Archive for August 8th, 2012
May 13 film: ‘Govt’s fear-mongering tool’
Anisah Shukry | August 8, 2012
Free Malaysia Today
Analysts say that that the upcoming film’s depiction of the May 13 riots will spark unhappiness among the public and can be seen as a move to cow Malay voters.
PETALING JAYA: The government-backed film Tanda Putera is Barisan Nasional’s way of instilling fear into the hearts of the rakyat during the run-up to the country’s 13th general election, according to a political analyst.
The film was originally slated for release on Sept 13 but was now expected to reach cinemas in November following controversy over its depiction of the May 13, 1969 riots – an incident largely seen as a stain on Malaysia’s multiracial history.
“There are definitely political motives behind the movie, in terms of it being released near the general election,” political analyst Ong Kian Ming told FMT.
“One of the primary reasons for the release of the movie is that it is part of a larger picture involving fear-mongering – to create a sense of fear among the Malay community that if BN was to lose the next general election, it would lead to a repeat of the May 13 incident,” he said.
The race riots four decades ago had been sparked off by an election setback for the Malay-dominated ruling alliance. The riots lasted several weeks, with the death toll said to be 196.
But the USCI University lecturer stressed that Malaysians had largely moved on from the incident and it would have little impact on urban voters in particular. Read the rest of this entry »
Utusan Malaysia front-page headline “Haram sokong DAP” torn to smithereens Najib’s 1Malaysia signature policy
Posted by Kit in 1Malaysia, Media, Najib Razak, UMNO on Wednesday, 8 August 2012
With 23 days to go before Malaysia celebrates the 55th Merdeka Day and 39 days the 49th Malaysia Day, patriotic and nationalistic Malaysians find it most sad and heart-rending at the appearance of more and more evidence of powerful and divisive centrifugal forces out to divide instead of uniting Malaysians.
Today the UMNO newspaper Utusan Malaysia’s front-page headline “Haram sokong DAP” provides the latest evidence, tearing into smithereens Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s signature 1Malaysia policy to create a Malaysian nation where every Malaysian would regard himself or herself as Malaysian first and race, religion, region or class second.
Utusan Malaysia’s scandalous and outrageous screaming headline “Haram Sokong DAP” is a multiple indictment – of Utusan Malaysia, UMNO and the Najib premiership!
Is Utusan Malaysia trying to foment and incite religious conflicts in Malaysia? Read the rest of this entry »
Mat Zain’s Letter to IGP: Buku berkaitan AG Gani Patail – Pemalsu, Penipu, Penjenayah?
Mat Zain bin Ibrahim | 8hb.Ogos 2012
Tan Sri Ismail bin Haji Omar, IG,
Ketua Polis Negara,
Bukit Aman,
Kuala Lumpur.
YDH Tan Sri,
Assalamualaikum wbt. Semoga YDH Tan Sri dalam kandungan sihat walafiat.
Saya merujuk kepada penerbitan buku bertajuk seperti diatas oleh seorang Zainal Abidin Ahmad(Zainal) sepertimana yang didedahkan oleh Tan Sri Robert Phang menerusi laman Malaysiakini pada 2 Ogos 2012 dan laporan Polis beliau yang dibuat di-Balai Polis Tun Razak pada 6 Ogos 2012.
Saya tidak pernah kenal dengan Zainal sebelum penerbitan buku ini. Bagaimanapun beliau datang menemui saya pada 12.7.2012 untuk menyerahkan satu naskah buku terbitan beliau itu dan lantas berkenalan dengan saya. Zainal berusia 60 dan berasal dari Raub, Pahang. Beliau lepasan Universiti Malaya tahun 1976.
Read the rest of this entry »