Archive for category Corruption

Lessons from ruckus over Latheefa Koya’s appointment – importance of constantly building trust among Pakatan Harapan leaders and the need for PH leaders to reaffirm commitment to the PH Manifesto as the Road Map to a New Malaysia

Pengajaran daripada kehebohan pelantikan Latheefa Koya — pentingnya untuk kita terus menguatkan kepercayaan di antara pemimpin Pakatan Harapan dan perlunya untuk Pimpinan PH memperkuatkan komitmen untuk menjadikan Manifesto PH sebagai panduan pembentukan Malaysia Baharu

Dua pengajaran penting yang dapat kita belajar daripada kekecohan mengenai pelantikan Latheefa Koya sebagai Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) adalah:

Pentingnya untuk pemimpin-pemimpin Pakatan Harapan untuk terus-menerus meningkatkan kepercayaan di antara mereka, dan

keperluan untuk Pimpinan Pakatan Harapan kekal komited dengan Manifesto Pakatan Harapan sebagai panduan dalam membina sebuah Malaysia yang Baharu.

Seperti yang telah diperakui ramai, pelantikan Latheefa Koya sebagai Pengerusi SPRM adalah terletak di bawah kuasa yang diperuntukkan kepada Perdana Menteri dan ianya selari dengan peruntukan undang-undang.

Pelantikan Latheefa juga tidak dipersoalkan daripada segi kelayakannya.

Isu utama yang timbul berkaitan pelantikan ini adalah percanggahan dengan Janji ke-14 Manifesto PRU 14 Pakatan Harapan yang menyatakan: “…menaikkan taraf SPRM kepada sebuah suruhanjaya yang diiktiraf oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan, iaitu sama seperti kedudukan Suruhanjaya Pilihanraya Malaysia”; “SPRM akan melapor terus kepada Parlimen, dan bukan lagi kepada Perdana Menteri”; menambah bilangan pesuruhjaya SPRM dan seorang daripada mereka akan dilantik menjadi pengerusi, dan “Pelantikan Pesuruhjaya-Pesuruhjaya SPRM perlu disahkan secara demokratik oleh Parlimen”. Read the rest of this entry »


Shukri’s stepping down as MACC Chief Commissioner highlights what he said about the genesis of the Week of Long Knives in his “Tell All” press conference last year which should form the basis of police investigation on the former Attorney-General Mohd Apandi Ali

Mohd Shukri Abdull’s stepping down as Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Chief Commissioner highlights what he said about the genesis of Black
Tuesday on July 28, 2015 and the “Week of Long Knives” in July/August 2015, which should form the basis of police investigation on the former Attorney-General, Tan Sri Mohd Apandi Ali.

In his “Tell All” press conference in May last year after he returned as MACC Chief Commissioner, Shukri broke down when he recounted his time running away from Malaysian authorities to the United States.

This was after his former boss Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamed decided to indict former premier Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak for his kleptocracy.

Shukri said when Abu Kassim asked him if he was prepared to face the consequences of taking action against a sitting prime minister, he replied that he was willing to take the risk in order to serve the country.

However, he claimed that on the day Abu Kassim wanted to charge Najib, the then attorney general Abdul Gani Patail was removed from his position, and this was followed by a cabinet reshuffle.

Amid this, Shukri left for Washington on July 31, 2015, to raise the 1MDB issue, but had deliberately released misleading information that he was headed to Saudi Arabia.

According to him, there were people waiting to arrest him in Jeddah, and he was tailed in Washington. Read the rest of this entry »

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Would Najib agree that in orchestrating Black Tuesday of 28th July 2015 and the Week of Long Knives, he was guilty of the most detrimental acts to parliamentary democracy in Malaysian history?

Adakah Najib bersetuju, dengan merancang Selasa Hitam 28 Julai 2015 dan Minggu Pemecatan Besar-besaran, beliau bertanggungjawab dalam melakukan satu perbuatan yang paling merosakkan kepada demokrasi berparlimen dalam sejarah Malaysia?

Mantan Perdana Menteri Najib Razak berasa tidak senang apabila saya menggelarkan beliau sebagai seorang penakut.

Berikut adalah apa yang saya katakan semalam:

“Najib berkata semalam bahawa saya tidak mempunyai sebarang kredibiliti langsung selepas menolak jemputan berdebat dengannya.

“Mengikut logik Najib, dia tidak berhak langsung untuk membuka mulut selepas kehilangan semua kredibilitinya setelah melarikan diri daripada perdebatan “Nothing-to-Hide” dengan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berkenaan skandal 1MDB, memalukan dirinya di persada dunia dengan menarik diri dari memberikan ucapan pembukaan Persidangan Anti-Rasuah Antarabangsa (IACC) pada September 2015 yang dihadiri oleh ribuan delegasi daripada lebih 130 negara, dan bertidak untuk keluar daripada wawancara bersama dengan Mary Ann Jolley yang disiarkan Al-Jazeera pada Oktober tahun lepas, suatu insiden yang amat memalukan. “

Adakah Najib bersetuju, dalam kesemua empat situasi ini, beliau adalah penakut yang sebenarnya? Jika tidak, mengapa?

Sedangkan menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Najib sendiri yang telah mengumumkan kepada delegasi IACC pada 16 September 2015 bahawa Najib telah menarik diri daripada persidangan tersebut atas nasihat menterinya kerana beliau takut ditanya soalan sukar daripada 1000 delegasi yang hadir. Read the rest of this entry »


Investigate and charge Najib for “Week of Long Knives” for Penal Code offence of “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy” or repeal the criminal provision altogether

It shows the extent of the delusion of some Opposition leaders that they believe and hope that there will be a snap general election, when there are no signs whatsoever why the Pakatan Harapan Government in Putrajaya should not serve out its full term.

The Pakatan Harapan government is stronger today after having weathered its first year, which unexpectedly, had to be focussed on draining the swamp – and what is most shocking, was to discover how horrendous was the swamp that was left behind by the UMNO/BN Government.

Although the task of draining the swamp is not fully done, the second year of Pakatan Harapan Government in Putrjaya should be better than the first year in terms of delivery of Pakatan Harapan pledges to create a New Malaysia.

It is not possible to undo the corruption, abuses of power and deviations caused by six decades of UMNO/BN government, as it cannot be accomplished in a hundred days or a year but a mission which will take years and even over a decade. Read the rest of this entry »

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Let first year of Pakatan Harapan Government be the year of the kleptocrats and the second year be the year of the sharks in the war against corruption

The objective of the new Inspector-General of Police, Datuk Seri Abdul Hamid Bador, to eradicate corruption in the police force is a very tall order and he deserves the support of all right-thinking Malaysians, as the police had been regarded as among the most corrupt of all government departments.

In July 2017, the then Home Minister Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi said that the Royal Malaysian Police was acknowledged as the best in ASEAN, but this international recognition was not the general Malaysian perception. He estimated that only 20% of the public were positive about the police.

Zahid’s claim in 2017 that the RMP was acknowledged as the best in ASEAN was not borne out by the 2017 Global Corruption Barometer (GCB) study released by Transparency International in February 2017, based on a survey of 16 countries in Asia-Pacific.

The 2017 GCB found that the 60% of the respondents from Malaysia felt that the level of corruption in Malaysia had increased, which was higher than the regional average of 40%; 62% felt that the government was handling the fight against corruption in government BADLY, as compared to the regional average of 50%. Read the rest of this entry »

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“Malu Apa Bossku” campaign violates Rukunegara, a challenge to National Anti-Corruption Plan 2019-2023 and obstacle to the national mission to transform Malaysia from a global kleptocracy into a leading nation of integrity

Kempen “Malu Apa Bossku” bertentangan dengan Rukunegara, mencabar Pelan Anti Rasuah Kebangsaan 2019-2023, dan halangan kepada misi transformasi negara daripada satu kleptokrasi global kepada negara berintegriti yang terulung

Sejak beberapa bulan sebelum pilihanraya kecil Sandakan pada 11 Mei yang lalu, cybertrooper bekas Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak telah bertungkus lumus menjaja satu tema baru — cukuplah bercakap mengenai skandal 1MDB dan kleptokrasi Najib, Pilihanraya ke-14 sudah selesai dan biarkan mahkamah yang tentukan sama ada Najib bersalah atau tidak, sebaliknya, mari lihat apa yang kerajaan PH telah berjaya laksanakan untuk menurunkan kos sara hidup dan mereformasikan institusi negara.

Januari tahun ini, cybertrooper Najib telah memulakan kempen “Malu Apa Bossku” tanpa sekelumit rasa malu sekalipun dan yang malang sekalinya kempen ini telah berjaya menawan sebahagian tertentu rakyat Malaysia. Lantas membolehkan gabungan UMNO-PAS, dengan sokongan belakang tabir MCA dan MIC di semenanjung Malaysia, PBS dan parti pembangkang lain di Sabah, dan GPS di Sarawak, untuk menjaringkan tiga kemenangan di pilihanraya kecil Cameron Highlands, Semenyih, dan Rantau.

Fenomena “Malu Apa Bossku” juga telah memberikan galakan kepada ahli parlimen pembangkang untuk menyekat perjalanan Rang Undang-Undang Pindaan Perlembagaan untuk Perkara 1(2) Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang merupakan langkah pertama yang penting dalam melaksanakan satu daripada lima Janji Teras Pakatan Harapan dalam PRU14 “mengembalikan status Sabah dan Sarawak kepada sepertimana yang dipersetujui dalam Perjanjian Malaysia 1963”. Read the rest of this entry »

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All Malaysian institutions of higher education should aim to produce useful and patriotic citizens of Malaysia who are committed to the ideals of united, just, democratic and progressive society where there is integrity and respect for human rights

I believe that all Malaysian Institutions of higher education should aim to produce useful and patriotic citizens of Malaysia who are committed to the ideals of a united, just, democratic and progressive society where there is integrity and respect for human rights.

For this reason, all institutions of higher education should follow closely national developments which will pursue these goals.

One such development is the launching of the National Anti-Corruption Plan (NACP) to tackle corruption in the country for the next five years by the Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad yesterday.
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Two tasks for the 450 DAP Councillors to build a New Malaysia – to establish a clean and incorruptible culture of service and to be a force to promote understanding, tolerance, unity and harmony among diverse races, religions and cultures in Malaysia

I am somewhat surprised not that we have a retreat for local councillors, but that we have quite a large number of some 450 local councillors in the country – apart from the 42 DAP Members of Parliament and 119 State Assembly men/women in the country.

DAP has come a long way since our puny establishment 53 years ago, and it is important that the present generation of DAP leaders, in particular the DAP Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Members of Parliament, State Ministers and Exco and State Assembly representatives as well as the 450 local councillors should never forget where the DAP came from and where we want to go – the DAP came from ordinary Malaysians regardless of race or religion and our common objective is to help build a just, clean, free, democratic, united and prosperous Malaysia.
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The battle against kleptocracy must be widened to include not only the kleptocrats but also the “enablers of kleptocracy” to ensure that the culture of integrity strikes deep root in Malaysia in our journey to transform a global kleptocracy into a leading nation of integrity

The New Year of 2019 has only entered into the fourth day but it is pregnant with meaning for Malaysians who want to see the culture of integrity strike deep root in Malaysia in our journey to transform a global kleptocracy into a leading a nation of integrity, with the battle against kleptocracy widened to include a war not only against kleptocrats but also against the “enablers of kleptocracy”!

It is good to see that a top MCA leader has acknowledged the existence of “enablers of kleptocracy” in a media statement dated 1st January 2019, although the MCA leadership has still to pluck up sufficient political courage and patriotism to acknowledge that the ignominious chapter in the nation’s history where the country was condemned worldwide as a “global kleptocracy” was because MCA Ministers and leaders became “enablers of kleptocracy”, aiding and abetting former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Datuk Seri Najib Razak in the monstrous 1MDB corruption and money-laundering scandal and other 1MDB-line scandals in Felda, Felcra, Tabung Haji and MARA.
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Diversion of 30 per cent or any percentage of school allocation for any political purpose is sheer corruption and not permitted Pakatan Harapan practice but belongs to Barisan Nasional era of the past, and must be exposed and rooted out and individuals concerned punished according to the law and sacked if he holds any political office

Since 7 pm yesterday, the Sin Chew street edition had carried a shocking front-page expose of compulsory diversion of 30 per cent of school allocations in Muar allegedly by a special officer of an elected representative.

The diversion of 30 per cent or any percentage of school allocation for any political purpose is sheer corruption and not permitted Pakatan Harapan practice but belongs to Barisan Nasional era of the past, and must be exposed and rooted out and the individuals concerned punished according to the law and sacked if he holds any political office.

There can be no compromise with such corrupt practices and those who are guilty of such corrupt practices, regardless of which Pakatan Harapan party they are from, must be prosecuted to the hilt without any mercy.

(Media Statement (2) by DAP MP for Iskandar Puteri Lim Kit Siang in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday, 3rd January 2019)

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In the spirit of “zero tolerance for corruption”, all who had aided and abetted Najib in his kleptocratic rule must apologise to all Malaysians in the next three days if they are not to carry the cross of “enablers of Najib kleptocracy” into the new year

In the spirit of “zero tolerance for corruption”, which must be the trademark of the “New Malaysia” after the historic May 9, 2018 decision for a peaceful and democratic transition of power in Putrajaya, all who had aided and abetted former Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak in his kleptocratic rule as illustrated by the monstrous 1MDB corruption and money-laundering scandal and the other 1MDB-like scandals in Felda, Felcra, Tabung Haji and MARA, must apologise to all Malaysians in the next three days if they are not to carry the cross of “enablers of Najib kleptocracy” into the new year.

Those in the frontline who aided and abetted the monstrous crimes of kleptocracy in the Najib premiership, the enablers of Najib kleptocracy, are foremost the Ministers in the Najib Cabinet, the Members of Parliament in particular the Speaker of the 13th Parliament who helped Najib to suppress the 1MDB scandal and Najib kleptocracy from being debated in Parliament, and the Barisan Nasional political leaders who had received 1MDB funds from Najib.

They have three days to make a clean breast of their past as enablers of Najib kleptocracy, and to declare and demonstrate their regret and contrition for not standing up to the crime of global kleptocracy and failing the nation – or they will carry the cross of being enablers of Najib kleptocracy into the new year. Read the rest of this entry »

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Apology to Wee Ka Siong – I did not realise his intellectual capabilities and standards are as low as other MCA leaders

I must apologise to the MCA President, Datuk Seri Dr. Wee Ka Siong as I had not realised that his intellectual capabilities and standards are as low as the other MCA leaders.

When I lamented on Tuesday that the national education curriculum needed an overhaul as it was producing political leaders “who do not understand a simple statement, reading what is not there at all”, I had not included him in the category.

Last Thursday, I had said in Luoyang, Henan that the DAP will never become MCA2 as DAP leaders will not be as spineless as MCA leaders and that DAP will not hesitate leaving the Pakatan Harapan coalition government if the objective of New Malaysia was abandoned.

I observed in Kuala Lumpur on Christmas Day that my Luoyang statement sent the Opposition into sixes and sevens, feeding on their fevered imagination, with a PAS leader trying to provoke the DAP to quit Pakatan Harapan, while one MCA leader urged the DAP to “”grow a backbone” to exit the government and another MCA leader “hit the jackpot” and unconsciously condemned all MCA leaders with the statement that DAP did not qualify to be MCA2.
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Pakatan Harapan leadership must set the New Malaysia example to show commitment to the objective to transform Malaysia from a global kleptocracy to a leading nation in integrity

The exodus of four Members of Parliament, two Senators and nine State Assembly representatives as well as division heads in Sabah from UMNO on Wednesday created shock waves in the whole country.

Questions raised include whether this is now the season of party defections, this time from UMNO to other political parties.

But the most important question is not about UMNO, but about Pakatan Harapan, whether it has lost its commitment to fight corruption and all forms of abuses of power which has degenerated under the Najib premiership to stratospheric level so much so that Malaysia becomes the laughing stock of the world and is condemned worldwide as a global kleptocracy.
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Najib’s kleptocracy main reason why Malaysia trailed far behind Qatar in the annual Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) in the past nine years

Nobody is surprised that former Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, has given his full backing to the anti-International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) rally today, as Najib is trying to create history and to be the first global kleptocrat in 1,500 years of Islamic history to be able to make a comeback to the pinnacle of political power – whether again as Prime Minister of Malaysia or as de facto leader of UMNO and the UMNO-PAS axis, overt or covert.

What a world of a difference between the Sheikh Tamin Hamad Al-Thani International Anti-Corruption Excellence Award yesterday and the three-day 16th International Conference (IACC) held in Putrajaya just three years ago. Read the rest of this entry »

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UMNO leaders who have assets worth over RM 100 million should declare themselves publicly giving the sources of their assets as a sign that UMNO is capable of reforming itself to fight corruption in Malaysia

In the past 22 years, New Zealand had topped the world 12 times, given the second ranking four times, and had never been ranked below the fourth place in the annual Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI)nfor the world – covering 180 countries in the latest index.

In contrast, Malaysia’s ranking had deteriorated over the years, ranging from No. 23 out of 41 countries in 1995 to the 62nd out of 180 countries in the latest TI CPI 2017 ranking

In the past two decades, other countries like Indonesia and China have improved by leaps and bounds in their anti-corruption efforts. Read the rest of this entry »

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People’s Court in 14GE have found Najib guilty of 1MDB kleptocratic scandal and that is why he is out as PM

Recently, I came across a statement by the 250-NGO Filipino multi-sectoral, non-sectarian and pluralist economic development coalition, the Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC) describing Ferdinand Marcos (1965 – 1986) as the worst kleptocratic President in Philippines history.

It said that Marcos institutionalised corruption on such a scale that Filipinos continue to feel its effects today.

In his 20 years in power, Philippines’ foreign debt metastasised from about $1 billion to over $25 billion.

FDC estimated that as much as a third of all that debt, about $8 billion, went into his pockets or those of his cronies and the country will continue paying for all that debt until 2025. Read the rest of this entry »


Malaysians must never again allow corruption to permeate all levels in the government

The Chairman of the Council of Elders, Tun Daim Zainuddin, said in an interview two days ago:

“Corruption has permeated all levels in the government. We are now at a crossroad. Our only way forward is to cleanse the system and get rid of this malady that is afflicting this nation. In order to do that, political willpower will be the main criterion for success. And I am confident that this new Pakatan Harapan Government has the gumption to do just that.”

Daim is right and this is borne out by the annual Transparency Interntional (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) in the past 23 years.

Malaysia reached its lowest-point in 23 years in TI CPI ranking when it was ranked No. 62 out of 180 countries in the TI CPI 2017, and garnering the lowest TI CPI score of any Prime Minister since the annual TI CPI was started in 1995.
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New Malaysia needs a National Integrity Plan which will transform Malaysia from a global kleptocracy into a leading nation of integrity within 10 years

New Malaysia needs a National Integrity Plan which will transform Malaysia from a global kleptocracy into a leading nation of integrity within 10 years.

This National Integrity Plan for a New Malaysia should be debated and adopted by Parliament.

We should see results in the National Integrity Plan for a New Malaysia hopefully in the Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2018 but steady and solid improvements in the from TI CPI 2019 without any turning back or the MACC Chief Commissioner and the members of the various anti-corruption monitoring bodies must assume personal responsibility to Parliament and the nation. Read the rest of this entry »


New Malaysia must not only purge the epithet of “global kleptocracy” but we must be recognized by the world as a leading nation of integrity

Malaysia was reborn on 9th May 2018.

History was not only made on that day, the Pakatan Harapan PACAs (Polling Agent/Counting Agent) volunteers throughout the country became history-makers.

But work for the rebirth of Malaysia is not done, but only at the beginning. I invite the some 100,000 PACA volunteers who helped make history on May 9 to take a greater part in shaping national events to ensure that with the historic and watershed event on May 9, we continue to make history and do not become history!

From the moving, touching and unforgettable accounts of the representatives of various sections of the Pakatan Harapan Segambut campaign of the historic eleven days from Nomination Day on April 28 to Polling Day on May 9; the story of the blood, sweat and tears of Malaysians in the 14th General Election; we can feel the energy, spirit, hope and dream that is the very essence of being a Malaysian – where we forgot our differences, whether racial, religious, regional or socio-economic and worked for the common goal for the fulfillment of the Malaysian Dream where Malaysia will be a better country and all Malaysians can feel proud as a Malaysian. Read the rest of this entry »

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Apandi must be prepared to face the sack if he continues to stall from resigning honourably and with dignity as Attorney-General

Tan Sri Mohamad Apandi Ali must be prepared to face the sack if he continues to stall from resigning honourably and with dignity as Attorney-General.

It is coming to three weeks since the watershed development of May 9, 2018 and his refusal to resign as Attorney-General is nothing but a most untenable, unseemly and even indecent hanging on to the office of Attorney-General although he knows that the historic vote on May 9, 2018 was not only a thumping verdict of no confidence in Datuk Seri Najib Razak as Prime Minister but also on him as Attorney-General.

The constitutional stalemate is in fact a reflection that he should not have been appointed as Attorney-General in the first place in the disastrous last week of July 2015.

To save him from further ignominy, Apandi should not exploit the constitutional niceties and loopholes but resolve the three-week constitutional stalemate by submitting his resignation without any ado.

What does Apandi think he has to gain from prolonging such a constitutional stalemate?

(Media Statement in Kuala Lumpur on Monday, 28th May 2018)

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