Archive for category nation building

Call for launching of a “I am, you are, we are Malaysian” campaign or movement on the occasion of the 62nd National Day/56th Malaysia Day celebrations

There have been too much negative vibes in the country in the past 15 months, which have seen the rearing of the ugly heads of distrust, suspicion, fear and hate, as a result of the Internet phenomenon enabling lies, falsehoods, fake news and hate speech to travel at the speed of light to pit race against race and religion against religion.

This is most anomalous for the past 15 months should be a season of hope and expectation of change for the better in Malaysia, with the historic decision of the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018 to democratically and peacefully change the Federal Government first time in six decades.

Malaysia has been described as one of the six countries where “some light shined through these gathering clouds in 2018” against the backdrop of “13th consecutive year of decline in global freedom”, but these hopes seems to have dimmed suddenly in a matter of 15 months, to the extent that there are claims that the Pakatan Harapan is similar to Barisan Nasional – with a former Malaysian Bar President penning an article entitled: “What we have now is BN 2.0”.

It is fallacious to equate Pakatan Harapan as BN 2.0, disregarding the ground work that has been done for further institutional and political reforms and to transform Malaysia into a top world-class nation of unity, freedom, justice, excellence and integrity, with a “tiger economy” and far-reaching educational reforms.

But the Pakatan Harapan government must heed the increasing impatience of the people that there should be greater progress in the reforms in various aspects of national life. Read the rest of this entry »

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Senator Khairul is right if he is asking for safeguards against abuses with regard to MCMC hotline but wrong and utterly irresponsible if he is proposing a “free for all” for hate speech to incite racial and religious distrust, animosity and hatred in plural Malaysia

UMNO Senator who was formerly UMNO Youth deputy leader Khairul Azwan Harun is right if he is asking for safeguards against abuses with regard to Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) hotline on inflammatory speech but wrong and utterly irresponsible if he is proposing a “free-for-all” for hate speech to incite racial and religious distrust, animosity and hatred in plural Malaysia.

Are Malaysians of diverse races and religions more united as a Malaysian people in the past 15 months after the historic decision of the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018, or are they more polarised and divided?

The answer must be the sad latter, not because the Pakatan Harapan Government in Putrajaya had disregarded its responsibility to unite Malaysians regardless of race, religion or region but because of a vicious phenomenon in the Internet era which has given new wings to hate speech, endowing it with great destructive power especially in plural societies unless checked.

What is hate speech?

Hate speech is defined by Wikipedia as a statement intended to demean and brutalize another, or the use of cruel and derogatory language on the basis of real or alleged membership in a social group. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malaysians have a different past but let us unite to forge a common future to make Malaysia a top world-class nation

The past few weeks had been testing times for Malaysians not least for Pakatan Harapan.

For the first time since the historic decision of Malaysians in the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018 over 15 months ago, questions have been raised as to whether DAP should leave Pakatan Harapan government, to the extent that this was the subject of readers’ comment in a popular news portal.

There is no doubt that there are political forces working to engineer the implosion and disintegration of Pakatan Harapan coalition government in Putrajaya, but those who had plotted to see the end of Pakatan Harapan government by the 62nd National Day on August 31, 2019 are very disappointed that they had failed in their latest stratagem.

They are now reduced to calling on so-called “insurbordinate ministers” to quit or be axed.

They do not realise that the four parties in the Pakatan Harapan had come together despite all odds and different histories in the great patriotic mission to Save Malaysia from becoming a failed, rogue and kleptocratic state, and that the decision of the Malaysian electorate in the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018 had given the country a chance to reset nation-building policies to become a New Malaysia which is a top world-class nation of unity, freedom, justice, excellence and integrity.

But this is no easy task. Read the rest of this entry »

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Those who had plotted to see the end of Pakatan Harapan government by 62nd National Day disappointed they had failed in their stratagem

Those who had plotted to see the end of Pakatan Harapan government by the 62nd National Day on August 31, 2019 are very disappointed that they had failed in their stratagem.

They are now reduced to calling on so-called “insurbordinate ministers” to quit or be axed.

They do not realise that the four parties in the Pakatan Harapan had come together despite all odds and different histories in the great patriotic mission to Save Malaysia from becoming a failed, rogue and kleptocratic state, and that the decision of the Malaysian electorate in the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018 – well nigh a political miracle – has given the country a chance to reset nation-building policies to become a New Malaysia which is a top world-class nation of unity, freedom, justice, excellence and integrity.

This is no easy task.

The four parties will be guided by the five pillar-promises of the Pakatan Harapan Manifesto in the 14th General Election to build a New Malaysia so that the country can take its place among the top-ranking countries in the world in human endeavour and excellence, especially as Malaysia is the confluence of the four great civilizations in the world – Islamic, Chinese, Indian and Western. Read the rest of this entry »

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Call on Malaysians to rise above the fissiparous and centrifugal forces threatening to tear Malaysia apart and reunite to build a New Malaysia which is a top world-class nation of unity, freedom, justice, excellence and integrity

Meminta seluruh rakyat Malaysia supaya mengatasi puak pemisah dan perpecahan yang mahu mengganggu-gugat keharmonian Malaysia dan bersatu padu membina sebuah Malaysia Baharu yang bertaraf antarabangsa dengan ciri-ciri perpaduan, kebebasan, keadilan, kecemerlangan dan integriti

Dua minggu lagi kita akan meraikan Hari Kebangsaan ke-62 pada tanggal 31 Ogos dan sebulan lagi kita akan merayakan pula Hari Malaysia ke-56 pada 16 September.

Dengan itu, mari kita mulakan Bulan Malaysia Baharu bermula esok sehingga 16 September, bagi mengatasi puak pemisah dan perpecahan yang mahu mengganggu-gugat keharmonian Malaysia dan bersatu padu membina sebuah Malaysia Baharu yang bertaraf antarabangsa dengan ciri-ciri perpaduan, kebebasan, keadilan, kecemerlangan dan integriti.

Jika kita lakukan ini, Bulan Malaysia Baharu 2019 akan menjadi sebuah lembaran penting dalam usaha kita untuk membina Malaysia Baharu, yang bertitik awal daripada kemenangan Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 (PRU14) pada 9 Mei, 2018.

Seperti yang sering saya ulangi, misi nasional ini akan mengambil tempoh lebih dari satu kitaran pilihan raya untuk dicapai, kerana Malaysia Baharu tidak mampu terbina dalam tempoh yang singkat. Read the rest of this entry »

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Let all Malaysians celebrate the 62nd National Day with resolve, confidence and commitment to build a New Malaysia of unity, freedom, justice, excellence and integrity to make Malaysia a top world-class nation

Semua rakyat Malaysia wajar merayakan Hari Kebangsaan ke-62 dengan penuh keazaman, keyakinan dan komitmen untuk membina Malaysia Baru yang bercirikan perpaduan, kebebasan, keadilan, kecemerlangan dan integriti demi menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara bertaraf dunia

Saya menyeru kepada semua rakyat Malaysia untuk merayakan Hari Kebangsaan ke-62 dengan penuh keazaman, keyakinan dan komitmen untuk membina Malaysia Baru yang bercirikan perpaduan, kebebasan, keadilan, kecemerlangan dan integriti demi menjadikan Malaysia sebuah negara bertaraf dunia.

Rakyat Malaysia mengambil keputusan bersejarah pada 15 bulan yang lalu dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14 pada 9 Mei 2018 untuk memindahkan kuasa secara aman dan demokratik di Putrajaya setelah enam dekad berlalu, suatu peristiwa yang mengejutkan bukan sahaja rakyat Malaysia tetapi dunia, dan kini kita memikul tugas yang sangat mencabar dalam membina sebuah Malaysia Baharu melalui jalan demokrasi dan bukan dengan cara revolusioner.

Ini adalah misi kebangsaan yang memerlukan lebih daripada satu pusingan pilihan raya umum untuk dicapai kerana Malaysia Baharu tidak mampu terbina dalam tempoh yang singkat.

Baru-baru ini, puak fahaman pemisah dan perpecahan seolah-olah telah menguasai perkembangan di negara ini sehingga melahirkan kekecewaan, perbezaan dan perpecahan di kalangan rakyat. Read the rest of this entry »

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DAP will be defeated in Iskandar Puteri parliamentary seat and would lose 30 to 40 per cent of our votes in the country if election is held now, and we need time for the people to realise that the DAP has not betrayed them or that we have not given up on our objective of a New Malaysia of unity, freedom, justice, excellence and integrity

DAP akan kehilangan kerusi Parlimen Iskandar Puteri dan mungkin kehilangan sejumlah 30 ke 40 peratus undi jika pilihanraya umum diadakan sekarang, kita perlukan masa untuk rakyat menyedari yang DAP tidak pernah mengkhianati mereka mahupun melupakan matlamat bersama Malaysia Baharu yang berteraskan perpaduan, keadilan, kebebasan, dan integrity

DAP akan kalah di kawasan parlimen Iskandar Puteri dan kehilangan antara 30 hingga 40 peratus undi di seluruh negara jika piliharanraya umum diadakan sekarang.

Inilah tahap salah faham penyokong DAP yang terhadap DAP yang kini berada di dalam kerajaan Pakatan Harapan.

Kami memerlukan masa bagi menjelaskan kepada penyokong kami dan rakyat Malaysia yang DAP tidak mengkhianati dan kami masih belum melupakan matlamat bersama Malaysia Baharu.

Jika benarlah DAP telah mengkhianati perjuangan kami selama ini, adalah mustahil untuk kami mendapatkan semula sokongan rakyat, walaupun selama mana pun masa yang diberi. Malah, sokongan kepada kami hanya akan menjadi lebih teruk.

Setelah berjuang dan berkorban selama berdekad lamanya, DAP tidak akan sama sekali mengkhianati rakyat Malaysia, prinsip-prinsip kami, dan matlamat kami untuk membina sebuah Malaysia yang baharu yang berteraskan perpaduan, kebebasan, keadilan, dan integriti. Oleh itu, para pemimpin DAP haruslah berdaya tahan, bersabar, dan terus komited kepada agenda Malaysia Baharu. Read the rest of this entry »

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I have never said that one must learn Jawi to be a Malaysian – all I said was learning Jawi did not “make me any less of a Chinese, and may have helped in making me more of a Malaysian”

A friend has sent me a newspaper headline which quoted me as saying: “Learn Jawi To Be More Malaysian”.

I have never said one must learn Jawi to be a Malaysian – all I said in my statement from Salem, Tamil Nadu yesterday was learning Jawi while I was serving my first detention in Muar in 1969 did not “make me any less of a Chinese, and may have helped in making me more of a Malaysian”.

Malaysia is a multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-cultural and multi-religious nation and we should leverage on our unique position where the great Islamic, Chinese, Indian and Western civilisations meet in confluence in Malaysia to build a great Malaysian nation.

We must be careful not to fall into the trap of conspirators who want to pit race against race, religion against religion to arouse suspicion, distrust and hatred in our plural society to regain political power and work against the flowering of the best of our multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-cultural and multi-religious nation. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malaysians must develop a new self-confidence, a new “Malaysia Boleh” spirit, to exorcise the contrived or imaginary fears and demons so as to achieve a golden age for Malaysia

Kita semua haruslah membina suatu keyakinan diri yang baharu, satu semangat Malaysia Boleh, untuk kita melawan segala momokan dan ancaman yang dibuat-buat bagi mencapai era kegemilangan untuk Malaysia

Saya telah mengadakan perjumpaan dengan rakyat dan pelajar Malaysia semasa lawatan saya ke Salem semalam.

Daripada negara orang, saya telah mengikuti perkembangan semasa di tanah air, termasuklah kontroversi mengenai pengenalan seni khat jawi kepada pelajar darjah empat melalui kurikulum pendidikan Bahasa Malaysia di Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina dan Tamil.

Beberapa persoalan telah timbul dan telahpun dijawab berkenaan dengan isu ini, antaranya:

Adakah menjadi kewajipan kepada pelajar-pelajar di SJK Cina dan Tamil untuk mempelajari tulisan jawi di bawah rancangan baru ini?

Tidak, kerana Kementerian Pelajaran tidak berhasrat untuk melaksanakan ujian atau peperiksaan untuk seni khat ini.

Bilakah rancangan untuk memperkenalkan seni khat jawi ini diputuskan?
Pada tahun 2016 oleh kerajaan Barisan Nasional.

Adakah kementerian berhasrat untuk mendengar pendapat-pendapat lain mengenai perkara ini?

Pihak Kementerian Pelajaran akan meneruskan pelaksanaan rancangan ini, tetapi pandangan daripada pelbagai pihak akan terus didengari untuk memastikan terdapatnya pertimbangan yang adil.

Mungkin soalan yang lebih penting untuk ditanya adalah: Adakah seseorang yang belajar tulisan jawi itu mengkhianati bahasa dan budaya orang Cina?

Pada saya, jawapannya adalah tidak. Read the rest of this entry »

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Too much obsession with the Prime Minister issue when Malaysians more interested whether the PH promises of a New Malaysia of unity, freedom, justice, excellence and integrity can be fulfilled

I spent two days in Chennai, where I had the opportunity to meet Malaysians and Malaysian students in the Tamil Nadu capital.

Their concerns are also the concerns of Malaysians at home.

Firstly, there is too much obsession with the Prime Minister issue when ordinary Malaysians are more interested whether Pakatan Harapan (PH) government could fulfil the PH promises of a New Malaysia of unity, freedom, justice, excellence and integrity and for Malaysia to be respected and admired by the whole world as a top world-class nation in many fields of human endeavour, whether in good governance in the battle against corruption, far-reaching education reforms in training the workforce for the digital age or in becoming a Tiger economy.

This must be the priority issue of the Pakatan Harapan government and there should be a minimum of diversions from this major task of the PH government in Putrajaya.

I believe Malaysians can understand that it will not be possible to build a new Malaysia and to undo all the wrongs and injustices of six decades in a year or two, or even in one general election cycle, but the country must be set firmly and solidly on the trajectory of a New Malaysia!

Are we doing so? Read the rest of this entry »

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Malaysia must never allow kleptocracy to make a come-back, whether in its old form or in the guise of klepto-theocracy or klepto-democracy

All Malaysians should heed the call by Sultan Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah on his installation as Yang di Pertuan Agong to refrain from inciting misunderstanding by raising matters that can undermine and destroy harmony in the country.

Klepto-theocracy which misuses Islam to support thievery, corruption, intolerance, bigotry, lies and falsehoods is one example of a campaign which is against the call by the Yang di Pertuan Agong to Malaysians to ensure that unity and harmony are the pillars and strength of the nation.

Sultan Abdullah rightly warned that “Playing with fire will burn not only oneself but also the whole village”.

Opposition parties should compete with Pakatan Harapan parties as to who have the best answer to the challenge of building Malaysia into a top world-class nation where there is unity, freedom, justice, excellence and integrity and respected by the international community, instead of inciting suspicion, distrust and hatred among Malaysians, pitting race against race, religion against religion and virtually regarded as an outcast by the world community.

It is most regrettable that even up to now, there are important personalities and opposition parties who still do not feel contrite or remorseful that in the past few years, Malaysia had been the object of international ridicule and contempt for becoming a global kleptocracy, to the extent that the United States Department of Justice (DoJ) had filed the largest kleptocratic litigation to forfeit US$1.7 billion out of US$4.5 billion of 1MDB-linked assets, a scandal which the United States Attorney-General Jeff Sessions had condemned in an international forum as “kleptocracy at its worst”! Read the rest of this entry »

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“Deep State” an important reason why institutional and political reforms for a New Malaysia not as rapid as they should be

Foreign Affairs Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah has reiterated that the deep state in Malaysia is out to undermine the Pakatan Harapan government.

The “deep state” is in fact an important reason why institutional and political reforms for a New Malaysia are not as rapid as they should be.

The deep state will be even more assertive and obstructive if it is convinced that the Pakatan Harapan government in Putrajaya is a transient and temporary one and would, as had earlier been hoped for by UMNO leaders, implode and disintegrate in a matter of months – a time-span which is now expanded to a half-term though the consciousness seemed to have seeped in that the Pakatan Harapan government will serve out its full term and may even win the next 15th General Election in 2023.

As I said at the Pakatan Harapan Sarawak dinner last Saturday,

“We have made the crucial and critical shift in GE14 from the trajectory of a failed, rogue and kleptocratic state, and are heading in a new direction, resetting nation-building policies to build a New Malaysia of unity, excellence, justice, freedom and integrity.

“But there is no guarantee of success to reach the goal of a New Malaysia, for this is work of a decade or two, and we can always be hijacked and the nation-building direction diverted along the way.
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Is it possible to make Islamic civilisation great again based on klepto-theocracy which misuses Islam to peddle lies, falsehoods, distrust, suspicion, hatred and supports thievery and corruption?

When I read the report of the Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad saying in Ankara on the need for Muslim countries like Malaysia, Turkey and Pakistan to pool their resources to make Islamic civilisation great again, the question that immediately struck me was:

Is it possible to make Islamic civilisation great again based on klepto-theocracy which misuses Islam to peddle lies, falsehoods, distrust, suspicion, hatred and which supports thievery and corruption?

This thought was prompted by another report which I had read – the reply of the UMNO President, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi to PKR President Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim which again confirmed Mahathir’s earlier remark about UMNO leaders becoming “dumb and dumber” over the years.

Zahid had earlier insinuated that Mahathir was my stooge and was only doing my bidding. In his reply to Anwar, he insinuated that Anwar has become my stooge. This would mean I have two stooges – Mahathir and Anwar.

How “dumb and dumber” can an UMNO leader get?

Can Islamic civilisation become great again based on such klepto-theocracy, which only peddle lies, falsehoods, distrust, suspicion, hatred and which supports thievery and corruption. Read the rest of this entry »

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444 days after the historic change of government of May 9, 2018, it is time for a major review of Pakatan Harapan promise of a New Malaysia and 14GE Pakatan Harapan Manifesto

444 hari sejak pertukaran kerajaan bersejarah 9 Mei 2018, tiba masanya untuk menilai semula janji Malaysia Baharu Pakatan Harapan dan Manifesto PRU14 Pakatan Harapan

Rakyat Malaysia, termasuklah pemimpin Pakatan Harapan haruslah menyedari dan mengakui kekecewaan sejumlah besar penyokong PH yang telah mengundi untuk perubahan di dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke-14 pada 9 Mei yang lepas, yang kini merasakan kerajaan Pakatan Harapan kini telah kembali mengikut jejak langkah kerajaan Barisan Nasional yang kita tumbangkan.

Saya percaya yang mereka sebenarnya silap, tetapi pada masa yang sama, kita mestilah boleh menyampaikan mesej dan meyakinkan mereka yang kekecewaan mereka ini adalah satu kesilapan dan kerajaan Pakatan Harapan sentiasa komited dalam memperbetulkan hala tuju negara ke arah suatu Malaysia yang baharu.

Majalah The Economist, dalam edisinya yang bertarikh 18 Disember 2018, menamakan Malaysia bersama dengan Ethiopia dan Armenia sebagai tiga negara tersenarai pendek sebagai “negara yang menerima tepukan” — kerana rakyat Malaysia yang “telah memecat Perdana Menteri yang tidak dapat menjelaskan kenapa terdapatnya USD700 juta di dalam akaun banknya”.

Namun begitu, edisi terkini majalah tersebut menzahirkan kekecewaannya terhadap apa yang dilihatnya sebagai kelambatan pelaksanaan reformasi dan berkata: “Jika PH tidak berjaya membangkitkan ekonomi negara, mereka mungkin akan melihat diri mereka menjadi pembangkang semula; dan jika mereka tidak memperbaiki demokrasi Malaysia, mereka mungkin akan menjadi pembangkang untuk bergenerasi lamanya.” Read the rest of this entry »

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Thanks again to Zahid for latest proof of the meaning of “klepto-theocracy” – the political alliance based on misuse of Islam to support thievery, corruption, intolerance, bigotry, lies and falsehoods

I must thank the UMNO President, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi for the latest proof of the meaning of “klepto-theocracy” – the political alliance based on misuse of Islam to support thievery, corruption, intolerance, bigotry, lies and falsehoods.

After the UMNO Supreme Council meeting yesterday, Zahid said that UMNO will not “open the door” of negotiation and co-operation with any party that has a relationship with DAP.

He said: “There will be no negotiation any party in the Pakatan Harapan coalition as long as they share the power with DAP.”

The question Zahid should ask is who will co-operate with a party which is headed by a President who is making history in having a total of 87 criminal charges related to corruption?

Or the further question, who will co-operate with a political coalition whose advisor was the person who had brought infamy, ignominy and iniquity to Malaysia because of the international 1MDB scandal, condemned in an international conference by the US Attorney-General as “kleptocracy at its worst” and who is on trial for 42 criminal charges relating to corruption, abuse of power and money-laundering? Read the rest of this entry »


July Parliament made great strides in institutional reforms but the pace is still too slow and unsatisfactory and more should be attempted in next Parliamentary meeting beginning in Octobert in keeping with the New Malaysia pledge of Pakatan Harapan

The July meeting of Parliament which ended on Thursday made great strides in institutional reforms – starting with the motion requiring Members of Parliament to publicly declare their assets, followed by the historic constitutional amendment to lower the voting age from 21 years to 18 years (which to me is a 48-year dream come true as I had first raised this subject in Parliament in 1971) and ending with the first reading of the long-awaited Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) Bill giving the civil society three months for public feedback and consultation.

A day after the ending of the 12-day meeting of July meeting on July 18, the Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad announced after a meeting of the Special Cabinet Committee on Anti-Corruption that the Freedom of Information Act will be drawn up to replace the Official Secrets Act 1972 and that major public service appointments like the chairmen and members of the Election Commission, Judicial Appointments Commission and Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) as well as the chief commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) will be referred to the parliamentary select committee.

These are impressive institutional reforms which were never attempted by the Barisan Nasional administration before but the pace of institutional reform is still too slow and unsatisfactory and more should be attempted in the next Parliamentary meeting which will meet for 36 days from October 7 to December 5, 2019. Read the rest of this entry »

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18 year-olds voting and standing for election, police who are friends of people and working towards transforming Malaysia into a nation of integrity are signs of New Malaysia-in-the-making

Fourteen months after the historic decision of the 14th General Election on May 9, 2018 to save Malaysia from a failed, rogue and kleptocratic state, a New Malaysia is taking shape.

Three recent events showed that we are moving in a direction where 18-year-old Malaysians can vote and stand for elective office, police are to be regarded as friends and not bullies or oppressors of the people with the establishment of the Independent Police Complaint and Misconduct Commission and Malaysia is being transformed from a kleptocracy state into a leading nation of integrity.

The basic reason why Malaysia had lagged behind countries like United States, Philippines, France, New Zealand, Denmark, India, Hong Kong, Jordan, Pakistan, Morocca, Saudi Araba and Japan, which had lowered the voting age from 21 years to 18 years in past 48 years since I first raised the issue in Parliament in 1971 is because past governments were afraid of the youth, whom they regard as anti-establishment and anti-government.

The 12-day meeting of July 2019 Parliament ended yesterday with the presentation of the long-awaited Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) Bill.

The IPCMC bill is remarkable for three reasons: Read the rest of this entry »

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An Evil Stalking the Land

The 12-day meeting of July 2019 Parliament ends today with two great feats – the Constitution Amendment Bill to lower the voting age from 21 to 18 years and the first reading of the long-awaited Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) Bill.

The unanimous parliamentary support for the constitutional amendment to lower the voting age from 21 to 18 years is a historic occasion for Malaysia and a wish come true for me 48 years after my first raising the issue in Parliament in 1971.

In 1971, when I raised the issue in an adjournment speech, the countries which had already given the right to vote to their 18-year-olds included the United Kingdom, Turkey, Poland, Canada and Germany.

The countries which had lowered the voting age of 21 to 18 since my speech in Parliament on the issue in 1971 included the Netherlands, United States, Finland, Sweden, Ireland, Philippines, Australia, France, New Zealand, Italy, Trinidad and Tobago, Denmark, Spain, Peru, Belgium, India, Switzerland, Austria, Estonia, Hong Kong, Liechtenstein, Jordan, Pakistan, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia and Japan.

If the DAP is a racist Chinese political party which dominated the Pakatan Harapan government, as is preached by leaders of an irresponsible political alliance of klepto-theocracy, the DAP would have stopped the constitutional amendment in its tracks, as there would be a greater increase of Malay voters as compared to Chinese voters because of the demographic composition in the country. Read the rest of this entry »

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Lowering of voting age to 18 years a historic occasion for Malaysia and a wish come true for me 48 years after my first raising the issue in Parliament in 1971

The unanimous parliamentary support for the constitutional amendment to lower the voting age from 21 to 18 years is a historic occasion for Malaysia and a wish come true for me 48 years after my first raising the issue in Parliament in 1971.

In 1971, when I raised the issue in an adjournment speech, the countries which had already given the right to vote to their 18-year-olds included the United Kingdom, Turkey, Poland, Canada and Germany.

The countries which had lowered the voting age of 21 to 18 since my speech in Parliament on the issue in 1971 included the Netherlands, United States, Finland, Sweden, Ireland, Philippines, Australia, France, New Zealand, Italy, Trinidad and Tobago, Denmark, Spain, Peru, Belgium, India, Switzerland, Austria, Estonia, Hong Kong, Liechtenstein, Jordan, Pakistan, Morocco, Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia and Japan.

If the DAP is a racist Chinese political party which dominated the Pakatan Harapan government, as is preached by leaders of an irresponsible political alliance of klepto-theocracy, the DAP would have stopped the constitutional amendment in its tracks, as there would be a greater increase of Malay voters as compared to Chinese voters because of the demographic composition in the country. Read the rest of this entry »

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Depressing to catch up on developments back home in past nine days after being abroad

It is depressing to catch up on developments back home in the past nine days after being abroad.

The country seems to be stuck in time, dominated by petty issues with the obsession of navel-gazing instead of being inspired by great dreams and aspirations for the people and country.

The speech by the UMNO Deputy President, Mohamad Hasan that the 15th general election will be called by next year is the typical example of such narcissistic preoccupation

Mohamad Hassan said when officiating the Sepang UMNO division meeting: “Don’t worry, this is a half-term government, not a one-term government. It will not last.

“I am confident Pakatan Harapan won’t last long. I expect the election would be called between May to December next year.”

It is a triple irony that Hassan has unfurled the banner of Pakatan Harapan as a half-term instead merely a one-term government hours after Ahmad Zahid Hamidi unilaterally announced his return from garden leave to resume the mantle of UMNO President, which was itself hours after former UMNO President Najib Abdul Razak had prepared the ground for Zahid’s return from garden leave by declaring that Zahid does not require consent from the party’s supreme council to make his return as held by other UMNO leaders, like Khairy Jamaluddin. Read the rest of this entry »

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