Archive for category Elections

Will UMNO concede to PAS the 40 parliamentary seats and five state governments which PAS leaders declare as their objectives in 14GE?

Malaysians must put to rest once and for all the spectre and threat of May 13 racial riots in the 14th General Election by demonstrating that Malaysia is a normal democratic country where voters can peacefully and democratically through the ballot box elect a new government coalition in Putrajaya to look after the interests of all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region.

Political desperadoes are trying to create a hot-house atmosphere by the irresponsible politics of lies, hate and fear to banish reason and common sense and stampede Malaysian voters into believing that the next general elections is great battle of race vs race and religion vs religion.

This is completely untrue, for the 14GE is not any battle of race vs race or religion vs religion, but a battle between democracy vs kleptocracy – whether Malaysia can be saved from the trajectory of a failed and rogue state.

The 14GE is not a battle between Malays vs non-Malays or Muslim vs non-Muslims but a battle among Malaysians, regardless of race or religion on both sides, between those who on the one hand want Malaysia to reset nation-building directions and policies up save democracy and on the other hand, those who want Malaysia to continue on the road to kleptocracy, a failed and a rogue state. Read the rest of this entry »


14th General Election critical test whether Malaysia can be normal democratic country where voters can peacefully and democratically elect the Federal government they want

This year, Malaysians celebrate the 60th Merdeka Day and 57th Malaysia Day anniversaries, and this is an important milestone to review our national successes and failures.

Despite thirteen General Elections in nearly six decades, Malaysia has yet to become a normal democratic country where voters can change the party or political coalition in government peacefully and democratically through the ballot box like other mature democracies without threats of national catastrophes.

In the past 60 years, there had been six democratic and peaceful changes of government in the United Kingdom, but not a single time in Malaysia.

In Asia, Japan, India, South Korea, Taiwan and even Philippines and Indonesia have more democratic traditions and practices than Malaysia, as the Japanese, Indians, South Koreans, Taiwanese and even Filipinos and Indonesians can use the ballot box to change the party or political coalition in power without any national disaster or calamities.

The case of South Korea should be a salutary reminder of how far we as a nation have fallen short of our expectations when we achieved Merdeka on August 31, 1957. Read the rest of this entry »

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In race for Malay vote, DAP smear campaign hits new lows

By Zulkifli Sulong
The Malaysian Insight
20 Apr 2017

HOUSEWIFE Normah Yusof is used to getting messages promoting halal products on her smartphone but a recent graphic disgusted her.

The Bahasa Malaysia graphic read “Boycott Chinese-DAP products” in red capital letters against a black background. A smaller sub-heading read: “Kasi lunyai semua kedai kedai Cina DAP” (Let’s bankrupt Chinese-DAP owned shops).

Political analysts said Normah is a typical target for religious and racial rhetoric, as political parties, such as Umno and PAS, ramp up the psychological war in the run-up to the general election speculated to be this year. Read the rest of this entry »


New Straits Times admitting that it has transformed itself from a “newspaper” into a “lies-paper”

It must be a new phenomenon in the world of Malaysian journalism – New Straits Times admitting that it has transformed itself from a “news-paper” into a “lies-paper”, without any compunction or sense of journalistic responsibility by claiming that it was only reporting on the “lies” by others in its pages and columns.

It is significant that the New Straits Times response to my speech at the Johor DAP State Leaders Retreat at Kukup, Johor on Saturday about UMNO/BN mainstream media unabashedly transforming themselves from newspapers to “lies-papers” made no attempt to deny that they were publishing “lies” instead of news, except to claim that they were publishing the “lies” spread by others.

Will the New Straits Times similarly oblige DAP and Pakatan Harapan leaders and print whatever “lies” concocted by them about the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, UMNO and Barisan Nasional in the NST pages and columns?

Of course not and this will be the correct decision for journalists must be guided by the canons of journalism, the most fundamental of which is that a newspaper should not degenerate into a “lies-paper”! Read the rest of this entry »


The 14th general elections is going to be dirtiest in nation’s history when UMNO/BN mainstream media have unabashedly transformed themselves from newspapers into “lies-papers”

The 14th General elections is going to be dirtiest in the nation’s history when UMNO/BN owned or controlled mainstream media have unabashedly transformed themselves from newspapers into “lies-papers”.

In the past four months, UMNO/BN mainstream media like Utusan Malaysia, New Straits Times, Berita Harian and Star have become “lies-papers” as part of the UMNO/BN campaign to demonise Pakatan Harapan leaders and myself, where I am described as a devil, puaka, even jembalang; that I am anti-Malay, anti-Islam; cause of May 13, 1969 riots; a communist; a stooge of foreign powers; that I dominate Pakatan Harapan and made other leaders like Tun Mahathir, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Datuk Seri Wan Azizah, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Datuk Seri Azmin Ali and Mohamad Sabu as my stooges and puppets – all sorts of evil under the Malaysian sun!

This is not because I have suddenly become No. 1 national security risk, or the greatest threat to UMNO/BN government, but simply because UMNO leaders and propagandists are in a panic mood as they have realised that there is a possibility that they have lost the support of the majority of Malay voters in the country. Read the rest of this entry »

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Two ways to remember and honour Karpal – elect DAP-led government for third term in Penang as well as elect Pakatan Harapan to form Federal Government in Putrajaya to Save Malaysia from global kleptocracy, a failed and rogue state

We are here to remember and honour Sdr. Karpal Singh – a giant of a Malaysian who had dedicated his life to a more united, just, equal and democratic Malaysia.

There are two ways to remember and honour Karpal, who left us three years ago with many unfinished national business.

The first is to elect a DAP-led government for the third term in Penang and the second is to elect Pakatan Harapan to form the Federal Government in Putrajaya to Save Malaysia from global kleptocracy and from heading towards a failed and a rogue state.

This year Malaysians will be celebrating our 60th National Day to commemorate the nation’s attainment of Independence on August 31, 1957.

I was in Form III in Batu Pahat High School in 1957, I can still remember that on August 31, 1957, we gathered at the school compound where every student was given a bunting of the new national flag and a scroll setting out the Proclamation of Merdeka which was declared by the first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman at the Merdeka Stadium in Kuala Lumpur.

We were brimming with hope and confidence of a new future as a new nation. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malaysia heading for major political change in 14GE as never before in nation’s 60-year history is there such widespread and deep-seated restiveness and unhappiness among the people, including the 1.6 million-strong civil service, against the UMNO/BN government

I believe Malaysia is heading for a major political change in the forthcoming 14th General Election as never before in the nation’s 60-year history is there such widespread and deep-seated restiveness and unhappiness among the people, including the 1.6 million-strong civil service, against the UMNO/BN Government.

The time has come for Malaysia to become a normal democratic country, where the voters can peacefully and democratically change the Federal Government in Putrajaya through the ballot box, as in countries recognized as normal democracies, whether the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, the European countries like Germany, France, Italy and others, or even Asian countries like Japan, India, South Korea, Philippines and Indonesia.

The voters should not be threatened with chaos, riots or undemocratic and authoritarian measures to frustrate the democratic will of the people expressed in a general election, as the UMNO/BN leaders are trying to do.

In trying to cling on to power, UMNO/BN politicians have resorted to the politics of lies, fear and hate to disseminate the fear among Malay voters that if UMNO is defeated in the 14GE, Malays will lose political power and their rights in the country.

This is of course rubbish and nonsense, for the Pakatan Harapan coalition comprising DAP, PKR, AMANAH and Pribumi Bersatu want to win, not just the 14th GE, but the 15th, 16th GE and others so that it could continue to form the Federal Government – which means that the Pakatan Harapan government must demonstrate that it could deliver results and do better than the UMNO/BN government to protect and promote the rights and interests of all communities in the country, including the Malays. Read the rest of this entry »


Thanks to Kedah DAP leaders for suggesting that I contest in Kedah in 14GE – but wait for my response in Gelang Patah tomorrow

I want to thank the Kedah DAP Chairman and DAP State Assembyman for Derga, Sdr. Tan Kok Yew and DAP State Assemblyman for Kota Darul Aman, Sdr. Teoh Boon Bok for suggesting in the ceramahs this morning that I contest in Kedah in the 14th General Election.

In my parliamentary constituency in Gelang Patah in Johor, MCA and Gerakan have launched an attack on me by putting up “Missing Person” posters.

I said yesterday that I would address these “Missing Person” posters when I return to Gelang Patah this evening, but I want through the media this morning to announce a slight change of plan.

Although I will be back in Gelang Patah this evening, it would be quite late, I will instead hold a media conference tomorrow morning to address these “Missing Person” posters.

While I thank the Kedah DAP leaders for their offer to me to contest in Kedah in the next general election, let us wait until my media conference in Gelang Patah tomorrow. Read the rest of this entry »

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Why Bentong did not become a model constituency with the best educational, health and socio-economic infrastructures and facilities in the country as it had been held by Ministers for over four decades?

My one-day visit to the Bentong parliamentary constituency, covering Perting new village and Karak town, to encourage all eligible voters in the constituency to register themselves by this month if they want to be able to cast their vote in the 14GE if held in September, attracted considerable MCA attention, with MCA putting up posters and buntings all over the constituency attacking me.

This did not happen during my previous visits to Bentong, when it was held by the two previous MPs – Tan Sri Chan Siang Sun and Tan Sri Lim Ah Lek.

Does this mean that the incumbent MP for Bentong Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, unlike his two previous predecessors, has reason to be afraid of my visit to Bentong – resulting in the posters and bunters attacking me for visiting Bentong!

Bentong is one of the most fortunate parliamentary constituencies in the country, as it had been a Minister’s constituency for over four decades – when the first MP for Bentong, Tan Sri Chan Siang Sun was MP ifor 1959 to 1989 and Lim Ah Lek became the MP for Bentong from 1989 to 1999. Liow Tiong Lai is the third MP for Bentong since 1999. Read the rest of this entry »

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PAS leadership fantasies of winning 40 Parliament Seats and capturing Selangor in 14GE

Recently, a video of clip of PAS President, Hadi Awang viralled.

In this video, he was clearly shown to have made two important points. Firstly, that PAS wanted to win control of Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah, Perak and Selangor and that PAS would leave the other states to UMNO.

Secondly, that PAS wanted to win 40 parliament seats in the next general election to have the “king-maker” role to determine the next Federal Government in Malaysia.

I am not sure where Hadi derives his confidence to win 40 parliament seats in the next general election but it seems to be based more on fantasy than facts. Read the rest of this entry »


Election Commission Chairman and Members should have their salaries and perks slashed by 25 per cent as they are unable to register 25% of the eligible voters on the electoral roll

The Election Commission Chairman Datuk Seri Mohd Hashim Abdullah said in Lundu, Sarawak on Sunday the Election Commission is always ready to hold a general election.

He said this when commenting on a viral message on the social media that the Information Department had issued a circular freezing leave for personnel and personal trips abroad from May 1 because of impending 14th General Election.

How can the Election Commission claim that it is ready to hold the 14GE when some 25 per cent of the eligible voters are not registered on the electoral roll and cannot cast their vote in the 14GE if held in September unless they register as voters in the next fortnight – making the current voters’ registration the final voters’ registration exercise if the 14GE is held by September as the Election Commission requires some six months before they could process and finalize a voter on the electoral roll?

There are 17.6 million eligible voters but over four million of them are not registered on the electoral roll which comes to some 25 per cent of the eligible voters not able to cast their vote if 14GE is held in September unless they are registered in the next two weeks.

The Election Commission Chairman and Members should have their salaries and perks slashed by 25 per cent as they are unable to register 25% of the eligible voters on the electoral roll. This is indeed shocking incompetence and ineptitude. Read the rest of this entry »

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If UMNO is toppled in 14GE, Malays will not suffer – on the contrary, a new Federal Government comprising Pakatan Harapan parties including DAP, PKR and Amanah plus Pribumi Bersatu will compete with UMNO’s 60-year record to demonstrate we can better serve Malays and all Malaysians

Yesterday, I covered three states in one day – in Teluk Datuk in Selangor in the morning, Senawang in Negri Sembilan in the evening, and Johor at night.

This the fifth parliamentary constituency I am visiting today in my lightning tour of Northern Johor in my “Voters’ Registration Within Two Weeks” as the next two weeks may be the last chance for eligible but unregistered voters to register on the electoral roll if they are to be able to cast their vote if the 14th General Election is held in September this year.

I started in Segamat parliamentary constituency this morning, then visited Labis, Ledang, Bakri and am now the Muar parliamentary constituency.

Everybody is talking about the next 14th General Election.

When will it be held?

It is very near, as the Information Department has confirmed that it has issued a circular freezing applications for personal or unofficial trips overseas from May 1, because of the impending 14th general election. In fact, I will not be surprised if similar circulars are being sent out by the police and all government departments who will be involved in the 14GE.

However, I don’t think even the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak knows when Parliament will be dissolved for the holding of the 14GE, for he must be toying with various dates and possibilities.

Will it be September, or even earlier in May or July or much later than September? Read the rest of this entry »


The next two weeks is the last chance for over four million unregistered eligible voters to register so that they can vote in 14GE which may be held in September

The next two weeks is the last chance for over four million unregistered eligible voters to register so that they can vote in 14th General Election which may be held in September.

Since I first elected in Parliament in 1969, one of the issues I had raised was for the automatic registration of voters, which is quite commonplace in other countries but seems impossible in Malaysia.

Some 48 years have passed since I was first elected to Parliament to represent Bandar Melaka, but automatic registration of voters is still as distant as ever.

It would appear that we have one of the most incompetent and inefficient Election Commissions in the world which is incapable of have an efficient and up-to-date voters’ registration system.

Other countries can have a system where a voter can register today and vote tomorrow, but in Malaysia, the Election Commission needs some six months before it could process the registration and allow a voter to cast his or her vote.

This means that over four million Malaysians, who had not registered as voters, must register by the next fortnight if they are to be able to exercise their constitutional right to vote if Parliament is dissolved for the 14th General Election to be held in September, after the government had generated nation-wide “feel good” factor with big celebrations for the 60th National Day celebrations on August 31, 2017. Read the rest of this entry »

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If 45 non-UMNO BN MPs withdraw support from Najib because BN has changed character from a coalition based on consensus into one under UMNO hegemony, PAS’ 14MPs would not be enough to save Najib’s premiership and government

The central issue today is not whether PAS President Datuk Seri Hadi Awang’s private member’s bill motion to amend RU355 would be supported in the present meeting of Parliament, and the merits and demerits of Hadi’s private member’s bill, but whether Barisan Nasional has changed character from a coalition of 13 political parties based on consensus into a coalition under UMNO hegemony, where the other 12 non-UMNO parties do not matter at all as “what UMNO wants, UMNO gets”.

All the leaders and even Ministers from the other 12 non-UMNO parties in the Barisan Nasional have expressed their opposition to Hadi’s private member’s bill, including the entire Sarawak state government with the Sarawak Chief Minister, Datuk Abang Johari Openg directing the four PBB Muslim Ministers and all the 25 Sarawak BN MPs to reject Hadi’s private member’s bill motion.

I want to specifically ask Hadi and the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom whether they dare to say that the PBB President, Abang Openg, the four PBB Muslim Ministers – Nancy Shukri, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department; Datuk Fadillah Yusuf, Minister for Works; Datuk Wan Junaidi, Minister for Natural Resources and Environment; and Rohani Abdul Rahman, Minister for Women, Family and Community Development – and all 25 Sarawak BN Members of Parliament are anti-Islam as they are committed to reject Hadi’s private member’s bill motion?

Can Hadi and Jamil Khir explain why there are so many Ministers and MPs in Barisan Nasional who are anti-Islam?

Or could Hadi and Jamil Khir be in the wrong, in wrongly accusing those who reject Hadi’s private member’s bill as anti-Islam? Read the rest of this entry »

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Four conditions for the ousting of Najib as Prime Minister and the toppling of the UMNO coalition’s 60-year rule in Malaysia in the 14th General Election

At a time when there is widespread disappointment and disillusionment that the electoral process could bring about the long-waited far-reaching political changes in Malaysia, with predictions that voters’ turnout at the forthcoming 14th General Election would be much lower than the 13GE, there is no doubt that the Prime Minister , Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the top UMNO leadership do not share these concerns as they are grappling with the fear that they may be elected out of office and lose Federal power in the 14GE.

This is the reason why I had suddenly become such a “famous” character in the UMNO-owned and controlled mainstream media in the past three months, with articles (which are mostly lies and falsehoods or in Najib’s own words “fake news”) appearing together with my pictures almost daily either in Utusan Malaysia, New Straits Times, Berita Harian or TV3, when for the past fifty years, I was blacked out in these UMNO mainstream media and my pictures not allowed to be published, as if I had become a “non-person” as happened in Stalin’s Soviet Union.

What has happened? Why have I become a daily staple diet in the UMNO media, although the subject of “fake news”?

This is because Najib and UMNO leaders know that the 14GE is a “do or die” battle for them – but it is a “Do and Die” battle not only for Najib and UMNO, but also for the people of Malaysia, as to whether Malaysians could Save Malaysia from a global kleptocracy and hurtling towards a failed and rogue state.

The outcome of the 14GE is not all that certain and foregone, and this is why Najib and the UMNO leadership are so desperate to want to influence a positive outcome for UMNO in the 14 GE, from gerrymandering with the redelineation of parliamentary and state assembly constituencies to resort to the politics of lies, hatred and fear to frighten the Malay voters with the falsehood that if UMNO loses power, the Chinese will assume political power leading to the damnation of the Malays.

In the process, DAP and I are demonized as if I a devil, an hantu, puaka or even jembalang, as if I breathe fire or eat babies for breakfast, that I am anti-Malay, anti-Islam, that I was the cause of the May 13 racial riots in 1969 although I was never in Kuala Lumpur after the May 10, 1969 general elections and was in Kota Kinabalu on that tragic day of May 13, 1969.

The intensification and escalation of the demonisation of DAP and myself is because the UMNO leadership is increasingly afraid that they are losing Malay political support, and they have to resort to lies, falsehoods and “fake news” against DAP leaders and myself to frighten the Malay voters to preserve and save their political power. Read the rest of this entry »

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UMNO propagandists concocting a third demonization campaign against me, alleging that I am stooge of Singapore PAP as they found that two earlier lies about me being “anti-Malay” and “anti-Islam” are not as effective as they had hoped

In the past three months, I had never in my life been so “famous” in the UMNO/BN owned or controlled mainstream media, as almost every day, my picture would appear and there would be a write-up about me, appearing either in New Straits Times, Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian or TV3 – all trying to put in the worst possible light.

There was for instance a standing instruction for decades in one of the major newspaper groups that my picture was never to appear in their dailies.

Why have I become so “famous” in the past three months when for over 50 years of my political life, I had been mostly blacked out by the UMNO/BN owned or controlled mainstream media, making me into a “non-person” as in Stalinist Soviet Union – with all the concoctions, falsehoods and lies about me?

This is really all not about me, but about the UMNO propagandists, cybertroopers and leadership – their fear that they might be ousted from Putrajaya in the forthcoming 14th General Election expected this year, probably in September.

If UMNO feels strong and invincible, they would not waste time on their political competitors, whom until recently they regard as “lightweights” and unable to threaten their political power base.

It is precisely because they had a fright of their lives in the 13th General Election, when they were nearly sent to the Opposition benches as UMNO/BN had only won 47% of the popular vote but because of the undemocratic and unjust redelineation of constituencies which gave them control of 60 per cent of the parliamentary seats, that enabled Datuk Seri Najib Razak to continue as the Prime Minister of Malaysia, albeit the first minority Prime Minister in Malaysian history.

In the 14th General Election – which is going to the “mother of all general elections in Malaysia” – UMNO leaders know that despite general public disappointments and disillusionment with the electoral process, there is nonetheless the great possibility that UMNO/BN may be voted out of power, UMNO/BN leaders are pulling out all the stops to carry out unethical, dishonest, unprincipled and unscrupulous tactics and stratagems against the Opposition, such as the politics of lies, hate and fear to defame DAP and myself as anti-Malay and anti-Islam so as to frighten the Malay electorate. Read the rest of this entry »

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Election Commission one of the most inefficient in the world as I had been calling for automatic registration of voters as far back as 1971 – some 46 years ago

Malaysia’s Election Commission is one of the most inefficient in the world as I had been calling for automatic registration of voters as far back as 1971 – 46 years ago, when I first entered Parliament.

Today with all the technological advancements of Information Technology, there are still over four million eligible voters who have not been registered as voters on the electoral roll – which means that if these over four million eligible voters do not register in the next three weeks in March, they are unlikely to be able to exercise their constitutional right to vote in the 14th General Elections if held in September this year.

I just cannot understand why our IT expertise and capability is so backward that the Election Commission needs six months to process voters registration so that an eligible voter could vote in an election.

If other countries can have top-class IT systems which allow voters to register today and cast their vote tomorrow, why is the Election Commission’s IT system so antediluvian that it needs six months before a Malaysian voters can register and have the right to cast their vote in an election. Read the rest of this entry »

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Election Commission must revamp its IT capabilities and facilities to introduce automatic registration of voters or at least ensure that voters who are registered one month before the elections can vote at the 14GE

Yesterday in Sandakan, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak asked a rhetorical question, that if Malaysia is a failed state, whether King Salman of Saudi Arabia would have come to Malaysia with a large aircraft with a huge entourage?

If Salman’s entourage is an indication of the success of the countries visited by the Saudi King, it would mean that Indonesia is more than twice successful than Malaysia as Salman came to Malaysia with an entourage of 600 while he visited Indonesia with an entourage more than twice that number, i.e. 1,500!

It is of course silly to use the size of the Salman’s entourage as a yardstick to measure the success of the countries visited by the Saudi King.

I have never said Malaysia is a failed state. But unless we pull up our socks, we are in the trajectory of hurtling towards a failed and rogue state. Read the rest of this entry »

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The 29 days left in March 2017 must be regarded as the most important 29 days to “Save Democracy” and “Save Malaysia” to get over four million unregistered eligible voters to register on the electoral roll so that they could vote in the forthcoming 14GE

The 14th General Election is getting nearer as it is expected to be held this year, whether in July or more likely in September this year.

31st March 2017 is likely to be last date for eligible voters who have not registered on the electoral roll to register as voters, or they will miss the chance to vote in the 14GE if held this year.

The majority of Malaysian voters wanted a change of Federal Government in Putrajaya in the 13th General Elections on May 5, 2013, but they missed the opportunity to bring about the first change of Federal government in Malaysian electoral history because the electoral system was so unfair and undemocratic that with 47% of the popular votes cast, the UMNO/Barisan Nasional coalition was able to win 60 per cent of the parliamentary seats and Datuk Seri Najib Razak could become the first minority Prime Minister (with support only from minority of the popular vote) in the nation’s history.

All Malaysian organisations, not only political parties, should assume the national and patriotic duty to launch a voters’ registration drive in the next 29 days so that everyone can take part in the process to determine the nation’s future, including whether to change the Federal Government in Putrajauya – replacing the UMNO/Barisan coalition with Pakatan Harapan and Bersatu coalition – in the 14GE. Read the rest of this entry »

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The Danger of Najibizing Malaysia’s Foreign Policy

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The Diplomat
February 15, 2017

Recent controversies over the country’s foreign policy decisions are the product of a broader problem.

On February 2, Malaysia revived a decades-old dispute with neighboring Singapore over the islet of Pedra Branca/Batu Puteh, complicating a historically rocky bilateral relationship that has been stable of late. Though Malaysia claimed that the application to revise the 2008 International Court of Justice (ICJ) judgement that was in Singapore’s favor is grounded in its discovery of newly unearthed documents, some dismissed the move as posturing by the government led by Prime Minister Najib Razak ahead of Malaysia’s upcoming elections.

While Malaysian officials have rejected claims that the decision was politically motivated, the truth matters less than the doubts being raised. The reemergence of the dispute is just the latest example the reveals a more fundamental problem: that the perception Najib is acting in his own personal interest rather than the national interest is increasingly undermining the execution of Malaysia’s foreign policy. Though this perceived “Najibization” of Malaysia’s foreign policy may benefit certain groups, it also poses greater dangers for the country. Read the rest of this entry »

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