Broadband is snailband
Posted by Kit in IT, Parliament on Thursday, 18 June 2009, 9:37 pm
Rais: No plan to register bloggers
By Husna Yusop and Giam Say Khoon | The Sun
KUALA LUMPUR (June 18, 2009) : The government has no plans to list or register bloggers and they are still free to post information on the internet, Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said today.
“There are various processes of disseminating information these days. Whatever the authorities do, the websites are still free to post any information on the Internet.
“At the moment, we do not list or register bloggers operating on the Net. And, there is no plan to do that. However, to maintain harmony in society, they (bloggers) must follow the laws,” he told Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timur).
Lim in his supplementary question said the plan to register bloggers, made by some quarters recently, was a backward move.
Last month, Rais was reported saying the proposal was good but required indepth study.
Lim also complained about the broadband service which he said can also be called “narrowband” or “snailband”.
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Act of sabotage
Posted by Kit in Parliament on Thursday, 18 June 2009, 7:21 pm
Kit Siang’s car tyres punctured outside Parliament (Update)
By LEE YUK PENG | The Star
KUALA LUMPUR: A tyre of the car belonging to veteran Member of Parliament Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timur) parked at the MPs’ parking lot at Parliament building was delibrately punctured with a needle on Wednesday.
Lim, who raised the matter it at the Dewan Rakyat during the Question Time Thursday asked: “How can this act of sabotage happen at Parliament building?”
He said he planned to drive out for lunch at 1:15pm when he discovered that the rear left tyre had deflated.
An aide said he went to a nearby petrol station to inflate the tyre and returned to Parliament building after lunch.
However, he discovered the same tyre had deflated again at 4pm.
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Umno must abandon old politics and work together with Singapore to bring about prosperity and progress for Malaysia and Singapore
Posted by Kit in Dr. Chen Man Hin, Economics, Foreign, UMNO on Thursday, 18 June 2009, 5:19 pm
By Dr Chen Man Hin, DAP Life Advisor
PM Najib wants more development for Johore and Malaysia by improving relationships with Singapore. His proposal to build a third bridge to link South East Johore with Changi of Singapore was meant to bring economic development for South East Johore and Singapore.
Umno insisted that selling land to Singapore was akin to giving up Malaysia’s sovereignty. This is ridiculous.
Umno should be aware that large quantities of sand and quarry stone have been sold to Singapore for many years. Yet we have not lost our sovereignty.
Umno must realise that the rural population of South Johore – in particular both South East and South West Johore are still quite poor Read the rest of this entry »
“You Are Not Qualified To Talk My Religion”: How to Respond to Attempts to Close the Public Domain- Part 2
Posted by Kit in Farish Noor, Islam on Thursday, 18 June 2009, 4:00 pm
By Farish A. Noor
If I were to tell someone that I don’t like Satay, loathe batik shirts and cant stand keroncong music, does it follow from that that I hate Malay culture in toto? Now one would have to be deliberately and consciously paralysingly stupid to believe that, by assuming that the rejection of some aspects of normative culture amounts to a total rejection of an entire culture as well. If that is the case with culture, then why cant we see that the same rule applies to talk of religion as well?
I raise this point because it has become ever so trendy in Malaysia these days to assume that any rejection, critical questioning or even debate over some normative aspects of religious epiphenomena amounts to a total rejection of the religion per se. This arises because of the unscrupulous manner in which some religiously-conservative individuals have erroneously equated the normative aspect of religiosity with the dogmatic aspect of religion in general. The two spheres, however, are distinct and should remain so.
This explains in part why groups such as Malaysia’s Sisters in Islam have been in the limelight for so many years, and why this group of Muslim feminists have been attacked again and again, and accused of being anti-Islamic. The fact however is that Sisters in Islam (SIS) Read the rest of this entry »
PKFZ scandal – Ong Tee Keat should explain whether it is true that he had on 10th May 2009 as Transport Minister pressured the Prime Minister to approve RM1.2 billion payment as variation of costs for PKFZ
My three questions (No.58 to No. 60 on the 20th day in the current series) to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat on the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal today are:
No. 1. – A website,, has appeared which uploaded exchange of letters to show that on 10th May 2009, Ong had on 10th May 2008 as Transport Minister pressured the Prime Minister to approve RM1.2 billion payment as variation of costs for the PKFZ project to its turnkey developer, Kuala Dimensi Sdn. Bhd and asked why this information was omitted in the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) audit report on the PKFZ.
Ong should explain whether it is true that he had on 10th May 2008 as Transport Minister pressured the Prime Minister to approve RM1.2 billion payment as variation of costs for the PKFZ project and confirm the two letters uploaded on this website.
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Website launched as part of the effort to get to the bottom of the “scandal of scandals” in the nation’s history
Today, a website on the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal, is launched as part of the effort to get to the bottom of the “scandal of scandals” in the nation’s history.
I am very disappointed with the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) decision that its Chairman, Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid need not disqualify himself and step down from the PAC inquiry into the PKFZ scandal, despite a clear conflict of interest, as he was a Cabinet Minister from 2004 to 2008 when the Cabinet took many critical decisions resulting in the ballooning of the PKFZ scandal from RM1.1 billion in 2002 to RM4.6 billion in 2007 and now RM7.5 billion and heading towards the astronomical cost of RM12.5 billion.
I never suggested that Azmi has any personal interest in any PKFZ transaction but as a Minister involved in the decision-making process resulting in the PKFZ project becoming the “mother of all scandals”, he should be a witness appearing before the PAC to testify why he as a Minister had supported the Cabinet decision in July 2007 to bail out the PKFZ project at the astronomical cost of RM4.6 billion – when the Cabinet should know that it would mushroom further to RM7.5 billion and later RM12.5 billion instead of heading a PAC inquiry into it.
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The gobbledegook of Augustine Paul FCJ in the Federal Court’s decision of Zambry v Sivakumar
By N H Chan
Most, if not all, laymen will find the written judgment of Augustine Paul FCJ – who eventually put in writing the judgment of the unanimous decision of the infamous five – most perplexing. I am not surprised. I find it unintelligible also – in fact, it is what the word “gobbledegook” means in the English language, “unintelligible language”.
In case you have forgotten
In case you have forgotten, I shall try to jolt your memory. The infamous five were Alauddin bin Dato’ Mohd Sheriff PCA, Arifin Zakaria CJM, Nik Hashim Nik Ab Rahman, Augustine Paul and Zulkefli Ahmad Makinudddin FCJJ. Their story exploded on the front page of the Star newspaper of Friday, 17 April 2009. It carried the startling and outrageous decision of the Federal Court. The headline proclaims, “Court: Siva does not have right to suspend seven”. The report reads:
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Najib’s latest tango in the UMNO-PAS “unity government” talks highly suspect as its real motive is to split PAS and divide Pakatan Rakyat
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s latest tango in the Umno-Pas “unity government” talks is highly suspect as its real motive is to split PAS and divide Pakatan Rakyat.
Najib said he believed Pas was sincere in wanting to form a unity government with Umno as proposed by its president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang and Umno would not reject any co-operation that could bring benefit to the country.
Why has Najib suddenly warmed up to the idea of Umno-Pas “unity government” when only three days earlier the Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Umno President, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had poured cold water on it, dismissing the proposal as unlikely to become a reality with differences within Pas itself and the Pakatan Rakyat parties.
Muhyiddin even said that Umno was prepared to “to respond to the proposal if it was mutually beneficial but would not do so now. Until today, there is nothing concrete.” Read the rest of this entry »
Ong Tee Keat in absconding overseas to avoid parliamentary accounting, which will result in absence from Cabinet meeting and inability to ensure that the Cabinet rectify the continuing injustice of SPM top scorers denied PSD overseas scholarships
MCA President Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat is most irresponsible in absconding overseas to avoid parliamentary accounting on the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal, which will result in his absence from this week’s Cabinet meeting and inability to ensure that the Cabinet rectify the continuing injustice of SPM top scorers denied Public Service Department (PSD) overseas scholarships.
During question time in Parliament yesterday, I had read out an email complaint from a 2008 SPM top-scorer who is ranked No. 7 in a premier school in Johore Bahru, Tan Hao Chong, who scored 11A1 and 1A21 in Chinese, who was not even offered a PSD scholarship in local public universities.
I read out his email in Parliament, viz:
“Immediately after SPM, I attended a seminar organized by MCA Youth in Johor Bahru and was excited to hear the announcement by Dato’ Wee that 20% ie 400 out of 2000 scholarship will be awarded to students with good results regardless of race, economic background, CCA and interviews. Obviously , this was not done. We are disappointed with MCA for failing to give us justice.
“The head of JPA promised to publish the results of successful applicants and until now nothing was announced.”
“You Are Not Qualified To Talk About Islam”: How to Respond to Attempts to Close the Public Domain
Posted by Kit in Farish Noor, Islam on Tuesday, 16 June 2009, 6:43 pm
By Farish A. Noor
“You are not qualified to talk about Islam”. How many times have I heard and read that same line, again and again? And more often than not, the same sentence is uttered or written by precisely the sort of self-trained autodidact whose own knowledge of Islam came from whatever he or she read on the internet or some cassette he bought at the local market.
It has become rather commonplace for conservative Muslims – as well as conservative Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Jews – to claim monopoly over the discourse of Islam and to try their best to close off the space of public discourse on all matters religious for the sake of protecting the integrity and sanctity of that discourse. Or so we are told. But one can also argue that such attempts at restricting the participation and contribution of others in a discursive arena that is hotly contested is little more than a conventional and predictable attempt at censorship and the narrowing of the Muslim mind.
A recent case in point is the attempt to once again label the Muslim feminist movement Sisters in Islam of Malaysia as a group of ‘western-educated’ ‘liberal’ feminists who have no right to speak on matters Islamic. And once again we are in a paroxysm of anxiety as to how to deal with such accusations. Read the rest of this entry »
Where in France have you gone to, Tee Keat, that you dare not announce your overseas programme and travel plans?
Posted by Kit in Parliament, PKFZ on Tuesday, 16 June 2009, 1:00 pm
My three questions (No.52 to No. 54 on the 18th day in the current series) to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat on the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal today are:
No. 1. – Where in France have you gone to, Tee Keat, that you dare not reveal to Parliament and the Malaysian public your actual programme of activities in Paris and your travel plans?
Is it because you know that if your overseas programme is made public, you will be nailed as an utterly irresponsible Minister who could run away from his first duty to account to Parliament on the “scandal of scandals”, the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal on the most ridiculous pretext of an overseas trip.
When was your Paris programme finalized. Didn’t you know in advance that the June meeting of Parliament would start yesterday and that the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal will be high on the parliamentary issues of priority?
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Parliament twitter on the “annual begging season” for PSD s’ships by top-scorers
Posted by Kit in Parliament, Twitter on Tuesday, 16 June 2009, 11:30 am
06/16/2009 11:09 AM
From Nazri, 2,000 PSD foreign s’ships for 2008 SPM students – 1,100 bumiputeras and 900 non-bumiputeras. Cost RM659 million.
06/16/2009 10:44 AM
On why govt not spending more 4PSD s’ships 4topscorers when RM12.5 billion in PKFZ scandal can give places for >1,000 students,no answer.
06/16/2009 10:36 AM
Nazri trotted out standard govt line on this issue n refused 2respond when asked why list of 400 s’ships awarded on merit not made public.
06/16/2009 10:34 AM
I asked why there is still “annual begging season” 4top scholars 4PSD s’ships after 1Malaysia anncd by Najib, which must mean colour-blind?
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Advice to PM Najib to adopt new politics
Posted by Kit in Dr. Chen Man Hin, Najib Razak, nation building on Tuesday, 16 June 2009, 11:25 am
By Dr Chen Man Hin, DAP Life Advisor
One must admit that PM Najib has been trying very hard to push his vision of 1 Malaysia to gain the support of the people, but the people are not seen to resonate to his call. These are the reasons.
HE LACKS SINCERITY. He claims that he wants unity so that we are one people. The next moment he proceeded to Perak and engineered a coup de’tat to take over the PR state government. He has achieved it with the support and co-operation from royalty, the judiciary, the attorney chambers, the police, the election commission and the bureaucracy. Instead of unity, he has created disunity among the people.
HIS 1 MALAYSIA WAS INTENDED TO UNITE THE WHOLE NATION TO CONSIST OF ONE PEOLE, ONE NATION. However at the same time, he continues to support Umno’s policy of ketuanan Melayu. How is it possible for the people to be one people, when at the same time he allows a political party of which he is president to struggle for a divisive ketuanan Melayu policy?
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PKFZ scandal – Speaker rejects urgent motion for Royal Commission of Inquiry
Posted by Kit in Parliament, PKFZ on Monday, 15 June 2009, 6:49 pm
The Speaker, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin today rejected my emergency motion in Parliament to debate the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal to establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry as not urgent on three spurious grounds that:
(i) the Port Klang Authority (PKA) has set up a task force and two committees as follow-up to the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) report on the PKFZ;
(ii) a copy of the PwC report has been submitted to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC); and
(iii) the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is conducting investigations on the PKFZ.
My motion read:
“That the House gives leave to MP for Ipoh Timor YB Lim Kit Siang to adjourn the House under S.O. 18 (1) to discuss a definite matter of urgent public importance – the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal. Read the rest of this entry »
Something Sensible From UMNO Youth
Posted by Kit in Bakri Musa, Education, UMNO on Monday, 15 June 2009, 6:35 pm
by M. Bakri Musa
I am heartened that UMNO Youth supports the proposal that a pass in English be mandatory in securing the SPM certificate. I commend the organization in going further then merely supporting the proposition. Among others, UMNO Youth suggests increasing the number of English teachers in rural schools and hiring foreign native-speaking English teachers as well as those retired teachers trained under the old system and thus fluent in English.
I wish that UMNO Youth would be more daring and follow the example of its sister wing, UMNO Puteri, and support the continuation of the teaching of science and mathematics in English. I would also prefer that they would support the proposal making a pass in MUET be mandatory for university entrance. That notwithstanding, the stand taken by these two junior UMNO organizations is in stark contrast to that taken by Pakatan Rakyat partners. Read the rest of this entry »
Pandemonium in the house
Posted by Kit in Parliament, Twitter on Monday, 15 June 2009, 3:15 pm
This is from @limkitsiang (twitter).
06/15/2009 02:02 PM
7 pr mps suspended 4 2days- nizar ngeh koo ham nga kor ming mahfuz mohd hatta dzulkifli gopalakrishnan 4 bubar dun band
06/15/2009 12:47 PM
Press conference Parliament lobby with Anwar, Seng Giaw, Dzulkifli n PR MPs: 3 more PKFZ questions 2OTK, Suspension of Nizar n 6 PR MPs etc
06/15/2009 12:20 PM
speaker pandikar rejects my urgent motion on pkfz scandal on ground it is not urgent n pwc rept submitted 2macc/pac
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Did Ong Tee Keat get specific approval from the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to be on the run from Parliament this week to avoid parliamentary accounting on the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal?
Posted by Kit in Parliament, PKFZ on Monday, 15 June 2009, 1:08 pm
My three questions (No.49 to No. 51 on the 17th day in the current series) to Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat on the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal today are:
No. 1. – Did Ong get specific approval from the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to be on the run from Parliament this week to avoid parliamentary accounting on the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal, when everybody knows that this will be top on the parliamentary agenda?
Furthermore, Ong should know that last Thursday I had given notice to the Speaker of Parliament, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin that I will move a motion of urgent definite public importance when Parliament reconvenes today on the PKFZ scandal calling for the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry.
Or was Ong so cocksure that my motion for an urgent debate on the PKFZ scandal today would be rejected by the Speaker that he could just go off overseas, when his first duty as Transport Minister is to be accountable to Parliament for his Ministerial duties and not to scoot off overseas under one pretext or another, like his predecessor Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy in November 2007! Read the rest of this entry »
PSD scholarships – MCA has again failed to give justice
Posted by Kit in Education, Letters, MCA, Parliament on Monday, 15 June 2009, 6:34 am
by Tan Hao Chong
I am a 2008 SPM student ranked top 7th in a premier school at Johor Bahru (S.M.K. Sultan Ismail) .I scored 11A1 and 1A2 in Chinese in SPM. I applied for JPA and was rejected after appeal. I was not even offered for local institutions. I am active in co-curricular activities and I believe I have done well in my interview.
The rejects had brought many sleepless nights for me and my parents. What is most sad is that students of poorer results were randomly selected in an attempt to confuse the public. My mum took the matter to the Sin Chew Press and Nanyang Press. Thanks to the papers the matter was brought to the attention of many.
I am writing to you as going to Mr. Lim is our only and last hope for justice now. Read the rest of this entry »
Twitter history in Parliament tomorrow
Posted by Kit in Parliament, PKFZ, Twitter on Sunday, 14 June 2009, 9:13 pm
This is from @limkitsiang (twitter).
06/14/2009 09:06 PM
Latest info – My urgent motion tmr 2debate PKFZ scandal in Parliament tmr will be rejected. Reason? MACC investigating! Totally outrageous!
06/14/2009 07:01 PM
Will Ong Tee Keat appear in Parliament tmr? Will the PwC audit report together with all appendices be tabled 4all MPs tmr or more delays?
06/14/2009 06:58 PM
1st item of Parliament business tmr – my emergency motion for Royal Commission Inquiry into RM12.5b PKFZ scandal – will Speaker allow it?
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Dengue – shouldn’t Health DG be sacked?
by ABJ
Here we go again. DG Merican laments yet again that the source of Malaysia’s entire healthcare problems lie with private clinics and hospitals as reported by Annie Freeda Cruez, the New Straits Times’ healthcare correspondent “extraordinaire”.
Incredible as it may seem, DG Merican with all the healthcare resources of the Malaysian government at his beck and call, has chosen to blame, yet again, private clinics and hospitals as the main cause for the rising death toll of dengue in Malaysia. Why are we not surprised? What next? Blame the H1N1 on airlines or the virus itself?
Merican appears to have forgotten, that the government’s own understaffed, overcrowded health and rural clinics conveniently close their doors at 4.30pm on the dot driving the hapless population to private clinics, if there is still one that has not closed, in that locality. Read the rest of this entry »