Archive for 2021

When will Malaysia return to the pre-Emergency period when there were 2,232 daily new Covid-19 cases and four daily Covid-19 deaths on January 11, 2021 when Emergency was declared to combat the Covid-19 pandemic?

(Versi BM)

When will Malaysia return to the pre-Emergency period when there were 2,232 daily new Covid-19 cases and four daily Covid-19 deaths on January 11, 2021 when Emergency was declared to combat the Covid-19 pandemic?

Even when we can return to the pre-Emergency period of having less than 2,232 daily new Covid-19 cases and four daily Covid-19 deaths, we have to surmount another challenge – when Malaysia can end the third Covid wave in Malaysia going back to the Sabah state election in September last year, making Malaysia carry the infamy of having the longest Covid wave in the world for over 15 months and still counting. Read the rest of this entry »

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Sarawak general election results show that if there is PH-PSB co-operation, DAP will have seven and PSB six Sarawak State Assembly seats instead of the present two for DAP and four for PSB

(Versi BM)

The Sarawak general election results on Dec. 18, 2021 show that if there is Pakatan Harapan (PH) and Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) co-operation, the DAP will have seven and PSB six Sarawak State Assembly seats instead of the present two for DAP and four for PSB.

DAP would have won five more seats apart from Padungan and Pending, namely Pujut in Miri, Tanjong Batu in Bintulu, Pelawan and Bukit Assek in Sibu and Kota Sentosa in Kuching while PSB would have won two more seats in apart from Bawang Assam, Ba’kelalan, Batu Lintang and Engkilili, namely Ngemah and Simanggang. Read the rest of this entry »

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GPS should not abuse or misuse their super-majority in the Sarawak State Assembly or they will suffer the fate that befell Abdullah Badawi’s over 90 per cent super-majority in Parliament in the 2004 general election – the beginning of the end of UMNO political hegemony

(Versi BM)

There is a lot of gloom and doom in the political scenario in Sarawak as if the end of the world has arrived.

I am more sanguine. As Nelson Mandela said: “Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” Read the rest of this entry »

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Sarawak general election a setback for DAP which must learn from the mistakes but DAP will not be deterred from the Malaysian Dream of making Malaysia a world-class great nation before Malaysia’s Centennial in 2063

(Versi BM)

I was in Keningau yesterday and Pensiangan this morning to celebrate an early Christmas as there was no Christmas celebration last year because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

I had campaigned in the Sarawak general election and I had hoped that DAP will win half-a-dozen seats at the end of the campaign. The election results produced two DAP seats – Padungan and Pending.
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Ismail Sabri must prove his “Keluarga Malaysia” concept is not a meaningless slogan by insisting that only those who uphold the Rukun Negara principles of nation-building and accept Malaysia is a multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-religious and multi-cultural nation can be Cabinet Ministers

Prime Minister Ismail Sabri must prove that his “Keluarga Malaysia” concept is not a meaningless slogan but a key principle which can unite the diverse races, languages, religions and cultures which have made Malaysia their home.

Ismail said today that personal interests, political differences and growing hostilities can lead to disunity among members of the Keluarga Malaysia (Malaysian Family).
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Sabah and Sarawak State Assemblies should set up a Joint Sabah-Sarawak State Assemblies Committee to Restore Sabah-Sarawak rights according to Malaysia Agreement 1963 and to demand compensation from Federal Government for half-a-century of neglect

(Versi BM)

The unanimous two-thirds majority in Parliament on Tuesday, 14th December 2021 for the passage of the 2021 Constitution Amendment Bill is historic but it is only the first step to restore to Sabah and Sarawak their rights and status fully agreed by the Malaysia Agreement in 1963

For half-a-century, the people of Sabah and Sarawak were denied their rights to full Malaysian citizenship, such as their rights to equitable financial allocations, true state autonomy especially on education and health, fair apportionment of oil funds and right to development resources were neglected. Read the rest of this entry »

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Call on Sarawakian voters tomorrow to stand up and lead Malaysians in “Battle for New Malaysia 2.0” in the next 40 and 50 years to make Malaysia a world-class great nation

(Versi BM)

The 12th Sarawak general election on Dec. 18, 2021 has turned out to be the most important Sarawak general election in the history of Malaysia although it started off as an ordinary state general election.

Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2021 changed the whole scenario as on that day the Federal Constitution was amended with the unanimous support of Members of Parliament on both sides of the aisle to undo the injustices of the 1976 Constitution Amendment Act which made Sarawakians lose their rights under Malaysia Agreement 1963 for half-a-century in terms of fair financial allocations, meaningful state autonomy especially in education and health, fair apportionment of oil funds and equitable development prospects. Read the rest of this entry »

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Walk the talk to prove Ismail Sabri government committed to UN anti-corruption efforts by passing motion to approve the PAC report on Bank Negara funds used for 1MDB bailout

(Versi BM)

The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Parliament and Law) Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar has said that Malaysia will support the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and has undertaken several efforts that prove its seriousness in the matter.

He said the commitment was proven through the efforts of the government to seize a part of the assets confiscated by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission in the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) scandal amounting to RM5 billion as well as the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Plan (NACP) 2019-2023 through the National Centre for Governance, Integrity and Anti-Corruption Centre (GIACC). Read the rest of this entry »

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History has proved DAP right and Sarawak government leaders represented by GPS wrong with the passage of the 2021 Constitution Amendment Bill to undo 45 years of injustices of the 1976 Constitution Amendment Act

(Versi BM)

History has proved DAP right and Sarawak government leaders represented by GPS wrong with the passage of the 2021 Constitution Amendment Bill in the Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday, 14th December 2021 to undo the injustices of the 1976 Constitution Amendment Act.

GPS leaders cannot completely blame the Federal Government for the 1976 Constitution Amendment Act which placed Sarawak at a considerable disadvantage for half-a-century as the Barisan Nasional Sarawak government leaders had fully voted for the 1976 Constitution Amendment Act and must bear half the responsibility for the “stepchild” treatment of Sarawak for the past half-century. Read the rest of this entry »

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2021 Constitution Amendment Bill is the initial fulfilment of Impian Malaysia launched by the DAP with over 100 health, education and infrastructure projects in Sarawak in the five years from 2013 to 2018

(Versi BM)

The 2021 Constitution Amendment Bill is the initial fulfilment of Impian Malaysia project launched by the DAP with over 100 health, education and infrastructure projects in Sarawak in the five years from 2013 to 2018.

The passage of the 2021 Constitution Amendment Bill in Dewan Rakyat on 14th December 2021 is the first step, and not the last step, in the restoration of the full citizenship rights of the people of Sarawak with regard to equitable financial allocations, autonomy for education and health, just share of oil rights and fair share of the development funds for the upliftment of Sarawak.
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There cannot be a new dawn for Sarawak unless there is a new dawn for Malaysia, which is why Sarawak GE is the opening shot for the 15GE and the battle to make Malaysia a world-class great nation by before Malaysia’s 100th anniversary in 2063

(Versi BM)

There are people who say that a new dawn has come to Sarawak with the passage of the 2021 Constitution Amendment Bill by the Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday, undoing the injustices of the 1976 Constitution Amendment Act which reduced Sarawak to one of the 13 Malaysian states when it was one of the three entities with Sabah and Malaya which formed Malaysia in 1963.

I do not agree. We want a new dawnn for Sarawak, but a new dawn for Sarawak has not arrived yet. It is a work-in-progress. What happened in Parliament on Tuesday is only the first step to bring about a new dawn for Sarawak, after half-a-century of nightfall! Read the rest of this entry »

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I support a division voting should be called if Khairy is so unreasonable as want to force through the draconian and unscientific Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Amendment Bill tomorrow instead of referring it to a Select Committee

(Versi BM)

I support that a division voting should be called if the Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin is so unreasonable as want to force through the draconian and unscientific Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Amendment Bill tomorrow with excessive million-ringgit fines and compounds and disproportionate seven-year penal penalties instead of referring it to a Select Committee.

Just as there was no justification for the declaration of Emergency on January 11, 2021 to combat the Covid-19 pandemic, there is no justification for the Dewan Rakyat to pass the amendment to the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Amendment bill tomorrow. Read the rest of this entry »

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Can the four special envoys, Hadi Awang, Tiong King Sing, Richard Riot and Vigneswaran produce their 100-Day Report Cards?

(Versi BM)

The answer by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Special Functions) Abdul Latiff Ahmad yesterday on the number of special advisers and special envoys of the Prime Minister, Ismail Sabri is both a shocker and an eye-opener.

The first question that comes to mind is why is the Prime Minister having so many special advisers and special envoys as he already has a jumbo-sized Cabinet of 31 Ministers and 38 deputy ministers and a full complement of High Commissioners and Ambassadors all over the world? Read the rest of this entry »

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Sarawak government MPs cheered when the 2021 Constitution Amendment Bill was passed yesterday, but they also cheered when the 1976 Constitution Amendment Bill was passed 45 years ago causing two generations of Sarawakians to lose their basic rights to citizenship and development for half a century

Sarawak government MPs cheered when the 2021 Constitution Amendment Bill was passed yesterday, but they also cheered when the 1976 Constitution Amendment Bill was passed 45 years ago causing two generations of Sarawakians to lose their basic rights to citizenship and development for half a century.

The only MPs who opposed the 1976 Constitution Amendment Bill were the nine Members of Parliament from the DAP.
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Khairy will be destroying his own credibility and political future if he forces through the draconian and unscientific Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Amendment Bill with excessive million-ringgit fines and compounds and disproportionate seven-year penal penalties on Thursday

(Versi BM)

The new Health Minister Khairy Jamaluddin will be destroying his own credibility and political future if he forces through the draconian and unscientific Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Amendment Bill with excessive million-ringgit fines and compounds and disproportionate seven-year penal penalties on Thursday.

Although Khairy had done quite a good job in his first Hundred Days on Dec. 7 as compared to other Ministers as he had ended the crazy upsurge of daily Covid-19 cases and daily Covid-19 deaths (which might have reached by today cumulaltive totals of five million Covid-19 cases and 100,000 Covid-19 death if the crazy upsurge had not been stopped), we are still a great distance from ending the third Covid-19 wave in Malaysia, which has become the longest Covid-19 wave in the world going back to September last year.
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Four reasons why Sarawak should unite behind DAP candidates and not split their votes in the Sarawak general election on Dec. 18

(Versi BM)

I am at the Sibu Airport to rush back to Kuala Lumpur for the voting in Parliament on the 2021 Constitution Amendment Bill to end 45 years of injustices to Sarawak and Sabah caused by the 1976 Constitution Amendment Bill which resulted in Sarawak and Sabah not enjoying the rights and interests intended in the Malaysia Agreement 1963.

There are four reasons by the voters of Sarawak should unite behind DAP and Pakatan Harapan candidates and not split their votes in the Sarawak general election on Dec. 18, 2021. Read the rest of this entry »

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Karim said those seeking independence for Sarawak can’t be blamed but he does not realise that the widespread unhappiness of Sarawakians is caused by the failure of the Sarawak government leaders 45 years ago

(Versi BM)

Recently, a GPS Minister, Abdul Kafim Rahman Hamzah, a vice president of Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (a mainstay of GPS) said that the people who seek independence for Sarawak cannot be blamed for such sentiments, in view of the record of lot state rights but he did not realise that the widespread unhappiness of Sarawakians is caused by the failure of the Sarawak government leaders 45 years ago.

This is why I am interrupting my campaigning for DAP and Pakatan Harapan candidates in the Sarawak state general election and returning to Kuala Lumpur tomorrow as Parliament will be debating and voting the 2021 Constitution Amendment Bill to undo 45 years of injustice to Sarawak (and Sabah) caused by the 1976 Constitution Amendment Bill which was passed by Parliament on 13th July 1976 by 130 votes in support and nine votes in opposition. Read the rest of this entry »

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Proposal for a High-level Conference of 4,500 Longhouse heads in 2023 to mark the 60th Anniversary of formation of Malaysia to find out why Sarawak is rich but the Ibans remain mired in poverty with poor and backward infrastructure facilities

I have just visited two longhouses in the Dudong state assembly constituency and I am shocked by the bitter complaints from the longhouse residents about their poverty and their poor and backward infrastructure facilities.

Sarawak is very rich and has produced a very wealthy person known all over the world, but the people, in particular the Iban community, are mired in poverty with poor and backward infrastructure facilities. Why is this so? Read the rest of this entry »

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Puad should explain how much public funds he misspent to mislead Malaysians and Malaysian students all over the world that the 1MDB scandal never existed when he was Director-General of JASA from March 2015 to April 2018

(Versi BM)

I have said that I will not waste time on UMNO Supreme Council member, Puad Zakarshi, if he is unable to answer the many queries I have raised about him.

He has not been able to do so, and I have no time for him although he is desperately trying to prove his usefulness to UMNO despite being dropped as an UMNO candidate for Batu Pahat parliamentary constituency in the 2018 general election – after being defeated in the 2013 general election. Read the rest of this entry »

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I will interrupt my campaigning for Pakatan Harapan in the Sarawak general election and fly back to KL tomorrow to vote in Parliament on the Constitution Amendment Bill 2021 to undo the Constitutional Amendment 45 years ago to restore to Sarawak its rights under the Malaysia Act 1963

(Versi BM)

I will interrupt my campaigning for Pakatan Harapan in the Sarawak general election and fly back to Kuala Lumpur tomorrow to vote in Parliament on the Constitution Amendment Bill 2021 to undo the Constitutional Amendment 45 years ago to restore to Sarawak its rights under the Malaysia Act 1963.

When the 1976 Constitutional Amendment Bill was voted in Parliament on 13th July 1976, it was carried by 130 votes supporting and nine votes opposing – all the nine votes came from DAP which included myself. Those who supported the Constitution Amendment in 1976 which reduced Sarawak and Sabah from a region comparable to Peninsular Malaysia to one of the 13 states in Malaysia included all the Sarawak Barisan Nasional leaders, like two MPs who became Sarawak Chief Minister and Sarawak Yang di Pertua, Abdul Rahman Yaacob and Taib Mahmud, SUPP leaders Ong Kee Hui and Stephen Yong and SNAP leaders Edmund Langgu, Patrick Uren and Luhat Wan. Read the rest of this entry »

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