Archive for category Elections

A Pakatran Harapan Government in Putrajaya will prove in five years that it is better than UMNO/BN government for all Malaysians, whether Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, Ibans or Orang Asli or the voters can re-elect a UMNO/BN government in 15GE

What in a nutshell is the reason why there must be a change of government in Putrajaya in the next 14th General Election?

Has Malaysia fulfilled our Merdeka Dream 1957 and Malaysia Dream 1963 to be a shining example to the world of an united, successful, harmonious, democratic, progressive and prosperous plural society of diverse races, religions, languages and cultures?

We have not, as we are wracked by growing extremism, intolerance and bigotry resulting in the worst racial and religious polarization in the nation’s history, with more and more Malaysians, particularly in Sabah and Sarawak, questioning the violations of the bedrock principles of the Malaysian constitution and nation-building.

What is worse, we have become a global kleptocracy – and this is the first time in the 14 general elections in 60 years of the nation’s history that electorate is being presented starkly with the choice: “Sayangi Malaysia, Hapuskan kleptokrasi”. Read the rest of this entry »


14th General Election a choice between UMNO/BN recapturing two-thirds parliamentary majority or UMNO/BN defeat and new Pakatan Harapan Federal Government in Putrajaya to reset nation-building policies to save Malaysia

In the pre-general election meeting with Barisan Nasional co-ordinators yesterday, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said he wants the Barisan Nasional to achieve a two-thirds majority in Parliament in the forthcoming 14th General Election.

The choice for Malaysians in the 14th General Election is a very clear-cut and obvious one – for UMNO/BN to win big and even recapture two-thirds parliamentary majority or to defeat the UMNO/BN coalition to have a new Pakatan Harapan Federal Government in Putrajaya to re-set nation-building policies to save Malaysia and clear and cleanse the country of the international infamy and ignominy of a “global kleptocracy”. Read the rest of this entry »


Najib doesn’t have GE14 in the bag

New Mandala
18 OCT, 2017

Malaysia’s 14th general election (or GE14) looms large. Some pundits predict that the election will be held sometime between November 2017 and March 2018. This is supposedly the best window for Prime Minister Najib Razak to lead Barisan Nasional (BN) to another victory.

But calling for a general election amid allegations of an epic financial scandal involving the prime minister himself is not an easy task. The 1MDB scandal, the subject of investigations in six countries, has badly affected Najib’s popularity. What the Prime Minister badly needs is a real feel-good factor that will overcome all these misfortunes. But this will be hard to come by. Read the rest of this entry »


Top 10: Apa lagi rakyat mahu?

P Gunasegaram
5 Oct 2017

QUESTION TIME | BN and its component parties are fond of saying how much the rakyat should be grateful to them for achieving independence, forging harmony between the races, and fostering peace and economic development, amongst others.

They, especially Umno, even say that Malays are ungrateful if they do not support the ruling party which they claim has brought them immense development and progress over the years, much better than other Third World countries.

But they fail to realise that Malaysia was already relatively well-developed a long time ago with Malaysia and Singapore having the highest living standards in Asia after Japan way back in the 70s. So, on a relative comparison with other countries which were not corrupt, Malaysia has actually declined.

Thus the ruling party and the opposition have to understand what is it that the rakyat – the majority of the people whose income makes it difficult for them to enjoy decent standards of living – really want from the government. It’s not very difficult, you just have to stop and think.

Apa lagi rakyat mahu? What more do the people want? That question implies they already have a lot and want more. But that’s not true, they don’t have enough. What they want are the basics first from which all else follows. Here are 10 – there are more of course, but these provide a flavour.

At the end of each item, I am going to rate the government between 0 and 10 – 0 for worst and 10 for best and then total them all up for an overall score out of 100. You can rate them too and get your own score. Anything less than 50 is an emphatic failure. Read the rest of this entry »


Can Puad Zarkashi of JASA which is nothing but a Special Affairs Department specializing in lies and black ops against DAP and PH reply rationally to former UMNO Secretary-General Sanusi Junid about me?

UMNO Supreme Council member Datuk Mohd Puad Zarkashi has finally proven that the Special Affairs Department (JASA) in the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia which he heads is nothing but an UMNO/BN propaganda unit which specializes in lies and black ops against DAP and Pakatan Harapan and therefore a blatant abuse of public funds.

This is why Puad is in the forefront trying to salvage the two latest two-prong UMNO/BN propaganda campaign against me from becoming a total failure – the campaign to accuse me of wanting to be Prime Minister and posing a major threat to the Malays and Islam in the Malaysian political landscape; and secondly, that I am as open to bribery and corrupt practices like UMNO leaders with the outrageous allegation of RM1 billion bribe from Tun Dr. Mahathir to me to serve Mahathir’s four objectives.

This is why Puad is so quick on the draw in coming with a statement stating that I may deny wanting to become Prime Minister but my intention is to install a puppet Prime Minister.

Puad said: “He may deny it, but surely he has many tricks including appointing a puppet prime minister as a start – in reality, he will be the prime minister.”

I weep for Datuk Seri Najib Razak, the Prime Minister of Malaysia and President of UMNO/Barisan Nasional. With his 1MDB billions, can’t he find smarter and more intelligent propagandists, publicists and cybertroopers?
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Call on all Malaysians regardless of race, religion or politics to attend the Pakatan Harapan rally “Sayangi Malaysia, Hapuskan kleptocrasi” in PJ to send a clear and unmistaken message to Najib and the world

My visit to Rahang new village this morning is a most significant one.

It was from Rahang, through the Rahang by-election on 11th December 1965, which was won by Dr. Chen Man Hin as an independent candidate as DAP was still waiting for registration by the Registrar of Societies, that DAP took the first step in our long-term political struggle for an united, just and democratic Malaysia.

As the saying goes, “A journey of thousand miles begin with a single step” – the DAP’s 52 year struggle for an united, just and democratic Malaysia start from the “single step” in the Rahang by-election 52 years ago.

Let all Malaysians recall our Merdeka Dream 1957 and Malaysia Dream 1963 to be “for ever a sovereign democratic and independent State founded upon the principles of liberty and justice and ever seeking the welfare and happiness of its people and the maintenance of a just peace among all nations”.

Sixty years after attainment of Merdeka in 1957 and 54 years after the formation of Malaysia, it is highly controversial whether in the past six decades, we have stayed true, loyal and faithful the key words in the Merdeka Proclamation 1957 and Malaysia Proclamation 1963 of being “sovereign”, “democratic”, “independent”, “liberty”, “justice”, “welfare and happiness of its people” and “maintenance of a just peace among all nations”.

Today, there are more and more incidents which would be unthinkable to our forefathers and the early Prime Ministers during the early decades of the nation – like the upsurge of race and religious issues over beer, shorts and launderette, which caused one of the Sultans to declare that his state is not a Taliban state! Read the rest of this entry »

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Call on the civil service chiefs to resist the political pressures by Prime Minister and the UMNO/BN leadership to co-opt civil service to campaign for UMNO/BN in the run-up to 14GE

I call on the civil service heads to resist political pressures by the Prime Minister and the UMNO/BN leadership to co-opt the civil service to campaign for UMNO/BN in the run-up to the 14th General Election.

The civil service must be mindful that it is non-partisan and serves the government of the day, whether UMNO/BN or Pakatan Harapan, to further the interests of the people and country.

The civil service owes loyalty to the people and nation and not to any political party or coalition, as civil servants are paid from the taxes levied on Malaysians and not from the pockets of the Prime Minister or party coffers of any coalition of parties.

The political pressures applied on top civil servants to co-opt the civil service to campaign for UMNO/BN in the run-up to the 14th General Election has already caused several top public servants to commit public bloopers and become the butt of public jokes or adverse comments.

A case in point is the shocking statement by the Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Ali Hamsa, who said yesterday that there is no problem with the Federal Territories Minister, Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, openly inviting teachers to join UMNO at a school function in Putrajaya, which turned into a mini-UMNO affair with students singing the UMNO party song and waving UMNO flags.

Would Ali say that teachers can join DAP and the other Pakatan Harapan component parties, and if not, can the 13th Chief Secretary point out where in the General Orders is it stated that teachers can join UMNO but not DAP and the other Pakatan Harapan component parties? Read the rest of this entry »


Were there “fireworks” in the Cabinet this morning with Education Minister Mahdzir demanding public apology from Adnan for leading students astray or was there Ministerial camaraderie laughing at the “great fun” at the Putrajaya school?

Were there “fireworks” in the Cabinet this morning as a result of the outrageous episode at SK Putrajaya Presint 14 (1) yesterday, where in honour of the visit by the Federal Territories Minister, Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, hundreds of pupils and teachers were required to participate in a “class decoration and performance” competition with the theme “Umno and Independence”, where Umno flags were draped all over the primary school’s compound and the pupils brandished Umno flags and crooned the party’s anthem.

At one point, a banner with the words “Hidup Umno, Hidup Melayu. Dulu, Kini dan Selamanya” (Long Live Umno, Long Live Malays. Before, Now and Forever) appeared on stage.

There would be “fireworks” in the Cabinet this morning if we have an upright, honest and dedicated Education Minister who take his education portfolio seriously, and who will not brook any Minister trespassing into his portfolio to corrupt the minds of young Malaysians, and a Cabinet of Ministers who have not lost the basic value of being able to distinguish between right and wrong – and what Tengku Adnan did yesterday were positively wrong, no question about it.

Such an Education Minister and Cabinet of Ministers would have “fried” Tunku Adnan for his gross misdemeanours at the SK Putrajaya Presint 14 (1) requiring the student and teachers to stage such a vaudeville and even worse, his open begging of teachers to join UMNO! Read the rest of this entry »

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Call on all Opposition political parties in Sabah to unite on a common platform to topple Najib, UMNO and Barisan National at both the federal and Sabah levels in the 14GE and not to allow any differences among them to deflect them from this common objective

My first visit and first political programme in Sabah was 48 years ago on May 13, 1969 when I came over from Peninsular Malaysia to help in the campaigning of the independent parliamentary candidate in Kota Kinabalu, and I was to visit Sandakan and Tawau, but the infamous May 13 riots in 1969 broke out in Kuala Lumpur, and the rest is history.

In the past 54 years, Sabah has had 13 Chief Ministers (in contrast with six in Sarawak), but in the past half a century, Sabahans had not enjoyed the fruits of development which Sabahans and Sarawakians had been promised when the federation of Malaysia was formed from the Malaysia Agreement 1963 by Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore.

The Chief Commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), Tan Sri Dzulkifli Ahmad said in Putrajaya today that between August 2016 and August 2017, MACC seized assets worth RM334.53 million.
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I have great differences with Mahathir – but I never called him “mahazalim” or “mahafiraun” – but this is time for all Malaysian patriots to unite to save Malaysia and get rid of kleptocracy

I was in Kuching on Sunday night with former Prime Minister and now Chairman of Pakatan Harapan, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad for the launch of the Sarawak Pakatan Harapan, and the support and fervour at the gathering is proof that the country is on the move involving all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, socio-economic status or region, who want to save Malaysia from the trajectory of a failed and a rogue state.

If we love Malaysia, we must unite as Malaysian patriots to save Malaysia from corruption, kleptocracy, injustices, exploitation and the fate of a third-world nation.

Tun Mahathir will speak after me on why we must unite to save Malaysia.

It is public record that Mahathir and I had many great differences during his 22 years as Prime Minister, and Guan Eng and I became “guests of His Majesty’s Government” during his premiership in Operation Lalang dragnet nearly 30 years ago.

But I had never been personal, vengeful or vindictive – I had never called Mahathir “mahafiraun” or “mahazalim” – as our differences were always on government policies and actions. Read the rest of this entry »


If MACC can recommend that BN candidates involved in the 1MDB scandal, which turned Malaysia into a global kleptocracy, should not be fielded in next general election, I will recommend to DAP CEC that DAP candidates in 14GE be vetted by MACC

The Chief Commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has invited political parties to submit the names of their prospective candidates for the coming 14th general election (GE14) to it for vetting.

He said that although there was no law or compulsion for the political parties to do so, vetting could be done to ensure the candidates were clean and not tainted by corruption and abuse of power.

According to Dzulkifli, only the Barisan Nasional sent in the names of their leaders and would-be candidates for vetting by the MACC while the opposition parties had never done that.

Dzulkifli is not so naïve as not to know the real reason why the Opposition parties had never sent their prospective election candidates to MACC for vetting.

In fact, if there is an opinion poll as to who believes that the MACC is independent, impartial and professional and not a tool of the powers-that-be, in particular the Prime Minister himself, I have no doubt that the overwhelming majority, may be even exceeding 90 per cent of those polled, would hold the view that the MACC is not independent, impartial or professional and a mere tool of the Prime Minister’s Office.

But I am prepared to be convinced otherwise.

If the MACC can recommend that Barisan Nasional (BN) candidates involved in the 1MDB scandal, which turned Malaysia into a global kleptocracy, should not be fielded in the next general election, I will recommend to the DAP Central Executive Committee that DAP candidates in 14GE be vetted by MACC.

The ball is in MACC’s court. Can the MACC deliver? Read the rest of this entry »


Call on the three MCA Ministers and leaders, Liow Tiong Lai, Wee Ka Siong and Ong Ka Chuan to publicly apologise for expelling a former Johore village chief for nine years as a MCA member for being photographed with me

The Greek saying: “Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad” came into me when I saw the a letter from the MCA Secretary General Ong Ka Chuan sacking a former Johore village chief for nine years as a MCA member for being photographed with me during my visits around the Johore state.

This is utterly mad, devoid of moral principles and standards, and something no sane or rational party or leader would do.

I call on the three MCA Ministers and leaders, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai (MCA President), Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong (MCA Deputy President) and Datuk Ong Ka Chuan (MCA Secretary-General) to publicly apologise for the crazy, irrational and morally unjustifiable expulsion of the former Johore village chief for nine years as a MCA member for being photographed with me.

Both Tiong Lai and Ka Siong had been photographed with me at some function or other. Are Tiong Lai and Ka Siong going to be expelled from MCA as happened to this former Johore village chief for nine years, and who had a longer MCA membership history than Tiong Lai, or are there obviously double-standards in the MCA, one for the MCA leaders and Ministers and another for the MCA rank-and file? Read the rest of this entry »

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Najib failed to project a “Malaysia First” image, instead he seemed to have knuckled down under to Trump’s “American First” doctrine, even proposing three “value propositions” to strengthen the American economy when he visited White House!

We can disagree, dislike or even disparage US President Donald Trump, and the latest abuse levelled against Trump is by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, who blasted Trump as “mentally deranged” for threatening his country, but the fact is that however cocky, arrogant or even high-and-mighty Trump might be, he exuded an aura and persona which emphasizes “America First” image – despite the disastrous trajectory he had set for America in the next few years.

This is immediately grasped by anyone who watches the 5-minute 58-second video on the initial Trump-Najib exchange when Najib visited the White House and met Trump on Sept. 12.

What about Najib?

All I want to say is that Najib failed to project a “Malaysia First” image, instead he seemed to have knuckled down to Trump’s “America First” doctrine, even proposing three “value propositions” to strengthen the American economy!

I believe that the people in Johore, as in Malaysia, are waiting impatiently for the coming 14th General Election for two reasons:

Firstly, for Johor to be the frontline state to bring about the greatest change in Malaysia’s political landscape in 60 years by ensuring a change of government both at the Federal level in Putrajaya and in Johore State; and

Secondly, for Johoreans, regardless of race, religion, region or even politics, to unite as Malaysian patriots together with Malaysians all over the country to save Malaysia from being a global kleptocracy, and to reset nation building directions and policies so that we can become a successful, harmonious, progressive and prosperous plural nation as was our initial Merdeka Dream. Read the rest of this entry »


Najib knows he is not telling the truth because he knows that never in the nation’s history is UMNO/BN coalition more likely to be turned out of Putrajaya than in the 14th General Election

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak knows that he is not the telling truth when in his speech to an artificial crowd at Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur today, he said that the Chinese community must realise that it is highly unlikely that Pakatan Harapan will be able to capture Putrajaya in the next general election.

Najib said the political reality is that the Malays only have two parties representing them, UMNO and PAS and that Pakatan Harapan is not being supported by the Malays.

Najib knows that he is not telling the truth because he knows that never in the nation’s history is the UMNO/BN coalition more likely to be turned out of Putrajaya than in the 14th General Election.
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UMNO/BN should stop insulting intelligence of Malaysians thinking Malays can be deceived into believing that Mahathir has become my puppet while the Chinese will believe that I have become Mahathir’s stooge

UMNO/BN leaders, propagandists and cybertroopers should stop insulting the intelligence of Malaysians thinking Malays can be deceived into believing that Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad has become my puppet while the Chinese will believe that I have become Mahathir’s stooge.

Any primary school student will know that it is not possible Mahathir has become my stooge and I have become Mahathir’s puppet, one at the same time.

Furtheremore, both allegations are lies and falsehoods of the most heinous variety.

Mahathir is not my puppet and I am not Mahathir’s stooge. Read the rest of this entry »

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My three personal objectives in the 14th GE: for Pakatan Harapan to capture power in (I) Putrajaya (ii) Johore and (iii) Malacca

When I left Malacca in 1986 to contest in Tanjong parliamentary seat in Penang, the objective was to make a bid to capture the Penang State Government.

That was the highest political ambition of the DAP three decades ago.

But we did not succeed in the two serious bids to capture the Penang State Government in the 1990 and 1995 general elections, although we laid the basis for the DAP’s eventual win of the DAP-led Penang State Government in the 2008 and 2013 general elections.

If ten years ago, in 2007, anyone had asked whether it was possible to topple the UMNO/BN coalition government in Malaysia, the answer would a categorical “No” and the questioner would even be viewed as to whether he is a bit crazy to ask such a question.

But there has been a sea-change in the political landscape in Malaysia, and we are aiming not only for a change of Federal Government in Putrajaya, but even talking about a change of government in several states. Read the rest of this entry »


For first time, Najib’s right-hand man has admitted that UMNO/BN could lose the Federal government in forthcoming 14GE

I thank the Minister for Communications and Multimedia, Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak for his candour in admitting that Malaysians are now on the cusp of major political changes with the possible defeat of UMNO/BN and the formation of a Pakatan Harapan Federal Government in the forthcoming 14th general election because of three factors:

• UMNO has lost the support of the majority of Malays in the country.

• UMNO losing support of the majority of the 1.6 million civil servants in the country.

• the highest percentage of UMNO members (at present, 3.5 million UMNO members) in UMNO history likely to vote against UMNO President, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and UMNO in the 14GE.

What are the reasons and causes for UMNO losing the support of the Malays and facing the prospect of losing the majority support of 1.6 million civil servants and the highest percentage of UMNO rank-and-file voting against the UMNO President and UMNO in UMNO history?
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A Pakatan Harapan Johore State Government will ensure that Johore will be among the top five states with the highest per capita GDP in the country, and not at present listed as even below Malacca, Negri Sembilan and Pahang

Malaysians are on the threshold of the 14th General Elections.

The four parties in the Pakatan Harapan coalition – DAP, PKR, Amanah and Pribumi Bersatu – must give hope and confidence to the voters that in the forthcoming general elections, which could take place within weeks or months, a seismic political change is possible, which includes the change to a Pakatan Harapan government both in Putrajaya and Nusajaya to form a Pakatan Harapan Federal Government as well as a Pakatan Harapan Johore state government.

There are three things a Pakatan Harapan Johore State Government can do if PH is given the mandate to take over Nusajaya in the 14th General Election.

Firstly, I agree with the Chairman of the PPBM Batu Pahat Division, Drs. Mohd Zaid Md Yusuf that there should be a public inquiry into the Johore GLCs to curb the abuses of power, breaches of trust and deviations in the state institutions to ensure that their foremost and primary task is to promote the welfare of the people and not to enrich a few in the state.

Secondly, a Pakatan Harapan must ensure that Johore can become one of the top five states with the highest per capita GDP, and not as at present, when Johore is listed as No. 9 among the list of state GDPs in Malaysia – even below Malacca, Negri Sembilan and Pahang.
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We must re-ignite hope among Malaysians to get out of the prevailing sense of hopelessness by stating the truth and not resort to UMNO/BN tactics of lies, fake news and false information

I told a news conference at Taman Mutiara Rini in Gelang Patah on Tuesday two things about the forthcoming general elections:

Firstly, that from the general election results in 2004, 2008 and 2013, UMNO/BN is likely to lose Johor Baru as the sole capital won by UMNO/BN candidates, losing two if not all the three parliamentary constituencies in the Johore capital, namely Tebrau, Pasir Gudang and Johor Baru; and

Secondly, that DAP is keen to contest in one of the three Johor Baru parliamentary constituencies, even the most difficult one of Johor Baru parliamentary constituency, but that the final decision will be made by the Pakatan Harapan leadership.

In the last two days, I had declined questions by the media to discuss critical responses to my statement as I do not want to involve in any public polemics on the matter.

However lies, fake news and false information whether from UMNO/BN or any other quarter cannot be left unchallenged. Read the rest of this entry »

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Malay Tsunami in Malaysia: A 10% Malay swing possible

The Independent
August 29, 2017

“A Malay swing against the BN of 15% would bring BN’s Malay support to about 50% which would leave BN teetering on a knife’s edge.” said Dr Ong.

How much of a Malay swing against the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) is needed for the opposition Pakatan Harapan to win the upcoming General Elections in Malaysia?

This has been the question asked by many, though on the ground, there is a feel that the BN has lost a significant percentage of support among the Malay community.

But as Dr. Ong Kian Ming Member of Parliament (MP) for Serdang explained in a recent media statement issued from his office as MP, a swing in support from Malays, Chinese and Indians (the largest ethnic groups in Malaysia) has happened before and it would not be surprising if it were to repeat in the next GE. Read the rest of this entry »

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