Archive for category Elections
Salleh should stop making asinine statements like I have said its a waste to vote for the Opposition
Posted by Kit in DAP, Elections, Najib Razak, Sarawak on Saturday, 30 April 2016
The Minister for Communications and Multimedia Datuk Salleh Said Keruak should stop making asinine statements like I have said its a waste to votethe Opposition in the Sarawak state general elections.
Salleh was trying to be “little clever” when he twisted my admission that Adenan Satem will be the Sarawak Chief Minister and that the Sarawak Barisan Nasional will win the 11th Sarawak state general election into saying that in the circumstances its a waste to vote for the Opposition.
In fact it is an argument for voters to vote for the Opposition to ensure that there will be effective check and balance to ensure that Adenan will fulfill his election promises and not commit abuses and excesses of power. Read the rest of this entry »
Najib is only echoing his father’s pledge some half-a-century ago when Tun Razak’s pledge should have been achieved more than one generation ago
Posted by Kit in Elections, Najib Razak, Sarawak on Saturday, 30 April 2016
The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, in his campaigning for the Sarawak Barisan Nasional in the 11th Sarawak state general election, promised that he is committed to bringing Sarawak to greater heights so that it will be on par with Peninsular Malaysia.
Before Malaysia was formed in 1963, many missions and study tours from Sarawak and Sabah were organised to visit Peninsular Malaysia to convince Sarawakians and Sabahans that Sarawak and Sabah would benefit if they agree to form Malaysia with Malaya and Singapore, promising that Sarawak and Sabah would enjoy the type of development in the rural areas in Peninsular Malaysia if they chose to federate with Peninsular Malaysia to form Malaysia.
The series of study tours and fact-finding visits by Sarawakians and Sabahans to Malaya succeeded because Malaysia was formed on Sept. 16, 1963.
One clear promise that Tun Razak, father of Najib, made on becoming the second Prime Minister at the end of 1970 was that Sarawak and Sabah would be developed on par with Peninsular Malaysia.
I am therefore surprised to read of Najib echoing his father’s pledge some half a century ago, when Tun Razak’s pledge should have been achieved more than a generation ago, and not be used as a campaign pledge in the 11th state general elections in Sarawak more than 52 years after the formation of Malaysia.
Najib’s repeating of his father’s pledge some half a century ago is a testimony of how Sarawak and Sarawakians had been neglected in Malaysia in the past decades although Sarawak was firmly under Barisan Nasional Sarawak rule and control all the time. Read the rest of this entry »
Four issues of the 11th Sarawak state general election
Posted by Kit in Elections, Najib Razak, Sarawak on Friday, 29 April 2016
I want to discuss four issues of the 11th Sarawak state general election.
The first issue is Sarawak Chief Minister after the May 7 Polling Day.
This question is as good as decided on Nomination Day on April 25, because there is no doubt whatsoever that the Sarawak Chief Minister of Sarawak after the May 7 Polling Day will be Adenan Satem and nobody else.
Only the mentally weak or deficient would think that Adenan would not the Sarawak Chief Minister for the next five years.
In Siburan yesterday, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said Adenan should be given five more years as Sarawak Chief Minister and it is not fair if Adenan is only given two years.
I fully agree with Najib and there is no doubt whatsoever that Adenan would be given five more years as Chief Minister of Sarawak. Read the rest of this entry »
Call on Simanggang and Sarawak voters to unite to “create miracles on May 7” to deny the new Sarawak Chief Minister Adenan two-thirds majority in State Assembly by voting 28 Opposition Assemblymen
I do not know why Tan Sri Adenan Satem wants to give out the impression that he may be knocked out as the Sarawak Chief Minister in the 11th Sarawak state general election, when it is as clear as daylight on Nomination Day on Monday that there is 100 per cent certainty that he will continue as the Sarawak Chief Minister for the next five years.
This is why I am prepared to do what is not my practice, to bet with anyone who said that Adenan will not be the Sarawak Chief Minister on May 7. In fact, I am prepared to bet even with Adenan himself!
Does Adenan really believe that he might not be the Sarawak Chief Minister after May 7? I will like to know the reasons why.
The issue on May 7 Polling Day is not whether Adenan will become the Sarawak Chief Minister for the next five years, but whether he can be denied two-thirds State Assembly majority to ensure that he keeps his election promises to the people of Sarawak and does not abuse his powers as the Sarawak Chief Minister.
I call on the voters of Simanggang and Sarawak to unite to achieve the objective of “May 7 – Create Miracles” to deny Sarawak Barisan Nasional two-thirds State Assembly majority by voting at least 28 State Assemblymen into the Sarawak State Assembly. Read the rest of this entry »
Adenan does not have to fear, as neither Chieng Jen nor Baru Bian will be the Sarawak Chief Minister on May 7th
Tan Sri Adenan Satem does not have to fear, as neither the DAP Sarawak Chairman Chong Chieng Jen nor the PKR Sarawak Chairman Baru Bian will be next Sarawak Chief Minister on Polling Day on May 7.
Only one person will be the Sarawak Chief Minister on May 7 – Adenan Satem.
The Gerakan Youth chief said yesterday that Chieng Jen or Baru Bian might be the next Sarawak Chief Minister.
May be the Gerakan Youth Chief, who is undoubtedly the chief political ignoramus among the Barisan Nasional leaders and members, is the only person in the country who believes in such garbage, but I wonder whether Tan Sri Adenan is not a bit influenced by him as causing Adenan to talk as if he might not be the Sarawak Chief Minister on May 7.
Adenan should have more confidence in himself, especially as I have honestly and sincerely said that his position as Sarawak Chief Minister on May 7 is utterly secure and completely unshakeable.
In fact, I would say that Adenan’s position as the Sarawak Chief Minister for the next five years is even more secure than Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s position as Prime Minister of Malaysia until the 14th Parliamentary General Elections in 2018. Read the rest of this entry »
“507 – Create Miracles “ – Call on Voters of Serian, Tasik Biru, Mambong, Simanggang, Mulu, Murum, Samalaju, Pakan, Ngemah, Katibas and Bukit Goram to support the voters of Kuching, Sibu, Sarikei, Bintulu and Miri for political change and meaningful development for all
In the 13th Parliamentary General Elections of May 5, 2013, the call and slogan of the polls was “505 – Change Government”.
In the 11th Sarawak State General Election on May 7, 2016, the call and slogan of the polls should be “507 – Create Miracles”.
This is a tall order for the voters of Sarawak in ten days time on May 7, 2016 – for they are being asked to create a third political wave in Sarawak and Malaysia in preparation for the fourth political wave in Sarawak in five years time in 2021.
The first wave of political change in Sarawak was in the 2006 Sarawak state general election where the people of Kuching, Sibu, Meradong and Bintulu stood up for the rights of all Sarawakians by giving the DAP an unprecedented six State Assembly seats in Sarawak.
This created a great impact and was the precursor to the “political tsunami” of the 12th Parliamentary General Elections in 2008, which saw Barisan Nasional lost power in five states – Kelantan, Kedah, Perak, Penang and Selangor. Read the rest of this entry »
Assurance to Adenan that he is sure to be the Sarawak Chief Minister for next five years and that the most the Opposition can achieve is to deny Sarawak Barisan Nasional two-thirds majority in Sarawak State Assembly
I want to assure the caretaker Sarawak Chief Minister, Tan Sri Adenan Satem that he is certain and sure to be the Sarawak Chief Minister for the next five years and that the most the Opposition can achieve on May 7 Polling Day is to deny the Sarawak Barisan Nasional two-thirds majority in the Sarawak State Assembly.
I cannot understand why Adenan is so suspicious-minded that he urged voters in Kuching last night not to believe Opposition parties’ claim that they only wanted to deny Barisan Nasional a supermajority in the state election.
He considers this “a ploy to convince voters that supporting the opposition would not result in a change of government” and said:
“Don’t be fooled by this talk by Lim Kit Siang about reducing our majority of two thirds, because if people overreact to this one, then you might end up having them be the government.
“This is just a ploy so that people think there’s no harm in voting for them, and that they would get the best of both worlds. But then their aim is to form the next government, and if that happens, we will be governed by parties from west Malaysia.”
Hope for Bidayuh breakthrough in Sarawak state elections with a quartet of DAP Bidayuh state assemblymen elected into the Sarawak State Assembly on May 7
DAP hopes to achieve a Bidayuh breakthrough in the Sarawak state elections with a quartet of DAP Bidayuh State Assemblymen elected into the Sarawak State Assembly on May 7, comprising Mordi Bimol contesting in Tasik Biru, Sanjan Daik in Mambong, Edward Luak in Bukit Semuja and Andrew Nyabe in Kedup.
This is part of the third wave of political change which I hope the 11th Sarawak State General Election on May 7 can achieve.
The first wave of political change in Sarawak was started in the 2006 Sarawak state general election where the people of Kuching, Sibu and Bintulu stood up for the rights of all Sarawakians by giving the DAP an unprecedented half-a-dozen State Assembly seats in Sarawak.
This created a great impact and was the precursor to the “political tsunami” of the 12th Parliamentary General Elections in 2008, which saw Barisan Nasional lost power in five states – Kelantan, Kedah, Perak, Penang and Selangor.
The second political wave was the 2011 Sarawak State general election where DAP State Assembly representation in Sarawak was doubled from six to 12, with Miri joining Kuching, Sibu and Bintulu in the vanguard for political change.
This impacted on the 13th Parliamentary General Election in 2013, resulting in a whisker away from change of federal government in Putrajaya. Read the rest of this entry »
Apology to the people of Sarawak and Malaysia for the failure of Pakatan Harapan to ensure a one-to-one contest against the Barisan Nasional in Sarawak state election
Posted by Kit in Elections, Pakatan Harapan, Sarawak on Tuesday, 26 April 2016
I apologise to the people of Sarawak and Malaysia for Pakatan Harapan’s failure to ensure a one-to-one contest with Barisan Nasional in the 11th Sarawak state election.
I was not involved in the negotiations at any stage and I do not propose to revisit this sorry chapter of Pakatan Harapan until after Polling Day on May 7.
I apologize to the people of Sarawak and Malaysia for the failure of Pakatan Harapan to ensure a one-to-one contest against the Barisan Nasional in the Sarawak state election and promise that DAP leaders, members and supporters at all levels will work doubly or even trebly hard to compensate for the failure of Pakatan Harapan to ensure a one-to-one contest against the Barisan Nasional.
I do not know how Pakaran Harapan is going to pick up the pieces as a result of the failure of the Pakatan Harapan electoral pact in the Sarawak state election, but let us leave it till after the Polling Day on May 7.
Our one and only task now is to focus on the Barisan Nasional for the next 12 days in the Sarawak election campaign, and ensure that the voters of Sarawak make a historic choice on May 7 in the best and higher interests of Sarawak and Malaysia.
Tan Sri Adenan Satem has asked for another five years as Sarawak Chief Minister. Read the rest of this entry »
Final appeal for a one-to-one electoral contest between Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional in Sarawak general elections as the Sarawak polls on May 7 is a battle for Malaysia
Monday is the nomination day for the 11th Sarawak state general election.
I want to make final appeal for a one-to-one electoral contest between Pakatan Harapan and Barisan Nasional in Sarawak general elections as the Sarawak polls on May 7 is not just a battle for Sarawak, but a battle for Malaysia.
DAP and PKR leaders have actually reached an electoral understanding for a one-to-one contest in the Sarawak state general election with Barisan Nasional, which had involved difficult give-and-take, and it is most unfortunate if this electoral understanding reached by DAP and PKR leaders are broken resulting in a multi-cornered electoral contest involving the BN on the one part, and the DAP and PKR on the other.
I hope that in the interests of the political future, not only of Sarawak but of Malaysia, Pakatan Harapan parties can face the challenges of the 11th Sarawak state general elections as one team.
DAP leaders are prepared to campaign for PKR in state constituencies contested by PKR candidates, and PKR leaders are welcome to campaign in areas contested by DAP candidates so that se can send out a message, loud and clear, of Pakatan Harapan’s solidarity, cohesion and commitment to bring about political change not only in Sarawak but also in Malaysia. Read the rest of this entry »
Call on Adenan to honour the 1963 Malaysia Agreement which guarantees Malaysians the right to enter Sarawak for the sole purpose of engaging in legitimate political activity in the 11th Sarawak state elections
The barring of the DAP Political Bureau Director and MP for Kluang, Liew Chin Tong, from entering Sarawak today bespeaks of two things:
Firstly, the continued abuse of power in the country to deny to Malaysians the fundamental right of freedom of movement in their own country. This will make Malaysia another reason to be the laughing stock of the world where Malaysians dan visit Beijing, Moscow, Havana but not Kuching, Sibu or Miri.
DAP supports immigration autonomy for Sarawak and Sabah to protect the two states from being swamped by West Malaysians in the employment market, but this is not designed to deny to Malaysians the fundamental right of freedom to travel in their own country.
Section 67 of the Immigration Act 1963 makes it very clear that there should be no bar on Malaysians entering Sarawak for the sole purpose of engaging in legitimate political activity, and there is nothing which is more of a “legitimate political activity” than the 11th Sarawak state general elections.
This is why the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is a frequent traveller to Sarawak – to engage in legitimate political activity in the 11th Sarawak state general election on May 7. Read the rest of this entry »
Call on Sarawak voters to support DAP and Pakatan Harapan candidates as an appreciation for the life-long struggle of Wong Ho Leng and Karpal Singh for their commitment and sacrifices for a democratic and better Sarawak and Malaysia
Posted by Kit in DAP, Elections, Pakatan Harapan, Sarawak on Sunday, 17 April 2016
Today is the second anniversary of the passing of DAP National Chairman, MP for Bukit Gelugor and life-long champion for democracy and human rights in Malaysia, Karpal Singh.
In another two months, we will sadly mark the second anniversary of the passing of another great Malaysian son who had also dedicated his life to promote democracy and human rights in Sarawak and Malaysia, as well as the constitutional rights of Sarawakians to autonomy in accordance with the Malaysia Agreement 1963 – Richard Wong Ho Leng, DAP Sarawak State Chairman and State Assemblymen for Bukit Assek.
This year marks the 38th anniversary of the formation of DAP in Sarawak and the 50th anniversary of the founding of the DAP in 1966.
For half a century, DAP leaders who have passed the test of time have proven that we are a breed of political leaders who are in politics not because of wealth, position or glory but because of our political convictions and ideals, even when we are subject to trials and tribulations like detention without trial, selective prosecution and persecution, protracted character-assassination in the mainstream media, etc. Read the rest of this entry »
Poor Abdul Rahman Dahlan – he had to be saved by SPRM and IGP from a debate with Guan Eng which will confirm the truism that ‘empty vessel makes the most noise’
Posted by Kit in Corruption, DAP, Elections, Najib Razak, Sarawak on Sunday, 17 April 2016
There are many events happening in the country which seem to be remote from Sarawak and unrelated to the 11th Sarawak state general election which will be held on May 7.
In actual fact, on deeper reflection, one would realise these developments have intimate relationship with the 11th Sarawak state general elections, whether the latest developments in the first global scandal in the country, the RM50 billion 1MDB scandal and all the acrobatics which are being performed every day in furtherance of the media scam that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak has nothing to do with Malaysia’s first global scandal, or even the cancellation of the debate that should be telecast live next Wednesday by TV3 between DAP Secretarg-General and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and the Barisan Nasional Strategic Communications Director and Minister for Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan.
In fact, all the hoo-ha and the allegations against Guan Eng for corruption in connection with his RM2.8 million bungalow purchase is not unrelated to the Sarawak state general election! Read the rest of this entry »
Call on Adenan to lead Sarawak BN to an election victory which will be the result of clean, free, fair and democratic elections which could be the pride of Malaysia and the world
Posted by Kit in DAP, Elections, Pakatan Harapan, Sarawak on Sunday, 17 April 2016
I flew from kLIA to Miri this morning with the DAP National Organising Secretary and MP for Seremban, Anthony Loke, to carry out legitimate political activities n Sarawak, i.e. the 11th Sarawak State General Elections, as guaranteed by the Malaysian Constitution, the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and the 18 Points, but Anthony Loke became the latest victim of a gross abuse of power when he was not allowed to enter Sarawak and was sent back to KLIA on the same Air Asia flight back.
Loke joins a long list of DAP, PKR and Amanah leaders/MPs who have been denied their constitutional right to carry out legitimate political activities in Sarawak in the 11th state general election – a list which includes DAP leaders/MPs like National Vice Chairman and MP for Seputeh Teresa Kok, DAP National Publicity Secretary Tony Pua (MP PJ Utara); Asst National Publicity Secretary Teo Nie Ching (MP for Kulai); PKR National Chairmen Nurul Izzah Anwar (MP Lembah Pantai), Tian Chua (MP Batu), Rafizi Ramli (Pandan), Shamsul Iskandar (MP Bukit Katil) and PKR MPs like Zuraida Kamaruddin (Ampang) and Sim Sze Tsin (Bayan Baru) and Parti Amanah President Mohamad Sabu. Read the rest of this entry »
Will 2016 Sarawak GE herald great changes in Malaysia’s 14GE as happened in two previous 2006 and 2011 Sarawak state elections, or will Adenan succeed in crushing DAP and Pakatan Harapan as he is hoping to do?
For the past 10 years, Sarawak had been both the barometer and the vanguard of political change in Malaysia.
DAP’s breakthrough win of six State Assembly seats in the 2006 Sarawak GE heralded the “political tsunami” in the 12th GE in Malaysian parliamentary elections in 2008 which saw the Barisan Nasional losing power in five states – Penang, Selangor, Perak, Kedah and Kelantan.
DAP’s doubling from six to 12 State Assembly seats in the 2011 Sarawak GE heralded the 13th GE in Malaysian parliamentary elections in 2013, which should have toppled Barisan Nasional from Putrajaya as Pakatan Rakyat won 53% of the popular vote, but because of an unfair and undemocratic electoral system, Datuk Seri Najib Razak became the first minority Prime Minister in Malaysia.
What will happen in the May 7, 2016 Sarawak state elections, and what has it in store for the 14th GE in Malaysian parliamentary elections which must be held by 2018?
There are both certainties and imponderables in the 11th Sarawak State General Elections on May 7. Read the rest of this entry »
Both Adenan and I are septuagenarians who do not have many active political years left – let us do something worthwhile as promoting democracy, national unity and Sarawakian rights of autonomy instead of abuses of power to prop up a political party past its shelf life
Both Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Adenan Satem and I are septuagenarians.
Adenan is 72 and I am 75. We do not have many active political years left.
Let us do something worthwhile in the evening of our life, as promoting democracy, national unity and Sarawakian rights of autonomy instead of abuses of power to prop up a political party past its shelf life. Read the rest of this entry »
Why have I suddenly become an “undesirable character” to be banned from Sarawak after campaigning in seven parliamentary and nine state general elections in Sarawak in the last 38 years?
Posted by Kit in Constitution, DAP, Elections, Sarawak on Sunday, 10 April 2016
It was reported yesterday that the Sarawak Chief Minister is mulling over the banning of DAP Secretary-General and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, myself as well as Parliamentary Opposition Leader and PKR President Datuk Seri Azizah Wan Ismail, from entering Sarawak for campaigning in the 11th Sarawak State Elections.
Why have I suddenly become an “undesirable character” to be banned from Sarawak after campaigning in seven parliamentary and nine state general elections in Sarawak in the last 38 years, going back to the late seventies?
In fact, what could be the honest and honourable reason for banning the long list of Members of Parliament from entry into Sarawak, including DAP National Vice Chairman Teresa Kok, National Publicity Secretary Tony Pua, Deputy National Publicity Secretary Teo Nie Ching, PKR National Vice Chairmen Nurul Izzah, Chua Tian Chang and Rafizi Ramli, Parti Amanah Negara President Mohamad Sabu, and even the DAP mascot designer Ooi Leng Hah, except for a gross abuse of power as the law is very clear that no one should be barred from entry into Sabah for legitimate political activities – although Sarawak state government enjoys full autonomy on immigration matters.
Sarawakians and Malaysians hope to see Sarawak as the vanguard for full and genuine democracy in Malaysia, and not the other way round, where democracy is given a fatal blow by gross abuses and excesses of power. Read the rest of this entry »
Lets work for a Three Wins result in the 11th Sarawak State General Election – victories for Pakatan Harapan, Sarawak and Malaysia
Posted by Kit in Elections, Pakatan Harapan, Sarawak on Thursday, 7 April 2016
The Battle for Sarawak in the 11th Sarawak State General Election with the dissolution of the Sarawak State Assembly on April 11 is the Battle for Malaysia for future generations, in Sarawak as well as rest of the country.
Never before have the Sarawak state general election been so important in the 53-year history of Sarawak, for what happens on Sarawak polling day is not just about Sarawak, about how big a majority Chief Minister Datuk Adenan Satem will have in the new State Assembly, but even more important, how it will affect Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s tenure as sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia and his ability to deflect or to continue to disregard the national and international furore over his RM55 billion 1MDB and RM4.2 billion “donation” twin mega scandals.
In fact it is no exaggeration to say that the forthcoming Sarawak State General Elections is even more important to Najib than to Adenan in determining the fate of the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia. Read the rest of this entry »
Battle of Sarawak in the 11th Sarawak State General Election is the Battle for Malaysia for future generations in Sarawak as well as rest of the country
Posted by Kit in Elections, Malaysian Dream, Sarawak on Tuesday, 5 April 2016
The Battle for Sarawak in the 11th Sarawak State General Election with the dissolution of the Sarawak State Assembly on April 11 is the Battle for Malaysia for future generations, in Sarawak as well as rest of the country.
Never before have the Sarawak state general election been so important in the 53-year history of Sarawak, for what happens on Sarawak polling day is not just about Sarawak, about how big a majority Chief Minister Datuk Adenan Satem will have in the new State Assembly, but even more important, how it will affect Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s tenure as sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia and his ability to deflect or to continue to disregard the national and international furore over his RM55 billion 1MDB and RM4.2 billion “donation” twin mega scandals.
In fact it is no exaggeration to say that the forthcoming Sarawak State General Elections is even more important to Najib than to Adenan in determining the fate of the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia.
This is the reason for Najib’s cryptic remark in Kuching yesterday that he was fighting fit for the crucial Sarawak state general election, with the symbolic reference of his choosing between two T-shirt sizes – XL and XXL. Read the rest of this entry »
Semiling Challenge to Najib to immediately hold 14th General Election to ascertain whether the Citizen’s Declaration to Save Malaysia represent the majority view of Malaysians
Posted by Kit in Elections, Malaysian Dream, Najib Razak on Saturday, 12 March 2016
I have just read the news that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak claimed in Kuching that the Citizen’s Declaration to Save Malaysia signed by 45 political and civil society leaders last Friday does not represent the majority view of Malaysians.
He said that the Declaration was mooted only to promote the agenda of a select few.
Najib cannot be more wrong which shows how serious is his problem of being consistently cut off from the ground.
Although there are some voices of qualification and reservation among Malaysians as to whether the Declaration could lead to Najib’s removal as Prime Minister as well as the fate of democratic and institutional reforms to ensure that a second Najib with world infamous mega financial scandals cannot appear again in Malaysia, there is no doubt that the Declaration has the support and endorsement of the majority of Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, region even politics.
Najib seems to have forgotten that he is the first minority Prime Minister who does not have majority support of the popular vote in Malaysia. Read the rest of this entry »