Archive for category COVID-19

Muhyiddin should disclose how many Ministers, Deputy Ministers and top officials had been given permission to leave the country during the MCO, CMCO and RMCO and whether the Health Ministry has devised a special Covid 19 test to enable them to skip the SOP

(Tatal ke bawah untuk kenyataan versi BM)

We seem to have a new reason for a Cabinet Minister not undergoing the stipulated 14-day quarantine after returning from a five-day trip to Turkey in early July – that the Minister had undergone a “special test” when he returned from the trip and the results were negative.

What is this special test? “The special test was to enable the country’s leaders who go in and out of the country, including on personal matters, to undergo the test swiftly.” – Star 21.8.2020.

This is news to Malaysians. Read the rest of this entry »

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Triple national celebrations this year marred by a Minister who openly shows contempt and breaches Rukunegara

(Tatal ke bawah untuk kenyataan versi BM)

The triple national celebrations this year – the National Day, Malaysia Day and 50th anniversary of Rukunegara – are marred by a Minister who openly shows contempt and breaches the Rukunegara.

What is the lesson from the shocking episode where a Cabinet Minister did not undergo the stipulated 14-day quarantine after returning from an overseas trip?

The message from this shocking episode is that 63 years after Merdeka, 57 years after the formation of Malaysia and on the Golden Jubilee of Rukunegara, there is no rule of law as there are two classes of Malaysians – the ordinary Malaysians who must abide by the law and the VVIPs who can defy the law. Read the rest of this entry »


Will the Prime Minister or Health Minister ensure the setting up of a Parliamentary Select Committee on Covid 19 for MPs at the current parliamentary meeting to monitor the public health, economic and nation-building crisis of Covid 19?

(Tatal ke bawah untuk kenyataan versi BM)

Around Malaysia time 7am this morning, the cumulative global total of Covid 19 infections passed the 20 million mark.

When the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared Covid-19 a pandemic on March 11, 2020, there were more than 118,000 Covid-19 cases in 114 countries, and 4,291 people have lost their lives.

Five months after WHO had declared Covid-19 as a pandemic, there are now 24 countries which have more than 118,000 cases with the United States, Brazil and India being the three countries in the lead with over 5 million, three million and two million cases respectively, embracing over 220 countries, while the total global fatality of Covid 19 is nearing three-quarter of a million or over 170 times the global fatality five months ago.

Recently, WHO warned that the coronavirus pandemic is likely to be “lengthy” after its emergency committee met to evaluate the crisis six months after sounding the international alarm and it warned of the risk of “response fatigue” given the socio-economic pressures on countries.

A top priority for Malaysia as for all countries in facing the “once-in-a-century” health crisis is to ensure that the population must learn to live with the virus in overcoming the public health, economic and nation-building crisis.
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Is Muhyiddin afraid that the Penjana economic stimulus package in the war against Covid-19 would be rejected by Parliament if it was presented to Parliament for approval?

The question uppermost in most minds is why the Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyddin Yassin, had not presented the Penjana economic stimulus package in the war against Covid-19 to Parliament for approval?

Is he afraid that the Penjana economic stimulus package would be rejected by Parliament if it is presented to Parliament for approval?

Muhyiddin has again made infamous parliamentary history in the lockdown of Parliament instead of presenting the Penjana economic stimulus package to Parliament for oversight, scrutiny, debate and approval. Read the rest of this entry »


Muhyiddin’s first task on his return to work after two-week quarantine should be to convene a specialised Parliamentary meeting in June focussed on Covid-19 outbreak

Perkara pertama yang perlu dilakukan Muhyiddin apabila kembali bertugas selepas menjalani kuarantin selama dua minggu adalah untuk memanggil satu persidangan khas Parlimen untuk membahaskan isu-isu berkaitan Covid-19

Perkara pertama yang perlu dilakukan oleh Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin apabila beliau kembali bertugas selepas menjalani kuarantin selama dua minggu adalah untuk mengadakan satu persidangan khas Parlimen yang berfokuskan kepada isu-isu berkaitan penularan wabak Covid-19.

Malaysia tidak boleh dicatatkan dalam sejarah sebagai satu-satunya negara yang gagal menyatu-padukan tenaga dan suara rakyat dalam menghadapi wabak Covid-19 kerana kegagalan kerajaan pintu belakang untuk mencari legitimasi sehinggakan Parlimen terpaksa disekat dan Ahli Parlimen dihalang daripada menjalankan tanggungjawab mereka untuk menyemak imbang dan meneliti tindakan kerajaan semasa negara dilanda Covid-19.

Sedangkan di negara yang teruk terjejas dengan Covid-19 seperti Sepanyol, United Kingdom, Itali, Jerman, dan Perancis (yang masing-masing berada di kedudukan ke 4, 5, 8 dan 12 dari jumlah terkumpul kes positif tertinggi) sekalipun, Parlimen mereka masih berfungsi dan menjalankan tugas mereka, begitu juga dengan Parlimen di Thailand, Singapura, Indonesia, dan Filipina.
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Malaysia must learn the lessons of the best practices in the world in the invisible war against Covid-19 and not be the only country which cannot unite the energies of the people to face the Covid-19 pandemic because of inability to legitimise a backdoor government

Malaysia harus mempelajari amalan terbaik daripada seluruh dunia dalam melawan wabak Covid-19 dan kita tidak boleh menjadi satu-satunya negara yang gagal bersatu-padu dalam melawan wabak ini akibat kegagalan kerajaan pintu belakang mencari legitimasi

Selepas lebih daripada lima minggu, wabak koronavirus ini tidak menunjukkan sebarang petanda untuk surut.

Dalam minggu yang lepas, satu rekod dunia baharu telah dicatatkan, di mana wabak Covid-19 ini merekodkan peningkatan harian yang melebihi 100,000 kes sehari, seperti berikut:

27 Mei – 106,475 kes

28 Mei – 116,304 kes

29 Mei – 125,473 kes

30 Mei – 124,102 kes

31 Mei – 108,767 kes

1 Jun – 103,946 kes

2 Jun – 109,901 kes

Jumlah – 794,968 kes

Dengan kadar peningkatan sebegini, jumlah keseluruhan kes Covid-19 di seluruh dunia bakal meningkat sebanyak sejuta kes dalam tempoh sembilan hari, sedangkan wabak ini pada mulanya mengambil masa 13 minggu untuk mencapai angka sejuta pertamanya. Read the rest of this entry »

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Public trust and confidence in Malaysia shattered by a government which is the worst offender of “politicking ” although it is camouflaged as “doing national good”

Keyakinan dan kepercayaan awam tercalar oleh kerajaan yang kuat “berpolitik” sambil menyembunyikan perbuatan tersebut konon-kononnya demi “kepentingan negara”

Semalam, Parlimen Thailand telah meluluskan pakej sokongan ekonomi bernilai RM252 bilion untuk mengurangkan impak wabak Covid-19 kepada negara tersebut, termasuklah bantuan untuk para petani dan pekerja sektor tidak formal seperti penjaja jalanan dan mereka yang bekerja di rumah urut dan bar yang kini tidak dapat menjalankan perniagaan.

Seminggu lepas pula, Parlimen Singapura telah meluluskan belanjawan tambahan yang bernilai SGD33 bilion. Ini merupakan inisiatif khas untuk membantu para pekerja dan perniagaan yang berhadapan dengan kesan wabak Covid-19.

Belanjawan yang diperkenalkan sebagai Belanjawan Ketabahan (Fortitude Budget) ini adalah belanjawan keempat negara tersebut dalam tempoh empat bulan sejak pengumuman Belanjawan Perpaduan, Ketahanan, dan Solidariti sebelum ini, yang secara keseluruhannya berjumlah lebih daripada SGD100 bilion ataupun hampir 20 peratus KDNK Singapura — sebagai usaha membantu rakyat negara pulau tersebut dalam menghadapi wabak Covid-19. Read the rest of this entry »

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Time to seriously consider the end of movement restrictions although the government must be ready to impose targeted restrictions in the event of a resurgence of Covid-19 outbreak

The time has come for the government to seriously consider the end of movement restrictions although it must be ready to impose targeted restrictions in the event of a resurgence of the Covid-19 outbreak.

Yesterday, the Health director-general Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah said Malaysia is in the final phase of Covid-19 recovery following the implementation of movement curbs beginning March 18, and that if the people follow the SOPs, there might not be a third wave in Malaysia.

Dr Noor Hisham said “R-Naught” (R0) – which measures how contagious a disease is – readings have dropped to 0.3 during the conditional movement-control order (CMCO) that took effect on May 4 from the 0.6 registered during the stricter MCO period.

He said: “Based on modelling… before the MCO, the infectivity rate, or R0, was 3.55, meaning one person could infect 3.55 others. When we implemented the MCO, we reduced the R0 to 0.6, and now, it is 0.3.” Read the rest of this entry »

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Muhyiddin, who has been politicking from Day One as “backdoor” Prime Minister to lockdown Parliament and cripple parliamentary oversight and scrutiny, should explain whether the postponement of the 12th Malaysia Plan is a prelude to the cancellation of the July/August meeting of Parliament

It is now clear that the “backdoor” Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has been politicking from Day One to lockdown Parliament and cripple parliamentary oversight and scrutiny.

The nullification of the Bersatu membership of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Mukhriz Mahathir, Maszlee Malik, Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman and Amiruddin Hamzah and the postponement of the 12th Malaysia Plan are the latest politicking of the backdoor government, which give the lie to Muhyiddin’s claim last month that since becoming Prime Minister on March 1, he had not thought about politics as the people were “sick” of it.

Let Muhyiddin explain whether the postponement of the 12th Malaysia Plan is a prelude to the cancellation of the July/August meeting of Parliament.
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Global increase of Covid-19 confirmed cases exceed 100,000 cases yesterday and likely to reach 6 million cases by May 30

Kadar peningkatan harian kes Covid-19 di peringkat dunia semalam telah melepasi paras 100,000 kes sehari dan seluruh dunia dijangkakan mencecah 6 juta kes menjelang 30 Mei

Peningkatan harian kes Covid-19 yang disahkan semalam telah melepasi paras 100,000 kes sehari. Kini sejumlah 5,784,603 kes telah dicatatkan di seluruh dunia, peningkatan sebanyak 106,575 kes berbanding dengan hari sebelumnya.

Sementara negara kita menghelakan nafas lega dengan penurunan semula peningkatan harian ke dalam julat dua angka selepas mencatatkan peningkatan tiga angka untuk dua hari berturut-turut, wabak ini terus merebak ke seluruh dunia dengan peningkatan korban yang kian meningkat — dengan 213 negara dan jajahan yang telah terkesan, dan 187 negara yang telah melaporkan kematian.

Wabak ini mengambil masa selama 13 minggu untuk mencapai sejuta pertamanya; 12 hari untuk mencapai sejuta kedua, ketiga, dan keempat; dan kemungkinan besar hanya 10 hari untuk mencapai sejuta kelimanya dengan kadar kenaikan sedia ada. Kita mungkin bakal melihat kes keenam juta menjelang 30 Mei. Read the rest of this entry »


Trump is the worst world leader in fighting the invisible war against Covid-19 with United States exceeding 100,000 deaths but Malaysia must not join the gallery of rogue nations by locking down Parliament and paralysing parliamentary oversight and scrutiny during the pandemic

Spain has declared 10 days of mourning starting today for the 27,000 people who have died from coronavirus in the country.

Flags will be hoisted to half-staff in more than 14,000 public buildings across the country and on Spanish naval vessels until 5 June. It marks the longest official mourning period in Spain’s four-decade-old democracy.

By the same standard, the United States should hold 40 days of mourning for over 100,000 people have perished from the Covid-19 pandemic as according to the Worldometer’s Covid-19 Data, United States has recorded 1,725,273 Covid-19 confirmed cases and 100,545 deaths in the United States.

But this is impossible, as United States President Donald Trump is the worst world leader in fighting the invisible war against the Covid-19 pandemic. Read the rest of this entry »

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Let Malaysia avoid the infamy of being the only country in the world to lockdown Parliament and suspend parliamentary oversight and scrutiny of government for this is the road to defeat in the invisible war against Covid-19 to revive the economy devastated by the coronavirus

Yesterday, the 169-year-old New York Times filled the entire front page of its Sunday paper with the death notices of victims from the Covid-19 pandemic from across the United States.

In a decision the paper said was intended to convey the vastness and variety of the tragedy, the front page is a simple list of names and personal details taken from obituaries around the US.

The headline is “US deaths near 100,000, an incalculable loss”, with a sub-heading that reads: “They were not simply names on a list. They were us.” Read the rest of this entry »

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Malaysia can learn an inter-faith lesson from Germany where a Berlin church hosted Muslim prayer to illustrate how communities can be more closely-knit in a coronavirus world

Malaysia can learn an inter-faith lesson from Germany where a Berlin church hosted Muslim prayer to illustrate how communities can be more closely-knit in a coronavirus world.

This happened when a church in Berlin helped a nearby mosque to comply with social distancing guidelines by hosting Friday prayers.

Places of worship re-opened earlier this month in Germany but worshippers must maintain a minimum of distance from one another of 1.5 metres (five feet).

Berlin’s Dar Assalam mosque, which had hundreds of Muslims on Fridays, could only accommodate 50 people at a time. Read the rest of this entry »


Pada Hari Raya Aidilfitri ini, marilah kita semua sebagai rakyat Malaysia beriltizam untuk memelihara dan mempertahankan Perlembagaan Malaysia sebagai asas kemajuan negara

Sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitri untuk tahun ini disambut dengan suasana yang sangat berbeza, tidak boleh untuk balik ke kampung masing-masing, Perdana Menteri sedang dikuarantin, dan rakyat Malaysia secara amnya perlu belajar untuk hidup bersama dengan virus Covid-19 ini dengan tabiat-tabiat baharu seperti penjarakan sosial dan kawalan pergerakan.

Wabak Covid-19 ini tidak mengenali perbezaan, baik dari segi kaum, agama, warna kulit, atau kewarganegaraan.

Kita dapat lihat dalam kalangan 20 negara dengan jumlah kes terkumpul tertinggi, virus ini menjangkiti manusia daripada semua latar belakang agama, tanpa pilih kasih: Read the rest of this entry »

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On this Hari Raya Aidilfritri, let Malaysians resolve to preserve, protect and defend the Malaysian Constitution as the basis to take the country to greater height

On this Hari Raya Aidilfritri, let Malaysians resolve to preserve, protect and defend the Malaysian Constitution as the basis to take the country to greater heights

The Hari Raya Aidilfitri this year is celebrated under unprecedented conditions, where there is no “balik kampong”, the Prime Minister in quarantine and Malaysians have to learn to live with the Covid-19 virus with new norms like social distancing and movement controls.

The Covid-19 pandemic knows no distinctions, whether race, religion, colour or nationality.
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Memang tidak dapat disangkal lagi, ketiadaan kabinet di Malaysia selama 15 hari di antara 24 Februari sehingga 9 Mac 2020 kerana Langkah Sheraton dan pergolakan politik yang menyusulinya menjadi punca kepada gelombang kedua penularan Covid-19 yang telah mengakibatkan pelaksanaan PKP dan PKPB dalam negara kita

Memang tidak dapat disangkal lagi, ketiadaan kabinet di Malaysia selama 15 hari di antara 24 Februari sehingga 9 Mac 2020 kerana Langkah Sheraton dan pergolakan politik yang menyusulinya menjadi punca kepada gelombang kedua penularan Covid-19 yang telah mengakibatkan pelaksanaan PKP dan PKPB dalam negara kita.

Saya terkejut masih terdapat mereka yang kurang bijak yang masih mahu mempertikaikan perkara ini, tetapi saya percaya yang rakyat Malaysia tahu perkara sebenarnya.

Kesan ketiadaan Kabinet selama 15 hari ini dapat dilihat dalam graf epidemiologi Covid-19 di Malaysia, di mana dalam gelombang penularan pertama di antara 25 Januari sehingga 26 Februari, jumlah terkumpul kes Covid-19 hanyalah berjumlah 22 kes dengan sifar kematian, yang disusuli dengan tempoh sebelas hari tanpa sebarang kes baharu dia antara Februari 16 ke 26.

Gelombang kedua penularan wabak ini bermula pada 27 Februari, bermula dengan peningkatan dua kes pada hari tersebut, sehinggalah pelaksanaan perintah kawalan pergerakan pada 18 Mac yang melihatkan sejumlah 790 kes dicatatkan, dengan 227 kes hanya dalam tempoh 24 jam sebelumnya. Read the rest of this entry »


It is incontrovertible that the Sheraton Move and the ensuing political turmoil resulted in the second wave of the Covid-19 outbreak and the imposition of the MCO and CMCO as there was no Cabinet in Malaysia for 15 days from February 24 to March 9, 2020.

It is incontrovertible that the Sheraton Move and the ensuing political turmoil resulted in the second wave of the Covid-19 outbreak and the imposition of the movement control order (MCO) and CMHO, as there was no Cabinet in Malaysia for 15 days from February 24 to March 9, 2020.

I am surprised that there are people who are so dense and obtuse as to want to argue this point, but I believe thinking Malaysians know what is the truth.

The effect of this absence of a Cabinet for 15 days is reflected in the epidemiological curve of Covid-19 in Malaysia, where in the first wave of the Covid-19 outbreak from January 25 to February 26, cumulative Covid-19 cases recorded 22 cases and no death, and there was no new case in the eleven days in the period from Feb. 16-26. Read the rest of this entry »

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Casualties of the invisible war against Covid-19 in Malaysia – parliamentary democracy, integrity, justice, national trust and solidarity

Mangsa-mangsa peperangan melawan Covid-19 di Malaysia — demokrasi berparlimen, integriti, keadilan, keyakinan dan solidariti kebangsaan

Mangsa-mangsa peperangan melawan Covid-19 di Malaysia — demokrasi berparlimen, integriti, keadilan, keyakinan dan solidariti kebangsaan.

Semalam, telah saya katakan, jika tidak kerana berlakunya Langkah Sheraton dan pergolakan politik yang tercetus daripadanya, Malaysia mungkin tidak akan menghadapi gelombang kedua wabak Covid-19 dalam negara kita. Ia telah mengorbankan 113 nyawa dan mencatatkan hampir 7,000 kes positif dalam negara serta kesan buruk terhadap kehidupan 32 juta rakyat Malaysia akibat pelaksanaan perintah kawalan pergerakan (PKP) dan PKPB.

Pada hari yang sama, terdapat satu artikel di media elektronik yang bertajuk: “Bagaimana PN kongsi ghanimah”. Read the rest of this entry »


If not for the Sheraton Move and the ensuing political turmoil, Malaysia would not have suffered the second wave of Covid-19 outbreak and would be spared the MCO and CMCO with their devastating effect on lives and livelihood in Malaysia

Jika tidak kerana Langkah Sheraton dan krisis politik yang berlaku akibatnya, Malaysia mungkin tidak akan berhadapan dengan gelombang kedua Covid-19 dan tidak perlu melalui PKP dan PKPB dan kesan buruknya terhadap nyawa dan kehidupan

Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah berkata semalam, hampir separuh daripada kes Covid-19 di dalam negara kita boleh dijejaki semula kepada kluster perhimpunan keagamaan di Sri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur yang berlangsung di antara 28 Februari sehingga 1 Mac dengan melibatkan peserta dari seluruh dunia.

Jika tidak kerana Langkah Sheraton dan krisis politik yang berlaku akibatnya seperti yang dikatakan oleh baginda Yang di Pertuan Agong di dalam Titah Ucapan Baginda sempena pembukaan Parlimen pada persidangan sehari Isnin lalu, negara kita mungkin tidak akan berhadapan dengan gelombang kedua Covid-19 dan jumlah kes positif dalam negara mungkin hanya akan mencapai sekadar 3,000 kes ataupun lebih rendah lagi, bukannya hampir mencecah 7,000 kes seperti yang kita lihat hari ini. Read the rest of this entry »


Where is the “all-of-government” and “whole-of-society” exit plan strategy and blueprint in the invisible war against Covid-19?

Mana rancangan keluar yang melibatkan “keseluruhan kerajaan” dan “keseluruhan masyarakat” daripada peperangan melawan wabak Covid-19?

Banyak perkara dapat dikatakan mengenai persidangan Parlimen sehari semalam, daripada Titah Diraja terpendek hinggalah kepada bagaimana Malaysia telah melakarkan sejarah dunia dengan persidangan selama sehari sahaja di mana Ahli Parlimen memakai topeng muka bukan sahaja sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga melawan Covid-19 tetapi juga sebagai petanda tanggungjawab mereka untuk meneliti dan menyemak imbang kerajaan yang telah digantung bertentangan dengan perlembagaan negara.

Tetapi, satu benda dapat dilihat dengan ketara — Kerajaan Perikatan Nasional masih tidak menunjukkan kebolehan mereka mentadbir.

Duli Yang Maha Mulia Yang di Pertuan Agong telah menyatakan kegusaran baginda mengenai polarisasi perkauman, dan ramai pengamal politik kebencian, perkauman, dan keagamaan ini sedang menduduki jawatan tertinggi negara. Read the rest of this entry »

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