Archive for category DAP

Will there be six tsunamis in the 14th General Election to establish a new Pakatan Harapan Federal Government in Putrajaya to usher a new Malaysia restoring the Malaysian Dream of Malaysians down the decades?

We are heading into the most challenging General Election in the 61-year history of the nation – the 14th General Election.

One of the questions to be decided will be whether there will be six tsunamis in the 14th General Election to establish a new Pakatan Harapan Government in Putrajaya to restore the Malaysian Dream of all Malaysians down the decades?

There was a political tsunami in the urban areas in the last two general elections, which denied the UMNO/Barisan Nasional coalition its unbroken two-thirds parliamentary majority and in 2013, deprived Datuk Seri Najib Razak of majority popular support – but because of gerrymandering and unfair democratic practices, it was not enough to bring about the first peaceful and democratic change of Federal Government in Putrajaya. Read the rest of this entry »

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The 14GE is the last opportunity for Malaysians to tell the whole world that they do not want Malaysia to become a global kleptocracy

I want to announce that the DAP/Pakatan Harapan candidate for Sandakan Parliament will be the incumbent and Sabah DAP State Chairman Stephen Wong, while Calvin Chong will be the DAP/PH candidate for the Sabah state assembly seat of Elopura and Frankie Poong the DAP/PH candidate for Tanjung Papat state assembly seat.

This is a significant visit to me to Sandakan, marking the 40th anniversary of my first visit to Sandakan in 1978 – the year Sandakan created history in sending the first “Rocket” from Sabah to Parliament.

As the DAP International Secretary, Teo Nie Ching, mentioned just now, the Rocket symbol will not be seen in Peninsular Malaysia in the 14th General Election and would only be seen in Sabah and Sarawak, as we have made the critical decision to use the Pakatan Harapan common logo in the supreme effort to win the 14th General Election and establish the Pakatan Harapan Federal Government in Putrajaya. Read the rest of this entry »

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Appeal to hardcore DAP members and supporters to have faith in DAP leaders as the decision to use Pakatan Harapan common logo is not to betray the DAP objectives but to achieve the Malaysian Dream

The decision to use the Pakatan Harapan common logo, and for the first time in 52 years not to use the Rocket symbol, is a very difficult and heart-wrenching, with some DAP leaders privately shedding tears.

Despite the announcement by the DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng three days ago, many hard-core DAP members and supporters still cannot accept it.

They still feel the pain and agony of not using the Rocket in the forthcoming general election.

I fully understand their pain and agony, for I myself still feel such pain and agony, as I had used the Rocket symbol in 11 general elections and one by-election in the past five decades. Read the rest of this entry »

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Dr. Chen’s feeling of pain and agony over the DAP CEC decision to use the Pakatan Harapan common logo which is not the Rocket symbol is the feeling of all DAP leaders, members and supporters

DAP founder Chairman Dr. Chen Man Hin’s feeling of pain and agony over the DAP Central Executive Committee’s decision to use the Pakatan Harapan common logo which is not the Rocket symbol is the feeling of all DAP leaders, members and supporters.

I had consulted Dr. Chen on the matter in a telephone conversation with him on Wednesday morning.

As I said at the DAP kopitiam ceramah at Pengkalan Rinting in Johor Baru earlier today when announcing the DAP/Pakatan Harapan Johore State Assembly candidate for Perling, the DAP decision not to use the Rocket logo, which had appeared in the ballot papers for eleven general elections from 1969 to 2013, was not an easy one, but a most painful and heart-wrenching decision for all DAP leaders. Read the rest of this entry »


DAP’s decision not to use Rocket logo but a Pakatan Harapan common logo not an easy but a most painful and heart-wrenching one

I want to announce the DAP/Pakatan Harapan candidate for the Johor State Assembly seat for Perling (new name for Pengkalan Rinting) will be the incumbent DAP State Assemblyman Cheo Yee How.

The DAP decision not to use the Rocket logo, which had appeared in the ballot papers for eleven general elections from 1969 to 2013, was not an easy one, but a most painful and heart-wrenching decision for all DAP leaders.

For some five decades, the Rocket symbol had been identified with the uphill struggle, with many ups and downs, trials and tribulations, for an united, just, democratic, progressive and prosperous Malaysia. Read the rest of this entry »

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Call on all Malaysians of the Malaysian Diaspora all over the world to prepare to return on GE 14 Polling Day to cast their vote to Save Malaysia from a failed, rogue and kleptocratic state and for Malaysians to dare to dream again the Malaysian Dream of becoming of world top-class nation

A great event is happening on Friday, not in Malaysia, but 4,600 kilometres away in Seoul.

On Friday, the corruption verdict and sentencing of South Korea’s ousted ex-president Park Geun-hye will be televised live, in a case that could see her jailed for up to 30 years.

The 66-year-old daughter of a former dictator was impeached and arrested in March 2017 over a wide-ranging corruption scandal that exposed shady links between big business and politics, and prompted massive street protests.

The live broadcast is because of the high public interest – the first time a trial has been televised live in South Korea.

Can such a thing happen in Malaysia? Read the rest of this entry »

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Will the 14th General Election again fall on May 5 for Malaysians to finally fulfill their Malaysian Dream to have an united, clean, just, forward-looking, progressive and prosperous Malaysia

The Dewan Negara sitting has been moved forward so that it will end on the same day as the Dewan Rakyat on April 5, the latest indication that Parliament will be dissolved after the end of the Parliamentary meeting on April 5.

If Parliament is dissolved on April 6, two possible dates for Polling Day, if the traditional Saturday is observed, will be April 28 or May 5, the latter the same day as the 13th General Election five years ago in 2013.

Johore will be the front-line state in the 14th General Election. Yesterday, at the 52nd DAP anniversary celebrations in Ayer Hitam in Johor, the titanic battle for the parliamentary constituency of Ayer Hitam was launched with the announcement of the DAP-Pakatan Harapan candidate, Liew Chin Tong, the Johore DAP Chairman and current MP for Kluang. He will be contesting against the MCA Deputy President and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong, who had been three-term MP for Ayer Hitam since 2004. Read the rest of this entry »

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I have been a victim of UMN/BN “fake news” for the last four decades – UMNO leaders accuse me of being anti-Malay while MCA leaders accuse me of being anti-Chinese and had sold out the rights of the Chinese to the Malays

“Fake News” is the latest fashion of the day. The present preoccupation with fake news was started by Donald Trump, the President of United States, and it has been taken up with gusto by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, not so much to combat fake news, but to provide the circumstances and wherewithal to concoct and peddle fake news with immunity and impunity while suppressing truth and embarrassing news emanating from the Opposition and civil society.

What Najib, just like Trump, is doing is to launch a “fake anti-fake news” campaign!

I have myself been a victim of UMNO/BN “fake news” for the last four decades – UMNO leaders accused me of being anti-Malay and anti-Islam while MCA leaders accuse me of being anti-Chinese and sold out the rights of the Chinese to the Malays! Read the rest of this entry »

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DAP will field more youths and women as parliamentary and state assembly candidates and I look forward to Yeo Bee Yin and Hannah Yeoh as new DAP MPs in new Parliament

DAP will field more youths and women as parliamentary and state assembly candidates in the 14th General Election and I look forward to Yeo Bee Yin and Hannah Yeoh as among the new DAP MPs in the new Parliament.

I asked just now how many are older than me, and two persons identified themselves by a show of hands.

Three of us are the oldest in this gathering, but although we are septuagenarians or octogenarians (and Tun Mahathir is a nonagenarian, who will be 93 years old in another four months’ time), Malaysians in their seventies, eighties and even nineties, just like new generation of young Malaysians whether in their teens, twenties or thirties, have a Malaysian Dream we want to fulfill – not for the sake of ourselves as far as the septuagenarians, octogenarians and nonagenarians are concerned, but for our children and children’s children and for the country.

We all want Malaysia to be more united, harmonious, tolerant, developed, progressive, prosperous and democratic, a country where all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, politics or class can feel proud of the country because it is a top world-class nation in every field of human endeavor.

But this is not the case, for after six decades of nation building, Malaysia has failed Malaysians and we have fallen down the ladder of nations in human excellence, achievements and accomplishments.

We have lost our way in the past six decades with countries more economically, educationally and politically backward than Malaysia having overtaken us on all fronts of human endeavor, becoming not only richer and more developed and prosperous, but less corrupt and more democratic and more respectful of the principles of good governance and the rule of law.

The 14th General Election will be the occasion for Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, politics or age to set things right in the country by re-setting nation-building policies and directions and by returning to the fundamental principles of harmony, tolerance, moderation and checks-and-balance to make Malaysia a top world-class nation in every field of human endeavor instead of becoming a global kleptocracy scorned and mocked by other nations!

(Speech at the DAP kopitiam ceramah at Stulang, Johor Baru on Saturday, March 17, 2018 at 1 pm)

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Three reasons why Najib and Hadi’s joint propaganda campaign of fake news and false information that DAP is the “devil” and that the Malays and Muslims are under siege in the 14GE would be proven wrong

There are three reasons why the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the PAS President Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang’s joint propaganda campaign of fake news and false information that the DAP is the “devil” and that the Malays and Muslims are under siege in the 14th General Election would be proven wrong.

Firstly, the demonization of DAP as anti-Malay and anti-Muslim has passed its zenith.

It is the most disgraceful fake news and false information manufactured in the history of Malaysian politics indulged by those who wanted to perpetuate their political power at the price of a peaceful, harmonious, united, progressive and prosperous multi-racial, multi-religious, multi-lingual and multi-cultural Malaysia. Read the rest of this entry »

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Call on Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Harapan leadership to make a commitment to conduct fair, clean and honest politics, including not peddling fake news or disrupting activities of opposing political parties

I find the explanation of the UMNO/BN MP for Johor Baru, Tan Sri Shahrir Samad to the latest blackmark to Malaysian democracy, the disruption of the visit of Pakatan Harapan leaders to Kampong Bakar Batu in Johor Baru on Saturday night, to be most lame, pathetic and disappointing.

Is “kampong customs” all that Shahrir can say to defend the rude and thuggish behavior of UMNO members who disrupted the Pakatan Harapan programme, which involved the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) Johor Secretary and former three-term Johore State Assemblyman for Kempas, Datuk Osman Sapian, the PKR Johor Information Chief, Akmal Nasir, AMANAH Johore Baru deputy chairman Muadz Jamaluddin, two DAP Johore State Assemblyman namely Andrew Chen Kah Eng (Stulang) and Cheo Yee How (Pengkalan Rinting) and myself?

Can Shahrir explain what are these “kampong customs” which justify rude and thuggish behavior against the peaceful and democratic political visit of Pakatan Harapan leaders?

What is even shocking is the fake news that was immediately manufactured and peddled on Whatsapp yesterday by UMNO cybertroopers who accused Andrew Chen of attacking the Kampong Bakar Batu Malays as “sangat biadap dan kurang ajar” for the incident, when Andrew Chen had never said such things.

I call on both the Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Harapan leaderships to make a commitment to conduct fair, clean and honest politics, including not peddling fake news or disrupting activities of opposing political parties. Read the rest of this entry »

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The abortive five-year conspiracy to ban DAP as a legal party is the biggest UMNO/BN Fake News plot in recent years trying to turn lies into “post-truth” and why Malaysians must beware of the Azalina Fake Committee on Fake News

The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Azalina Othman , has finally brought out “national security” as reason for her Fake Committee on Fake News which comprise representatives from the Attorney-General’s Chambers, the Police and the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia.

To Azalina, “national security” could cover a multitude of sins.

However, Azalina is unable to answer the simple question as to what “national security” she is talking about when the government authorities, whether the AG’s Chambers, Police and the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia had been collectively negligent and impotent in being unable to tackle the mountain of lies, fake news and false information churned out by a multi-million ringgit UMNO/Barisan Nasional cybertrooper operation against the DAP and Pakatan Harapan.

Can Azalina explain what “national security” she is talking about with reference to the fake news by UMNO/BN cybertroopers that DAP is anti-Malay, anti-Islam, wants a Christian Malaysia, had a budget of RM100 million to RNM1 billion to fund a Red Bean Army (RBA) of 3,000 cybertroopers operating out of Concorde Hotel, Kuala Lumpur to attack and defame UMNO/BN – with the latest recent fake news that I was in a coma in a Singapore hospital waiting for my end? Read the rest of this entry »

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The five-year RoS ordeal is only one of three trials and tribulations devised by UMNO/BN strategists to break the spirit and struggle of DAP and Malaysians for a just, democratic and united Malaysia

I want to thank Malaysians for their concern, well wishes and prayers for my operation and recuperation.

The battle for an united, just and democratic Malaysia that can be a showcase to the world of the political, socio-economic, educational and nation-building success of a multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-religious and multi-cultural nation must continue whatever the odds and vicissitudes.

Tonight we have another reason for celebration. For five years, the UMNO/Barisan Nasional government had tried to carry out the “death sentence” for the DAP, falsely claiming that the DAP had in December 2012 undemocratically and illegally elected its Central Executive Committee.

There was even a time when it would appear that the DAP could not use the DAP symbol, the Rocket, in the 13th General Election in May 2013, when we had used the Rocket symbol for nearly five decades through ten general elections.

The five–year ordeal that the DAP suffered because of UMNO/BN machinations to kill the DAP should never have happened in a country which practices good governance and upholds the rule of law.

Where in the world does the Registrar of Societies inform a political party that its national party elections over four years ago was illegal and forced it to hold fresh party elections? Read the rest of this entry »

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No anger or outrage but only pity and contempt that the MCA leader has sunk so low as to spread the atrocious lies of UMNO and PAS leaders that I want to be Prime Minister

I should feel angry or outraged but I have only pity and contempt for the MCA President, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai that he has sunk so low as to spread the atrocious lies of UMNO and PAS leaders that I want to be Prime Minister.

Even a person of minimum political sense would know that this canard has been used by UMNO leaders for quite some time to scare and railroad the Malay electorate to vote for UMNO in the next general election, as the centerpiece of their campaign of lies, fake news and false information that if UMNO is defeated in the next general election, the Malays and Islam would perish in Malaysia.

There is no need for me to repeat what I had said before that in my 52 years in politics, the thought of becoming Prime Minister has never entered my mind.

Let me reiterate my three basic political positions:
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Is DAP “unclean” because it does not support Hadi as Prime Minister?

The attack by the PAS President, Datuk Seri Hadi Awang that the DAP is unclean sets many Malaysians asking whether the DAP is unclean because it does not support Hadi as Prime Minister but would become instantly “clean” if DAP supports Hadi as Prime Minister.

For seven years from 2008 to 2015, Hadi led PAS to co-operate with DAP and PKR in Pakatan Rakyat to replace the UMNO/BN coalition in Putrajaya.

At which point Hadi found that the DAP was “unclean” and not worthy of co-operation?

Was it in 2012 when Hadi sought and failed to get the support of DAP that the Pakatan Rakyat candidate for Prime Minister should be Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and not Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim?

Was Hadi preparing to spring a surprise to use the quota of PAS MPs as the “kingmakers” to decide which coalition, Pakatan Rakyat or Barisan Nasional, should form the federal government after the 13th General Election, depending among other things on whether Hadi got his way on who would be the Prime Minister – with Hadi always preferring to be Deputy Prime Minister of a Najib-led instead of an Anwar-led Cabinet? Read the rest of this entry »


Hadi has jumped on the Najib bandwagon spreading the lies that I want to be Prime Minister and that if UMNO loses, the Malays and Islam will perish in Malaysia

PAS President Datuk Seri Hadi Awang has jumped on the Najib bandwagon, spreading the lies that I want to be Prime Minister and that if UMNO loses in the next general election, the Malays and Islam will perish in Malaysia.

The UMNO mouthpiece, the New Straits Times, today reported Hadi’s comments from Marang on the UMNO-generated controversy that “DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang could end up becoming the prime minister in the event the opposition wins the General 14th General Election”, quoting Hadi as saying that PAS most definitely oppose a non-Muslim leader becoming prime minister.

Hadi said: “Our priority is to ensure that a Muslim leads the country.

“That is important. We must ensure this country remains under the leadership of a Muslim.”

In the past week, both the UMNO owned and controlled printed and online media had been trying to generate a controversy over the dual theme of Najib’s speech at the recent UMNO General Assembly and which was repeated ad nauseam during the five-day UMNO Assemblies,, that I want to be Prime Minister and that if UMNO loses in the next general election, the Malays and Islam will perish in Malaysia but with no success.

Now Hadi is trying to salvage UMNO to keep alive the dual lies of Najib and UMNO, that I want to be Prime Minister and that if UMNO loses, Malays and UMNO will perish in Malaysia? Read the rest of this entry »


Will Najib set a “wasatiyyah” example instead of leading a campaign of lies and falsehoods against the Opposition in the run-up to the 14GE?

Will the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak set a “wasatiyyah” example and not lead a campaign of lies and falsehoods against the Opposition?

It is most unfortunate that in his UMNO Presidential Speech on Thursday, beating the war-drums for the impending 14th General Election, Najib spearheaded a campaign of lies and falsehoods against the Opposition.

He accused DAP of being anti-Malay and anti-Islam, that “DAP yang terang terang Anti-Melayu dan Islam, sebagai tercatat dalam perlembagaan DAP, langsung tidak meyebut Islam sebagai Agama Persekutuan”. Another Najib argument why the DAP is anti-Malay and anti-Islam is DAP’s commitment for a secular Malaysia.

Present at the 71st UMNO General Assembly opening were the leaders of the other 12 Barisan Nasional component parties, such as MCA, MIC, Gerakan and the Sabah and Sarawak component parties.

Is Najib aware that his baseless attack on the DAP as anti-Malay and anti-Islam applies in equal measure to the 12 other BN component parties, as his criticism that “tercatat dalam perlembagaan, langsung tidak sebut Islam sebagai Agama Persekutuan” applies to all the other 12 BN component parties as well?

Is Najib accusing the other 12 component parties of Barisan Nasional of being anti-Malay and anti-Islam just because of this? Read the rest of this entry »


Adnan commended for setting good example for his apologies to DAP Pahang State Assembly Opposition Leader Tengku Zulpuri and DAP Assemblyman Leong Ngah Ngah for improper State Assembly conduct

Pahang Mentri Besar Datuk Adnan Yaakob is to be commended for his apologies to the DAP Pahang State Assembly Opposition Leader Tengku Zulpuri Shah Raja Puji and the DAP Tanah Rata State Assemblyman Leong Ngah Ngah for his improper State Assembly conduct last week.

Adnan had threatened to punch Tengku Zulpuri and had questioned if he was a Muslim when Tengku Zulpuri had challenged Adnan’s statement that the Penang floods earlier this month had been an act of God in retaliation to beer festivals that were allowed to happen in the state. Read the rest of this entry »


50-year dependence of villagers of Kampong Kelanaan in Melalap on rainwater a clear case of criminal neglect of development needs of people of Sabah when DAP Impian Sabah resolved their problem in seven days with solar-pump clean water project costing RM50,000

This solar-pump clean water project at Kampong Kelanaan in Melalap, Tenom is the fourth mini-infrastructure project by DAP Sabah Impian Malaysia team which I had to privilege of launching since Friday, firstly a water gravity project at Kampong Pangas Ulu in Keningau, secondly, a water gravity project in Kampong Magatang in Sook, Pensiangan, a third a solar-pump clean water project at Kampong Molosok, Dalit, Pensiangan.

For 50 years, the fifty households in Kampong Kelanaan in Melalap comprising Lun Dayeh people had to depend on rain for their water supply.

Despite repeated pleas by the villagers in Kampong Kelanaan for help to resolve their water, road and land problems, no help was forthcoming at all, although the State Assemblyman for Melalap is none other than the Minister for Rural Development Datuk Radin Malleh.

In desperation, the villagers of Kampong Kelanaan sought help from DAP Sabah Impian Malaysia, which ended the 50 years of dependency of Kampong Kelanaan villagers on rain for water supply by building a solar-pump clean water project in seven days with five DAP Sabah Impian Malaysia personnel, five volunteers from Penang, Johore and Selangor and gotong-royong effort by 50 villagers.

The whole project cost RM50,000! Read the rest of this entry »


Lau Dak Kee is the best grassroots DAP leader in the first four decades of the DAP struggle to achieve the Malaysian Dream

We are gathered here tonight to remember Sdr. Lau Dak Kee, the best grassroots DAP leader in the first four decades of the DAP struggle for the achievement of the Malaysian Dream.

Dak Kee’s political struggle was distinguished by his unswerving loyalty, commitment and stamina to the ideals of justice, freedom and national unity – the core principles and ideals of the DAP’s political objective.

Dak Kee underwent three great tests when the DAP was quite “down and out” in the doldrums and emerged with flying colours.

The first test was from 1969 to 1974, when the DAP underwent great trials and tribulations, losing four of the 13 MPs and 11 out of the 31 State Assemblymen elected in the 1969 general elections, as a result of the pincer onslaughts of intimidation and inducement on the DAP elected representatives to betray the party.

Many were pessimistic that the DAP could survive the ferocious and systematic political offensives focussed on the DAP, with one top government leader so confident that he declared in 1972 that the DAP was already one foot in the grave. Read the rest of this entry »