Problem of two Form Five students who ranted on SPM paper should be handled as a school problem, not a police matter

I agree that it was heavy-handed to treat the problem of the two Form Five students who ranted on the SPM history paper in a viral video with obscene remarks as a police problem when it should be treated as a school problem.

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Will Hamzah in his speech in the debate on the 2023 Budget tomorrow call for the removal of the Official Secrets Act on the billion-dollar 1MDB settlement with Goldman Sachs and for revelation whether the monies recovered had gone to repay 1MDB debts

The parliamentary debate on 2023 Budget presented by Prime Minister-cum-Finance Minister Anwar Ibrahim on Friday begins tomorrow — eight days for policy debate and ten days for committee-stage debate.

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2023 Budget in last week of the first 100 days of Anwar unity government — will Parliamentary Opposition again fail the test to ensure political stability for Malaysia in the next five years so that Malaysia can become a first-rate world-class nation by maximising on Malaysia’s human and natural resources?

The 2023 Budget of RM386 billion was presented in the last week of the first 100 days of the Anwar unity government and the most important question is whether the Parliamentary Opposition of Perikatan Nasional will again fail the test to ensure political stability for Malaysia in the next five years so that Malaysia can become a first-rate world-class nation by maximising on Malaysia’s human and natural resources.

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Does PAS President Hadi Awang accept the five nation-building principles of Rukun Negara?

Today, the Prime Minister-cum-Finance Minister Anwar Ibrahim will be presenting his 2023 Budget, which will be another mini-test of the survivability, and stability of the Anwar unity government.

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The PAS President, Hadi Awang, is one of the 22 MPs who did not participate in the Royal Address Motion in Parliament.

This is a surprise as Hadi is the only political party leader who did not speak on the Royal Address debate in Parliament and the reason is most obvious.

Hadi’s five fitnahs against the DAP are among the important reasons why the PAS President did not speak in the Royal Address Motion in Parliament.

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Now Dr. Halimah is denying the undeniable in her criticism of Menu Rahmah

Now the PAS MP for Kapar, Dr. Halimah Ali has denied that her controversial remarks in Parliament last Tuesday linking low-quality food to cancer and autism were about the government’s Menu Rahmah initiative.

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Halimah should apologise for her careless and irresponsible speech — she did not say Menu Rahmah can cause cancer but implied that it could cause cancer, autoimmune disease, or autism

I have checked the Hansard and Kapar PAS MP Dr. Halimah Ali should apologise for her careless and irresponsible speech in Parliament last Tuesday.

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Is it possible to group together some 200-300 public intellectuals to save Malaysia by a reset and a return to the original nation-building principles to unite a plural nation and to become a first-rate world-class nation?

(Versi BM)

I thank my family, friends and comrade-at-arms in the pursuit of the Malaysian Dream.

It has been a long journey and I don’t expect to be here still forging forward for a better Malaysia.

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Call for review and reversal of decision to keep settlement of Apandi’s dismissal suit as Attorney-General by Mahathir in 2018 an “official secret” as it is completely indefensible in terms of public interest

(Versi BM)

I call for review and reversal of the decision to keep the settlement of Mohamad Apandi Ali’s dismissal as Attorney-General by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad in 2018 an “official secret” as it is completely indefensible in terms of public interest.

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Do we have an Opposition Leader who is afraid to raise the issue of corruption in Parliament?

(Versi BM)

Yesterday, I said the Parliamentary Opposition Leader, Hamzah Zainudin made two mistakes last Tuesday — firstly, in failing to provide check and balance during half-hour Prime Ministerial question time and secondly, in failing to pass the Yang di Pertuan Agong’s test in the Royal Address Motion to ensure political stability for the next five years to allow the country to unite a very polarised plural nation, and to reset and return to the original nation-building principles to become a first-rate world-class nation.

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Hamzah Zainudin’s two mistakes on the first day of the 15th Parliament after the opening by the 16th Yang di Pertuan Agong — failing to provide check and balance during Prime Ministerial question time and failing the Agong’s test to ensure political stability

(Versi BM)

The Parliamentary Opposition Leader, Hamzah Zainudin made two mistakes on the first day of the 15th Parliament after the opening of Parliament by the 16th Yang di Pertuan Agong — firstly, in failing to provide check and balance during half-hour Prime Ministerial question time and secondly, in failing to pass the Yang di Pertuan Agong’s test in the Royal Address to ensure political stability for the next five years to allow the country to unite a very polarised plural nation, and to reset and return to the original nation-building principles to become a first-rate world-class nation.

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The real power behind the Opposition Leader has spoken: it’s a declaration of war as Muhyiddin has completely ignored the Yang di Pertuan Agong’s wishes that he will not swear in another Prime Minister before his five-year reign ends next January

(Versi BM)

The real power behind the Parliamentary Opposition Leader has spoken — it’s a declaration of war as the the Bersatu President Muhyiddin Yassin has completely ignored the 16th Yang di Pertuan Agong’s wishes that he will not have to swear in another Prime Minister before his five-year reign ends next January.

Yesterday, I criticised the Opposition Leader Hamzah Zainudin for failing the Agong’s test to ensure political stability for the next five years to allow the country to unite a very polarised plural nation, and to reset and return to the original nation-building principles to become a first-rate world-class nation.

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Hamzah Zainudin has failed the Agong test to ensure political stability for the next five years to allow the country to unite a very polarised plural nation, and to reset and return to the original nation-building principles to become a first-rate world-class nation

(Versi BM)

The Parliamentary Opposition Leader, Hamzah Zainudin, has failed the Agong test to ensure political stability for the next five years to allow the country to unite a very polarised plural nation, and to reset and return to the original nation-building principles to become a first-rate world-class nation.

The minimum that Hamzah could do was to give an undertaking that Anwar Ibrahim would be the last Prime Minister the 16th Yang di Pertuan Agong will swear in before the end of his five-year reign next January, as the 16th Yang di Pertuan Agong will go down in history of having to work with four Prime Ministers during his reign.

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If the 16th Yang di Pertuan Agong’s wishes come true, then Anwar will continue to be Prime Minister until next year

(Versi BM)

If the 16th Yang di Pertuan Agong’s wishes come true, then Anwar Ibrahim will continue to be the 10th Prime Minister until next year.

But will he continue to be Prime Minister for the full term of five years for the 15th Parliament?

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Four questions for the Parliamentary Opposition Leader

(Versi BM)

The seven-week Parliament beginning today is as much a make-or-break session for Anwar Unity Government as it is a test whether the 74-MP Opposition bloc can promote unity in a plural society and restore Malaysia as a first-rate world-class nation.

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Propose Parliamentary reform to include introducing Opposition Days where the Opposition will decide the Parliamentary business to be transacted

(Versi BM)

A new era will begin tomorrow when the new Parliament elected in the 15th General Election on Nov. 19, 2022 will meet for seven weeks till the end of March to give substance to the hopes of a better Malaysia that have propelled the country for the last two-and-a-half months.

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Will Hadi follow Razman’s example and apologise for his baseless and preposterous allegation that DAP promoting Islamophobia or will he have to be dragged to court like Razman before doing so?

(Versi BM)

It is eleven weeks that PAS President, Hadi Awang has not been able to produce an iota of evidence to substantiate his wild and preposterous allegations that DAP is anti-Malay, anti-Islam, communist, and promoting Islamopobia, and yet Hadi will not apologise for his allegations and retract them.

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Call for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Corruption as to why Malaysia became a kleptocracy, losing out to more and more countries in TI CPI since 1995, and how Malaysia can become one of the top countries in the world in public integrity and on the anti-corruption front

(Versi BM)

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) was unusually quiet in the new year of 2023, saying not a word even about the most dismal Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2022 released worldwide on January 31, 2023.

Last year, after the release of the TI CPI 2021 which saw a 5-point drop in score from 53 to 48 marks and 11-point drop in rank in two years, the MACC issued a statement that the MACC would review the findings of the annual CPI and propose recommendations, and called on the people’s “continued co-operation to help us curb corruption”.

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Anwar’s admission that Malaysia is losing out to Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam is a good sign that Malaysia is coming out of the denial syndrome that the country has straggled behind other countries after six decades of nation-building and that there must a reset and return to the original nation-building principles of the nation’s founding fathers for Malaysia to be a first-rate world-class nation

(Versi BM)

The 10th Prime Minister, Anwar Ibrahim’s admission that Malaysia is losing out to Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam is a good sign that Malaysia is coming out of the denial syndrome that the country has straggled behind other countries after six decades of nation-building and that there must a reset and return to the original nation-building principles of the nation’s founding fathers for Malaysia to be a first-rate world-class nation.

I have sounded like a broken record in my reiteration that after six decades of nation-building, Malaysia has fallen from the status of a first-rate world-class nation to become a second-rate mediocre country, and unless the country reset and return to the original nation-building principles entrenched in the Constitution and the Rukun Negara by the nation’s founding fathers, the present trajectory will end up with Malaysia as a divided, failed, and kleptocratic state in the next few decades.

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Let Parliament honour Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman’s 120th birthday today and achieve his aspiration for Malaysia to be “a beacon of light in difficult and distracted world”

(Versi BM)

Today is the 120th birthday of Bapa Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman.

Let Parliament honour Tunku’s 120th birthday and achieve Tunku’s aspiration for Malaysia to be “a beacon of light in a difficult and distracted world”.

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