15th GE election mood hotting up but Pakatan Harapan must reignite hope among Malaysians to generate a political tsunami on Polling Day on Nov. 19 to pave the way for Malaysia to fulfill her potential to become a great world-class plural nation
The 15th General Election mood is hotting up but Pakatan Harapan must reignite hope among Malaysians to generate a political tsunami on Polling Day on November 19, 2022 to pave the way for Malaysia to fulfil her potential to become a great world-class plural nation – in the midst of heavy rain and serious flooding during the campaign.
The various political parties are unveiling their candidates list but will all the 15GE candidates agree that the nation had fallen from the Malaysian Dream of a great world-class plural nation to become a second-rate mediocre country and that the 15GE is the occasion for all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region to unite as Malaysians so that Malaysia does not continue to straggle behind other countries and end up as a failed and rogue state, a kleptocracy and kakistocracy by Malaysia’s Centennial in another four decades? Read the rest of this entry »
Malaysia needs a “Ketuanan Malaysia” policy if Malaysia is to become a great world-class plural nation
Malaysia needs a “Ketuanan Malaysia” and not a “Ketuanan Melayu” policy if Malaysia is to become a great world-class plural nation.
Firstly, Ketuanan Melayu policy is just a camouflage for UMNO-putras using the name of bumiputras to become indecently wealthy and privileged while the poor Malays and the real bumiputeras continue to be poor and backward.
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Anwar is the best and most suitable candidate for the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia – better than Zahid, Muhyiddin and Hadi Awang while Shafie Apdal is not a candidate at all
Anwar Ibrahim is the best and most suitable candidate for the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia – better than the other candidates, whether Zahid Hamidi of UMNO-Barisan Nasional coalition, Muhyiddin Yassin or Hadi Awang of the Perikatan Nasional.
He is the most qualified to end Malaysia’s decline to be a second-rate mediocre country to fulfil Malasia’s potential to be among the best countries in the world – a great world-class plural nation which is the confluence of four great civilisations in the world. Read the rest of this entry »
Three scenarios for the 15GE
There are three scenarios for the 15th General Election on Nov. 19, 2022.
Firstly, UMNO and Barisan Nasonal win the 15GE and forms the Federal Government of Malaysia. Although UMNO and BN claim that they are the favourites to win the 15GE, I think the outcome is likely to be quite different. Read the rest of this entry »
Hope that the five constituencies I have represented as MP in my 57 years in Malaysian politics will be strong bases to preach the Malaysian Dream for Malaysia to become a world-class great plural nation in another three or four decades
Posted by Kit in GE15, nation building on Monday, 31 October 2022, 2:40 pm
In my 57 years in Malaysian politics, I have stood for election in five states in Malacca, Selangor, Penang, Perak and Johore – all in pursuit of the Malaysian Dream for Malaysia to be a great world-class plural nation which could in Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman’s words be “a beacon of light in a difficult and distracted world”.
I hope that the five constituencies which I have represented as Member of Parliament in the last six decades – Kota Melaka, Petaling in Selangor, Tanjong in Penang, Ipoh Timur in Perak and Iskandar Puteri in Johore – will be strong bases to preach the Malaysian Dream where there is unity in diversity with everyone regarding himself as “Malaysian First” be they Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, Dayaks or Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Taoists, whether from Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah or Sarawak. Read the rest of this entry »
Challenge to Bagan and Penang, as the first front-line state for the Malaysian Dream, to secure the highest voter turn-out in the country in the 15GE
Twenty-seven years ago, I called on the voters of Bagan in the Bagan by-election to write history and make Bagan the “Bandar Democracy” by giving the DAP by-election candidate Lim Hock Seng a 5,000-vote majority as his predecessor, the DAP leader P. Patto had won Bagan parliamentary constituency in the April 1995 general election with a very slim majority and unfortunately passed away.
At the time, for the DAP to secure a 5,000-vote majority was regarded as “wild and impossible” by both friend and foe, but the Bagan voters decided that even a 5,000-majority was not enough for Bagan to create history and lay claim to the title of “Bandar Democracy”. They rallied to give the DAP a majority which is more than twice the 5,000-majority I had asked for. The majority was 11,802. Read the rest of this entry »
Has Ismail Sabri any answer to the query by Mahathir why no action was taken against former Attorney-General Apandi abetting the 1MDB scandal
Posted by Kit in Financial Scandals, Law & Order on Saturday, 29 October 2022, 2:50 pm
Caretaker Prime Minister Ismail Sabri said in his recent speech in Bagan Datuk that he had instructed the Attorney-General Idrus Harun to take action against former Attorney-General Tommy Thomas under the Official Secrets Act (OSA), defamation law and others and that he had declassified the report on the investigation into Thomas’ book, “My Story: Justice in the Wilderness”, so it can be used as political “bullets” to attack Pakatan Harapan.
A week later, former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad questioned the lack of action taken against former attorney-general Apandi Ali over his abetting of the 1MDB scandal as it was during Ismail Sabri’s time as Prime Minster that Apandi Ali (May 23, 2022) lost his defamation suit against me. Read the rest of this entry »
15th General Election is the most important general election in the nation’s history as it is the last chance to save Malaysia from being a second-rate mediocre country
The 15th General Election on November 19, 2022 is the most important general election in the nation’s 65-year history.
This is because it is the last chance to save Malaysia from being a second-rate mediocre country and instead of deteriorating to become a third-class failed state like Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe by Malaysia Centennial, fulfil our potential to become a great world-class plural nation. Read the rest of this entry »
Saifuddin thought the ratification of core UN conventions will be his crowning achievement as Foreign Minister but it turned out to be his biggest misjudgement and failure
Posted by Kit in Human Rights, PH Government on Thursday, 27 October 2022, 10:19 am
There are many political conspiracy theories as why the Pakatan Harapan Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad went to the 73rd United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 28, 2018 and pledged to ratify all remaining core UN instruments related to the protection of human rights.
I do not subscribe to these political conspiracy theories. I believe in the simple one. Read the rest of this entry »
Can Hadi cite a single a case of the 55 out of 57 OIC Muslim countries where Islam was undermined or a single case of the 36 out of 38 countries with monarchical system where the monarchical system was affected as a result of the ratification of ICERD?
Posted by Kit in Human Rights, PAS on Wednesday, 26 October 2022, 5:20 pm
The cybertroopers of the toxic politics of lies, hate, race and religion were double quick in their attack on me for my statement on Hadi and ICERD in Kuching this morning.
They immediately swung into action and zeroed in on me with posts like: Read the rest of this entry »
Hadi is giving Islam a bad name telling lies and untruths, acting like a chameleon and going against the mainstream of Islamic development
The PAS President, Hadi Awang, is giving Islam a bad name – telling lies and untruths, acting like a chameleon and going against the mainstream of Islamic development.
As Pakatan Harapan chairman, Anwar Ibrahim said last night, Hadi is aware the DAP is not communist or pro-communist. Read the rest of this entry »
Call on Sarawak voters to become Justice Pao in the 15GE to send the corrupt to jail and to free the innocents
Barisan Nasional and UMNO President, Zahid Hamidi, made a infamous speech at the MIC Assembly on the same day Parliament was dissolved – on Oct. 10, 2022. He said:
“Candidates from MIC, Umno, MCA and PBRS have to win in a dominant fashion. It’s now or never. This election is the mother of all general elections. If we fail, our fate will be worse than the last election. Read the rest of this entry »
Pakatan Harapan should give positive response to Tawfik request to contest under Harapan ticket in Bagan Datuk
The Pakatan Harapan Presidential Council should give proper and positive response to Tawfik Ismail’s request to contest under the Harapan ticket in Bagan Datuk against the UMNO President, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.
This will be excellent way to hightlight the theme of the 15GE – that it is not to ensure that UMNO and BN leaders escape from being charged in court for corruption and being sent to jail, as he said in his infamous MIC Assembly speech on the same day that Parliament was dissolved, but to fight corruption and to build Malaysia into a great world-class plural nation by Malaysia’s Centennial. Read the rest of this entry »
Zahid Hamidi should not stand as a candidate in the 15th General Election if his claim that Ismail Sabri would be Prime Minister if UMNO-BN coalition wins the the general election is to be believed
The UMNO President, Zahid Hamidi said that Ismail Sabri would be the Prime Minister if the UMNO-BN coalition wins the 15th General Election on 19th November 2022.
I do not think that Ismail Sabri fully trusts Zahid Hamidi, but he has to pretend he is the “poster-boy” to be the Prime Minister of the UMNO-BN coalition after the 15th General Election.
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Anwar Ibrahim is a superior candidate for the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia than Zahid Hamidi, Ibrahim Sabri, Muhyiddin Yassin or Hadi Awang
The 15th General Election is a parliamentary election to form the Federal Government in Malaysia and not to form the State Government in Sarawak.
At present, there are only three coalitions which could form the Federal Government in Putrajaya after the 15GE Polling on November 19, 2022: firstly, the UMNO-Barisan Nasional coalition, secondly the Perikatan Nasional coalition of Bersatu and PAS; and thirdly, the Pakatan Harapan coalition of PKR, DAP, Amanah and UPKO. Read the rest of this entry »
The 15GE may end up like the 14GE – with UMNO/BN in the lead before the GE but not so after the GE
The 15th General Election on Nov. 19, 2022 may end up like the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018 – with UMNO/Barisan Nasional in the lead before the poll but not so when the results were out.
In the 14GE, I campaigned for the toppling of the UMNO/BN government throughout the country but if you asked me on the morning of Polling Day on May 9, 2018, I would not say that Pakatan Harapan would end the UMNO/BN political hegemony on that day. Read the rest of this entry »
Let us make the 15GE the Deepavali General Election in Malaysia where Malaysians begin to replace darkness with light so that Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman’s wish could come true on Malaysia’s Centennial
(Versi BM)
I wish all Malaysian Indians Happy Deepavali.
I also call on all Malaysians to make the 15th General Election on Nov. 19, 2022 the Deepavali General Election in Malaysia where all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region, unite to replace darkness in Malaysia with light so that Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman’s wish for Malaysia to become “a beacon of light in a difficult and distracted world” can begin to come true. Read the rest of this entry »
Although I have retired from front-line politics after 57 years, I will continue with the political struggle to make Malaysia a great world-class plural nation by Malaysia’s Centennial in another four decades starting with making Anwar Ibrahim the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia
Posted by Kit in Anwar Ibrahim, GE15, Pakatan Harapan on Saturday, 22 October 2022, 9:09 am
I was in Ipoh Convention Centre on Thursday night because I support the Pakatan Harapan objective to make Anwar Ibrahim the tenth Prime Minister of Malaysia.
The greatest challenge in the 15th General Election is whether Pakatan Harapan can succeed in making Anwar Ibrahim the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia. Read the rest of this entry »
Message to Malaysian voters that when they vote in the 15GE, they are voting for the next eight general elections to support Anwar Ibrahim as the 10th Prime Minister to start the process to ensure that Malaysia becomes a great world-class plural nation by Malaysia’s Centennial in another four decades and not a broken and failed kleptocratic state
Posted by Kit in GE15, nation building on Friday, 21 October 2022, 8:24 pm
Yesterday, Anwar Ibrahim was named as the Pakatan Harapan candidate to be the 10th Malaysian Prime Minster.
I have a special message to the Malaysian voters tonight. Read the rest of this entry »
I am not the only person saying that UMNO has strayed from UMNO’s original nation-building principles embedded in the Constitution and Rukun Negara
Posted by Kit in Corruption, GE15, UMNO, Zahid on Friday, 21 October 2022, 9:50 am
I am not the only person saying that UMNO has strayed from UMNO’s original nation-building principles embedded in the Constitution and Rukun Negara.
The first four UMNO Presidents, Onn Jaafar, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Razak Hussein and Hussein Onn would never have made the brutally frank speech which the current UMNO President, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, made at the MIC Assembly last week – that the coming general election is to save UMNO and Barisan Nasional “Court Clusters” from being charged in court for corruption and being sent to jail. Read the rest of this entry »