Archive for April 15th, 2021

Is Malaysia facing a fourth wave of the Covid-19 pandemic before we could bring the third wave (which started in September last year) under control, by reducing the daily increase of new cases to double-digit figures as in August last year?

Malaysia reported an increase of 2,148 new Covid-19 cases yesterday – the highest in 41 days.

Is Malaysia facing a fourth wave of the Covid-19 pandemic before we could bring the third wave (which started in September last year) under control by reducing the daily increase of new Covid-19 cases to double-digit figures as in August last year?

If so, then the declaration of emergency and the suspension of Parliament on 12th January 2021 purportedly to combat a rise in Covid-19 cases has failed on two grounds:

(i) lack of constitutional scrutiny and check-and-balance of the Executive by Parliament to ensure an “all-of-government” and “whole-of-society” strategy and approach in the war against the Covid-19 pandemic; and

(ii) kakistocracy of the backdoor and illegitimate government in combating the Covid-19 pandemic. Read the rest of this entry »

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I will contest the DAP CEC election but will not aim for any front-line leadership position and am prepared to be defeated in a party election where I have given over 55 years of my life in pursuit of the Malaysian Dream

(Tatal ke bawah untuk kenyataan versi BM)

I will contest the DAP Central Executive Committee election in June this year and am prepared to be defeated in a party election where I have given over 55 years of my life in pursuit of the Malaysian Dream.

I am not aiming for any front-line leadership position.

I want to reiterate that DAP does not advocate any de-Chinese, de-Malay, de-Indian, de-Kadazan or de-Iban policy. We stand for the very opposite, as we want Malaysians to accept that Malaysians will have multiple identities – ethnic, religious, linguistic, cultural, regional – but first and foremost that they are all Malaysians. Read the rest of this entry »

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