Archive for category nation building

Rise above “gutter politics” and unite all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region to build a Malaysia which is a top world-class nation

I was struck by three media reports yesterday.

Firstly, a Reuters report about the terrible humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, once one of the 20 richest countries in the world and the richest in Latin America with free education and free medical services for her citizens but now a poor, backward, broken and bankrupt state!

This Reuters special report was about eight-month pregnant hair-dresser Maroly Bastardo’s forbidding choices in a nation whose economy had collapsed.

Give birth in Venezuela, where newborns are dying at alarming rates in shortage-plagued maternity wards. Or board a crowded smuggler’s boat bound for Trinidad, the largest of two islands that make up the Caribbean nation of Trinidad and Tobago where her husband had landed there in February, found work and beckoned her to join him.

Neither Bastardo or two of her children with her could swim. Barely three weeks earlier, 27 people had gone missing after a migrant boat went down in the narrow stretch of water separating Venezuela from Trinidad. The 20-kilometer strait, known for its treacherous currents, is nicknamed the Dragon’s Mouths.

But the 19-year old hairdresser was determined. On May 16, she and the kids packed into an aging fishing vessel along with 31 other people, including three relatives of her husband.

The craft, the Ana Maria, never arrived. No migrants or wreckage have been found. Read the rest of this entry »


Previous Government had forgotten about the five principles of Rukunegara or it would never have allowed Malaysia to become a global kleptocracy heading in the trajectory of a failed and rogue state

Slightly over a year ago, Malaysians performed a political miracle when against all odds, they peacefully and democratically saved Malaysia from becoming a failed, rogue and kleptocratic state.

The previous government and its Ministers and leaders had forgotten about the five principles of Rukunegara or they would never have allowed Malaysia to become a global kleptocracy heading in the trajectory of a failed and rogue state.

This is why all Malaysians must always remember the Rukunegara, the principles and objectives, which state:

“WHEREAS OUR COUNTRY, MALAYSIA nurtures the ambitions of:

· Achieving a more perfect unity amongst the whole of her society;

· Preserving a democratic way of life;

· Creating a just society where the prosperity of the country can be enjoyed together in a fair and equitable manner;

· Guaranteeing a liberal approach towards her rich and varied cultural traditions; and

· Building a progressive society that will make use of science and modern technology.

WE, HER PEOPLE, pledge our united efforts to attain these ends guided by these principles:






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Investigate and charge Najib for “Week of Long Knives” for Penal Code offence of “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy” or repeal the criminal provision altogether

It shows the extent of the delusion of some Opposition leaders that they believe and hope that there will be a snap general election, when there are no signs whatsoever why the Pakatan Harapan Government in Putrajaya should not serve out its full term.

The Pakatan Harapan government is stronger today after having weathered its first year, which unexpectedly, had to be focussed on draining the swamp – and what is most shocking, was to discover how horrendous was the swamp that was left behind by the UMNO/BN Government.

Although the task of draining the swamp is not fully done, the second year of Pakatan Harapan Government in Putrjaya should be better than the first year in terms of delivery of Pakatan Harapan pledges to create a New Malaysia.

It is not possible to undo the corruption, abuses of power and deviations caused by six decades of UMNO/BN government, as it cannot be accomplished in a hundred days or a year but a mission which will take years and even over a decade. Read the rest of this entry »

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Support for new legislation to curb hate speech particularly relating to religion

Sokong cadangan undang-undang baru untuk menangani ucapan berunsur kebencian berkaitan agama

Saya menyokong penuh cadangan daripada Timbalan Menteri Perumahan, Senator Datuk Raja Kamarul Bahrin untuk menggubal suatu undang-undang yang baru untuk menangani masalah percakapan yang berunsurkan kebencian di media sosial, terutamanya yang berkaitan dengan agama.

Contoh yang paling baru adalah kenyataan daripada seorang pemimpin NGO Muslim berkenaan isu Pos Malaysia mengeluarkan setem yang memaparkan Gereja St George di Pulau Pinang.

Pemimpin NGO tersebut telah menyiarkan ketidakpuasan hati beliau di Facebook, mengakatakan yang setem ini adalah salah satu lagi contoh Islam dibuli sejak Pakatan Harapan mengambil-alih pemerintahan Mei tahun lepas dan mengatakan kejadian ini boleh mengelirukan orang asing untuk berfikir yang Malaysia sudah menjadi negara Kristian, walhal setem itu sebenarnya sebahagian daripada siri setem rumah ibadat di Malaysia yang dikeluarkan buat pertama kalinya pada tahun 2016, dua tahun sebelum pentadbiran Pakatan Harapan.

Dalam Malaysia Baharu, agama sepatutnya menjadi satu kuasa penyatuan dan sepatutnya tidak ada ruang untuk ahli politik yang menyalahgunakan agama untuk mempertahankan kleptokrasi atau ektremisme dalam sebarang bentuk sekalipun.

Memandangkan Malaysia adalah sebuah komuniti yang mempunyai pelbagai fahaman agama, sepatutnya menjadi kepentingan utama untuk semua rakyat saling menghormati semua agama, malahan, perkara ini adalah prinsip yang pertama di dalam Rukunegara — Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan, yang berasaskan kepada prinsip asas perlembagaan dimana Islam adalah agama rasmi persekutuan dan semua agama dan kepercayaan lain boleh diamalkan dengan bebas dan harmoni tanpa sebarang diskriminasi.
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Malaysia has completed  process to start implementing the major pillars of Pakatan Harapan commitment to restore democracy,  the rule of law and to effect institutional and political reforms in the second year of PH government

I believe the second year of the Pakatan Harapan government in Putrajaya will see more reforms and changes in the democratic  governance of Malaysia, as the best part of the first year of the Pakatan Harapan Federal Government  after the historic decision
of the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018 had been spent on finding out the scope and extent of the  political, economic, educational, social, cultural and moral damages to Malaysia in heading towards the trajectory of a failed, rogue and kleptocratic state.

Two events in the last week before the “509” first anniversary on May 9, 2019 can be said to provide the final stones for the  basis for far-reaching institutional and political reforms in the next four years of the Pakatan Harapan government, namely the appointments of a new Chief Justice Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat, taking over from Richard Malanjum who had retired on April 2, and a new Inspector-General
of Police, Abdul Hamid Bador, replacing Tan Sri Mohamad Fuzi Harun.

As the Attorney-General Tommy Thomas said at the ceremonial sitting to celebrate the appointment of Chief Justice Tengku Maimum at the Palace of Justice this morning, the only way for the Malaysian judiciary to return to its “glory days” of the 1970s and 1980s was for judges to consistently endeavour to make the right decisions. Read the rest of this entry »

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Every day in first week of second year of Pakatan Harapan rule, we have been moving strongly in the direction of a New Malaysia to restore democracy, rule of law, justice and a better life for all

A retired government servant asked me this morning whether there is hope for the future.

I replied that there would be no hope for the future if the previous UMNO/Barisan Nasional had continued to rule in Malaysia; but there is now hope with the historic decision of the 14th General Election a year ago.

But I cautioned him that it would be a herculean task to undo the corruption, abuses of power and injustices of six decades, that it would be impossible to resolve all the problems left behind by the Najib regime overnight as it is a task which will take years and even decades to complete but Malaysians must have stamina, perseverance and faith in themselves to work towards a New Malaysia.

Every day in the first week of the second year of Pakatan Harapan rule, from May 9 – 15, 2019, we have been moving strongly in the direction of a New Malaysia to restore democracy, rule of law, justice and a better life for all. Read the rest of this entry »

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One important lesson for all Malaysians from the Sandakan by-election – Never forget the 1MDB scandal or Najib’s kleptocracy if Malaysia is ever to become a nation of integrity and excellence respected by the world

For the past several months before the Sandakan by-election, former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s highly-funded cybertroopers had been hammering hard on one theme with the siren song – enough had been said about the 1MDB scandal and Najib’s kleptocracy, the 14th General Election is over and let the courts decide whether Najib was guilty of corruption or not, but for now, the ball is in Pakatan Harapan’s court and let’s hear what the PH government had achieved to lower the cost of living and bring about institutional reforms.

From January this year, this Siren Song together with the invention of the shameless “Malu Apa Bossku” campaign to create a new persona and new lease of life for Najib, had a upper hand in the social media as evidenced from the three by-election defeats of Pakatan Harapan in Cameron Highlands, Semenyih and Rantau.

But the shameless “Malu Apa Bossku” campaign could only rampage for five months before it met its Waterloo in Sandakan.

One important lesson for all Malaysians from the Sandakan by-election is never to forget the 1MDB scandal or Najib’s kleptocracy if Malaysia is ever to become a nation of integrity and excellence respected by the world. Read the rest of this entry »

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Sandakan by-election not only shows that UMNO is no longer relevant in Sabah but demonstrates that the UMNO-PAS axis is utterly  irrelevant in the mission to build a world-class Malaysia

One of the architects of the DAP’s historic victory in the Sandakan by-election, Sabah Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal is right that the Sandakan parliamentary by-election is an endorsement by voters of the Warisan-led Sabah State Government and showed that UMNO is no longer relevant in Sabah.

But the Sandakan by-election has other meanings and implications as well as it  is also a ringing endorsement of the Pakatan Harapan
Government in Putrajaya and showed that the UMNO-PAS axis is utterly irrelevant in the mission to build a world-class Malaysia

Most  powerfully, the Sandakan verdict was a stunning repudiation of the “Malu Apa Bossku” campaign of former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who visited various polling centres  in Sandakan yesterday morning. Read the rest of this entry »


Let Sandakan by-election represent a national turnaround to the three by-election defeats to give a great boost and support for the start of second year in the agenda for change for a New Malaysia, New Sabah and New Sandakan

There can be three scenarios to the outcome of the Sandakan parliamentary by-election on Saturday, 11th May 2019:

First scenario – the UMNO-PAS tie-up, using PBS to field a candidate, can win the by-election. UMNO states that it has 10,000 members in Sandakan. If UMNO could mobilise its 10,000 members to vote, and together with PAS, PBS and the support of others, the PBS candidate might be able to poll some 15,000 votes. In such a situation, the UMNO-PAS candidate might win the Sandakan by-election by a few hundred votes.

Second scenario – DAP candidate Vivian Wong wins the Sandakan by-election with a majority of a few thousand votes, confirming the support of the Sandakan voters for the DAP, Pakatan Harapan and the Warisan-led Sabah State Government.

Third scenario which is unlikely and very challenging, calling virtually for a political miracle, i.e. Vivian Wong wins the Sandakan by-election with an even bigger majority than her father, Datuk Stephen Wong in the 14th General Election. In the last general election Stephen Wong polled 19,094 votes and won with a thundering majority of 10,098 votes. This scenario is unlikely in a by-election which is likely to have a lower voter turn-out, but if it happens, it will be a rare achievement which will also be a ringing endorsement not only for DAP, Pakatan Harapan and the Warisan-led Sabah State Government, but represent a national turnaround to the recent three by-election defeats suffered by Pakatan Harapan in the Cameron Highlands, Semenyih and Ratau by-elections and give a great boost and support for the start of second year in the agenda for change for a New Malaysia, New Sabah and New Sandakan.
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One reason why I have kept a low publicity profile in the past year – monstrous lies that I am the puppet-master with Mahathir and Cabinet as my puppets and stooges

We live in an unprecedented era of lies and falsehoods – thanks to the advent of the Internet and the social media.

The two latest Whatsapp images I saw represent this genre of lies and falsehoods – one portraying me as a puppet-master pulling the strings of puppets signifying PKR, Bersatu and AMANAH while the other portraying me as lording over and censuring Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohmad, Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and Mohamad Sabu, pictured in submissive poses, laying down the new Do’s and Don’t’s, viz: “Saya tak mahu Melayu BERSATU! Saya tak mahu KEADILAN kepada Melayu! Tak perlu tunai AMANAH kepada Melayu!”

These are monstrous lies and falsehoods – picturing me as the greatest threat to Malays and Muslims in the Malay and Muslim constituency, while among the non-Malays and non-Muslims, DAP and I are condemned as having sold out the rights and interests of non-Malays and non-Muslims.

This appears to be a “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation.

This is in fact one reason why I have kept a low publicity profile in the past year – the monstrous lies that I am the puppet master with the Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad and the Federal Government Cabinet as just my puppets and stooges. Read the rest of this entry »

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DAP’s full support for Anwar’s motion to condemn Christchurch killing of 50 Muslims and call on all Malaysians to better sensitive and appreciative the need for respect and tolerance of diversity of religion and cultures

On behalf of DAP, we express full support for the motion by the MP for Port Dickson (Anwar Ibrahim) condemning the Christchurch attack on two mosques and killing of 50 Muslims and injury of many others.

The attacks and killings are a blot for humanity as there is no place for terrorism in any religion or country.

We must also place our appreciation to New Zealand Muslim leaders who have reciprocated to the despicable crimes with messages of love, compassion and appreciation for the support they had received. Read the rest of this entry »

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All Malaysians must uphold the Constitution to respect all religions in Malaysia but there should be no excessive punishments like the 10-year jail sentence for a social media holder for insulting Islam and Prophet Mohamad

Kenyataan Media oleh Ahli Parlimen DAP Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang di Kuala Lumpur pada Ahad, 10 Mac 2019:

Semua rakyat Malaysia harus mendukung Perlembagaan dan menghormati semua agama di Malaysia, namun tidak perlu ada hukuman yang berlebihan seperti hukuman 10 tahun penjara terhadap seorang pengguna sosial media selepas didapati menghina Islam dan Nabi Muhammad

Semua rakyat Malaysia harus mendukung Perlembagaan dan menghormati semua agama di Malaysia, namun tidak perlu ada hukuman yang terlalu berat seperti hukuman 10 tahun penjara yang dijatuhkan oleh Mahkamah Sesyen Kuching terhadap seorang pengguna media sosial kerana menghina Islam dan Nabi Muhammad.

Seperti yang dinasihati Menteri Hal Ehwal Undang-Undang, Hanipa Maidin, pengguna media sosial berkenaan harus merayu keputusan yang dibuat Mahkamah Sesyen Kuching tersebut.

Kemunculan media sosial telah membawa rakyat Malaysia ke sebuah zaman baru, di mana apa sahaja yang diperkatakan mereka di media sosial tidak lagi menjadi satu hal yang peribadi, tetapi sebaliknya boleh dihebahkan secara pantas kepada masyarakat umum.

Rakyat Malaysia harus senantiasa sedar akan penggunaan dan penyalahgunaan media sosial, yang mana boleh membawa impak yang begitu besar.

Rakyat Malaysia, tidak kira orang Melayu, Cina, India, Kadazan, Iban atau Orang Asli harus membentuk sikap skeptikal dan sinis terhadap sebarang mesej yang diterima mereka di media sosial, tidak kira di Facebook, Twitter, Instagram atau Whatsapp, dan mempersoalkan setiap mesej tersebut: “adakah ini benar”, dan menyemak kesahihan mesej berkenaan sebelum berkongsi maklumat itu dengan orang lain. Read the rest of this entry »


Malaysia at the crossroads – be a top world-class nation with an inclusive nation-building policy leveraging on the best qualities of the diverse races, religions, languages and cultures or be relegated to the trajectory towards a failed state obsessed by intolerant race and religious politics

Malaysia is at the crossroads – to move forward to be a top world-class nation with an inclusive nation-building policy leveraging on the best qualities of the diverse races, religions, languages and cultures or to be relegated to the trajectory towards a failed state obsessed by divisive and intolerant race and religious politics.

This challenge to Malaysian nation-building was highlighted by two recent events – firstly, the formal union of UMNO and PAS and secondly, the first post-14GE Barisan Nasional Supreme Council meeting after it had been reduced from 14 to three communal-based political parties, which decided that there was no consensus to dissolve Barisan Nasional.

The last few months have seen an intensification of the toxicity and viciousness of the politics of lies, hate, fear, race and religion in the country, which were first used in the 14th General Election campaign with three-fold objective:

1. To demonise the DAP as anti-Malay and anti-Islam;

2. To paint Pakatan Harapan as DAP stooge and puppet, and

3. To incite fear and panic that Malays will lose political power, perish and become strangers in their own land under a Pakatan Harapan government. Read the rest of this entry »


Pakatan Harapan must adopt the formula which succeeded in toppling a seemingly invincible Barisan Nasional in the 14th General Election to vanquish the new UMNNO-PAS offensive in the politics of lies, hate, fear, race and religion

Kenyataan Media oleh Ahli Parlimen DAP Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang di Kuala Lumpur pada hari Khamis, 7 Mac 2019:

Pakatan Harapan perlu menggunakan formula yang telah berjaya menumbangkan Barisan Nasional pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 bagi melawan serangan terbaharu UMNO-PAS yang memainkan politik pembohongan, kebencian, ketakutan, perkauman dan keagamaan

Pakatan Harapan perlu menggunakan formula yang telah berjaya menumbangkan Barisan Nasional pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 bagi melawan serangan terbaharu UMNO-PAS yang memainkan politik pembohongan, kebencian, ketakutan, perkauman dan keagamaan.

Jika Pakatan Harapan dapat menewaskan politik pembohongan, kebencian, ketakutan, perkauman dan keagamaan yang dimainkan Barisan Nasional dan PAS, sekalipun dilakukan secara berasingan, pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 yang lalu, tidak ada sebab mengapa ia tidak boleh sekali lagi digunakan untuk menyerang balas kempen pembohongan, kebencian, ketakutan, perkauman dan keagamaan yang dibawa UMNO-PAS.

Sebelum Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14, UMNO mendabik dada bahawa mereka akan memperolehi kemenangan ekoran yakin dengan kempen pembohongan, berita palsu, kebencian dan ketakutan yang dimainkan mereka antaranya seperti berikut: Read the rest of this entry »


Challenge for Pakatan Harapan after the Semenyih by-election defeat is to find a formula to be able to continue to inspire hope and support among Malaysians that PH is committed to the building of a New Malaysia and not to out-UMNO UMNO or out-PAS PAS

Kenyataan Media oleh Ahli Parlimen DAP Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang di Kuala Lumpur pada Selasa, 5 Mac 2019:

Cabaran buat Pakatan Harapan selepas mengalami kekalahan dalam Pilihan Raya Kecil Semenyih adalah untuk mencari formula bagi membangkitkan sokongan dan harapan di kalangan rakyat bahawa Pakatan Harapan komited terhadap agenda pembinaan Malaysia Baharu yang memberi manfaat kepada semua rakyat Malaysia dan generasi masa depan, tanpa perlu menjadi lebih UMNO dari UMNO atau lebih PAS dari PAS

Cabaran buat Pakatan Harapan selepas mengalami kekalahan dalam Pilihan Raya Kecil Semenyih adalah untuk mencari formula bagi membangkitkan harapan dan sokongan di kalangan rakyat bahawa Pakatan Harapan komited terhadap agenda pembinaan Malaysia Baharu yang memberi manfaat kepada semua rakyat Malaysia dan generasi masa depan, tanpa perlu menjadi lebih UMNO dari UMNO atau lebih PAS dari PAS.

Tahun 2019 akan menjadi tahun terpenting dalam sejarah negara yang mana akan menentukan sama ada Malaysia Baharu yang mahu dibentuk gabungan Pakatan Harapan yang terdiri daripada Bersatu, PKR, Amanah dan DAP mampu digerakkan atau sekadar khayalan semata-mata.
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Does UMNO endorse Nazri’s questioning of non-Malay and non-Muslim as Finance Minister, Attorney-General and Chief Justice?

UMNO Acting President Datuk Mohamad Hasan said that Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz’s on vernacular schools are merely his personal view and does not represent that of UMNO.

Is this acceptable when Nazri speaks in his capacity as Barisan Nasional Secretary-General.

Furthermore, does this mean that UMNO endorses Nazri’s questioning of non-Malay and non-Muslim as Finance Minister, Attorney-General and Chief Justice?

This appears to be the unavoidable conclusion from Mohamad Hasan’s silence on the matter, although it is clear that such a position would be going against the Malaysian Constitution and its nation-building principles. Read the rest of this entry »


Suhakam chairman Razali Ismail commended for denouncing Nazri’s incitement of racial hatred in our plural society

Suhakam Chairman Tan Sri Razali Ismail is to be commended for denouncing former UMNO Minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz for inciting racial hatred in our plural society.

It is most deplorable that to win votes in the Semenyih by-election, Nazri is prepared to incite racial hatred and advance a narrow, intolerant and extremist narrative in Malaysia by questioning the appointment of non-Malays and non-Muslims as the Finance Minister, Attorney-General and Chief Justice – in total disregard of history and the nation-building principles embodied in the Malaysian Constitution.
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Just as Malaysians have arisen above two ignominies in its history, the May 13, 1969 racial riots and being condemned by the world as a global kleptocracy, Malaysians must continue to aim high and be a top world class nation for harmony, freedom, integrity and excellence

I first visited Kota Kinabalu 50 years ago on the day of infamy for Malaysia – the May 13, 1969 racial riots.

I left Kuala Lumpur for the flight to Kota Kinabalu on the morning on May 13, 1969 to help the independent Kota Kinabalu parliamentary candidate as polling in Sabah and Sarawak in 1969 were to be held after Peninsular Malaysia, which was held on May 10, 1969.

I was just elected Member of Parliament for Bandar Melakja and it was in answer for the SOS call from the Independent Parliamentary candidate for Kota Kinabalu that I flew to Kota Kinabalu that morning – not realising that May 13, 1969 was to be a day infamy for Malaysia. Read the rest of this entry »


Can Malaysia break away from a nation which breeds suspicion, distrust and hatred among races and religions to one which builds tolerance, trust and confidence among them to leverage on the assets of diverse races, religions and civilisations to become a world top-class nation?

Yesterday, I said the many national holidays in Malaysia afford Malaysians the opportunities for reflection and review as to why the country failed to achieve greater goals, such as pondering how Malaysia could transform from a global kleptocracy to a leading nation of integrity in the world.

Just as ordinary Malaysians saved Malaysia from a global kleptocracy and a failed state, the challenge of whether Malaysia transforms from a global kleptocracy to a leading nation of integrity in the world will rest on their shoulders.

Similarly, ordinary Malaysians also have to wrestle with another great conundrum of the nation – whether Malaysia can succeed in nation building out of the diverse races, religions, languages and cultures that have made Malaysia their home to become a model of an united, tolerant, successful, progressive and prosperous plural entity in a complex and plural world. Read the rest of this entry »


How can Malaysia transform from a global kleptocracy to a leading nation in integrity in the world?

Malaysia has many national holidays which provide Malaysians more opportunities for reflection and review as to why one or the country failed to achieve greater goals or achievements.

The 2019 Chinese New Year is similarly a useful occasion for a national review by all Malaysians of the many great questions confronting the nation.

One of these great issues of the nation is undoubtedly how Malaysia transform from a global kleptocracy to a leading nation of integrity in the world.
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