Archive for category DAP

Attendance of 54% of 2012 DAP delegates at DAP Special Congress yesterday a most commendable turnout

Contrary to the hype of Barisan Nasional-owned and controlled media about “DISMAL TURNOUT IN DAP POLLS”, the attendance of 54% of the 2012 DAP delegates at the DAP Special Congress to elect for the third time the 2012 DAP Central Executive Committee as directed by the Registrar of Societies is a most commendable turnout.

One thought that struck me at the DAP Special Congress yesterday was what would have been the turnout of the Barisan Nasional component parties, in particular UMNO, MCA, Gerakan and MIC, if they had to assemble their party delegates five years ago for a re-enactment of a special party conference.

I have grave doubts that anyone of them would be able to muster a turnout of over 50 per cent of their delegates five years ago, and I won’t be surprised if some of them can’t even get 30% attendance turnout rate. Read the rest of this entry »

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Will those who conspired long and hard in past five years to snuff out DAP from the Malaysian political landscape succeed tomorrow?

Will those who conspired long and hard in the past five years to snuff out the DAP from the Malaysian political landscape succeed tomorrow when the DAP holds a special congress to re-elect the 2012 DAP national leadership based on the 2012 DAP delegates’ list – as directed by the Registrar of Societies?

Time will tell but the DAP is not going to allow itself to be snuffed out of the struggle in Malaysia for democracy, justice, freedom, development, good governance and national unity.

I said yesterday that the Penang flood-and-storm disaster is an object lesson for all Malaysians, as in natural disasters like the great Kelantan flood disaster at the end 2014, all Malaysians throughout the country, regardless of race, religion, region or politics, demonstrate that they are Malaysians first and last, and came forward to render assistance to their fellow-Malaysians in distress and need.

The question is why we need to wait for a natural disaster to happen for these feelings of solidarity, compassion, goodwill and unity to surface – transcending race, religion, region or politics? Read the rest of this entry »


Five decades of DAP have proven that DAP is a patriotic Malaysian party dedicated to the betterment of all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region and committed to the fundamental principles of the Constitution

It is a special privilege to welcome Datuk Yeop Adlan Che Rose as a DAP member, as it is a home-coming, as his father Che Rose bin Haji Abdullah was the DAP candidate in the first by-election after the 1974 General Election in the Alor Pongsu constituency in Perak state assembly on 18th December 1974.

The Alor Pongsu by-election 43 years ago is testimony that right from the beginning of DAP’s formation 52 years ago, DAP had never regarded itself as a Chinese or non-Malay party, never an anti-Malay and anti-Islam party, but a party for all races and religions in the country.

DAP contested the rural Alor Pongsu by-election not because we expected to win, but part of a long-term reach-out by the party to all Malaysians and regions with the DAP message for national unity, justice, freedom, development and good governance for all.

When I visited Bagan Serai (the centre of the Alor Pongsu constituency) in December 2015, I was pleasantly surprised by an old photograph taken when I visited Bagan Serai at the end of 1970, which was shortly after I was released from the first Internal Security Act (ISA) detention. Read the rest of this entry »

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Time for Reset of Nation Building Direction and Policies

For the past 60 years, the theme of Deepavali messages had been one on the triumph of good over evil, light over darkness, hope over despair, knowledge over ignorance but after six decades of Malaysian nation-building, the country has backslided on many fronts instead of making steady progress towards greater unity, harmony, justice, higher quality of life and prosperity for all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region.

Instead of becoming a shining example to the world of how a nation of diverse races, religions, languages and cultures can unite and live in harmony to build a world-class nation in every field of human endeavor, we have fallen short of the Merdeka and Malaysia Dream in the past six decades, and even worse, plumbing the worst of human instincts and depravity to be regarded as a global kleptocracy and the makings of a rogue state by the rest of the world.

The plight of the Indians and Hindus is a case in point. Read the rest of this entry »


Thanks Ismail Sabri, for helping me win a small bet that an UMNO leader wannabe will jump on Zaid’s article as proof that I want to be Prime Minister of Malaysia

Thank you, Sabri Ismail Yaakob for helping me win a small bet that an UMNO leader wannabe will jump on Malaysiakini’s report “Zaid: Kit Siang would make a better PM than anyone in UMNO” as proof that I want to be Prime Minister of Malaysia.

We were not referring to the UMNO “washouts” like the UMNO Information Chief Tan Sri Annuar Musa, who left MARA under an unresolved kleptocratic cloud and dare not even answer my five questions surrounding his credibility and integrity, or the Director-General of UMNO propaganda mouthpiece in the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia, JASA, Datuk Mohamad Puad Zarkashi, but the “up-and-coming” UMNO leader wannabes who fancy themselves scaling tne top UMNO leadership hierarchy, and Ismail Sabri is clearly one of them! Read the rest of this entry »


MCA should requisition a Barisan Nasional Supreme Council meeting to thrash out once and for all whether the UMNO/BN propaganda attack is going to be Mahathir is Lim Kit Siang’s stooge or Lim Kit Siang is Mahahtir’s stooge!

I have just read the report on Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad’s blog suggesting that BN should make a decision regarding him and myself, decide who bought who, whether Mahathir has bought me or I had bought Mahathir.
UMNO leaders like the UMNO information chief Tan Sri Annuar Musa keep repeating the claim that DAP dominates Pakatan Harapan, but MCA makes the very opposite allegation, accusing me of selling myself and DAP to Bersatu instead.

This is a most ridiculous scenario, and only those who cannot catch up with the times would make such a colossal blunder. Let me tell the UMNO/Barisan Nasional leaders and propagandists that we are in the information era where information travels at the speed of light and not in the stone age or bullock cart era, where it is possible to restrict access to information.

Furthermore, it also highlights the Machiavellian and treacherous character of those responsible for the propaganda and information war of UMNO/BN that they are prepared to say different things to different audiences.

This is one basic difference between the Pakatan Harapan and the Barisan Nasional Coalitions, where the four component parties in Pakatan Harapan, whether DAP, PKR, Amanah or Pribumi Bersatu say the same thing and deliver the same message regardless of audience or location, while the Barisan Nasional component parties are utterly dishonest and hypocritical, with UMNO saying one thing to Malay audience but the MCA saying a completely different versio to the Chinese audience.

This itself would be a powerful reason why the time has come for the UMNO/BN coalition to be replaced, for Malaysia cannot succeed or progress if its leaders say different and even contradictory things to the people depending on the audience, circumstance and location. Read the rest of this entry »


Annuar and the UMNO stooges are all wrong – DAP will not be the Pakatan Harapan party with the largest bloc of MPs from the 165 parliamentary seats in Peninsular Malaysia

When UMNO Supreme Council member and Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Deputy Minister Datuk Tajuddin Abdul Rahman made a false accusation against Tun Mahathir and tried to claim that Mahathir was “injected with DAP’s blood”, everyone including UMNO leaders must be wondering what blood Tajuddin had been injected with because there is not a more foul-mouthed political leader today than Tajuddin who seemed to have no trace of “adab orang Melayu” at all.

Would UMNO Information Chief, Tan Sri Annuar Musa agree with Tajuddin’s analogy of “blood injection” for the improper conduct of UMNO leaders to the extent that they have become the very personifaction not only of kleptocracy but “global kleptocracy”?

Has Annuar been affected by “injected blood” for his ongoing campaign to demonise me and Mahathir, especially in his speech yesterday alleging that the “formidable” and “invincible” politician had been “tamed” by me and that I deserved the title of “political dictator”?

As there is neither logic nor coherence in Annuar’s speech, it may be a good idea for Annuar to go for a blood test! Read the rest of this entry »


Can Puad Zarkashi of JASA which is nothing but a Special Affairs Department specializing in lies and black ops against DAP and PH reply rationally to former UMNO Secretary-General Sanusi Junid about me?

UMNO Supreme Council member Datuk Mohd Puad Zarkashi has finally proven that the Special Affairs Department (JASA) in the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia which he heads is nothing but an UMNO/BN propaganda unit which specializes in lies and black ops against DAP and Pakatan Harapan and therefore a blatant abuse of public funds.

This is why Puad is in the forefront trying to salvage the two latest two-prong UMNO/BN propaganda campaign against me from becoming a total failure – the campaign to accuse me of wanting to be Prime Minister and posing a major threat to the Malays and Islam in the Malaysian political landscape; and secondly, that I am as open to bribery and corrupt practices like UMNO leaders with the outrageous allegation of RM1 billion bribe from Tun Dr. Mahathir to me to serve Mahathir’s four objectives.

This is why Puad is so quick on the draw in coming with a statement stating that I may deny wanting to become Prime Minister but my intention is to install a puppet Prime Minister.

Puad said: “He may deny it, but surely he has many tricks including appointing a puppet prime minister as a start – in reality, he will be the prime minister.”

I weep for Datuk Seri Najib Razak, the Prime Minister of Malaysia and President of UMNO/Barisan Nasional. With his 1MDB billions, can’t he find smarter and more intelligent propagandists, publicists and cybertroopers?
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If Mahathir had given me RM1 billion bribe, I will give one million Malaysians earning below RM1,200 a month a donation of R1,000 each

I have been accused of receiving RM1 billion bribe from former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad with the four objectives to let Parti Pribumi Bersatu to join Pakatan Harapan, make Mahathir the Pakatan Harapan Chairman, ensure my silence on the Bank Negara foreign exchange (forex) scandal of the 90s and give Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir a safe Parliament seat to contest in the forthcoming general election.

I said in Muar on Friday night that if such an allegation is true, and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) knows nothing about, then this is a gross dereliction of duty on the part of MACC and the MACC Chief Commissioner Tan Sri Dzulkifli Ahmad should resign in disgrace because of utter incompetence.

I was utterly dumb-founded when the MACC Deputy Chief Commissioner, Datuk Azam Baki responded to this statement and pleaded that the MACC has no jurisdiction over political donations, and that the MACC Act 2008 does not cover offences related to money politics. Read the rest of this entry »

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Call on all Malaysians regardless of race, religion or politics to attend the Pakatan Harapan rally “Sayangi Malaysia, Hapuskan kleptocrasi” in PJ to send a clear and unmistaken message to Najib and the world

My visit to Rahang new village this morning is a most significant one.

It was from Rahang, through the Rahang by-election on 11th December 1965, which was won by Dr. Chen Man Hin as an independent candidate as DAP was still waiting for registration by the Registrar of Societies, that DAP took the first step in our long-term political struggle for an united, just and democratic Malaysia.

As the saying goes, “A journey of thousand miles begin with a single step” – the DAP’s 52 year struggle for an united, just and democratic Malaysia start from the “single step” in the Rahang by-election 52 years ago.

Let all Malaysians recall our Merdeka Dream 1957 and Malaysia Dream 1963 to be “for ever a sovereign democratic and independent State founded upon the principles of liberty and justice and ever seeking the welfare and happiness of its people and the maintenance of a just peace among all nations”.

Sixty years after attainment of Merdeka in 1957 and 54 years after the formation of Malaysia, it is highly controversial whether in the past six decades, we have stayed true, loyal and faithful the key words in the Merdeka Proclamation 1957 and Malaysia Proclamation 1963 of being “sovereign”, “democratic”, “independent”, “liberty”, “justice”, “welfare and happiness of its people” and “maintenance of a just peace among all nations”.

Today, there are more and more incidents which would be unthinkable to our forefathers and the early Prime Ministers during the early decades of the nation – like the upsurge of race and religious issues over beer, shorts and launderette, which caused one of the Sultans to declare that his state is not a Taliban state! Read the rest of this entry »

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I have been in politics for 52 years and the thought of becoming Prime Minister of Malaysia had never entered my mind

Former Prime Minister and Chairman of Pakatan Harapan, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad today blogged that I had publicly stated that I had no ambitions to become Prime Minister of Malaysia.

I have been in politics for 52 years and I have stated more than once that the thought of becoming Prime Minister of Malaysia had never entered my mind.

If I had never thought of becoming Prime Minister of Malaysia when I was in my twenties, thirties and forties, why should I be thinking of becoming Prime Minister of Malaysia when I am in the seventies?

I am also on public record as saying that although the Malaysian Constitution provides that any Malaysian can be a Prime Minister, I do not see any non-Malay becoming Prime Minister of Malaysia during my lifetime.

In the United States, a black man Barack Obama became the President of the United States – but this took place some 230 years after the establishment of the United States in 1776.

I hope that Malaysia would not need 230 years before a non-Malay become Prime Minister, but I do not expect a non-Malay to become Prime Minister in the 21st century, but whether there will be a non-Malay Prime Minister in the 22nd century from 2,100 to 2,199 or 23rd century from 2,200 to 2,299 will depend on whether the politics of identity will not continue to be so primordial and elemental as a political force in the Malaysian political landscape as today.

But the political reality that for the next hundred years, the Prime Minister of Malaysia will be a Malay will not affect the UMNO strategists and propagandists from stepping up their campaign of lies and fear to hold the Malays to ransom by warning that Malays will perish if UMNO is defeated in the 14th General Election. Read the rest of this entry »

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Salleh and Abdul Rahman are stooges because they are not only Najib’s court jesters, they also fit the other meaning of ‘stooge’ in blindly defending Najib’s lies and falsehoods

The Minister for Communications and Multimedia, Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak asked if standing up for one’s party to defend it against lies, slander and other attacks makes one a stooge. The answer is “NO’.

Such a question indicate two maladies: Firstly, Salleh’s poor grasp of thinking and logic, for I had never said or implied such a thing.

Secondly, his poor grasp of English, which seems to be an affliction reaching the highest levels of the UMNO/BN Cabinet and leadership.

Salleh never realized that when I said “Sabah has produced to UMNO stooges”, I was referring in the context like the “The Three Stooges”, where Salleh and the Director of BN Strategic Communications and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan played the role of Najib’s court jesters, becoming the laughing stock of the country.

On reflection, I agree that both Salleh and Abdul Rahman Dahlan also qualify for the second meaning of “stooge”, an unthinking underling who will do anything to please his master. Read the rest of this entry »

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DAP will form “senior citizens” branches throughout the country to tap the resources, talents and experience of senior citizens to contribute to the nation-wide campaign to “Save Malaysia from kleptocracy” in contrast to MCA leadership which regards senior citizens as useless deadwood

I want to announce at the DAP kopitiam dialogue in Plentong this morning that the DAP will form a series of “senior citizens” branches throughout the country to tap the resources, talents and experience of the senior citizens, regardless of race or religion, to contribute to the nation-wide campaign to “Save Malaysia from kleptocracy” in contrast to the MCA leadership which regards senior citizens as useless deadwood.

I confess I was shocked last week when I saw the letter from the MCA Secretary General Ong Ka Chuan sacking a former Plentong village chief for nine years, Wong Kong Fook as a MCA member for being photographed with me during my visit to Plentong.

This is utterly mad, devoid of moral principles and standards, and something no sane or rational party or leader would do.

I welcome Wong Kong Fook who has “abandoned darkness, joined light” and has applied and been approved as a DAP member.

The three MCA Ministers and leaders, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai (MCA President), Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong (MCA Deputy President) and Datuk Ong Ka Chuan (MCA Secretary-General) should publicly apologise for the crazy, irrational and morally unjustifiable expulsion of Wong Kong Fook, the former Johore village chief for nine years as a MCA member for being photographed with me.

In fact, all the senior citizen members in MCA throughout Johor and Malaysia should protest and demand unqualified apology from the MCA top leaders for the most unfair and shameful treatment of Wong Kong Fook. Read the rest of this entry »

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I have great differences with Mahathir – but I never called him “mahazalim” or “mahafiraun” – but this is time for all Malaysian patriots to unite to save Malaysia and get rid of kleptocracy

I was in Kuching on Sunday night with former Prime Minister and now Chairman of Pakatan Harapan, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad for the launch of the Sarawak Pakatan Harapan, and the support and fervour at the gathering is proof that the country is on the move involving all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, socio-economic status or region, who want to save Malaysia from the trajectory of a failed and a rogue state.

If we love Malaysia, we must unite as Malaysian patriots to save Malaysia from corruption, kleptocracy, injustices, exploitation and the fate of a third-world nation.

Tun Mahathir will speak after me on why we must unite to save Malaysia.

It is public record that Mahathir and I had many great differences during his 22 years as Prime Minister, and Guan Eng and I became “guests of His Majesty’s Government” during his premiership in Operation Lalang dragnet nearly 30 years ago.

But I had never been personal, vengeful or vindictive – I had never called Mahathir “mahafiraun” or “mahazalim” – as our differences were always on government policies and actions. Read the rest of this entry »


I will propose co-option of Jannie Lasimbang as a DAP Central Executive Committee member when the DAP’s problems with Registrar of Societies have been resolved

I want to announce tonight that I had intended to propose the co-option of Jannie Lasimbang as a DAP Central Executive Committee member so that we will have a woman leader of global status to be in the DAP national leadership to be in the national vanguard to save Malaysia and Sabah to ensure that there is justice, democracy, human rights, the rule of law and a sustainable environmental policy in our country.

However, this cannot be done now as DAP is entangled with problems with the Registrar of Societies and I will make the proposal to co-opt Jannie Lasimbang into the DAP national leadership after the DAP’s problems with the Registrar of Societies have been resolved.

Jannie is a former Suhakam commissioner and in 1987, a founding member of Partners of Community Organisations in Sabah (Pacos Trust), an NGO dedicated to the rights of the indigenous people.

At the international level, Lasimbang had served as the secretary-general of the Indigenous People’s Alliance in Asia and chairperson of the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Communities.
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UMNO/BN should stop insulting intelligence of Malaysians thinking Malays can be deceived into believing that Mahathir has become my puppet while the Chinese will believe that I have become Mahathir’s stooge

UMNO/BN leaders, propagandists and cybertroopers should stop insulting the intelligence of Malaysians thinking Malays can be deceived into believing that Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad has become my puppet while the Chinese will believe that I have become Mahathir’s stooge.

Any primary school student will know that it is not possible Mahathir has become my stooge and I have become Mahathir’s puppet, one at the same time.

Furtheremore, both allegations are lies and falsehoods of the most heinous variety.

Mahathir is not my puppet and I am not Mahathir’s stooge. Read the rest of this entry »

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DAP supports Islamisation based on Constitution which promotes a nation-building process based on tolerance and mutual respect in a plural society and not one which engenders bigotry, hatred and extremism

I was attracted to a commentary by the former ASEAN secretary-general Surin Pitsuwan, a Thai Muslim who is former Thai foreign minister, who was in Kuala Lumpur yesterday for a regional conference entitled “State of Democracy in Southeast Asia: Achievements, Challenges, Prospects”.

Surin said right up to the 80s, Islamisation used to be a good word where people integrated Islamic values and norms into every aspect of their life including in education, work and economic development.

However, now he said the meaning has taken a turn to becoming more restricted, less tolerant and complicating the efforts in governing a diverse country like Malaysia and other countries in the Islamic world.
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We must re-ignite hope among Malaysians to get out of the prevailing sense of hopelessness by stating the truth and not resort to UMNO/BN tactics of lies, fake news and false information

I told a news conference at Taman Mutiara Rini in Gelang Patah on Tuesday two things about the forthcoming general elections:

Firstly, that from the general election results in 2004, 2008 and 2013, UMNO/BN is likely to lose Johor Baru as the sole capital won by UMNO/BN candidates, losing two if not all the three parliamentary constituencies in the Johore capital, namely Tebrau, Pasir Gudang and Johor Baru; and

Secondly, that DAP is keen to contest in one of the three Johor Baru parliamentary constituencies, even the most difficult one of Johor Baru parliamentary constituency, but that the final decision will be made by the Pakatan Harapan leadership.

In the last two days, I had declined questions by the media to discuss critical responses to my statement as I do not want to involve in any public polemics on the matter.

However lies, fake news and false information whether from UMNO/BN or any other quarter cannot be left unchallenged. Read the rest of this entry »

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15% and 5% swing needed for Pakatan Harapan to win Melaka

I had previously said that a 10% swing in the Malay vote and a 5% swing in the non-Malay vote against the Barisan Nasional and towards Pakatan Harapan is sufficient for Pakantan Harapan to win 113 parliament seats in Peninsular Malaysia, to retain control of the Penang and Selangor state governments and to win control of the Johor, Negeri Sembilan and Perak state governments.

In order for Pakatan Harapan to win the Kedah state government, a little more than the 10% Malay and 5% non-Malay swing is needed and DAP is prepared to play a role in a few key marginal seats and help mobilise Pakatan Harapan voter support in Central and Southern Kedah if DAP could contest in Gurun and Kulim state assembly seats.

In the state of Melaka, a 15% swing in the Malay vote and a 5% swing in the non-Malay vote is needed in order to give Pakatan Harapan control of the state government. Read the rest of this entry »


Call on the new young generation of Malaysians to emulate Kerk Kim Hock who in his youth answered to call of the nation and the times to dedicate his life to make Malaysia a great, free, democratic and united plural nation

We gather here tonight to remember Kerk Kim Hock, sad at his passing but also to celebrate his life which was dedicated to the Malaysian nation and the cause of justice, freedom, unity and harmony in a plural society.

I first met Kerk in Monash University in September 1980 when he, as President of the Monash University Malaysian Students Union (MUMSU) invited me to give a talk to Malaysian students in the university.

I came across from the archives a reference to my talk to Malaysian students at Monash University on 25th Sept. 1980, which is as follows:

“Parliamentary Opposition Leader, Lim Kit Siang, has called on Malaysian students in Australia to work hard and to make the best use of their education opportunities in Australia so that they could return on completion of their studies and help build up Malaysia.

“He said Malaysian students in Australia are in a sense fortunate and must not forget their responsibility to return to Malaysia to create a more just and equal, multi-racial Malaysia, and stamp out all form of extremism and chauvinism.

“Lim said this at a record-breaking capacity crowd of Malaysian student at the Monash University, organised by the Monash University Malaysian Students Union (MUMSU), during his visit to Melbourne. The turn-out of Malaysian students at Lim’s talk was not only the biggest in the history of Monash University, but is ten times bigger than the average turn-out for talks by visitors from Malaysian.
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