Archive for category Elections

14th General Election is around the corner and UMNO faces the possibility of historic triple losses in next polls

The 14th General Election is around the corner.

Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi, let slip this possibility when he spoke at the Merbok UMNO AGM in Sungai Petani last night and continued the Zahid-Mahathir spat started by the Deputy Prime Minister striking the first blow by taking a dig at the 92-year-old’s Indian heritage.

Zahid told.Umno Merbok to hold on to the Merbok parliamentary and Tanjung Dawai state seats and reclaim the Bukit Selambau state seat if they wished to enjoy rewards.

He said: “I have heard requests for allocations for a hostel, canteen and water pipe upgrade here. I promise to return in six months with gifts if you can retain Merbok and Tanjung Dawai and take back Bukit Selambau.

“In GE11, we made a clean sweep of all three but in GE12, we lost all three seats and the state of Kedah along with that. Don’t let it happen again.”

This would mean that the 14th General Election would be all over in six months’ time, pointing to general polls this year rather than next year. Read the rest of this entry »


With MCA and Gerakan joining more UMNO leaders “whistling in the dark” to hide their increasing panic, 14th General Election more likely this year than next

Since the seismic development on July 14, when Pakatan Harapan Presidential Council announced the Pakatan Harapan structure, logo and leadership line up, signifiying the final Mahathir-Anwar reconciliation after nearly two decades of political enmity, the past 16 days have seen increasing panic among UMNO/Barisan Nasional leaders about the very real prospects of losing Putrajaya and the Federal Government in the forthcoming 14th General Election.

As a result, even MCA and Gerakan leaders are joining more UMNO leaders in resorting to “whistling in the dark” to hide their increasing panic, shouting from their rooftops that they are not panicking!

MCA President, Datuk Liow Tiong Lai, for instance, is suddenly putting up a bold front proclaiming in Penang that MCA is confident that there will be a change of support among voters in Penang as the people have lost confidence in the DAP for failing to fulfil their promises after taking over the state nine years ago while declaring to the 45th annual general meeting of the Young Malaysians Movement in Kuala Lumpur that MCA believes that the Chinese community is shifting its support back to Barisan Nasional.

Gerakan President Datuk Seri Mah Siew Keong announced the Gerakan’s three candidates to contest the Segambut, Batu and Kepong parliamentary seats and declared that Chinese votes for Barisan Nasional are expected to improve to 30% in the 14th General Election from the 13.4% received in the 2013 polls.

It is indeed a great national tragedy and shame that at a historic period when the nation is on threshold of a possible change of Federal government in six decades, MCA and Gerakan leaders have fallen to such a parlous level that they could only indulge in “whistling in the dark” hoping to win more electoral seats depending on UMNO, instead of being focused on the great issues confronting the people and country. Read the rest of this entry »

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Call on Malaysian youths regardless of race, religion or region to be the vanguard of a political hurricane of change, backed by two political tsunamis, urban and rural, in the 14th General Election

Parti Pribumi Youth chief, Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman gave a very passionate speech just now calling on Malaysians, particularly the youths, to be in the forefront of the political battle for change in the country.

I am reminded that I also started my political journey when I was 24 years old, like Syed Saddiq, but that was some 52 years ago.

This year, the nation will be celebrating the 60th anniversary of our attainment of Merdeka on August 31, 1957 when I was in Form Three in Batu Pahat High School.

I remember that the students in the school were assembled at the school padang, where the Merdeka Proclamation was read out.

We have failed in our Merdeka Dream and Vision to be a world-class nation as a parliamentary democracy; a successful and developed economy; a centre of educational excellence and a united, harmonious and progressive nation despite the diverse races, religions, cultures, languages in the country.

Malaysia has become a joke of a parliamentary democracy, where Members of Parliament are virtually prohibited from posing questions or debating the biggest financial scandal in the nation’s history – the 1MDB scandal. Read the rest of this entry »


Najib would have been found guilty in any consumer court for making false representations when he claimed that UMNO does not practise the politics of fear but spread the politics of hope

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said in Perak today that UMNO does not practise the politics of fear as it spreads the politics of hope.

If the Prime Minister can be dragged to the Consumers Courts, Najib would be found guilty of making false representations claiming that it is practising the politics of hope when it is most guilty of practising the politics of fear!

For instance, Najib said in Perak today that DAP dominates Pakatan Harapan, and what is even shocking, that former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, and two former Deputy Prime Ministers, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Tan Sri Muhyddin Yassin have become my stooges and puppets, answering my every “beck and call”.

Could this be true? Read the rest of this entry »

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Najib should clarify whether it is true Xi Jinping, President of China will not be visiting Malaysia this year, removing the programme from his 14GE plans

One of the hottest topics in the country is speculation on the timing for the 14th General Elections and the possible outcomes.

Only a month ago, there was considerable unanimity among the psephologists and political soothsayers – that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak would win hands-down in the next general election as the Opposition is too weak and divided, especially after the break-up of Pakatan Rakyat as PAS President Datuk Seri Hadi Awang embarked on his new political journey to prop up and champion Najib despite his 1MDB kleptocratic scandal.

One journal even published an article entitled “The Unsinkable Najib Razak”.

Even Najib believe all these hypes.

But a fortnight night ago, there had been a start of a political hurricane in the country.

Now all the bets about the outcome of the 14GE are now off, and Najib and the top UMNO/BN leaders, propagandists and cybertroopers have been in panic in the last two weeks about the possible outcome of the 14GE, which may see them ejected from Putrajaya! Read the rest of this entry »


Free advice to Najib and his propagandists – be consistent and credible or all their propaganda campaign of lies, fake news and false information will come to nought like MCA complaining about losing support of 85 per cent of Chinese voters in 13th General Election

I want to give the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his propagandists a piece of free advice, that they should be consistent and credible or their propaganda campaign of lies, fake news and false information will come to nought like MCA complaining about losing the support of 85 per cent of Chinese voters in the 13th General Election.

The highly-oiled-and-financed UMNO/BN propaganda machinery suffered a paroxysm of doubt, uncertainty, contradiction and loss of direction when the Pakatan Harapan Presidential Council on 14th July announced the new Pakatan Harapan structure, logo and leadership line-up, achieving what Najib’s kitchen Cabinet had thought impossible – the Mahathir-Anwar reconciliation after almost two decades of bitter political enmity.

The path-breaking Pakatan Harapan announcement, which reignited hopes among Malaysians that it is possible to dream and slog for political change in Putrajaya in the forthcoming 14th General Election, was a major blow to the UMNO/BN propaganda offensive of lies, fake news and false information built around the fairy tale DAP leaders and I myself in particular are the puppet-masters in Pakatan Harapan, and somehow, strong characters and personalities like Mohamad Sabu, Rafizi Ramli, Azmin Ali, Nurul Izzah, Wan Azizah, Anwar Ibrahim, Muhyiddin Yassin and Mahathir Mohamad have suddenly all become my stooges and puppets, at my beck and call!

This was why the Communications and Multimedia Minister, Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak thought he had found a chink in the Pakatan Harapan armour and was the first to jump out to champion the DAP, demanding to know the reason for the absence of the DAP leaders among the top three Pakatan Harapan leaders, whether the DAP had been sidelined and marginalized.

Various variations of this theme for a propaganda counter-attack by the UMNO/BN leaders and propagandists were tried out in the ensuing days, but they were trapped by the contradiction between claiming DAP leaders were the puppet-masters in Pakatan Harapan and alleging that DAP leaders had been sidelined and marginalized in Pakatan Harapan.

After a week of propaganda contortions and gymnastics, UMNO leaders and propagandists decided that it was more prudent and safer to return to the original propaganda theme that the DAP leaders had always been the dominant leaders in Pakatan Harapan.

This was why the Wanita UMNO Chief, Tan Sri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil came to Gelang Patah with the pronouncement that Tun Dr. Mahathir’s appointment as chairman of Pakatan Harapan was a mere “drama” staged by DAP “to obscure the Malay voters’ eyes from seeing truth”. Read the rest of this entry »


Mahathir effect threatens Umno vote bank

Shannon Teoh
Straits Times Singapore
JULY 18, 2017

Umno ratcheted up the racial rhetoric last weekend, highlighting concerns within the ruling party that its grip on the crucial Malay vote bank could slip after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad formally took charge of the opposition last Friday.

The former prime minister led the dominant Malay party for 22 years before retiring in 2003 and, despite misgivings from civil society, the opposition Pakatan Harapan (PH) alliance aims to use the 92-year-old’s influence to break Umno’s stranglehold on the Malay community that makes up the majority in more than half of the parliamentary districts.

With a general election due in a year’s time, politicians and analysts expect to see increased pandering to Malay-Muslim insecurities in the coming months. Read the rest of this entry »

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Will Parliament be dissolved after Najib presents his 2018 budget of goodies on Oct. 27?

Sitting on stage with Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at the Pakatan Harapan Ceramah “Sayangi Malaysia, Hapus Kleptokrasi” at IDCC in Shah Alam last night, I told the former Prime Minister that the current Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak may be taking a leaf from his premiership in 1999 and dissolve Parliament after he had presented his 2018 budget of goodies on Oct. 27, 2017 for the holding of the 14th General Election – which was what Mahathir did for the 10th General Election after presenting the 2000 budget on Oct. 28, 1999, dissolving Parliament in the midst of parliamentary debate on the new budget on 10th November with Nomination on 20th Nov and Polling on 29th Nov. 1999.

The speech by the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi at the UMNO Hari Raya open house that the next general election would not take place in the next three months dovetailed into the possibility that the 14th General Election could be held after the presentation of the 2018 Budget in Parliament on Oct. 27. Read the rest of this entry »

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Window for Najib to hold 14GE this year closing as UMNO/BN leaders panic over serious challenge by Pakatan Harapan, after finalizing new structure and leadership line-up, to topple Najib and UMNO/BN in Putrajaya

It was panic stations for UMNO/BN leaders, propagandists and cybertroopers for the last three days.

They just did not believe that it was possible for Pakatan Harapan leaders to resolve their differences and for the Pakatan Harapan Presidential Council to conclude its Thursday night meeting fruitfully and productively, with a midnight media conference and announcement of the new Pakatan Harapan structure, logo and leadership line-up.

UMNO/BN leaders, propagandists and cybertroopers never believed that a reconciliation between Mahathir and Anwar Ibrahim was at all possible!

This was why in the initial panic responses, UMNO/BN leaders and propagandists forgot their false but carefully contrived “black ops” demonization campaign of lies, fake news and concocted stories to picture DAP has the evil force dominating and running the Pakatan Harapan with me as the “dictator of dictators” who had made the leaders of PKR, Amanah and Pribumi Bersatu, namely Mohamad Sabu, Azmin Ali, Rafizi Ramli, Nurul Izzah, Datuk Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad into my stooges and puppets, completely at my “beck and call” and obedient to my every directive and wish.

The Minister for Communications and Multimedia, Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak, was so shocked that he shot off an immediate statement demanding an explanation for the absence of the DAP leaders in the top three positions in the Pakatan Harapan, asking whether the DAP had been sidelined.

How can the DAP be sidelined, when according to the “black ops” propaganda campaign of the UMNO/BN leaders, propagandists and cybertroopers for the past few years, the DAP was the mastermind of every action and step among the Opposition parties – presumably including every action taken by PAS leaders when PAS was in Pakatan Rakyat before the PAS President, Datuk Seri Hadi Awang buried Pakatan Rakyat at the June 2015 PAS Muktamar? Read the rest of this entry »


Two things for Malaysian voters to prove at the 14th GE – that Malaysians reject kleptocracy and Malaysia is a normal democratic country

There are two things for Malaysian voters to prove in the next 14th General Election – firstly, that Malaysians reject kleptocracy; and secondly, that Malaysia is a normal democratic country.

I do not believe there a single person who would think when the country attained Merdeka on August 31, 1957 or when Malaysia was formed on Sept. 16, 1963 that the nation would become not just a kleptocracy, but a “global kleptocracy”.

Malaysia only became known as a “global kleptocracy” after the 13th General Election in May 2013.

This is quite an achievement of sorts in so short of time, but Malaysians must demonstrate in the 14th General Elections that they are not proud of such “achievement” and do not want such international infamy and ignominy for the country, where they are shy when overseas to admit that they are Malaysians for they do want to answer questions revolving around “MO1”or the RM117 million pink diamond necklance for “wife of MO1”.

For six decades, the political rulers in Malaysia from Barisan Nasional have acquired the traits of a “big bully” which can be seen by the high-handed and arbitrary manner in which they tried to disqualify the DAP Sarawak State Assemblyman for Pujut, Dr. Ting Tiong Choon with the brute Barisan Nasional majority in the Sarawak State Assembly. Read the rest of this entry »

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DAP leaders,members, branches and supporters should be prepared for UMNO/BN’s ultimate dirty tactics before the 14GE – ban the DAP and disallow the use of Rocket logo on the flimsiest of grounds

DAP leaders, members, branches and supporters should be prepared for UMNO/BN’s ultimate dirty tactics before the 14th General Election – ban the DAP and disallow the use of the Rocket logo on the flimsiest of grounds.

The possibility that the UMNO/BN government would use this ultimate dirty tactics against the DAP was revealed by none other than the press secretary to the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Tengku Sarifuddin in a late-night political exchange with the DAP Director of Political Bureau and MP for Kluang, Liew Chin Tong on Thursday.

Sariffuddin is clearly privy to Najib’s most secret plans for the 14GE, but the very fact that as a mere press secretary to the Prime Minister, he could openly show contempt for the Deputy Prime Minister-cum-Home Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi, by intruding into Zahid’s territory and jurisdiction – as the portfolio of Registry of Societies is directly under the Home Minister and have not been shifted to the Prime Minister’s Department – shows the contempt of Najib’s staff for the Deputy Prime Minister in having no qualms about publicly humiliating the No. 2 man in government.

If a lowly creature like the press secretary to the Prime Minister has such public contempt for the Deputy Prime Minister, one can imagine the confusion and chaos in the Najib administration.

Is the Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister privy to the conspiracy by the Najib kitchen cabinet – which includes non-Cabinet Ministers – to ban the DAP and the use of the Rocket logo just before the 14th General Election?

Sarifuddin’s statement is a clear indication that it will not be the Registrar of of Societies or the Home Minister who will finally decide on whether the DAP is to be deregistered by the Registrar of Societies, but by “little warlords” like Sariffuddin who will advise the Prime Minister on the matter. Read the rest of this entry »


Pakatan Harapan should aim to achieve a “double whammy” in five states in the 14 GE – winning five new state governments as well as the federal government in one go

The 2008 General Election saw a “political tsunami” which saw UMNO/BN coalition losing power in five states – retaining power in Kelantan as well as capturing Kedah, Penang, Perak and Selangor.

The 2013 General Election was meant to be a political watershed event, bringing about for the first time in the nation’s history a change of Federal government in Putrajaya.

But there was national disappointment all round, as Datuk Seri Najib Razak was able to clinch on to power as the first minority Prime Minister in the country through gerrymandering and a most unfair and undemocratic electoral system.

With 47% of the electoral vote, Najib secured 60% of the parliamentary seats although the majority of the voters voted against Najib and the UMNO/BN coalition with the Pakatan Rakyat at the time winning 53% of the popular vote.

Following the break-up of Pakatan Rakyat in June 2015 because of the refusal of the Hadi leadership of PAS to honour the Pakatan Rakyat Common Policy Framework and the Pakatan Rakyat’s consensus operational principle, Malaysians experienced the worst political disappointment in the nation’s history.
Read the rest of this entry »


Hope Husam Musa will become the new Kelantan Mentri Besar after the 14th General Election who will become a new role model not only for Kelantanese but Malaysians in other states as well

This is my fifth programme in my three-day “Jelajah Raya di Pantai Timur” to Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan.

As I said in my fourth programme during Parti AMANAH’s Hari Raya Aidilfitri National Open House at the Kelantan Chinese Chamber of Commerce Hall in Kota Bharu this morning, the wind of political change is blowing strongly in the country, including Kelantan.

By the time of the Hari Raya Aidilfitri next year, political change would have created a new political landscape in the country as the 14th General Election would have been held by then.

I hope that by the time of the Hari Raya Aidilfitri next year there would not only be a new Federal Government and new Prime Minister in Putrajaya, but also a new Kelantan State Government and a new Kelantan Mentri Besar.

I hope that Datuk Husam Musa will be the new Kelantan Mentri Besar in the Hari Raya Aidilfitri next year, and I will return to Kota Bharu next year to attend the new Pakatan Harapan Kelantan state government Hari Raya Aidilfitri Open House! Read the rest of this entry »

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Will PAS rank-and-file endorse the Hadi mainstream PAS leadership position to help Najib overcome the national and global kleptocratic storm arising from the international multibillion dollar 1MDB money-laundering scandal so that Najib could continue as PM after 14GE?

This is my third stop after Kuantan and Kemamam in my three-day “Jelajah Raya di Pantai Timur” to Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan.

One objective of the Jelajah Raya is to underline the importance of unity, understanding, tolerance, goodwill and solidarity of the Malaysian population, regardless of race, religion and region, which is one of the ingredients of the formula to guarantee Malaysia’s success as a nation.

Hari Raya Aidilfitri is a national holiday and should be celebrated not only by all Muslims but also by non-Muslims in Malaysia to develop a Malaysian culture where the major religious and cultural festivals in Malaysia are also celebrated by all Malaysians, to transform our diversities of race, religion, culture and customs into an asset and strength in welding our diverse people into one national entity, instead of being a liability and weakness which breed suspicion, mistrust and hatred leading to grave problems of racial and religious polarisation.

Malaysia as an “instant Asia” should not just be a tourism slogan, but be the Malaysian creed and motto – which makes Malaysia different and better than all other nations. Read the rest of this entry »


Hadi boasts that PAS can win five states of Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Kedah and Selangor in next general elections when in fact, PAS will be fighting for its political life to retain power in Kelantan State Government

This is my second stop after Kuantan in my three-day “Jelajah Desa di Pantai Timur” to Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan during this year’s Hari Raya Aidilfitri season.

Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region, must realise the critical importance of ordinary Malaysians coming forward to unite to save Malaysia from hurtling headlong towards a failed and rogue state.

Ordinary Malaysians must not allow the country to join the ranks of the failed nations, incapable of achieving the greatness we envisaged for our country when we attained Merdeka 60 years ago in 1957 to be a world-class nation and a model for the world of an united, harmonious, progressive and prosperous plural nation of diverse races, religions, languages and cultures.

South Korea is an example of a nation which had overtaken Malaysia in the past six decades. Read the rest of this entry »


While Malaysians condemn the bombings and killings in Manchester, Mindanao and Jakarta, we must not allow the country to slide towards greater intolerance and extremism because of racial and religious politics of lies, hate and fear

Malaysians condemn the bombings and killings in Manchester, Mindanao and Jakarta but we must learn the lessons of these tragedies and horrors – we must not allow Malaysia to slide towards greater intolerance and extremism because of the racial and religious politics of lies, hate and fear.

Yesterday, Selangor DAP central committee member Edry Faizal Eddy Yusof lodged a police report over the death threats made against him on a hate-and-damn-DAP Facebook page.

As Edry said yesterday, differences in opinion are part of a healthy democracy, but not when it leads to extremists conjuring falsehoods and threatening a person’s safety. Read the rest of this entry »

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The forthcoming 14GE will decide whether Najib can “outwit” 30 million Malaysians with the international multi-billion dollar 1MDB money-laundering scandal which has given Malaysia the infamy and ignominy of a “global kleptocracy”

The forthcoming 14th General Election will decide whether the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak can “outwit” 30 million Malaysians with the international multi-billion dollar 1MDB money-laundering scandal which has given Malaysia the infamy and ignominy of a “global kleptocracy”.

The spurious assertion by the Minister for Communications and Multimedia, Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak, yesterday that Najib was right in creating the “fake news” that the next general election is a choice between an UMNO-led government and a DAP-led government is one of the tactics and strategies which UMNO/BN leaders and propagandists are relying to “outwit” the Malaysian people that the 1MDB scandal and kleptocracy have nothing to do with 14GE.

Salleh’s blogpost yesterday is part and parcel of the insidious, divisive and disruptive “Great Design” to falsely portray the forthcoming 14th General Election as firstly a battle between Malays and the Chinese; and secondly, that it is a battle between Islam and the enemies of Islam. Read the rest of this entry »


Patriotic and right-thinking Malaysians must condemn and smack down mischief makers who want to falsely frame the 14th General Election as a battle between Malays and Chinese as well as between Islam and enemies of Islam

This year is the 60th National Day Anniversary celebration to mark the nation’s independence on August 31, 1957.

Unfortunately, instead of a more united, harmonious, progressive and prosperous Malaysia, we see Malaysia falling behind more and more countries in various fields of human endeavor in the past six decades, and what is worse, there are people who are trying to put back the clock of Malaysian nation-building by sowing distrust, hatred and animosity and instead of greater tolerance, harmony and unity in multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural Malaysia.

The countdown for the 14th General Elections has started, and there are irresponsible mischief makers who want to create chaos in the country by falsely framing the forthcoming 14th General Election as a battle between Malays and Chinese as well as between Islam and enemies of Islam.

The forthcoming 14th General Election is not a battle between Malays and Chinese, nor is it a battle between Islam and the enemies of Islam. Read the rest of this entry »


Irony of ironies – Wasatiyyah for the world but no wasatiyyah at home

Irony of Ironies – Wasatiyyah for the world but no wasatiyyah at home. Instead, there is growing tataruf.

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak has been promoting the Wasatiyyah (moderation) principles of justice, balance and excellence in the past few years in his international campaign for the Global Movement of Moderates (GMM) embracing all nations, religions and communities, but at home, there is the growing phenomenon of tataruf, which has been described by the former CEO of GMM as the opposite of wasatiyyah and denotes inclination towards the peripheries, extremism (including violent extremism), radicalism and excess.

The assault of film director David Teoh in front of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Najib during a Transformation Nasional 50 (TN50) dialogue session at the Prime Minister’s residence on Wednesday night is a slap on the Prime Minister’s Wasatiyyah campaign of the past few years – an incident which would not have happened in the past 60 years under six Prime Ministers of Malaysia!

Another instance of the absence of wasatiyyah is the false and malicious police report lodged by University Utara Malaysia (UUM) lecturer Kamarul Zaman Yusof against Selangor Speaker and DAP Selangor State Assemblywoman for Subang Jaya, Hannah Yeoh, accusing her of proselytization of Muslims with the publication of her autobiography “Being Hannah” three years ago. Read the rest of this entry »

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“Curiouser and curiouser” as there is no way PAS can win 40 parliamentary seats and five state governments without some form of electoral arrangement or alliance with UMNO

Lewis Caroll’s Alice in Wonderland phraseology of “curiouser and curiouser” comes to mind as there is no way PAS can win 40 parliamentary seats and five state governments without some form of electoral arrangement or alliance with UMNO.

The results of the general elections since 1959 shows that PAS achieved its best results in the 1999, 2008 and 2013 general elections when it was a member of the Barisan Alternative or Pakatan Rakyat opposition coalition, as illustrated by the following chart:

MP PAS Total seats
won contest
1959 13 58 104
1964 9 53 104
1969 12 62 144
1974 154
1978 5 88 154
1982 5 82 154
1986 1 98 177
1990 7 30 180
1995 7 45 192
1999 27 62 193
2004 6 86 219
2008 (1+) 23 66 222
2013 21 73 222

In the last few days, PAS leaders have upped the ante and are talking about fielding 100 parliamentary candidates (an increase from the figure of 80 parliamentary contests cited before the PAS Muktamar last month) although they are still keeping their winning total to a “modest” 40! Read the rest of this entry »