Archive for category Civilisational Dialogue

Romen Bose was writing hogwash when he said I was trying to “rebuild the Chinese population” during the Pakatan Harapan administration and even claimed that I was “quite successful”

Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s former political consultant Romen Bose was writing hogwash when he said I was trying to “rebuild the Chinese population” during the Pakatan Harapan administration from 2018-2000 and even claimed that I was “quite successful” in my endeavour.

The DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke was right to dismiss Romen Bose’s claims as the thought that Najib’s ex-aide attributed to me never occurred to me, and I do not know what he was talking about with his further claim that my endeavour was “quite successful”. Read the rest of this entry »

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Anwar should fully support Bujang Valley as a world heritage site and China’s revival of Civilisational Dialogue theme

Karpal Singh has left many legacies — the rule of law, justice, good governance, and diversity of Malaysia as a land of many peoples, religions, and cultures.

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