Archive for 2021

Najib thought he has found a way to stop public discussion of two issues: the possibility of his return as the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia in the 15GE and his brother Nazir’s proposal of a reset of national policies and institutions

(Versi BM)

Former Prime Minister Najib Razak thought he has found a way to stop public discussion of two issues: the possibility of his return as the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia in the 15th General Election and his brother Nazir’s proposal for a reset of national policies and institutions.

But he cannot be more wrong when he thought he could achieve these two objectives when he tried to caricature me as being too obsessed with him.

Firstly, let me declare that Najib personally is not important, but it is in the interests of all Malaysians who want a clean and honest government to ensure that he does not return as the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia in the 15th General Election, for it would mean the return of the days when Malaysia was associated with “kleptocracy at its worst”. Read the rest of this entry »

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We can agree or disagree with the modus operandi but Malaysians must be concerned about the need for a reset of national policies and institutions if we are not to end up as a failed state near Malaysia’s Centennial in 2057

(Versi BM)

The proposal by Nazir Razak, the youngest brother of former Prime Minister Najib Razak, and 54 other prominent Malaysians for a reset of national policies and institutions has created a lot of waves, some agreeing while others quite dubious about the initiative.

While we can agree or disagree with the modus operandi of the proposal, Malaysians must be concerned about the need for a reset of national policies and institutions if we are not to end up as a failed state near Malaysia’s Centennial in 2057. Read the rest of this entry »

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The light at the end of the Covid-19 pandemic tunnel is getting brighter but we must remain vigilant in view of the advent of omnicron variant of Covid-19 virus

(Versi BM)

The light at the end of the Covid-19 pandemic tunnel is getting brighter but we must remain vigilant in view of the omnicron variant of Covid-19 virus – to adhere to mask wearing, to use good ventilation and to avoid close contact with too many people and to get vaccinated or get booster shots.

Yesterday, we recorded 4,087 daily new Covid-19 cases – the lowest in 197 days – the strongest indication that we can look forward to breaching the 4,000-line to go below 4,000 daily new Covid-19 cases after struggling for six weeks in the 4,500 – 6,500 cases region for daily new cases, and even to return to pre-Emergency days of January 11, 2021 when we had 2,232 daily new Covid-19 cases and four Covid-19 deaths. Read the rest of this entry »

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Some good news at last on the Covid-19 pandemic front on the last day of Ismail Sabri’s first hundred days – lowest daily new Covid-19 cases since May 16 and second lowest daily Covid-19 deaths in six months

(Versi BM)

After 99 days of depressing, gloomy or at best “not bad news”, it is great to have some good news at last on the Covid-19 pandemic front on the last day of Ismail Sabri’s first hundred days as the ninth Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Yesterday, Malaysia recorded 4,239 daily new Covid-19 cases, the lowest in 196 days since May 16, and 29 daily Covid-19 deaths – second lowest in over six months.

I had hoped that at least by the first 100 Days of Ismail Sabri as the ninth Prime Minister of Malaysia, we can at least undo the damage of the proclamation of emergency by the Muhyiddin Yassin Government on January 11, 2021, when we had 2,232 daily new Covid-19 cases and four Covid-19 deaths, with the cumulative totals of 138,224 Covid-19 cases and 555 Covid-19 deaths. Read the rest of this entry »

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I welcome Ismail Sabri’s statement that the “Keluarga Malaysia” concept is based on Rukun Negara but what is he doing to ensure that Cabinet comprises Ministers who uphold the Rukun Negara?

(Versi BM)

I welcome Prime Minister Ismail Sabri’s statement that his “Keluarga Malaysia” concept is based on Rukun Negara and that the National Unity Plan 2021-2030 is an effort to restore the original dream of unity expressed in the five principles of Rukun Negara.

But the National Unity Plan got off on a bad start when the Unity Minister, Halimah Mohamed Sadique dared not answer questions about the issue surrounding the new signboards for several publicly-funded Chinese primary schools in Pahang, passing the buck to the Education Ministry and the Pahang State government. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malaysians will know on Dec. 8 whether Najib will be making a serious bid to become the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia

Malaysians will know on Dec. 8 whether Najib will be making a serious bid to become the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia.

If on that date, the Court of Appeal quashes his conviction in the RM42 million SRC International corruption case and sentencing of 12 years imprisonment and RM210 million fine, the likelihood is that Najib will put into action his plan for his return as the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia in the 15th general election and that the 15th General Election is likely to be held in the first half of next year,
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Malaysia is not faced with Chinese vs Malay contest but how to inculcate among Malaysians, whether Malays Chinese, Indians, Kadazans or Ibans a “Malaysian First” mindset, mentality and loyalty

Parliamentary Opposition Leader, Anwar Ibrahim, said in Machap, Johore earlier today where former Education Minister, Mazlee Malik, joined PKR as a member, that Pakatan Harapan’s enemies have painted a picture that if PH came into power, the Chinese community would dominate the Malays.

Anwar said the same propaganda was used by its enemies in the Malacca state elections last Saturday.
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There is widespread misunderstanding of the CSR MOU that it meant DAP and PH now support the racialist, one-sided and divisive 2022 Budget when this is not the case

There is widespread misunderstanding of the confidence-supply-reform (CSR) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that it meant that DAP and Pakatan Harapan (PH) now support the racialist, one-sided and divisive 2022 Budget when this is not the case.

DAP and Pakatan Harapan leaders and MPs will continue to oppose the racism, injustices and discrimination of the 2022 budget, which does not reflect the “Keluarga Malaysia” concept advocated by Ismail Sabri. Read the rest of this entry »

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There should be a ten-year plan to undo the deviations and injustices of the NEP and the curse of corruption which are the major causes for Malaysia losing out to other countries in the past half-a-century

The 23-month Covid-19 Pandemic should be a wake-up call to Malaysians that in the last half-a-century, Malaysia had been failing to live up to our potential whether in talents or resources, and one nation after another is overtaking Malaysia whether in terms of international competitiveness, good governance, the fight against corruption or providing an effective and successful government.

We must pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and stop regressing and work to fulfil our promise to be a world-class great nation. Read the rest of this entry »

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Najib Razak has undoubtedly the largest election war chest in the country and has bought over many operatives to serve his cause to return as 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia in the 15GE

(Versi BM)

What a contrast – one brother asking for a reset of national policies and institutions and another brother dreaming about returning as the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Undoubtedly, Najib Razak has the largest election war chest in the country and has bought over many operatives to serve his cause to return as the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia in the 15th General Election.

In the initiative started by Nazir Razak and 54 others for a reset of national policies and institutions to realize the original aspirations of becoming a nation of Malaysians, there is recognition that there had been “negative side effects” of the nation-building policies in the past half-a-century which has led to “heightened corruption, the hardening of identity politics and concentration of power” which “feed on each other and are at the heart of Malaysia’s systemic dysfunction today”. Read the rest of this entry »

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Will “Keluarga Malaysia” save Malaysia from becoming a failed state?

(Versi BM)

The day after tomorrow on Sunday will be Ismail Sabri’s 100th Day as the 9th Prime Minister of Malaysia.

He has coined “Keluarga Malaysia” as his signature brand for his premiership of Malaysia.

Will “Keluarga Malaysia” save Malaysia from being a failed state, as Malaysia had been slipping from the international table of competitiveness and successful nations?

Malaysia did badly as a nation according to the Covid-19 pandemic index. Read the rest of this entry »

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Three bad news for Malaysia in one day – when will the fall of Malaysia end?

(Versi BM)

Three bad news for Malaysia in one day – when will the fall of Malaysia end?

Firstly, there was the report that Malaysia’s mobile internet connection experience is at the bottom at the global and regional level, according to several global research reports.

Among 100 countries, Malaysia ranked lower than Asean neighbours Vietnam, Thailand, and even poverty-stricken Laos when it came to “Best Mobile Experience” related to 4G LTE wireless broadband speeds, based on global independent data company Tutela’s report recently. Read the rest of this entry »

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Some fallacies about the Malacca general election result of Nov. 20

(Versi BM)

There are many fallacies about the outcome of the Malacca general election of November 20, 2021.

Firstly, that it was a landslide victory of UMNO and Barisan Nasional, when it was landslide victory of seats but not of votes – as although the BN won two-thirds majority of the state assembly seats, it won only an infinitesimal increase of 0.55 per cent of the 2018 votes cast to secure 38.39% of the votes in the Malacca general election last Saturday. Read the rest of this entry »

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Najib is hoping that he can sneak in and become the 10th Malaysian Prime Minister in the 15 GE without the question becoming the focal issue of the country

(Versi BM)

Najib Razak is hoping that he can sneak in and become the 10th Malaysian Prime Minister in the 15 General Election without the question become the focal issue of the country.

If Najib succeeds, Malaysia will again become the laughing stock of the world, in particular in Indonesia which had been catching up on Malaysia in the fight against corruption in the last two decades. Read the rest of this entry »

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The most ominous implication of the Malacca general election is that Najib may become the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia

(Versi BM)

The most ominous implication of the Malacca general election is that Najib Razak may become the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia in the national 15th General

Is this what Malaysians deserve, to get rid of the man who made Malaysia infamous as a “kleptocracy at its worst” and to receive him back four years later as a saviour of the nation freed of all corruption charges as if to install a model kleptocracy for the world? Read the rest of this entry »

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Najib should explain whether he is completely devoid of any crumb of moral scruple as to apply for RM100 million housing as former Prime Minister despite the multi-billion ringgit 1MDB scandal which made Malaysia infamous worldwide as a kleptocracy

(Versi BM)

Parliamentary Opposition Leader, Anwar Ibrahim said the cabinet must explain why it had so easily agreed in principle to former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak’s request for a property valued at RM100 million.

Anwar is right, but a more serious question for Najib to answer is whether he is completely devoid of any crumb of moral scruple which led him to apply for RM100 million housing as former Prime Minister despite the multi-billion ringgit 1MDB scandal, which made Malaysia notorious world-wide as a kleptocracy. Read the rest of this entry »

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One lesson of the Malacca general election

(Versi BM)

There are many lessons to be drawn from the Malacca general election last Saturday but it is counter-productive to zero in on any personality by putting all the blame and faults on him, in this case the Pakatan Harapan leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

First, there is a need for a change of political mindset by all political leaders. Read the rest of this entry »

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Is Malacca general election the stepping stone for Najib to become the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia?

The Facebook video of Najib Razak raises many questions, chief of which is whether the Malacca general election is to be the stepping stone for Najib to become the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia.

From his Facebook Video, Najib was evidently speaking as the commander-in-chief of the UMNO campaign in the Malacca general election and the question automatically arises whether the Malacca general election will be a stepping stone for Najib to become the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia. Read the rest of this entry »

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UMNO leadership will be tempted by Malacca general election results to rush to hold the 15th General Election for the country as early as possible, even early 2022

The UMNO leadership will be tempted by the Malacca general election results to tear up the confidence-supply-reform (CSR) memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between Prime Minister Ismail Sabri and Pakatan Harapan to rush for the 15th General Election for the country to held as early as possible, even early 2022.

This is because based on the Malacca general election results, UMNO and BN will be able to take over the Federal government on its own, and may regain two-thirds majority in Parliament and even free the top UMNO leaders from corruption charges if the 15th General Elections is held in early 2022. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malaysia has lost out to China and now losing out to India and Indonesia in handling the Covid-19 pandemic – how low will Malaysia go?

I am fortified in my call yesterday to the Malacca voters to represent Malaysians to vote against both the Perikatan Nasional (PN) and Barisan Nasional (BN) candidates for the loss of nearly 30,000 lives (with more than 6,000 Brought-in-Dead Covid-19 deaths) and nearly 2.6 million Covid-19 cases because we are left far behind by other countries in the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Yesterday, we recorded 6,355 new Covid-19 cases and 45 Covid-19 deaths (including seven BID deaths), losing out to India which recorded 5,883 daily new Covid-19 cases and losing out to Indonesia which beat Malaysia by recording five (5) daily single-digit Covid-19 deaths!
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