti lapan hari yang lepas yang telah membawa kepada 1,306 kes secara keseluruhannya — meletakkan Malaysia di tangga ke-20 dari segi jumlah kes keseluruhan dan tempat ke-22 dari segi penambahan kes harian di peringkat antarabangsa.

Dengan 10 korban nyawa, negara kita menduduki tempat ke-25 dari segi kematian berkaitan Covid-19.

Malaysia beraspirasi untuk menjadi sebuah negara yang terulung di mata dunia, tetapi bukan dengan mendahului carta kes Covid-19.

Namun begitu, perjalanan kita masih lagi panjang.

Pakar epidomiologi Datuk Dr Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud mengatakan yang negara kita memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya enam minggu Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan secara berturut-turut bagi menurunkan kadar jangkitan Covid-19 ke satu tahap yang boleh dikawal.

Menurut Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan, Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, negara kita kini sedang beralih ke peringkat keempat penyebaran wabak Covid-19 iaitu fasa mitigasi.

Peringkat-peringkat ini disenaraikan mengikut kadar keterukan penularan sesuatu wabak, bermula dengan fasa permulaan (onset), fasa pembendungan awal (early containment), pembendungan lewat (late containment), dan akhirnya fasa mitigasi (mitigation).

Beliau berkata: “Kita sedang bergerak kearah fasa keempat iaitu fasa mitigasi, oleh itu amatlah penting untuk kita semua memanfaatkan peluang kecil yang ada ini untuk memutuskan rantaian jangkitan virus ini dalam komuniti kita.” Read the rest of this entry »

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Malaysian Government should consider measures to help businesses and workers like the UK Government plan to cover 80 per cent of workers’ pay amid the Covid-19 outbreak

Kerajaan harus mempertimbangkan langkah-langkah yang boleh diambil untuk membantu para pekerja dan perniagaan seperti rancangan kerajaan UK untuk menanggung sehingga 80% gaji pekerja dalam menghadapi wabak Covid-19

Kerajaan Malaysia harus mempertimbangkan langkah-langkah yang boleh diambil untuk membantu para pekerja dan perniagaan dalam menghadapi bencana yang diakibatkan oleh wabak Covid-19, seperti langkah yang diambil oleh Kerajaan UK yang merancang untuk menanggung sehingga 80% kos saraan pekerja.

Menteri Kewangan United Kingdom, Rishi Sunak telah berikrar untuk “membuat apa sahaja yang diperlukan” untuk menyelamatkan pekerjaan dan sumber pendapatan rakyat yang terkesan akibat daripada wabak coronavirus semasa beliau membentangkan pelan sokongan punca pendapatan dalam pakej ransangan Covid-19 beliau.

Beliau mengumumkan yang kerajaan UK akan menanggung sehingga 80 peratus gaji pekerja yang tidak bekerja, sehingga ke jumlah maksima 2,500 pound sterling sebulan.

Sunak mengatakan yang kerajaan akan membantu dan memastikan gaji para pekerja dibayar buat kali pertama dalam sejarah negara itu, sebagai sebahagian daripada Skim Pengekalan Pekerjaan yang terbuka kepada semua majikan dalam negara tersebut. Read the rest of this entry »

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Government should distribute the 10 million face masks from China free to Malaysians giving priority to the frontliners in the war against Covid-19 virus

Kerajaan perlu mengedarkan 10 juta topeng muka yang diberikan oleh kerajaan China secara percuma kepada rakyat Malaysia dengan memberikan keutamaan kepada petugas barisan hadapan yang sedang memerangi wabak Covid-19

Kerajaan perlu mengedarkan 10 juta topeng muka yang diberikan oleh kerajaan China secara percuma kepada rakyat Malaysia dengan memberikan keutamaan kepada petugas barisan hadapan yang sedang memerangi wabak Covid-19

Selepas diedarkan kepada petugas barisan hadapan, iaitu mereka yang mengendalikan kes-kes Covid-19, pihak klinik, Kementerian Kesihatan, anggota polis, tentera, dan pegawai imigresen, baki topeng muka ini haruslah dibahagikan sama rata kepada semua rakyat Malaysia melalui pejabat ahli parlimen tanpa mengira parti politik.

Dalam memerangi wabak ini, kita perlu bertindak sebagai satu negara, tanpa mengira kaum, agama, kawasan, mahupun latar belakang politik.

Dengan pengedaran topeng muka secara percuma ini kepada rakyat Malaysia, kejadian di mana orang awam diarahkan pulang daripada jabatan kerajaan kerana tidak memakai topeng muka tidak patut lagi berlaku. Read the rest of this entry »

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Call on all Malaysians to unite as one people to fight and win the war against Covid-19 virus – undoubtedly the greatest test for Malaysian national unity in six decades

Menyeru seluruh rakyat Malaysia bersatu-padu melawan wabak Covid-19 — yang tanpa sebarang ragu lagi merupakan satu cabaran terbesar kepada perpaduan negara

Semua rakyat Malaysia, tanpa mengira kaum, agama, kawasan, latar belakang politik mahupun sosio-ekonomi perlulah bersatu untuk berjuang dan memenangi perang melawan wabak Covid-19, yang buat masa ini merupakan salah satu cabaran terbesar kepada perpaduan negara kita.

Dengan 15 orang petugas barisan hadapan telah dijangkiti oleh wabak ini, dan seorang daripada mereka ditempatkan di pusat rawatan rapi (ICU), lebih daripada 200 rakan sekerja mereka — doktor, jururawat, dan ahli farmasi — telah membuat satu rayuan yang sangat menyentuh jiwa dan raga supaya seluruh rakyat Malaysia memainkan peranan mereka dalam menewaskan penularan virus ini.

Di dalam laman Facebook “Rayuan Pengamal Perubatan”, mereka merayu kepada rakyat Malaysia supaya kekal berada di rumah, membasuh tangan dengan kerap, dan mengamalkan penjarakkan sosial dan fizikal.

Seperti yang dikatakan oleh Pakar Obstretik dan Ginekologi Dr Siti Rohayu Kamarul Baharain: “Kami semua mahu berkhidmat demi pesakit kami sebaik mungkin. Kami juga mahu kekal boleh berbuat demikian selama yang boleh. Dan kami mahu berada dan bersedia untuk mereka yang memerlukan.”

Doktor pakar di Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim, Dr Aznita Ibrahim pula menyeru orang awam supaya bersikap jujur dan memikirkan kebajikan petugas kesihatan.

“Saya sorang pengamal perubatan. Saya juga seorang isteri dan ibu kepada 4 anak kecil. Saya juga anak kepada seorang ibu tua yang sedang uzur. Kami sangat peduli tentang anda. Tolong ambil peduli tentang kami juga ya.”

Mereka semua menegaskan keperluan untuk semua orang berhenti daripada keluar rumah semasa perintah kawalan pergerakan ini berkuatkuasa bagi membolehkan negara kita memutuskan rantaian penyebaran jangkitan Covid-19 ini. Read the rest of this entry »


Tell Malaysians about the worst-case scenario about the Covid-19 crisis

Beritahulah rakyat senario terburuk berkenaan bencana Covid-19

Perkembangan pandemik Covid-19 di peringkat antarabangsa secara terus-menerus menjadi semakin suram dan tidak menyenangkan.

Semalam, Itali telah berada di suatu tahap yang baharu apabila jumlah keseluruhan kematian berkaitan dengan Covid-19 di negara tersebut telah meragut 3,405 nyawa, melebihi jumlah kematian di China yang telah mengorbankan 3,248 nyawa.

Tanah perkuburan di bandar Bergamo tidak dapat menampung keperluan bandar tersebut sehingga pihak tentera terpaksa dikerahkan untuk membawa jenazah-jenazah mangsa Covid-19 ini ke tempat yang lain untuk dibakar. Pihak tentera juga telah menempatkan 120 orang doktor dan para petugas kesihatan untuk mengawal situasi di Bergamo dan bandar Lodi yang berdekatan. Sementara itu, hospital lapangan dan unit kecemasan pernafasan juga telah ditubuhkan di beberapa bandar di utara negara tersebut.

Penyebaran virus ini di Itali berlaku pada kadar yang sangat pantas dan menakutkan, walaupun negara tersebut telahpun mengetatkan larangan pergerakan dalam negara. Dengan kenaikan kadar kematian, upacara pengebumian tradisional telah pun diharamkan bagi mengekang perhimpunan orang awam. Read the rest of this entry »


Muhyiddin should make daily live telecast – or even twice a day – of latest development of the Covid 19 crisis until March 31

Muhyiddin perlu membuat pengumuman langsung setiap hari untuk menyampaikan perkembangan terkini berkenaan wabak Covid-19 kepada semua rakyat Malaysia

Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin perlu meneruskan siaran langsung pengumuman beliau setiap hari sehingga 31 Mac, — atau pun lebih baik lagi, dua kali sehari — bagi memastikan rakyat Malaysia dapat mengikuti perkembangan terkini mengenai wabak Covid-19.

Siaran langsung kedua Muhyiddin yang berlangsung semalam sepatutnya dilakukan pada tengahari Selasa, sebelum Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan berkuatkuasa bagi menunjukkan bahawa bencana ini dalam suatu keadaan yang terkawal.

Siaran langsung beliau malam tadi akan lebih berkesan jika beliau mengambil tanggungjawab terhadap kekhilafannya dalam menguruskan krisis ini yang telah mendatangkan kekecohan dan perasaan panik di kalangan rakyat Malaysia yang berpusu-pusu ke pasaraya untuk membeli bekalan makanan asas, terutamanya pada hari Selasa.

Perkara ini kemudiannya disusuli pula dengan barisan panjang di balai polis oleh mereka yang berhasrat untuk mendapatkan kebenaran untuk pulang ke kampung, yang kemudiannya membawa kepada situasi di mana kerajaan berpatah balik dua kali mengenai isu permit perjalanan antara negeri, penutupan asrama universiti yang telah memaksa para pelajar untuk pulang ke kampung halaman, ketiadaan perlindungan untuk pekerja berpendapatan rendah, ketiadaan persediaan untuk penjagaan anak-anak petugas barisan hadapan, dan kekurangan koordinasi dua hala untuk rakyat Malaysia yang berkerja di Singapura.
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Call on 32 million Malaysians to have a mindset change for the rise of a culture of integrity with zero tolerance for corruption to achieve the New Malaysia objective of transforming a global kleptocracy into a leading nation of integrity

The historic 14th General Election decision of May 9, 2018, when Malaysian voters shocked themselves and the world in effecting a peaceful and democratic transition of power in a Putrajaya is akin to a miracle.

This is why the 14th Malaysian Election result is quoted by global political observers major publications in the world as one of the great global events for the year 2018 which has just ended.

The Economist, for instance, in its edition dated Dec. 18, 2018, named Malaysia together with Ethiopia and Armenia in the three-nation finals list in its “ovation country of the year 2018” – for Malaysian voters who “fired a Prime Minister who could not adequately explain why there was US$700 million in his bank account”.

The Economist said:

“Despite Najib Razak’s glaring imperfections, his sacking was a surprise. Malaysia’s ruling party had dominated politics since the 1950s and gerrymandered furiously to keep it that way. Yet the opposition triumphed at an election, and Malaysians enjoyed the delicious spectacle of police removing big boxes of cash, jewellery and designer handbags from their former leader’s home.”

I remember speaking to Malaysians at the University of Hong Kong in November last year, where one of them admitted that for a few years before the historic decision of May 9, 2018, he had not dared to admit that he was a Malaysian! Read the rest of this entry »

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R. Chander, first Malaysian Chief Statistician (1963-1977) praises Guan Eng for early statement on national debt and stresses urgency of coherent plan to manage Malaysia’s public sector debt

I have received an expert opinion on Malaysia’s public sector debt by Dr. R. Chander, the first Malaysian to hold the office of Chief Statistician of Malaysia (1963-1977) and who went on to serve as the Senior Adviser to the World Banks’ Chief Economist/Vice President from 1977 to 1996. Upon retirement from the Bank, he had served as interntional adviser to multiple international agencies and governments.

Dr. Chander said he was encouraged by the speed with which the Pakatan Harapan government had come to grips with the most pressing issues and praised the Finance Minister, Lim Guan Eng for making an early statement on Malaysia’s debt situation.
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Managing Malaysia’s Public-Sector Debt

By R. Chander


This note, in three parts, focuses on the public sector debt in Malaysia. Part I presents a brief overview of the manner in which the Najib administration approached the issue of public sector debt. Part II presents a summary view of the assessment made by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the course of the annual Article IV Consultations completed earlier this year. The IMF Report was critical of the manner in which debt reporting was conducted by the previous administration. Part III looks to the future and makes a number of observations concerning the most appropriate manner in which the new Pakatan Harapan government could better manage Malaysia’s public sector debt.
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Apandi’s refusal to resign honourably and with dignity has highlighted the refusal of other UMNO/BN political appointees to resign honourably and with dignity

The refusal of Tan Sri Mohamad Apandi Ali in the past month to resign honourably and with dignity as Attorney-General has highlighted the refusal of other

UMNO/Barisan Nasional political appointees to resign honourably and with dignity their political appointments although there a change of Federal government for the first time in the nation’s history.

It would appear that there is honour among thieves but not among UMNO/BN politicians.

How many of the UMNO/BN Senators have resigned from the Senate since the historic and watershed development on May 9, 2018 which saw the peaceful and democratic transition of power after 61 years of independence.
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Apandi’s refusal to resign as Attorney-General setting bad example to other political appointees, particularly UMNO/BN Senators

The refusal of Tan Sri Mohamad Apandi Ali to submit an honourable and dignified resignation as Attorney-General despite the watershed and historic political change in the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018 with the first democratic and peaceful transition of power in Malaysia has set the worst possible example to all UMNO/BN political appointees.

Although he knows that he enjoys zero confidence in the new Pakatan Harapan government of Malaysia, Apandi’s hanging on to his office is being used by other UMNO/BN political appointees to hang on to their posts, although they know they have no moral claim or authority any more to these political appointments.

This is best seen among the political appointees in the Dewan Negara, as it is some four weeks since the fall of the UMNO/BN government on May 9, 2018, but not a single UMNO/BN appointed Senator has resigned from their Senate appointment. Read the rest of this entry »


Rafidah’s advocacy of “ketuanan Malaysia” as a more inclusive concept for all Malaysians should be welcomed by Malaysians who want Malaysia to fulfill her destiny as “a beacon of light in a disturbed and distracted world”

Former Wanita UMNO Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz’s advocacy of “ketuanan Malaysia” as a more inclusive concept for all Malaysians should be welcomed by Malaysians to want Malaysia to fulfill her destiny as “a beacon of light in a disturbed and distracted world”.

These were the founding ideals when our nation achieved Merdeka in 1957 and Malaysia was formed in 1963, to be “an independent and sovereign democratic State founded upon liberty and justice, ever seeking to defend and uphold peace and harmony among its people and to perpetuate peace among nations”, where all citizens dedicate themselves “to work and strive with hand and brain to create a new nation, inspired by the ideals of justice and liberty – a beacon of light in disturbed and distracted world”.

It is no exaggeration to say that never before in previous thirteen general elections since 1959 had the country seen such intensity and viciousness in the politics of fear, hate, lies, race and religion as in the 14th General Election. Read the rest of this entry »


Pakatan Harapan leaders, who made history on May 9, must ensure that history is made in Malaysia in the next five years to rebuild a New Malaysia with systemic and institutional reforms accompanied by mindset changes

I congratulate the DAP Ministers, Chief Minister, State Executive Councillors and State Ministers for they were all history makers in the political earthquake of May 9, 2018 to achieve a Malaysian Dream which generations of Malaysians had not thought possible to see come true in their lifetime.

Now the hard work has started, for the Pakatan Harapan leaders who made history on May 9 must ensure that history is made in Malaysia in the next five year to rebuild a New Malaysia with systemic and institution reforms accompanied by mindset changes. Otherwise, they will become history!

We must never lose sight that Pakatan Harapan at the Federal and State level, where we are also State Governments, must be always be a government for all Malaysians, regardless of whether they voted for Pakatan Harapan or otherwise – that we must truly serve all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, region or politics.

We want to build a New Malaysia which is united, democratic, just and progressive.

For a thriving democracy, we must operate in a new political environment and culture where checks and balances are institutionalised in our system of governance. Read the rest of this entry »


Zahid, you are wrong. You are not starting off as a good Opposition Leader and must learn to be constructive and honest

Let me tell the UMNO Acting UMNO President, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi – You are wrong. You are not starting off as a good Opposition Leader and must learn to be constructive and honest!

Zahid said on Tuesday that he believed that Barisan Nasional would be able to make a comeback against a government that is built on “hatred”, saying:

“A government that is built on hatred, on issues that (BN) could not respond to due to poor communication, or not being grounded in reality – eventually that government will be punished by the people.”

Speaking after chairing the Umno supreme council meeting on Tuesday, Zahid said BN can look to other countries where long-time parties were defeated but managed to make a comeback.

Firstly, Zahid should not follow the example of Datuk Seri Najib Razak who has not woken up from the bubble of his own making despite his disaster of a fortnight ago in the political earthquake of May 9, 2018.

Zahid was in fact describing what the UMNO/National Front had degenerated into when entering the 14th General Election, as it was a government “built on hatred” and not “grounded in reality”, and why it was punished by the people in the May 9 political earthquake! Read the rest of this entry »

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Two-week stalling by Apandi from resigning as Attorney-General is petty and long enough – he should immediately resign without further ado if he does not want to become the greatest obstacle to legal reforms in Malaysian history

The two-week stalling by Tan Sri Mohamad Apandi Ali from resigning as Attorney-General is petty and long enough – he should immediately resign without further ado if he does not want to be the greatest obstacle to legal reforms in Malaysian history.

Apandi cannot pretend that his appointment as Attorney-General is not akin to a political appointment, whether in the form of a contract or otherwise, and with the earthquake development on 9th May 2018 bringing about the historic change of the Federal Government in Putranjaya in the 14th General Election, it is completely untenable and undignified for Apandi to contine a single day as Attorney-General especially as he does not enjoy any confidence whatsoever from the new Malaysian Government.

Leaving aside for the moment the most suspicious and even inauspicious circumstances in which his appointment as Attorney-General was made in July 2015, Apandi, who had been a Federal Court judge, should not to subject the high office of Attorney-General to further indignity of being asked to go on leave and other forms of public humiliation!

Let Apandi demonstrate to Malaysians that he can act with dignity and honour to face the fact that his time as Attorney-General was up when Malaysians shocked the world with the historic decision on May 9 to have a peaceful and democratic transition of power – the first in the nation’s history; and that the vote of May 9, 2018 was not only to throw out Datuk Seri Najib Razak as Prime Minister and the Barisan Nasional government in Putrajaya, but also a personal vote of no confidence in him as Attorney-General.

In fact, all political appointees, whether Senators or appointment to GLCs and public bodies, should have submitted their resignation in the last two weeks after the results of the 14th General Election for new appointments to be made.

Recently, the Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad revealed that there are some 17,000 political appointees in the country, but the state of civic and political consciousness among these former wielders of power and influence in the country is so low and primitive that until now only the former Johor Baru MP Tan Sri Shahrir Abdul Samad had acted honourably in resigning as Felda Chairman after the general election.

What are these 17,000 political appointees waiting for instead of submitting their resignations without any further ado?

(Media Statement in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday May 23, 2018)


“Police detain man who insulted Dr M” is Old Malaysia – time for all agencies to develop “New Malaysia” mindset

“Police detain man who insulted Dr M” is Old Malaysia which was voted out by Malaysian voters on May 9, 2018.

The time has come for all public agencies to develop a “New Malaysia” mindset, which is why I had tweeted last night: “Release him Let us not embark on this path”.

Malaysians made history on May 9, 2018 but such a history will only be meaningful and lasting if it signalled the dawn of a New Malaysia with structural, institutional and mindset changes to enable the fulfillment of the Malaysian Dream, not just a change of Prime Minister or coalition forming the Malaysian Government in Putrajaya.

Under the Old Malaysia, police reports by Pakatan Harapan leaders and civil society activists against Barisan Nasional leaders are invariably ignored, while police reports by Barisan Nasional agaisnt Pakatan Harapan leader and civil society activists given priority attention.

In the New Malaysia, police response must not depend of “who” lodges police reports, but “what” was in the police report, and actions where civil remedy is available should not be criminalised just because the subject-matter involves the Prime Minister or any Minister for that matter.

It is good that Mahathir has acknowledged this, and he has publicly stated that he disagreed with the arrest of a man who criticised him and had instructed the police to look into the matter.

Many Malaysians see the 14th General Election as a national watershed where a New Malaysia can be born, and whether Malaysians adopt “New Malaysia” or “Old Malaysia” mindset will be an acid test whether we are building a New Malaysia or just continuing with an Old Malaysia.

On the occasion of the 49th anniversary of the May 13, 1969 racial riots on Sunday, I had called for the dark days of May 13 to be placed firmly behind us, but Malaysians must learn the most lesson of the need for perpetual mutual respect, sensitivity, civility and decency among Malaysians even among political foes in our plural society of diverse races, religions, languages and cultures.

I had called for a more decent and civil politics, minus the lies, fake news and false information so ubiquitous in recent general elections campaign.

Not everyone can respond positively to such a call but I hope that the majority of those who did not vote for Pakatan Harapan in the recent general election will be able to see the merit of this proposal and join in creating the New Malaysia mindset to bid farewell to the Old Malaysia of global kleptocracy, abuses of power, injustice and exploition of various forms.

(Media Statement in Kuala Lumpur on Friday, 18th May 2018)


Mahathir’s helming of education ministry does not violate the letter and spirit of Pakatan Harapan manifesto

I was stumped when the press phoned yesterday for comment on MCA/Gerakan criticism that Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s helming of Education Ministry was a breach of the Pakatan Harapan manifesto.

This was news to me and I can understand why at the Pakatan Harapan presidential council meeting yesterday nobody objected when Mahathir revealed that he would also be the Education Minister as everybody felt it was ok.

How could there be such an election promise when none of the Pakatan Harapan leaders from the four component parties of DAP, PRK, AMANAH and Bersatu had known about it or had made such a public commitment? Read the rest of this entry »


Is the PSD Director-General suggesting that 85% of Malaysian Chinese voters, 65% Indian voters and 40% of Malay voters who voted against UMNO/BN in 13GE are not loyal to Yang di Pertuan Agong and country?

I am shocked at the mindset and mentality not only of the political establishment as demonstrated by the recent furore over “quinoa politics vs rice politics” and the flurry of gratuitous and baseless UMNO attacks on tycoon Robert Kuok but also of the top bureaucrats in the civil service, who seemed to have forgotten and deviated from the vital cardinal principle of non-partisanship of the civil service in politics and political matters.

I was utterly shocked when I read yesterday of the reminder by the Public Service Department director-general Tan Sri Zainal Rahim Seman to 1.6 million civil servants that they should discharge their responsibilities as members of the civil service with undivided support to the government and country based on the principles of the pledge of loyalty and integrity when they first joined the service. Read the rest of this entry »