Archive for December 31st, 2018

2019 will probably be the most decisive year which will decide whether New Malaysia is a work-in-progress or a sheer chimera

2018, Malaysians stood tall for the first time in many years and shocked themselves as well as the world by carrying out a peaceful and democratic transition of power in Putrajaya to give hope to Malaysians and the world not to give up on democracy, however noisy and messy it might be, as a system of governance.

2019 will probably be the most decisive year in the nation’s history which will decide whether the New Malaysia the Pakatan Harapan coalition of DAP, Bersatu, PKR and AMANAH want to build is a work-in-progress or a sheer chimera. Read the rest of this entry »


Time for the Orang Asli community to “come in from the cold” and take their place in the national mainstream of Malaysian development and stop being the forgotten or downtrodden community

I am glad to be back to Pos Sinderut after my first visit five months ago in July 2018 with the M. Manogaran, the Pakatan Harapan candidate for Cameron Highlands parliamentary constituency.

I have with me the Deputy Minister for Water, Land and Natural Resources, Tengku Zulpuri Shah Raja Puri, MP for Bentong Wong Tack and Pahang State Assemblyman for Tanah Rata Chiong Yoke Kong and State Assemblyman for Tras Chow Yu Hui. Read the rest of this entry »

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