Archive for category Corruption

Parliament next month must address the nation’s infamy and ignominy as a “global kleptocracy” and cannot continue to pretend that the 1MDB scandal does not exist

Parliament next month must address the nation’s infamy and ignominy as a “global kleptocracy” as Members of Parliament, regardless of political party, cannot continue to pretend that the 1MDB scandal does not exist.

Parliament is entitled to a full explanation from the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, as to why the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has fallen from his predecessor Tun Abdullah Badawi’s promise that it will be Malaysia’s ICAC (Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption) as it has instead become a new laughing stock of the world as a blatant political pawn to harass the Prime Minister’s critics and opponents. Read the rest of this entry »

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Only a change of Federal Government in Putrajaya can Malaysia stop the tide of corruption in Malaysia

In South Africa, 56 million people in the world’s 24th most populous nation are waiting for a new dawn after the forced resignation of Jacob Zuma as South African President after a tenure marked by corruption scandals.

The new President, Cyril Ramaphosa in his first state of the nation address on Friday, said it’s time for South Africans to put discord behind them and that the country will “turn the tide” on corruption in state institutions.

Time will tell whether Ramaphosa can fulfil his promise to end systematic corruption, the alarming economic decline and a steady descent into deep state dysfunction and demonstrate South Africa’s legendary capacity to pull off a comeback at five minutes to midnight. Read the rest of this entry »

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Challenge to Najib to issue White Paper to enumerate the 1MDB allegations which PAC, Police, MACC and Bank Negara had cleared him!

It is not just AMANAH Youth Deputy Chief Faiz Faisal who is shocked by the Court of Appeal decision that it has taken judicial notice that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, had been cleared by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), police, MACC and Bank Negara with regard to allegations on the 1MDB scandal.

All right-thinking and fair-minded Malaysians are also shocked, particularly by the claim that the PAC, the Police, the MACC and Bank Negara have cleared Najib of the allegations on the 1MDB scandal.

As a Member of Parliament, I am utterly shocked by such a “judicial notice”. How can the courts give “judicial notice” to things that don’t exist? Read the rest of this entry »


Will Malaysia join the ranks of South Korea, Taiwan, Bangladesh and Pakistan whose leaders are jailed for corruption after they have fallen from power?

Last Wednesday’s conviction and 30-month jail sentence passed on PKR Vice President and MP for Pandan, Rafizi Ramli and former Public Bank clerk Johari Mohamad have brought back to the national limelight one of the host of financial scandals in Malaysia which the authorities had hoped had been successfully been swept under the carpet – the RM250 million National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) cow-and-condo scandal.

As a result, the RM250 million NFC cow-and-condo scandal, together with Rafizi’s conviction and jail sentence, will take their rightful place together with other financial scandals, like the world-trotting 1MDB financial scandal, the MARA, FELDA, Tabung Haji and other financial scandals, in the forefront of issues in the forthcoming 14th General Election to be held within the next 90 days. Read the rest of this entry »

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If Najib is genuine in wanting a progressive Malaysia, then he should do two things immediately: ensure Rafizi does not go to jail or disqualified as MP for doing a national service in exposing the RM250 million NFC scandal and cleanse Malaysia of international obloquy of a global kleptocracy

If the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak is genuine in wanting a progressive Malaysia, then let him do two things immediately:

(i) Ensure that PKR Vice President and MP for Pandan Rafizi Ramli is not jailed or disqualified as a Member of Parliament for doing a national service for exposing the RM250 million National Feedlot Corportion (NFC) scandal; and

(ii) Cleanse Malaysia of the international obloquy of being a global kleptocracy in the past three years, and clean up the Augean stable of corruption affecting Felda, MARA, Tabung Haji and other government outfits.

In his pre-election visit to northern Johore today, Najib

reminded the people, particularly Felda settlers, to always embrace the BN and Umno struggle to ensure that the country remained progressive.

My first reaction was whether Najib was joking, as under Najib Malaysia had gone backwards and become very regressive, whether political, economic, educational, social or nation-building, and not moved forward to become more progressive, open-minded and accountable.

This is why the international multi-billion dollar 1MDB money-laundering scandal has become “fake news” to Putrajaya and swept under the humongous “carpet” in Malaysia.

Najib has achieved what five former Prime Ministers in more than half a century had failed to do – made the stratospheric ascent to become known as a global kleptocracy, with all the infamy and ignominy of the appellation.

This is very sad, as yesterday as the birthday anniversary of Bapa Malaysia, Tunku Abdul Rahman who, like Datuk Onn, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein, Tun Mahathir and I believe Tun Abdullah, would never have conceived that Malaysia would suffer the shame and humiliation of being regarded worldwide as a global kleptocracy.

Furthermore, never before in Malaysian history have so many people’s representatives whether Members of Parliament or State Assembly members been harassed and hounded, including being selectively prosecuted in the courts under the variety of repressive and undemocratic laws to take away their liberties as well as to remove them from the legislative chambers in the land.

Even 93-year-old Tun Siti Hasmah, wife of former premier Tun Mahathir, was not spared.

I fully agree with Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim that the sentencing of Rafizi Ramli to 30 months’ jail for blowing the whistle on the NFC scandal shows the country needs to change its leadership, as the present nation-building trajectory can only lead to a regressive, failed and rogue state and not a progressive, prosperous and united Malaysia.

(Media Statement in Gelang Patah on Friday, 9th February 2018)


Appointment of retired Brigadier General Mohamad Arshad Raji as honorary MACC advisor?

The President of Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan, retired Brigadier General Mohamad Arshad Raji has rightly questioned why the authorities have yet to take action on reports that Majilis Amanah Rakyat’s (Mara) had purchased a block of apartments in Melbourne, Australia at an inflated price.

Mohamad Arshad said: “Four days have passed (since the news report), and not a squeak is heard from those in authority.

“Why the eerie silence on this alleged scandal? Where is the accountability?” Read the rest of this entry »

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Three tests for the four honorary MACC advisers as to whether they will be allowed to play credible and effective roles to combat corruption or they are only used to camouflage the weaponisation of MACC to harass and persecute Opposition leaders

The question that must be asked is whether the appointment of four Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) honorary advisers is to allow them to play credible and effective roles to combat corruption or they are only used to camouflage the weaponisation of MACC to harass and persecute Opposition leaders.

There are three tests for the four honorary MACC advisers as to whether they will be allowed to play credible and effective roles to combat corruption or they are only used to camouflage the weaponisation of MACC to harass and persecute Opposition leaders. Read the rest of this entry »

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Trump’s ‘war on media’ reverberates in Asia

Keith B. Richburg
Nikkei Asian Review
January 12, 2018

Region’s strongmen endanger prosperity with press crackdowns

Asia witnessed a particularly disturbing rollback in free expression last year amid escalating attacks on the media and harassment of journalists. And 2018 holds little promise for improvement.

One striking shift over the past year has been in the role of the United States under President Donald Trump. Once a staunch defender of media freedom, Washington can no longer be counted on to advocate for the rights of journalists worldwide. Trump, who has labeled U.S. reporters as “the enemy of the American people” and purveyors of “fake news,” has abrogated the president’s traditional role of standing up for the value of an independent press and the free flow of information.

Asia’s authoritarian leaders have begun to echo Trump’s cry of “fake news” to justify their crackdown on the media. From Beijing and Bangkok, to Phnom Penh and Naypyitaw, journalists have been jailed or subjected to violence, media outlets shuttered, and new restrictions imposed on reporters. This has happened without a word of concern, let alone condemnation, from the White House. In many cases, Asian leaders have echoed Trump’s words, with some, such as Cambodia’s Hun Sen, acting as if they had the U.S. president’s tacit support. Read the rest of this entry »


Is DAP “unclean” because it does not support Hadi as Prime Minister?

The attack by the PAS President, Datuk Seri Hadi Awang that the DAP is unclean sets many Malaysians asking whether the DAP is unclean because it does not support Hadi as Prime Minister but would become instantly “clean” if DAP supports Hadi as Prime Minister.

For seven years from 2008 to 2015, Hadi led PAS to co-operate with DAP and PKR in Pakatan Rakyat to replace the UMNO/BN coalition in Putrajaya.

At which point Hadi found that the DAP was “unclean” and not worthy of co-operation?

Was it in 2012 when Hadi sought and failed to get the support of DAP that the Pakatan Rakyat candidate for Prime Minister should be Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah and not Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim?

Was Hadi preparing to spring a surprise to use the quota of PAS MPs as the “kingmakers” to decide which coalition, Pakatan Rakyat or Barisan Nasional, should form the federal government after the 13th General Election, depending among other things on whether Hadi got his way on who would be the Prime Minister – with Hadi always preferring to be Deputy Prime Minister of a Najib-led instead of an Anwar-led Cabinet? Read the rest of this entry »


Malaysia is already the butt of jokes of Africans for our global kleptocracy, let us not be another African butt of jokes for our democracy

Malaysians have two objectives in the forthcoming 14th General Elections.

Firstly, for Malaysia to mature to become a normal democracy and secondly, to save the nation from the infamy and ignominy of being regarded worldwide as a global kleptocracy.

The Pakatan Harapan parties of DAP, PKR, AMANAH and Bersatu are fully committed to the ballot box as the sole avenue for political and democratic change. The 14GE will be the 12th general elections for the DAP in over five decades and the history and record of the DAP is unswerving commitment to the democratic and constitutional process to effect political change.

The real question at issue in the 14GE is whether Najib and UMNO are equally committed to see Malaysia mature as a normal democracy where change of the federal government through the ballot box is accepted as a healthy democratic process and not one to invite threats of violence, bloodshed, chaos, riots or coups. Read the rest of this entry »


Najib’s misdeeds at the 71st UMNO General Assembly which still rankle Malaysians who are rational, fair-minded, patriotic and nationalistic

It is almost a week week since the 71st UMNO General Assembly but what the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak said and did at the opening of the UMNO General Assembly and the winding-up still rankle rational, fair-minded, patriotic and nationalistic Malaysians who believe in what Bapa Malaysia Tengku Abdul Rahman said in 1957 about the country being “a beacon of light in a disturbed and distracted world” and the Dream and Vision in the Merdeka and Malaysia Proclamations of a Malaysia of excellence, justice, integrity, freedom and harmony despite the diverse races, religions and cultures in Malaysia.

Firstly, Najib’s resort to lies and falsehoods when he accused the DAP of being anti-Malay and anti-Islam, that “DAP yang terang terang Anti-Melayu dan Islam, sebagai tercatat dalam perlembagaan DAP, langsung tidak meyebut Islam sebagai Agama Persekutuan”.

Present at the 71st UMNO General Assembly opening were the leaders of the other 12 Barisan Nasional component parties, such as MCA, MIC, Gerakan and the Sabah and Sarawak component parties.

His criticism of DAP that “tercatat dalam perlembagaan, langsung tidak sebut Islam sebagai Agama Persekutuan” applies in equal measure to the 12 other BN component parties.

Will Najib accuse the other 12 BN component parties, and therefore the Barisan Nasional coalition, as anti-Malay and anti-Islam? Read the rest of this entry »


If Najib can get away with the 1MDB “kleptocracy at its worst” in the 14GE, what is there to prevent Malaysia from scaling greater kleptocratic heights after the general election with 2MDB, 3MDB and worse money-laundering scandals which will make 1MDB scandal look like peanuts?

This has never happened before.

Malaysia singled out in an international forum as the No. 1 rogue nation in the world, with the United States Attorney-General Jeff Sessions condemning 1MDB, the brainchild of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, as “kleptocracy at its worst” at the Global Forum on Asset Recovery (GFAR) co-organised by the UK and US governments on 4th December DC.

Again, never happened before, news reports of Sessions’ castigation of Malaysia as global kleptocracy completely blacked out by UMNO/BN owned and controlled mainstream media, whether online or printed, in the country – whether the New Straits Times, Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian or The Star.

I shudder to think that if Najib can get away with the 1MDB “kleptocracy at its worst” in the impending 14th General Election, what is there to prevent Malaysia from scaling greater kleptocratic heights after the general election with 2MDB, 3MDB and worse money-laundering scandals which will make 1MDB look like peanuts?
Read the rest of this entry »


JASA Director-General is paid higher than a Minister because he must be a person who is no respector for the truth and must be in the forefront to tell lies to defend Najib and “global kleptocracy”

Last month, Parliamentary Opposition Leader Datin Seri Dr.Wan Azizah Wan Ismail asked in Parliament why the Director-General of of Special Affairs Department (Jasa) is paid more than the monthly salary of Ministers, including the Communications and Multimedia Minister, to whom the JASA Director-General is supposed to be answerable to.

This answer has been given by the JASA Director-General Datuk Mohd Puad Zarkashi in his response to my criticisms of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s summing-up speech at the UMNO General Assembly on Saturday.

It is clear that the reason why the JASA Director-General is paid higher than a Minister, including the Minister of Communications and Multimedia to whom he is not answerable to as he is accountable only to the Prime Minister is that the Jasa DG must be a person who is no respector for the truth and must be in the forefront even to tell lies to defend Najib and Malaysia’s infamy and ignominy as a “global kleptocracy”. Read the rest of this entry »

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14th General Election will be battle of truth vs lies, people of Malaysia vs UMNO/BN and “No Kleptocracy in Malaysia vs 2MDB/3MDB and more”! I have a confession to make.

I have a confession to make.

UMNO/BN owned or controlled media made quite a circus during the UMNO General Assembly over a former Penang DAP State Assemblyman for Jawi, Tan Beng Huat leaving the party to join the People’s Alternative Party (PAP), and I was singled out as the main reason for Tan’s departure from the party.

When I saw a photograph of Tan’s submitting his membership application to People’s Alternative Party, I had thought that the younger person to his right was Tan Beng Huat.

Tan resigned from the DAP more than a year ago, and he did not breathe a word about what he was purported to have said on Friday.

Now a person whom I have no impression whatsoever is quoted as authority by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak that I want to be Prime Minister of Malaysia.

This is quite a reflection on the credibility and authority of Najib as the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia.
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Will Najib set a “wasatiyyah” example instead of leading a campaign of lies and falsehoods against the Opposition in the run-up to the 14GE?

Will the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak set a “wasatiyyah” example and not lead a campaign of lies and falsehoods against the Opposition?

It is most unfortunate that in his UMNO Presidential Speech on Thursday, beating the war-drums for the impending 14th General Election, Najib spearheaded a campaign of lies and falsehoods against the Opposition.

He accused DAP of being anti-Malay and anti-Islam, that “DAP yang terang terang Anti-Melayu dan Islam, sebagai tercatat dalam perlembagaan DAP, langsung tidak meyebut Islam sebagai Agama Persekutuan”. Another Najib argument why the DAP is anti-Malay and anti-Islam is DAP’s commitment for a secular Malaysia.

Present at the 71st UMNO General Assembly opening were the leaders of the other 12 Barisan Nasional component parties, such as MCA, MIC, Gerakan and the Sabah and Sarawak component parties.

Is Najib aware that his baseless attack on the DAP as anti-Malay and anti-Islam applies in equal measure to the 12 other BN component parties, as his criticism that “tercatat dalam perlembagaan, langsung tidak sebut Islam sebagai Agama Persekutuan” applies to all the other 12 BN component parties as well?

Is Najib accusing the other 12 component parties of Barisan Nasional of being anti-Malay and anti-Islam just because of this? Read the rest of this entry »


Will UMNO General Assembly ignore three years in a row what the United States Attorney-General Sessions described yesterday as the world’s “kleptocracy at its worst” – the international multi-billion dollar 1MDB money-laundering scandal?

Will the 71st UMNO General Assembly ignore three years in a row what the United States Attorney-General Jeff Sessions described yesterday as the world’s “kleptocracy at its worst” – the international multi-billion dollar 1MDB money-laundering scandal?

At the opening speech for the Global Forum on Asset Recovery in Washington DC yesterday, US Attorney-General Sessions described the 1MDB scandal as “kleptocracy at it worst” when referring to United States government efforts in combatting corruption on the global level.

No other kleptocracy rated the prominence given by Sessions to the 1MDB scandal. Read the rest of this entry »


3Vs in the RCI Report of the Bank Negara Forex Losses in the 1990s, presenting the top political leaders and public servants in 1990s as a cast of villains raises questions about the present top political and government leaders in relation to 1MDB scandal – greatest corruption scandal in nation’s history

Everything is happening with unusual rapidity advertising that the motivating impulse is not to seek justice but the 3Vs of vengeance, vindictiveness and vendetta to target Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim with the impending 14th General Election in 120 days.

One sad outcome is the besmirching and devaluation of the institution of Royal Commission of Inquiries – as evident by the dishonourable manner in which the RCI Report on Bank Negara Forex Losses in the 1990s was surreptitiously circulated to Members of Parliament on the last day of Parliament, without any notice whatsoever and without any opportunity for MPs to debate it! Read the rest of this entry »


Pakatan Harapan will form Royal Commission of Inquiry into 1MDB scandal in the first 100 days and seek international co-operation to clear and cleanse Malaysia of the ignominy and infamy of a global kleptocracy

Today is the last day of the 2018 Budget meeting of Parliament, where MPs were surprised with the tabling of the 830-page Report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Forex Losses by Bank Negara in the 1990s but no debate was allowed in Parliament.

The RCI Report was dated 13th October 2017, when it was presented to the Yang di Pertuan Agong.

Can the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak explain why the RCI Report on the Bank Negara Forex Losses in the 1990s was not presented in Parliament earlier in the intervening seven weeks and why there was no debate in Parliament?

It is obvious that the purpose of the RCI into the Bank Negara Forex Losses in the 1990s was not so much to find out the truth as to the forex losses about a quarter of a century ago, but to distract national attention from the greatest financial scandal in Malaysian and even global history, the international multi-billion dollar 1MDB money-laundering scandal which for the past few years had continued to make international headlines about its monstrous corruption and criminality involving top Malaysian leaders, including “MALAYSIANN OFFICIAL 1” (MO1)!

The RCI into the Bank Negara Forex Losses in the 1990s had a second objective, to persecute and harass Pakatan Harapan leaders like Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim who posed a serious political challenge to Najib – and this is proven by the police report lodged by the RCI Secretary, Dr. Yunus Ismail based on the RCI findings. Read the rest of this entry »


Never before in six decades of nation’s history have Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, region or station, been so concerned about the future of the country as we had clearly taken the wrong turn in nation-building at variance from the bedrock principles of the Malaysian Constitution and Rukunegara

Never before in six decades of the nation’s history have Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, region or station, been so concerned about the future of the country as we had clearly taken the wrong turn in nation-building at variance from the bedrock principles of the Malaysian Constitution and Rukunegara.

This is best illustrated by the following developments:

• The failure of the federal government to fully honour the Malaysia Agreement 1963 for Sabah and Sarawak, with the Keningau Batu Sumpah standing as an indictment of such failure, particularly the three core issues of religion, land and local customs.

• In the Cobbold Commission Report 1963, the Malayan representatives made the commitment that the Malaysian Constitution “in effect would be secular”, and it is most shocking that such constitutional safeguards had been so undermined in recent years, that the Federal Government is openly funding activities of organisations which attacked the “secular” principle in the Malaysian Constitution and the Rukunegara principle on the supremacy of the Malaysian Constitution. Land which embraces territorial waters raise the question of Sabah and Sarawak’s rightful share of oil royalties, while Malaysia’s unique asset of linguistic, religious and cultural diversity has come under intense attack in recent years.

• Even the Malay Rulers are concerned that the Malaysian nation-building process has gone awry, resulting in three statements by them in the past two years, the first one in October 2015 expressing concern on the 1MDB scandal, the second statement in February 2016 on the National Security Council (NSC) Bill with its impact on democracy and human rights and recently, the third statement in October this year expressing the Malay Rulers’ concern on national unity and harmony. Read the rest of this entry »

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A sad and shameful way to celebrate Malaysia’s 60th anniversary, with an ever-widening circle of nations regarding Malaysia as a state rife with corruption and kleptocracy – from the US, Europe, Asia and now even in Africa

It is a sad and shameful way to celebrate Malaysia’s 60th anniversary, with an ever-widening circle of nations in the world regarding Malaysia as a state rife with corruption and kleptocracy – from the United States, Europe, Asia and now even in Africa.

The Federal Government and the national institutions have not lifted a finger in the last few years to clear and cleanse Malaysia of the infamy and ignominy of being regarded by the world not only as a new member of the infamous club of world kleptocracies but shooting up to a leading position as a global kleptocracy.

Malaysia’s failure to ensure and maintain good governance and descent to a kleptocracy is reflected by the history of the 22-year annual Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) from 1995-2016, which shows that Malaysia had stagnated and even regressed in integrity and principles of accountability and good governance in the past two decades as compared to some countries, like China and Indonesia. Read the rest of this entry »